Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2668: Black Dragon Killer

Qin Yun used the more empty steps before, in most cases, he could open the enemy at once, even if the enemy can keep up, but it can't be traced for a long time. can

It is now that the four black dragon killers of the ancient clan, but they can chase after them, like a furious hungry wolf. Qin

The cloud used more and more steps, continuous shuttle space, has been far from the place where the Phoenix flower appeared, and he also tried to hide his breath, but still can not open the four killers. Following

If you continue, he will definitely be caught up because the consumption is too large and the speed will slow down.

He is also trying to find a way, such as releasing the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, hiding inside, can delay for a while, waiting for the royal demon to come over.

If it is against other enemies, this move may be more stable, but the four black dragon killers are not ordinary enemies.

Qin Yun worried that the Jiuyang Optimus Tower would be attacked by them. When he lost the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, he would fall into a fierce battle. "

Xiaoyun, try to go in the direction of the monkey dragon! "Ling Yuner said: "Let the monkey dragons entangle them! With your current strength, it is best not to face these four killers, you are not their opponent! "on

Even Ling Yun can see that the four black dragon killers of the ancient clan are really strong. If there is only one of the six leading killers, then maybe even a dozen, and still with the Muxi team.

The raft is very clear that the four killers are very strong. If no one is going to save her, then she might be finished. Qin

The cloud wears a mask to prevent the raft from seeing his appearance, but he thinks that most of the raft has already guessed his identity, but it is still at risk, so she did not say anything. Qin

The cloud opens the eyes of the sky, releasing a number of celestial eyes, drifting in all directions, let the eyes of the eye to find the location of the monkey dragon.

Right now he can only lead the four killers to the monkey dragon.

The group of monkeys is not particularly powerful, but it is very annoying. If the number is enough, even the four killers will have headaches. Qin

Before the cloud guessed, the appearance of the monkey dragon is most likely due to the lake of the Dragon Lake, which means that the body of the dragon is not weak. If you are entangled in the four black dragon killers, you can still keep them.

"It seems that the ancient clan can not be underestimated, their killers are terrible! I don't know the three old men of the ancient clan, how are the strengths!" Qin Yunxin has a lingering, three old men of the ancient clan, before Did not shoot, if they are stronger than the four black dragon killers, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Yun to overcome. Do not

How long does it take for Qin Yun to release the eye-catching eyes, and find the trace of the monkey dragon, and there are still many, there are more than a dozen, in the forest to fly. Qin

The cloud clung to the raft's wrist, stepping on the air, taking her shuttle space to the direction of the dozen or so monkeys.

After a while, he came over the forest. on

When he just arrived, the four black dragon killers appeared on both sides of Qin Yun and Mudu. Qin

Clouds and rafts are surrounded by them! that

The four black dragon killers had a strong breath. After they appeared here, they immediately alerted the naughty monkey dragons below.

Qin Yun is also at this time, once again released super gravity!

At the moment when his supergravity appeared, the four Black Dragon killers immediately perceive that the body released a force to withstand the gravity that came immediately.

However, the gravity that Qin Yun released this time did not make them feel heavy, but let their bodies float and be in a state of weightlessness. on

It was such a surprise that the four black dragon killers were caught off guard, and they were all fluttering, and the palms of Qin Yun were blown into the forest, just falling into the position of the group of monkeys.

Qin Yun immediately took the raft and quickly shuttled the space. As long as they were not chased by them, Qin Yun had enough time to erase the traces left by the shuttle space and make them unable to track. that

The group of dragons did not disappoint Qin Yun, and they could entangle the four black dragon killers for a little while. It was just that time, enough for Qin Yun to take their rafts out of their tracking.

Qin Yun passed through the eyes of the sky, and he could see the strength of the monkey dragon. Although he was beaten by the four killers, their bodies were very hard and not injured.

In addition, when the four black dragon killers were in anger, the movements were very large, but they could not destroy any big trees. that

Some of the crystal trees are all a tree dragon. Although they have not completely evolved into tree dragons, their bodies have become so powerful. monkey

The dragon can use the trunk of the big tree to dodge the attack of the Black Dragon killer. that

Four black dragon killers, I thought these monkey dragons are very good at killing, but they are all wrong, not only not easy to kill, but also difficult to entangle.

Their temper is not good, plus they have lost the goal of killing, they are going to scatter the gas on this group of monkeys. and

They are getting more and more angry, because no matter what, it is very difficult to get rid of this group of monkey dragons, and even the monkey dragon can not be seriously injured. Qin

The sky where the cloud was placed was gradually dissipated. Before dissipating, let him see the strength of the monkey dragon and the black dragon killer. No matter which side, he was very surprised.

Four black dragon killers, facing more than a dozen difficult monkey dragons, are not in a disadvantage. If the number of monkey dragons is only four, it will definitely be done. This

Can give him a deeper understanding of the strength of the Black Dragon killer and the monkey dragon. Qin

The cloud took the raft and kept on the empty space. He didn't fly to the moon and the main reason was that he would be led by the Black Dragon killer. he

I contacted the enchanted demon and told her that the raft was safe and that she should not worry. night

Late, Qin Yun did not know where he was in the Xuanzuo treasure. mysterious

In addition to the day of the Dragon Lake, the rest of the land is a huge crystal tree, which is an undeveloped tree dragon. Qin

The cloud was very tired. I found a tree hole with a raft and the two entered the tree hole. wood

He always wears a mask and looks at Qin Yun, who is sitting on the opposite side of her face, without saying a word. Qin

The cloud is wearing a mask, and he does not plan to take it off. He is closing his eyes and resting.

"Thank you, we are safe now, let us know!" Mudu was silent for a while before he began to speak.

"You can't stay for a while, wait until dawn and go again?" Qin Yun still closed his eyes, a faint road.

"The gods come out, I am not afraid of the night! At night, my strength is stronger!" After the raft said, he flew out of the tree hole. Qin

The cloud sighed. He was very tired now and didn't have enough energy to chase the raft.

Just when he was going to contact Yue Xiangyun and let them persuade the raft, the raft was back. "

How come you are back? Qin Yun asked quite unexpectedly.

"How do you say that you saved me, you are in a bad state, I want to stay and wait for you to recover!" Muxi snorted: "You don't misunderstand, I am not afraid of those guys, I can't be ungrateful. Can't leave you behind!" Wood

I obviously know that this mask man is Qin Yun, but she didn't say it, or she would be embarrassed. because

For her has been shouting and killing Qin Yun before, saying that he is a demon, to let him completely free, only to kill him. Now

Well, she was saved by Qin Yun, and she couldn’t do anything to kill Qin Yun. this

At this moment, she suddenly understood the moon fragrance, why they have been forgiving Qin Yun, she felt that she finally realized the hardship. she was

Or the point of the face, did not say that Qin Yun’s identity, as a stranger saved himself.

“How much do you know about them?” Qin Yun asked.

"I don't know them! This group of guys is very evil. There is a kind of viciousness to kill people. It is an extremely terrible killer!" Muxi shook his head gently. She was still a little scared at the moment, because if Qin Yun took her away, She can't run at all. on

Counting her to hand over the Phoenix flower, her last end is just dead, maybe she will come over and find her Lishuang and Luo Yaofeng.

"You and they are handed over, talk about their divine characteristics!" Qin Yun said again. "

They have a strong dragon power in their bodies, but they are not exactly Longli. I guess they should all be dragons! "The raft fell down and said: "Are they the creatures born from the mysterious treasure?" ""

No, they are from the ancient family! I am not sure about it! "Qin Yun said so, telling her to contact the royal demon.

However, she immediately took out the magic mirror, went to contact the demon monster, and asked about the black dragon killer.

After learning some things, she didn't say anything.

"What do the ancient clan raise these killers?" Muxi took up the mirror and asked Qin Yun, she asked the royal demon, but the royal demon is not clear, only know that the killers are terrible. "

I don't know, but no matter what they are doing, as long as they get me, I won't let them go! Then there is the fact that the gods of the gods do not allow them to exist, they will bring great harm to the gods! Qin Yun said.

Yu Yao demon contacted Qin Yun, said that he would personally go to find him and Muxi, she is not afraid of the Black Dragon killer, after all, she is the ancient Gu people, the Black Dragon killer will not kill her. Qin

Clouds and rafts will also come here to wait for the demon. deep

When the night passed, it was not long before the day was bright. Qin Yun, sitting in the tree hole, suddenly started to start. "

what happened? Are they coming? "The raft has not gone out in the tree hole, thinking that it is a black dragon killer, which makes her quite nervous.

"Not them! It is a monkey dragon, and still a lot!" Qin Yun whispered. "

These **** monkeys! "The raft was besieged before, and his teeth whispered, "How many? Did they find us? ""

There are dozens, it should be discovered, in this forest, they are the king! Qin Yun immediately walked out of the tree hole and said: "Maybe I have a way to deal with them!" ”

Qin Yun passed through the outer eyes and could see dozens of monkey dragons, fleeing on a big tree, coming over to them. he

Suddenly suspected, the monkey dragon and these big trees are perceptive, otherwise it is impossible to know that they are hiding in the tree hole.

"This group of monkey dragons, although some evil, but mainly naughty, this should be the nature of the monkey dragon!" Qin Yun is trying to find ways to deal with these dozens of monkey dragons.