Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2692: Odd warfare

The singular dragon in the sky was hit by a large sword in the battle of Xuanhua, but the grotesque was not broken up, which made many grotesques unbelievable. mysterious

Zhan Kun flew up and pulled his son back, but when he saw that the strange dragon did not resist, he felt that his son should be able to destroy the dragon, and he would look at it not far away and participate in it.

Qin Yun certainly will not be confident that his own strange pattern can defeat a **** of war. The Xuanhua war is the Taiyin war god, but it is not the weak chicken of Yin Tianyi.

The reason why he is happy is because he is a Taiyin war **** in the Xuanhua Battle Hall, and actually went to fight the strange dragon he had condensed. Qin

Although the cloud was preceded by a ten-finger pattern, with the help of the eye, his paintings were faster.

In addition, he also used the "body clotting method", he through his powerful body, early in the body to condense the strange lines to be used, when needed, hit out. Such as

In this way, with the eyes of the sky, he can instantly produce very complicated and powerful grotesque. this

The dragon that appears in the sky, on the surface is a powerful dragon totem, but there are other powerful grotesque inside! mysterious

When I saw the dragon in the war, I just flew around and did not attack. I laughed and said: "This dragon looks strong, but it is just like this, and it is pretentious!"

Qin Yun chose to use dragon totem as the main reason, mainly because it is a destiny, it can be said to be the territory of the dragon.

The divine power of the Destiny Dragon Lake can make the dragon stronger. The dragon totem is also the same, the power of the dragon in the destiny. special

Don't be in the depths of Taitian Shencheng, there are a lot of lakes in Tianlong Lake. day

The power of the dragon lake can only be sensed and absorbed by the dragon, and other creatures are hard to find. and

Qin Yun can see the kind of "Destiny Dragon" through the eyes of the sky, and turn into a variety of colors, like a dragon floating in the destiny of the destiny. he

Now open the eyes of the sky, you can see that a lot of destiny, is constantly being absorbed by the dragon that is condensed by the strange lines.

Within the strange dragon, it has been integrated into the totem of the sun, so the devour power is very strong, and at this moment, the madness absorbs the destiny.

What is shocking is that this is just a set of strange lines, which can block the Taiyue God of War from firing several times.

That Xuanhua war was originally intended to use the sword to fight the dragon, but now it is difficult to break the defense of the dragon!

At this time, the dragon suddenly flashed golden light, and then gradually became smaller! "

Is the energy of the strange lines exhausted? ""

The attack of Xuanhua War has an effect! ""

Unlike it, the dragon's power is still very strong! ”

Everyone guessed. mysterious

The power of the Chinese war is indeed terrible. The sword that is pulled out by his sword is like a raging wind.

Every time he leaves the sword, everyone has to release the power to resist, to avoid being blown by the waves.

After the singularly condensed dragon, after flashing the glare, it was hit again by the Xuanhua war, but it did not matter. odd

The dragon is condensed into a group of light, and after it is reduced, it turns into a sword! that

The sword's hilt is engraved with a faucet, and the sword has a golden dragon coiled. just

Just a dragon, now it is a sword! And this is still a strange pattern!

What is the combination of odd lines?

The singularist who was present, all looked awkward!

Under the control of Qin Yun, the sword immediately stabbed to Xuanhua, like a golden lightning! mysterious

Hua war gnawed his teeth and his heart was angry. because

For him, he has already noticed that he is a **** of war, and he is actually fighting with strange patterns drawn by others! he

Now it is also difficult to ride the tiger, continue to fight, even if the group of squiggles are defeated, then there is no benefit, after all, it is just the strange lines drawn by others.

If you don't fight, it will definitely be a joke, saying that he can't beat even the strange lines that others have released.

Xuanhua war looked at the golden long sword that had been stabbed, and screamed, and then stabbed a sword. The sword in his hand was covered with a layer of translucent gray bubbles.

Qin Yun looked at it and found that it was a strong force of the gods. This kind of power has a great impact on the spirit and the soul. odd

The pattern is the power of the soul of the blood, the inner spirit and the power of the soul are the most important! "

This guy, a little skill! "Qin Yun controls the totem of the moon in the dragon sword."

After the dragon sword stabbed, to touch the long sword of the Xuanhua war, the moonlight totem worked, producing a swallowing power.

At the moment of the collision of the two swords, the divine power in the body of the Xuanhua war sword was swallowed up quickly!

boom! shock

The swaying came with a loud noise, and the air wave swayed in the air.

The Xuanhua war in the air was shaken back ten miles away, and the dragon sword was also shaken.

Qin Yun keeps the dragon sword from being shaken, so it is already very good. "

This guy is quite difficult to deal with! "Qin Yun continued to control the dragon sword attack, flying everywhere, the speed is extremely fast. In

The people in the square, watching the battle in the sky, were surprised to talk.

After the Xuanhua War was shocked, it was very angry, and suddenly the power of the body exploded, and the whole Taishen City suddenly shook. and

In the square below the Xuanhua War, it was screamed by a burst of power.

Everyone has quickly released the divine shield to resist!

"This **** broken grotesque!" Xuanhua war now finally knows why other singular singularists are afraid to fight. because

Even the grotesque condensed by dozens of grotesques will be instantly smashed. use

The singular fighting technique can't destroy this dragon sword!

"I will help you!" Xuan Zhankun also knows that he will not stop the dragon sword. His son will not give up. mysterious

The war of war broke out the power of the whole body, rushed to the dragon sword, and roared in the past. mysterious

Zhan Kun also rushed over at this time, launching a palm and playing a strong hand. boom


The sky vibrates and the loud noise strikes. Public

The man made a scream, because the dragon sword was finally smashed by the Xuanhua war! but

Yes, the moment the dragon sword exploded, it also produced a very strong power, which led to the mysterious war and Xuan Zhankun were blown very embarrassed.

The violent breath of the air remnants, turning into a violent wind.

Xuanhua war and Xuan Zhankun's ragged clothes, the gray-faced face fell from the sky, and their faces were ugly to the extreme. This

The father and the son shot, only to eliminate the strange lines that others raised their hands, which made people feel a little funny.

At the same time, everyone also feels that Ling Xiao's personal singularity is terrible, and the singularity that condenses out can actually fight against the gods of the Taiyin Protoss.

"Xuanhua war, you are very powerful!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "You are not a singularist, but you can destroy the singularity that I condense and admire!"

Xuanhua’s war was so strong that he said: “You... what do you mean?”

"It doesn't mean anything!" Qin Yun laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Hua war, he is angering you! Don't count!" Xuan Zhankun is an old fox after all, knowing that Qin Yun is deliberately angering Xuanhua, so that Xuanhua war continues to make a fool. Qin

The cloud looked at the close-family singularist and smiled and said: "It should be the singularity of the singer who came out to fight. Are you guys and singers, are they mixed?"

Some of them are so squeaky that they have to gnash their teeth, because Qin Yun has let them lose their faces.

At this time, Yu Yongyao said: "Your singularity is really good, and the singularity is really eye-opening! I

Although it is not a singularist, I use my ancestral charm to defeat you! Do you dare to pick up my characters with strange patterns? Royal

Yong Yao is the son of the imperial reincarnation, and there are certainly many good characters in his hand. Qin

The cloud did not fear at all, and smiled: "What is the symbol that picks you up with a strange pattern? The strange pattern of the strange pattern is inherently weak."

Your character, but it took a long time to make, the power is naturally great! It should be that I use the singular battle to attack, you use the character to prevent it! ”

Yu Yongyao smiled very confidently: "It’s all right! It’s better to do this, we can all attack, we can defend! You use strange lines, I use the characters! This is also a strange match!”

can! Qin Yun smiled, but the heart was full of killing.

The reincarnation sent the Black Dragon killer to kill him. Now he faces the son of the reincarnation. This is a good opportunity. He naturally won't be soft.

Yu Yongyao dared to come out and fight against Qin Yun. Obviously, he was approved by the imperial reincarnation. It is more likely that he would let him out.

Because from the view of the Dragon Sword in the battle of Xuanhua, the royal reincarnation generally understood that the singularity of Qin Yun is even stronger, and it is stronger than the Tianfu.

The people present, as many as you can see, Yu Yongyao and other symbols used, certainly not ordinary characters. pole

It may be the character of the middle and upper grades. This kind of character is not cheap, but it is not very expensive. If

There are many geeks in the family, and this kind of charm is better.

Both Ling Xiao and Yu Yao Yao are worried. They all see that Yu Yongyao is full of confidence and must be prepared. Qin

The cloud is not afraid. He has the imperial deity of the ancient clan, and it is a very powerful amulet that will be automatically activated when it is dangerous.

Xuan Zhankun and Xuanhua fought their father and son, and they stood at the same time. he

We all felt that we were stupid, but we didn’t use the Tianfu to play the dragon sword, or they would not be so embarrassed. Lift

The square where the banquet was held was now a mess, and everyone has retreated to one side.

Yu Yongyao with a sneer, holding a golden sign in his hand. Royal

After the demon saw the character, the whispered: "This character, but the top character!"

When Yu Yongyao shot, he would use the Shangpin Tianfu! Qin

There are many strange patterns in the cloud, and he can play out at any time.

"I let you attack first, come on!" Yu Yongyao's hand is a defensive role, but he let Qin Yun first attack, which obviously has a purpose.

Qin Yun quickly painted a white violent tiger.

Seeing this strangely condensed tiger, the Taiyin Protoss and the Taitian Protoss are very familiar!

"This is not among the Jiyang tigers, the white tiger totems have mastered the white tiger totem?" Ling Taiyun surprised: "This dragon priest, not only mastered the dragon totem, but also the white tiger totem!"

The tiger totem is not as much as the dragon totem. Generally speaking, only the white tiger king has it.

The white tiger totem that Qin Yun mastered was obtained from Bai died.