Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3054: Qinye Tucheng

Qin Yun immediately entered the rest area of ​​the city. There are many people in the desert, and most of them are bruised and bruised. Many people can't continue to work. If they don't get rest, or the energy is added, they will definitely die.

The strength of the cat ears is very strong, mainly because they can have the gods and the spirits of the spirits.

Nowadays, they only use twenty cats and ears, and they are watching thousands of gods who are resting.

These restful gods are very old, and the injuries are very heavy. There is no fighting power at all. They have resisted before, but they have no use at all.

The invisible Qin Yun, close to the three cat ears, then took out the box and released the previous **** poisonous insects.

The blood venom is very greedy, it is difficult to eat, and now smells the smell of the cat's ear, and immediately flies out, like the same glare, rushing to the three cat ears.

The three cats screamed and then got into the head by many blood venoms.

The flesh of their heads was swallowed up! The screams of the three cat ears caused the attention of other cat ears, and they immediately looked over and found their companions falling to the ground.

Qin Yun controlled the blood-borne poisonous insects and quickly penetrated into the ground to hide.

"Who is this?"

There was a cat who flew over and shouted.

Qin Yun, who is invisible, will not answer naturally.

He collected the three gods of the three cat ears on the ground, a total of more than 30 kilograms, each person's body in the body of the bones, there are more than ten kilograms.

More and more cats and ears came over and landed the positions of the three cat ears. They only saw three white bones, and they all lacked the part of the gods.

This made them shudder! There is something here that can kill them in an instant, and also take away the gods.

The gods of these gods are the strongest, but the gods are the most important. Although they are not more than the gods, they are also regarded as waste materials in the cat kingdom, but they think they are in the gods. Can exist to dominate the existence.

However, in the wilderness of the gods, there is something to destroy them! Just when they were frightened, Qin Yun controlled the blood of the ground to fly out.

The number of blood venoms is not much. Now it is divided into seventeen parts. It is drilled into seventeen cat ears and cannot kill the cat ears in an instant.

However, the cat ears can feel that the organs and flesh and blood in their bodies are being bitten by something, making them feel very painful.

"Oh ah..." On the side of the rest area, the screams suddenly screamed, and the cat ears in other places were immediately alarmed.

At this time, Qin Yun took out the gods of the gods and quickly rushed to the cat-eared people who were invaded by blood-borne poisonous insects.

After he passed, he cut a cat ear with a knife.

Seventeen cat ears were killed by him in rapid succession.

These cat ears are all five or six heavy in the gods, but now they have been killed by Qin Yun alone.

Qin Yun released eight beads of blood-borne poisonous insects, let more blood-borne poisonous insects come out, eat those flesh and blood, and let him harvest many Shenyutian bones.

Twenty cats and ears, there are more than two hundred kilograms of Shenyu Tiangu! Qin Yun originally thought only to save the gods and ridiculous people, but did not expect to be able to get so many gods.

What surprised him the most was that the blood venoms multiply while eating and growing.

A large number of cat ears are coming over.

The slain gods in the rest area, they are also happy inside, because they know that some people have finally confronted these cats, they are saved.

Although they did not know who saved them, they were very grateful to this person.

Many of the cats who are supervising the workers have rushed over after receiving the signal.

They are the cat kingdom, the middle-class people, and now they are coming to the world of the lower class of the gods, they should have been invincible.

The lower class should be right for them, but now the lower class is against them! "We have killed more than 20 people, and the gods and bones have been taken away. It must have been the ruthless human beings of these gods!"

The foreman of the supervisor is angry. "Is this group of low-ranking guys rebellious?"

The repair of the foreman is relatively high, and it is the seven heavens of the gods.

At the moment, more than a dozen foremen have brought the team over and shouted: "Let the guy find out, we will start work again."

More and more cats and ears are formed into teams of 50 people. There are dozens of teams in total, patrolling the city to find sneak attackers.

Those who are enslaved by the gods are rushed to a place where they are taken care of.

Qin Yun did not touch the small teams, but touched the gods.

There are a total of two hundred cat ears in charge of the gods! These two hundred cats are also a group of fifty people, one of which is also suspended in the air, always paying attention to the situation on the ground.

Suddenly, the fog appeared! The sudden fog is over the sky of tens of thousands of gods.

At this time, many light spots flew out and rushed to the cat ears.

Under the control of Qin Yun, the blood-borne poisons flew out of the ground and drilled into the cat's ear.

The cat-eared people simply don't know the existence of the blood-stained poisonous insects, and they don't know how to defend them. This kind of poisonous insects can even be put down by the sacred Ba Taiyin, not to mention the cat ears! After the cat's ear body entered the blood vein poisonous insects, Qin Yun rushed over with the knife, harvested one by one, and took away the gods and bones in their bodies.

Qin Yun is also killing blood at this moment, which not only removes a lot of cat ears, but he also gets a lot of Shenyu Tiangu! He is squatting at many of his artifacts and can't be promoted. If he kills these cats, he will soon have enough Shenyutian bones to upgrade his artifacts, or sell these gods and bones in exchange for a large number. The **** of the golden stone.

The cat ears in the air know that something is going on, but they are afraid to rush.

Just as they were guilty, the black mist suddenly filled them, and the blood venoms were hidden in the dark fog and then sneaked into them.

Just when they felt poisonous insect bites in the body, Qin Yun came to them and harvested their lives.

At this moment, more and more blood venoms! Qin Yun worried that he could not control so much, but had to seal a large part of it, lest these dangerous things get out of control.

Blood venoms are still very dangerous. If you run out of control and run around, then mutate and attack the creatures other than the cat ears, it is very dangerous.

Qin Yun told himself that when using this kind of thing in the future, you must be cautious and cautious, and even find a way to restrain yourself, otherwise it is a disaster.

In the city, he was looking for Qin Yun’s cat ear squad, and learned that more than two hundred cat ears on the side of the gods were destroyed. They are now scared.

"We entered the city center and requested support!"

A foreman shouted: "Looking for God's eight-dimensional and nine-pointed."

However, he just shouted, and there was a loud noise in the center of the city, and a large number of buildings were destroyed.