Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3011: Cat ear royalty

Qin Yun intends to go in and explore himself. Yang Ding's original strength is too weak, and he can't send any use. He will stay outside and wait. He has great use for Qin Yun. Qin Yun does not want him to die.

Qin Yun can act alone, especially when it is hidden. too

Shishen Mirror quickly opened an entrance on the enchantment, and did not leave any movement.

After Yang Dingyuan looked at Qin Yunjin, he quietly stayed away from the enchantment and then waited for Qin Yun. Qin

When the cloud enters the enchantment, it takes out the magic mirror and tries to contact the outside world, but finds that it is completely isolated. It does not mean that it cannot communicate with the outside world through the magic mirror. Even if it uses the chasing soul, it will not react. "

Qin Yun, this enchantment is terrible. If it is arranged in a short period of time, I can't think of any forces that can be laid out. Even if you and I join forces, it will take at least a few months! ”

Too began to voice Qin Yun.

"Maybe it's a long time to make a good column and a flag, or something else..." Qin Yun looked around and said: "After they come, put those things, they can quickly deploy."

This is not a simple and fast method. If this is the case, the people of the Yang family can break! "Tai Shi said: "They will not use the array in order to make it drip!" Qin

The cloud understands that the large array of the pits surrounding this pit is a kind of formation similar to nature. This

The seed array method is arranged according to the local environment. Even if there is already a layout material and wants to integrate with this land, it will take time to debug and adjust other details.

However, according to the information provided by Yang Dingyuan, the mine should be occupied in a short time.

"It seems that those guys don't want to alarm the ancients. They want to go quietly. Why is this? Their strength is strong, they shouldn't be so timid, they can be robbed!" Landing down, half a meter from the ground, slowly flying on the ground.

After stealth, with the eyes of the sky, he will not be discovered, and he can see very far. "

Explain that they dare not make a big fantasies in the wilderness of the gods. If the gods of the heavens belong to the environment of lower living beings, then the middle and the higher spirits cannot come to this activity. high

If the living beings limit the lower and middle births, then the rules should not be destroyed. When a medium-spirited creature comes to this activity, it can threaten the lower living beings, just like forcing the low-pitched souls to advance. "Tai Shi said."

However, the resources of the gods and the resources produced by this gods are certainly comparable to the environment of medium-spirited people! "Qin Yun believes that higher living creatures will not shelter low-level living beings."

It may be that Jiuyang Faling is deliberately making such a resource-rich environment, attracting middle-aged spirits to **** it, and then giving excuses to the gods and gods to find breakthroughs. "Tai Shi said: "If higher spirits want to maintain order, they will certainly suppress the medium-spirited spirits, so the foreigners will be annihilated when they arrive!" ”

Qin Yun touched his head. The bureau of Jiuyang Failing is too big. It involves all aspects, and it is necessary to involve the mysterious upper class.

"You are going to explore now, is it that medium-spirited creatures are active, and the restrictions on medium-spirited creatures should be caused by the depletion of their environmental resources. They are very lacking in the gods and stones. In order to survive, they will certainly plunder other medium-spirited creatures. "Tai Shi said.

The creatures of the gods and gods are all lower-spirited creatures. They are still lower, and there is no such thing as the gods. However, as the world of gods and sun grows, it is growing stronger, and the spirits of the gods are gradually increasing.

This is the evolution of an environment. Only those who have gone from being weak to being in the realm of the gods have a deep understanding, and they are also jealous of those who are born to be the gods.

According to Yue Yuan and Yu Yuan, they are currently restricted to the gods. If they break through the realm of the gods, they will be killed if they are discovered by higher spirits. This

Let Qin Yun think of the destroyer that Mi Luer said!

What is the destruction of the devil? Why destroy Milu? Qin Yun asked Mi Luer that those who are devastated have no cat ears, not the creatures of her hometown.

"Is it true that the destroyers are higher living creatures? Only the middle-born spirits have more contact with them?" Qin Yun suddenly worried that if this is the case, then the destroyer will certainly find Miluer. open

Once the ancients have surpassed the gods, there will be powerful guys who will kill them. How do you find those who are beyond the realm of God?

Qin Yun thought as he flew to the pit.

Before he was close, he felt that there was a breath coming in. He hovered in the air, secretly urging the power of the sun, and began to sway the body, self-devour, and fully integrate himself into nature. Do not

How long does it take for a large car to come in front of them? There are dozens of big cars, all of which are very large. The length and width are several hundred meters and hundreds of meters. They are all specially made. Qin

The clouds are suspended in the sky, and you can see the inside of the big car. It is full of large and small gods and golden stones. This is the Shenyu stone that has just been dug up, and it is very pure. It doesn't need to be refined.

Around the cart, there are many black cat ears, some cat ears stand on the top of the Shenyu gold stone, and some fly next to the big cart, there are more than fifty. This

The group of cat ears are black and black cats, the tail is also black, even the skin is black lacquered, the face is very wide, the forehead is raised, the eyes are purple. This

The tail end of the tail of the group of cats is not furry, but a very sharp thing that looks like a horn. This

Cats and Milu are completely different, but they only have the same cat ears and tails. However, they have a strong breath.

"They are very strong in their gods, at least in the heavens and the universe!" Tai Shi said: "And, they have gods and bones in their limbs!"

Qin Yun secretly horrified, this group of cat ears seems to be relatively low-ranking, but the strength is so terrible.

"They haven't cultivated souls!" He said: "You don't have to worry about being perceived. They don't have two hundred spiritual strengths. It's hard to find you!"

Qin Yun immediately asked Mi Luer in the Jiuyang Shenque to determine whether the black cat was from her hometown.

Mi Luer learned that Qin Yun saw the black cat ears, very surprised: "Cloud brothers, they are the royal family, is the most powerful existence in my hometown."

“How much do you know about them?” Qin Yun asked again. "

I have rarely been in contact with the outside world since I was a child, but I was told from an early age that when I saw a black cat's ear, I must kneel because it is a royal family! "Miluer also didn't know much. After all, she was cheated to find mines since she was a child.