Nine Sun God King

Chapter 276: Orc

Qin Yun saw Zhuo Chuan coming, and did not rush to do it.

Zhuochuan and more than a dozen gold armored men fell to the ground and saw the wounded in the land, I was very confused.

"Great elders, you have to save us! This person claims to be a stranger, but it is so poisonous to us, and wants to invade a good woman!" The old man in red robe shouted, his limbs were cut off. Can only lie on the ground.

"Great elders, save me, this demon will kill me. Don't look at his young age, but it is a junkie!" Lin Yin hurriedly climbed to the foot of Zhuochuan, crying in a cry.

Lin Yin and the old man in the red robe, as well as the injured Lin family, have all asked Zhuochuan for help, and Qin Yun said it is heinous.

"They lie! Big brother is not such a person!" Ding Honghong was anxious and quickly shouted to Zhuochuan.

Lin Yin pointed to Qin Yun and roared: "He is a lustful person. When he sees the color of the country, he wants to invade me, so he only starts to attack my people! I also want to ask me to go back and give him a wife!"

Zhuochuan looked at Qin Yun and asked: "Qin Yun, what is going on here? You don't have Xiao Yuelan, the **** of the day, who is a wife, can you see this kind of goods?"

Lin Yin heard Zhuochuan’s words and was dumbfounded!

The old man in the red robe, the Lin family, and Ding Yi Si Lao and Ding Honghong, all looking at Qin Yun!

Now they understand why this teenager from the Temple of the Gods is so terrible!

It turned out to be the legendary boy who dared to fight against the Blue Ling Palace, the Prince of the Tianqin Empire!

Lin Yin's face brushed a red, she never imagined, this Ayun is Qin Yun!

Everyone knows that Qin Yun has a variety of talents around the world. Not to mention the talented woman of Xiao Yuelan, she said that the women like Meng Feiling and Xue Ziye are also the distant existence of many famous children!

"The elders, this is the case..." Qin Yun simply told the story of the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhuo Chuan sneered at the Lin family: "This is all for you!"

When he finished, the dozens of elites went up, waved a long golden knife, and slashed at the Lin family.

Originally, Lin Yin, they saw Zhuochuan coming, full of hope, but now more desperate. Because it is not Qin Yun who is killing them now, but the people of the sacred temple!

Before Lin Yin’s death, she regretted that she could not resist greed. Otherwise, she would not arrest Ding Honghong to marry Qin Yun, and would not be killed. Instead, she would have a good relationship with Qin Yun...

Zhuochuan pointed to the bodies and threw a fire charm and said: "Qin Yun, let's go back, I have an important thing to tell you!"

Qin Yun nodded, and then Ding Yi, with Zhuochuan returned to the strange temple of the peak of the strange spirit.

Zhuochuan also promised Qin Yun, and will arrange Ding Yi to work in the singular hall.


Back to the Temple of the Gods, Qin Yun and Zhuochuan are in a secret small hall.

Zhuochuan looked like a sigh, sighed and drank half a cup of tea and said: "When the Warcraft of the Windy City was solved by us, the city was destroyed. We will catch up as soon as possible, who will put Warcraft into City!"

"Great elders, have you said that there are important things to tell me? What is important? Is it related to this World of Warcraft attack?" Qin Yun asked.

"Related! You know, who is organizing this World of Warcraft?" Zhuo Chuan said: "I am also worried about this!"

Qin Yun was shocked and shook his head: "After the World of Warcraft, is anyone really planning? If so, it would be terrible!"

Zhuo Chuan nodded: "Strictly speaking, that can't be considered a man! It is the orc who planned this World of Warcraft! According to the clues I found, the orcs have mastered a special ability to let them control Warcraft. Taming Warcraft!"

Qin Yun is no stranger to the orcs. The Tianqin Empire where he is located faces the threat of orcs from time to time. At the beginning he was almost arranged to the border to fight the orcs.

No one knows how the orcs appeared.

I only know that orcs can speak human language. Most of them can stand upright and walk like a human. There are many characteristics of the human body, and the characteristics of the beast are most obvious.

Orcs can also cultivate martial arts and gain powerful power like human beings.

The most terrifying thing is that the orcs are very fertile and grow fast, so they have always been a threat to humans.

Fortunately, for many years, human beings have been able to suppress the expansion of the orcs by virtue of the power of the martial arts.

"Is this true?" Qin Yun also understood that Zhuo Chuan wanted to talk to him about important things.

If the orc can really control a lot of powerful Warcraft, then humans are likely to be unable to suppress the orcs!

Because a large number of Warcraft appeared, humans can only hide in the city. The orcs who have not been able to enter the border have now entered the border.

In this way, the orcs can get close to the human city!

If the orcs can control a large number of nine-order Warcraft, it will be difficult for humans to overcome!

"You Tianqin empire, there is no army to withdraw the border! The orcs can control Warcraft, this is very dangerous for the border army!" Zhuo Chuan said: "Warcraft uses humans as food, if the border army is not Orcs and Warcraft, those soldiers will become their food, when they reserve enough food, they can attack the big cities!"

"It seems that I have to go to the border to see!" Qin Yun frowned: "I am afraid of the generals there, do not know this thing, and have been dead with Warcraft!"

Zhuo Chuan nodded: "Be careful on the road! With your strength, as long as it is not the soul of Warcraft, you can not threaten you. I will also conduct research here, to see how to deal with the combination of orcs and Warcraft, most The main thing is that I have to find out who opened the gate."

"This kind of ghost, it is very likely to join hands with the orcs! It must be that the orcs have opened up abundant conditions, so that some of the powerful people in the city will compromise and sell the whole city." Zhuochuan was very angry when he mentioned the matter.

Qifeng City is very important to the main hall of the grotesque, and all aspects of defense are very strong. If there is no traitor to close the big squad, it is difficult to break the door to open the Warcraft.

"What news, we will contact again! For the elders, say goodbye to Xiaohonger for me, tell her, I will have time to see her!" Qin Yun said.

"I know, the girl's foundation is good, it is worth training, I will arrange her to practice the martial arts!" Zhuochuan nodded.

Qin Yun had a lot of troubles and left the strange-grained Lingshan to rush to the Tianqin Empire.

Meng Feiling their home, but the main force of guarding the border, over the years with the orc army, and the monster army, there have been many confrontations.

But this time it is different, it is the orc control of the powerful World of Warcraft in front, if humans do not know their plans, it is very likely to eat a lot of losses.

The storage space in the first bead, Momo flying in and out, her mood is very good, because there are now three Warcraft crystal eggs, enough for her to eat for a long time.

Qin Yun ran wildly in the night, looking at the storage space, and asked: "Momo, do you know the things of the orcs and Warcraft? Orcs can control Warcraft?"

The devil comes from the devil world and is said to have been born from the body of the totem of Warcraft.

"I don't know what the orc you said, I have to see it before!" Momo thought for a moment and shook his head: "I know very well about Warcraft, just let me see the orcs and let me know how they are. Control Warcraft, I can probably know what the situation is!"

Qin Yun can only see the orcs now.

The Tianqin Empire, the border in the southwest, is the direction in which orcs often appear.

Although it is a place of danger, it is surprisingly prosperous.

Because the orcs also have many treasures, similar to the beasts, so many people will gather here to capture the orcs who have placed the orders.

It is said that in many cities on the southwestern border, there are orcs selling, and the price is not low.

Nowadays, there are a large number of Warcraft appearing. If it is not very strong, many people are afraid to go out alone and have to form a big team.

After a few nights of running, Qin Yun finally came to the town of the demon king!

This is the site of the Mongolian family, and Mengjia is now the strongest family in the Tianqin Empire, and is reused by the Emperor Qinlong.

For many years, the city that Mengjia built here has developed very large and is a big city.

Such cities are generally prosperous and gather many warriors.

The gate only opened a small door, and even if there was Warcraft, it was not so easy to pass this door.

From this small door, Qin Yun entered the town of Demon King.

There are a lot of people inside, because many small towns or towns that are not protected nearby are all crowded in.

Fortunately, Mengjia has a strong management ability, and has not made this crowded city messy.

"I seemed to be here when I was young! I don't remember!"

When Qin Yun was young, he often followed Qin Long to run around because he was injured in the small time to save Xiao Yuelan, resulting in a lot of memory loss.

He covered his face, wearing a hood, wearing a gray robe, walking on the crowded streets of the town of the demon king, inquiring about how the town demon palace.

The town demon palace, located in the east of the city, is a big mountain village.

The red door of the Wangfu style, standing on the ten burly guards wearing black armor.

Qin Yun walked over and showed a token.

After the guards saw it, they were a little scared. Because of this token, only the emperor has it.

The Qin Dynasty royal family has undergone tremendous changes. Only Qin Yun and Qin Tianyi are the two emperors, and Qin Tianyi is under house arrest in the palace. The only emperor who can come out to move is Qin Yun!

"You don't have to salute, take me in, and then tell Feather's sister to do it!" Qin Yun whispered: "Right, don't tell her that I am here, I said that there is a very important person to see her, I think Give her a surprise!"

"Yes!" A guard nodded, and then took Qin Yun into the town of the demon king.

Qin Yun was drinking tea in a living room, and the guard had already notified Mon Feiling.

Soon, the guard came back. He was a little embarrassed and whispered: "His Royal Highness, Missy, she said that letting you go, because she is quarreling with people, she has no time to come!"

"Quaring? And her parents?" Qin Yun put down the teacup and got up and asked.

"No, it is quarreling with a few odd-grainers!" said the guard.

"That's good, take me in the past!" Qin Yun nodded. He also knew the temper of some odd-grainers. Sometimes it was easy to get angry.
