Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2877: Gold ribs

Yu Ming began to have doubts in his heart, because Qin Yun just used a strange method to hinder Yu Ming and Yu Shui to advance, and certainly used a lot of Shen Yuli. Rear

In order to resist his previous punches and twist the space, this must have used a lot of Shenyu.

But now, Qin Yun looks like a very natural look.

What makes Yu Ming wonder is that his speed is not as fast as Qin Yun! Qin

The footwork of the cloud is still very powerful, especially when it is used in conjunction with his gods, it is difficult to catch up with him in the same repair.

The more empty the step he uses, the more space he can shuttle, the power provided by the meditation, which allows him to easily distort the space and consume very little space. Qin

The cloud flashed on the field, suddenly behind Yu Ming, and then ran to him in the blink of an eye, there is no movement track. and

With the strength of Yu Ming, it is impossible to interfere with the space.

Yu Ming was very cautious and did not attack at will, because Qin Yun could completely avoid his offense.

Without absolute certainty, he dared not use a lot of gods to attack, only to waste the power of God.

Yu Ming often kills with the outside world creatures. Although the foreign creatures are powerful and ferocious, they are not insidious, unlike Qin Yun who masters so many strange methods. Qin

The cloud was originally intended to consume the imperial power of Yu Ming, and then easily defeated the other side. and

Now Yu Ming is carrying a defensive force to defend, while walking on the field, there is no attack.

"This guy's defense is still a bit strong!" Qin Yun used the sky to see the more than 600 gods in Yu Ming.

These six hundred gods, if they are used in conjunction with Shenyu Jinjin, and the body is strong enough, it can defend against the tens of thousands of gods.

"Then I will take the initiative!" Qin

Through the image of the Imperial God, the cloud quickly condenses a set of strong dragon tree totems to fight out. Dragon

The tree totem, like a dragon formed by the roots, rushed into the ground and quickly rushed to Yu Ming.

At the same time, Qin Yun was close to Yu Ming, releasing gravity to Yu Ming, so that Yu Ming could not dodge. Dragon

At this time, the tree totem is also drilled out from the ground, turned into a tree root dragon claw, and seized Yu Ming's feet.

Qin Yun immediately used four hundred gods to force, with the release of the magical law, and then through the nine fingers to fight out, the four hundred gods force, broke out to a thousand five, hit Yuming's back shoulder. Royal

Ming's feet are entangled, but he did not use the gods to struggle, but to mobilize the whole body to defend!

He knows that Qin Yun is deliberately entangled in his feet, to disrupt his deployment of the gods, to weaken his defense. One

Wearing a slap in the hole, a sharp whistling sound, very scary, fell on Yu Ming's back shoulder.


This stocking force, after hitting Yu Ming, broke out.

Anyone can see that Qin Yun’s magical power is extremely strong, at least a thousand! and

Surprisingly, after Yu Ming's back shoulder was hit, the whole person was rushed forward with a strong force. Qin Yun's attack did not hurt Yu Ming!

"This guy's defense is really strong!" Qin Yun still underestimated Yu Ming, a teenager, and the combat experience is indeed very rich. "

Just the trick, there should be one thousand five gods! "Yu Ming turned around and smashed the place hit by Qin Yun. He said: "Your **** is only in its early 500s, but it has consumed a lot before. Now it has broken out one thousand and five, your god." Yuli should have few left, right? ”

Shen Yuli only has five hundred Qin Yun, but after using the technique, it can break out to one thousand and five. What is this fighting warfare, how terrible?

The most surprising thing is that Qin Yun’s body can withstand such a terrible explosion of divine power!

"That is the magical method of Yuguang. If you cultivate the first layer, you can make the magical force burst three times. This is very hurtful!" Xiao Hong frowned: "Qin Yun seems to have nothing to do, this How strong is the guy's body?"

Anyway, this kid is about to lose soon. His gods have already spent seven or eighty-eight. He has to say that the trick he just made is really beautiful, but Yu Ming’s defense is very strong. Ming! "Taiyue mother-in-law flew over with the moon and rhyme."

Yu Ming finally forced Qin Yun to use the big move, which consumed a lot of gods, and he was also a lot easier at the moment. buy

The old people who won the inner door were relieved, because Qin Yun is indeed a threat.

Today's Qin Yun, the gods of the body must be less than one hundred, then you can't look down on any storms, and losing to Yu Ming is a matter of time.

Qin Yun secretly used the **** Wang Tianyin, which consumed 40 million Shenyu Jinshi, and made up for the loss of the four hundred gods, and filled the Shenyu force to have a strong defense, so as not to be smashed by Yu Ming. Royal

Both Ting and Yushui were crushed. They did not dare to use the strongest power of God. They could only use it. If one of them lost, the invincible team lost half. "

Qin Yun, it’s my turn to attack! "Yu Ming smiled and was about to rush over, but Qin Yun suddenly flashed, and avoided the imperial Yuming. Qin

When the clouds are evading, they immediately release their own gods.

Everyone can see that Qin Yun’s back suddenly floats in cash, and many golden threads emerge from the back of Qin Yun, and finally turn into a pair of wings. This

It is a Shenyu gold rib outside, which can be used to quickly absorb the gods of the world. Qin

After the clouds released the golden ribs of the gods, the visible sunlight was sucked by the wings of his back. "

That is... Shenyu Jinjin, how is this guy so many gods? And dare to let go, what is he doing! Royal

The old generation of the ancients suddenly screamed.

The old guys of the Kaitian ancients are very familiar with the gods and gold bars. They also know that Qin Yun’s intention to put Shenyu Jinjin is to quickly ingest the gods.

Six Wanshen Shenyang seems to be working with Qin Yun to release stronger sunlight and shine on the battlefield. "

He is recovering the gods! Shenyu Jinjin is released, it can really absorb the power of God, but this kind of **** power is generally impure, and it is very turbid, without refining, flowing out in the body, it will be very hurt! Xiao Hong was very surprised.

"And once the gods Jinjin is attacked, the pain is like a heartbreaking, this guy is really crazy!" Taiyue mother-in-law shook her head again and again.

Yu Ming gritted his teeth and looked at the wings behind Qin Yun. He was sure that Qin Yun’s gods had more gold bars than him.

"My gods are recovering quickly!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "Little brother, you want to beat me, it's not that easy!"

"Can God really recover in this way?" Yu Ming asked.

"Don't forget who I am, I am the king of God, my physical condition is very special, I absorb the power of the gods of the world, naturally not too turbid!" Qin Yunxiao laughed.