Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2869: Break unbeaten

Ling Hu knows that the other party will not fight against him, so he has prepared for it, guessing that the opponent will take the tactics with him.

Yu Lanying, with a quick speed and a clever body, flashed to the back of Ling Hu. she was

It is not very far from Linghu, nor is it very close. Within this distance, it can guarantee that the gods she can play will hit Linghu quickly and at the same time guarantee a safe distance. Ling

The tiger knew that Yu Lanying was going to attack from behind him, so he hurriedly moved the gods to flow in the body.

As long as it does not break away from the body and flows inside the body, it will not lose quickly. The power of the gods in the body can make the muscles and bones of the body stronger and have stronger defenses. Such as

If you master it well enough in this respect, you can cooperate with the flesh with very few gods and defend against the extremely powerful gods attack.

Yu Lanying attacked and shot a golden god, like a light beam.

This kind of light beam is generally attacked, and it is also very strong. It is generally difficult to avoid. If you do not defend early, you will definitely be hit.

Ling Hu was hit by the side waist, and when the light beam fell on him, the gods were fiercely shocked, and then the glare and the loud noise rang in the battlefield.

It seems that it is only Yu Lanying who makes a beam of light at random, but the power is so terrible. If there is no enchantment protection, the scope of the spread will definitely be even greater.

Ling Hu has already prepared for the defense, and his body is not weak. After being hit, it is only a strong shock. Public

People watched around the battlefield. Even if they used the instrument to detect the gods, they could not detect the situation in the battlefield because there was an enchantment that isolated the inner gods. in

The people who watched the war around, at this moment, have speculated on how many gods used by Yu Lanying when they attacked.

"Yu Lanying's attack, probably in the 200 gods, can burst to four or five hundred!" Yuguang suddenly came to Qin Yun and said.

"This is very good!" Qin Yun said: "More than twice the explosion!"

Shook his head: "Unqualified!"

Lei Lihui and others around Qin Yun were secretly screaming, and more than twice as many gods broke out, but they were still unqualified.

Linghu, who was shot, jumped quickly from the ground and rushed to Yu Lanying. He also had a lingering fear. He looked nothing.

But just now, his body was shocked by the power of the gods.

Fortunately, he runs four hundred gods and forces to flow quickly in the body, so that he has enough strong defense to resist the attack of four or five hundred gods after the outbreak. because

For the gods to flow in the body, plus he is well mastered, he only consumes more than one hundred gods. and

Yu Lanying used two hundred gods, and broke out to nearly five hundred. She did not hurt Linghu. This is very different from her expectations. She thought she could kill Linghu. "

The undefeated team's first battle may be defeated! "The captain of the invincible team, shaking his head and smiling: "Yu Lanying, the sister is a light enemy, and still very light enemy, it should not be! ”

"It seems that they have taught them the blood, their first-line team is really good! Our second-line team is better than the Lingtian team. If it is lost to the Lingtian team, it can prove that the outer door is vigorously cultivated. Disciples are feasible!" said another teenager.

"If the undefeated team loses one game, they will not match it as an undefeated team. I really don't know why they started this name? We dare not say unbeaten!" said the captain.

"Is our invincible team a bit crazy? If we lose one, we will definitely be jokes!" A girl whispered. "

If we are really defeated and be teased, that is what we deserve! The captain’s face suddenly became serious and said: “If you are defeated, as long as you are still alive, you will learn to scream ten times on the spot and then say loudly on the court that you are a silly dog! ”

"This... Captain, if you are defeated?" The girl's face changed.

"I lost, I will do it too!" The captain said very seriously. no

The members of the enemy team are not talking. They are not worried about losing. Because their gods have a ceiling of seven hundred, even if they are the geniuses of other heavenly gods, they may not dare to say Beat them. Royal

Lan Ying couldn't help herself. She attacked Linghu three times before and after. She used two hundred gods for the first time, two hundred for the second time, and one hundred for the third time! God

Yuli has only six hundred and sixty, and now she has used five hundred, leaving only one hundred and six. On the other side of Linghu, there are still four hundred in the gods! Do not

The members of the defeated team are all in a hurry. When they named the undefeated team, they heard that the first-line team was called the invincible team, so they were named unbeaten teams and wanted to compete with the first-line team. can

It is now that they may lose in the first battle!

Outside the battlefield, Qin Yun has been watching it very seriously. He whispered: "It seems that in the battle, the reckless attack is not good. The defense is strong enough, it is also very important. Linghu is the main defense. For attack!"

"Linghu's shortcoming is slow, but his offense is not weak. He is very strong offensive and defensive. Only speed is short!" said Yu Guang: "In contrast, Yu Lanying is fast, but also That's it, it doesn't have much advantage!"

Lan Ying's remaining gods are not much, which affects her mentality. At this moment, Linghu is pressing hard and running wildly, like a crazy tiger to counterattack!

Being chased by this crazy tiger, and the tiger's **** power is higher than her, Yu Lanying suddenly got into trouble. she was

I am very worried that I will be caught up, because with the only remaining gods in her body, once caught by this rough man, it will be slammed.

The other generations and juniors of the Tianzongmen Gate also secretly admire the Yuyuan and other elders at the moment, and can teach the disciples who have just entered Yutianmen so well!

Linghu is a Lingjia person, and Shenyu is also upgraded in a short period of time. At this time, it is not weaker than the genius of the ancient clan, but it is even better! he

What we don't know is that Linghu is also a person of three generations of blood and sky, which is very important.

If you change to other people, even the second generation of **** people, you may not reach the state of Linghu. "

I surrender! Yu Lanying suddenly shouted. This

It is very shocking to cause everyone to be upset. Royal

The children of the ancient family, all of them are ugly, and the people of their royal family are actually paralyzed, and they have to admit defeat without bleeding.

The captain of the youth team in the invincible team shook his head and said: "If you are in the Jiuyang Holy Land, there is no chance to admit defeat. The brothers and sisters of our royal family, the environment for growth is really comfortable!"