Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2537: Imperial annihilation

Outside the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, the Sunshine Emperor shouldered his hands and stood in front of the tower door. He shouted in a cold voice: "Qin Yun, come out and fight with me! You really think that the Jiuyang Optimus Tower is forever unbreakable. ?"

The sky is densely covered with clouds, and when the Sunshine Emperor shot them before, they blocked the sun, which could stop the power of the gods of the world.

Qin Yun is not worried at all. If he really wants to rely on the power of the Wanyang Shenyang, the district can't stop it. "

There are six gods outside you, and I am a little holy god, not your opponent! Qin Yunhe smiled and said: "You really are a fool, go out and die?" "ginger

Xuan Shen Wang shouted: "Qin Yun, although you are a holy god, but who does not know your strength is comparable to God Heaven? You can not be weak!"

Yang Dadi's slow road: "Qin Yun, your strength is good! You also stop here! Your last heavenly image, can't evolve into a holy heavenly image, you know what is the reason?"

"I don't believe your ghost!" Qin Yun snorted. "

You are a clear person, even if you say no, but you can definitely judge what I said is true! "The Sunless Emperor smiled faintly: "You know, how can the Heavenly Way evolve into a holy heavenly image?" That requires the sacred soul of heaven to be evolved! "ginger

Xuan Shen Wang Yin smiled and said: "Qin Yun angered all the law enforcement deities, how could he get the sacred souls given by the heavenly rules?"

The cloud knows that the Sunshine Emperor is telling the truth, but he is not worried at all. He believes that he will be able to make the Heavenly Way evolve into a holy heaven!

"Qin Yun, you can destroy the body of my wife and children, it is because they are not prepared enough! Do you really think that your strength is strong enough to easily destroy the body of the emperors of the heavens?" The absolute sun haha ​​laughed: "You should not Do you know that there are many bodies in our body? Only when we are serious, will we use the strongest body!"

Xuan Shen Wang nodded: "The body that was destroyed before the emperor and the tragic emperor is the worst body! If he uses the strongest body, even ten Qinyun, they are not their opponents!"

Qin Yun is in the tower, and can see the thin fists that the Emperor of the Sun is clenching. This

The Emperor of the Sun, pretending to speak with Qin Yun, but concealing a terrible power in the dark!

"This guy's divine power... Is it really restraining the power of Shenyang?" Qin Yun opened his eyes and saw that the stunned fist of the Sunshine Emperor, the cohesive power, has a very fascinating red awn. only

When he uses the eyes of the sky, he can see the red light! and also

At this time, he felt the power of the Sunshine Emperor, and produced weak fluctuations!

That wave of fluctuations can easily penetrate the Jiuyang Optimus Tower! "

Not good, if this guy really attacks, maybe it will break my Jiuyang Optimus Tower! Qin

The cloud immediately affirmed that the power of the Sun God is to control everything related to Shenyang. and also

That is to say, even if he uses the power of the sun, he may be restrained! "

It seems that I can't use the power related to Shenyang, or else it will be easily resolved! ”

When Qin Yun used the Sun Shield, the Sunshine Emperor did not use the power of restraining Shenyang. Now

In the opinion, it is time for the Emperor of the Sun to use the power of restraining Shenyang. Qin

The cloud is thinking, how to fight against the power of the Sunshine Emperor, he can already feel that the horrible power of the Sun God, can indeed restrain the power of Shenyang! "

Qin Yun, you have the **** Wang Tianyin, you can borrow the power of the world! Your cultivation should be closely related to Wanyang Shenyang! And this is your death! "The Great Emperor of the Sun suddenly laughed wildly: "I have studied how to restrain all kinds of Shenyang in my life, and I am the nemesis of Shenyang! "he

When I spoke, the fist overflowed with red and black, and the space around it showed signs of wave distortion, showing how terrible the power was. "

You are going to retreat, so as not to hurt you! When I win Qin Yun, the seal of our big array will naturally break! "The Great Sun is very confident.

The King of Jiang Xuan and several other gods are very aware of the terrible strength of the Sunshine Emperor. The violent fluctuations of the power that broke out at this moment made them feel secretly fearful!

It was the momentum that made the whole Jiuyang Optimus Tower tremble and made a kind of "squeaky" sound, like being torn at any time!

Qin Yun is still the first time, I feel that my Jiuyang Optimus Tower is fearing! Absolutely

The power of Yang Dadi can really destroy the Jiuyang Optimus Tower! "

No, I must not let him destroy the Jiuyang Optimus Tower! "Qin Yun's eyes suddenly turned blue, and he operated the gods."

There is no trick in the Imperial Law.

However, Qin Yun is able to create a variety of powerful magical techniques and magical techniques, as well as strange patterns, through various subtle laws and decisions of the Imperial Heaven. Qin

The heavenly gods of the cloud have evolved into the image of the **** god, which is a very wonderful state, not only the image of the **** god, but also the soul of the heavenly god!

"My strongest strength is not Shenyang, but the power of the gods!"

Qin Yun suddenly stepped out of the Jiuyang Optimus Tower and collected the Jiuyang Optimus Tower. he

The hands and fingers pointed to the virtual space in front of the fast, and the two eyes shot two blue lights, but in the blink of an eye, he used the strange lines in the void to draw a blue shield! Qin

The cloud passes the shield totem and cooperates with its own royal gods. Under the influence of the celestial spirit, the rapid shield totem evolves into the royal **** pattern!

"You are really bad, in order to keep a broken tower, it is so dead!"

Yang Dadi laughed loudly, his fist rushed forward, and his incomparably brilliant red power, like the head of an angry demon, rushed to Qin Yun! This

The incomparable evil of the stocks, with all kinds of violent and resentful meanings, can be imagined, must be the sun-drenched Emperor slaughter countless creatures to cultivate! Absolutely

When the evil spirits come out, the evil trend, such as the screaming of the ghosts, even the three heavens of the sky, the sun, at this moment are shrouded in red evil shadows!

boom! that

The sun-blowing magic boxing, hitting the shield of Qin Yun, the sound is like a skybreak! Qin

The land where the clouds are located is shrouded in red fierce evil spirits. Those evil forces roar and whistle, such as countless red devils in the carnival, the scenes are evil and demon, shocking!

"My martial arts magic boxing, one punch will be able to destroy the yang of the young age!" The fist of the absolute Yang Emperor is very red, he stands proudly, looking at the area covered by the red evil force in front, sneer: "Qin The cloud was hit by me, and I was cruel without death!"

However, at this moment, the area covered by the thick red evil force suddenly flashed blue awns!

Qin Yun through the Yutian Qi Soul, created the Yutian Shield Totem, a blue shield that was condensed, and actually blocked the red evil force! Royal

Sky shield! Palm

Yu Tiandao, Huatian Road as a shield!

This is the power of the heavens! "

Sunshine Magic Boxing? "Qin Yun faintly sneered, and the laughter was full of contempt: "You are just that!" ”

The face of the Sunshine Emperor changed greatly, and it was full of wrinkled old faces. When it was twitching, it was also very shocking. "

Shoot, destroy him! "The Sunshine Emperor suddenly shouted and gestured to Jiang Xuan Shen Wang and several other gods, you can shoot."

Qin Yun suddenly screamed and said: "Several gods, I have to join forces to besieged me in this little holy place?"


After a few loud noises, the earth suddenly cracked, and nine huge altars of dragons, with a few shocks, snarled from the ground!

Big bang, Kowloon whistle! nine

Long Tianyuan array, the target within the crazy attack big array!

The gods of Jiang Xuan Shen, who are just a few gods, have just been shot, and they have been attacked by the dragons of the dragons, which made them unable to attack Qin Yun! "

I want to kill you with bare hands! "Qin Yun stepped out and came to the front of the Sunshine Emperor. With a palm of his hand, the Tiens’s dragon claws appeared, with the destructive power of the gods, and they shot to the Sunshine Emperor.

The equipment of Yang Dadi is extremely strong, and a shock wave is swayed, which shocks Qin Yun’s Tiens.

At the same time, his skinny and old body is also red-hot, and a stagnation of evil spirits emerges, and it is so strong and strong that he is also desperate. "

My body at the moment is not my only body, but my weakest one! And you, only one body! "The Sunshine Emperor laughed: "I use this body, and I am with you, the loss is you!" ”

The body of the sun-destroyed sun is absolutely terrible! and

Qin Yun is not afraid, because his Imperial Power can completely suppress the absolute power of the Sun God! Absolutely

At the foot of Yang Dadi, suddenly a lot of blue-sparkling trees and vines poured out! tree

The vine quickly wraps around the sun!

Then, there are a lot of tree roots, like powerful blue claws, and grab the Sunshine Emperor! This

It is Qin Yun’s power to use the tree totem, but it is still the Yutianshu totem! "

I said, you have to kill you with empty hands! "Qin Yun came to the Sunshine Emperor again and went to the palm of his hand."

The palm of the hand with the majestic power of the gods, when the past, the momentum is like a party Tianyu shot!

boom! Hao

The sacred power of the gods, provokes shocks, like a heavenly turbulence, and a palm hits the head of the Sunshine Emperor!

Heaven and the Nine style, Tian Zhen!

After the loud noise, the head of the Sunshine Emperor was directly shattered and deformed! in

In the distance, Jiang Xuan Shen Wang and others, when they saw this scene, they were shocked and scared! even

After a few palms, "Tianzhen" was beaten, and the head of the Sunshine Emperor was completely broken! This

The soul of the Sunshine Emperor is the soul of the descendants of Shenyang, and it is still very powerful. It can escape from the body at a very fast speed and penetrate the Jiuyuan Temple in Jiuxia Tiancheng. Qin

The cloud took a deep breath and looked at the Jiang Xuan Shen Wang, not far away, and then took off the lock chain on the neck, urging the majestic Yutian power, controlling the lock chain to fly past, and penetrating the **** **** Forehead!

The king of Jiang Xuan Shen made a scream. At this moment, he only knows how terrible the gods of the gods are, and only the cultivation of the holy gods has such a powerful strength!

"Either nine days or the gods of the gods, or the heavens and the world, only me Qin Yun, is the only **** king. You, not worthy of being called the king of God!"

Qin Yun dragged Jiang Xuan Shen Wang over and put his hands into the body of Jiang Xuan Shen. With a bang, he completely shredded the **** king from nine days.