Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3399: Perfect rescue

The peak of Huayu Realm was a food delivery for Qin Yun. Now he is thinking about **** the two peaks of Huayu Unconsciously, and then quietly rescue Xie Wufeng! At that time, let Xie Wufeng notify Jian Lao again, and then everyone quietly retreats, and let the Realm of the Realm of God be blind here.

In order to enter the Shenting Mansion, Qin Yun condensed a large number of hidden sky motifs in his body. It has not disappeared yet, and still has a strong effect.

Now that you can pass through the enchantment outside the Shenting Mansion, it is easy to deal with the enchantment of the South Dungeon.

The hard part is to enter those black stone houses, and he is still not sure if he can pass through the Xuanxiantong.

He carefully crossed the enchantment in the square, and finally came outside the big stone house.

There are several large stone houses here, but there is only one entrance to the dungeon. Some large stone houses are confusing, and there are even traps inside.

Qin Yun opened his eyes and quickly found the big house where the entrance to the dungeon was located. Then he used Xuanxiantong to try it with his own hands.

The hand can pass through without enchantment! "Very well, it seems that I have stepped into detachment, and it is easier to wear mysterious magic!"

Qin Yun easily passed the big house, and then sneaked carefully through the passage.

The South Dungeon is detained by the "repetitions" of the Temple of All Realms, all of which are from the Jiuyang Temple camp! There are some patriarchs and elders of the strong tribe, or the gods of the temples in the Jiuyang Temple.

The Jiuyang Temple is also a small force. Although it has been operating in secret, the Wanjie Temple is not weak, and many people have arrested the Jiuyang Temple for many years.

In addition, there was a barbarian king who was detained here.

This is all Qin Yun knows.

Entering the dungeon, Qin Yun soon discovered Xie Wufeng's breath.

Xie Wufeng's breath is very weak, so it doesn't look like the peak of the universe. Only by entering the dungeon can you feel that this breath is actually slightly stronger.

In addition, there is another breath that is also relatively strong, but as weak as Xie Wufeng, it should be injured! "A barbaric king of the barbarians, really locked up here?"

Qin Yun wanted to confirm with Xie Wufeng.

Before long, he came to the cell where Xie Wufeng was being held! The inside is completely closed, and there are many crystals that can pass the picture in the cell. Someone is staring at all times! When passing, they are transmitted through the strange pattern space, which is similar to the magic mirror method, so Qin Yun can easily fiddle with the image and repeat the cycle, so that he can only see Xie Wufeng sitting there.

Xie Wufeng sat quietly in the middle of the cell. At the moment, he was very weak, his body was covered with scars, his cold and determined face, with black blood stains, should be injured by highly toxic weapons.

He still has only one arm. It is easy to cultivate an arm, but for many years he has practiced Kendo and has his own path, so he does not plan to cultivate an arm.

Although seriously injured, Xie Wufeng's perception is still strong, and he always releases a sword domain around himself. When Qin Yun's spiritual strength was explored, he already noticed it, but did not know it was Qin Yun's! He only knew that this spiritual strength was not weak! Just as he opened his eyes, Qin Yun also used the penetrating mysterious power to enter the cell.

Xie Wufeng knew that someone came in, but he couldn't see anything, because Qin Yun was invisible! "Xie Boss, it's me!"

Qin Yun's voice came into Xie Wufeng's mind.

Xie Wufeng just raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a rare smile, he was not surprised! Qin Yun can come back, he is very happy! And he knew that Qin Yun would definitely be back, but never thought Qin Yun would come to save him! When Xie Wufeng was in despair, he never thought that someone would save him, and he didn't need to.

He knew very well that the temple of the heavens would use him as a bait to deal with the Jiuyang Temple, so he would rather die than want the Jiuyang Temple to make a great sacrifice for this! "Brother Yun, I'm fine, all right!"

Xie Wufeng also used the spirit to spread his voice.

"I know you are fine! This bitterness is nothing to you!"

Qin Yun's laughter passed into Xie Wufeng's mind.

"Compared to your experience over the years, what else is this?"

Xie Wufeng said.

"Not much to say, I'm going to rescue you! By the way, who are being held here?"

Qin Yun asked: "According to the intelligence, there are many of us!"

"Yes, most of them are ours!"

Xie Wufeng sighed: "They have been tortured many times."

Qin Yun rescued Xie Wufeng and put it over Su Wanqiu, so that Su Wanqiu healed Xie Wufeng.

Su Wanqiu's blood is very strong and he can have super strong resilience. This is one of the reasons why he is difficult to be destroyed, so it is best to let him save Xie Wufeng.

Seeing Xie Wufeng, Su Wanqiu was very excited! For Su Wanqiu, the sword **** Xie Wufeng is a strong man he admires, and this time Xie Wufeng was arrested because he saved him.

Subsequently, Qin Yun began to understand the situation of the dungeon, quietly put down all the people who kept the dungeon, but did not kill them, but sealed them in place and wiped out their consciousness, so that their breath would still be released , The peak of the two Huayu realms would not be noticed.

Qin Yun remained silent all the way, and now there are only two peaks of the Huayu Realm left in the entire South Dungeon. They each have a secret room, and they are all practicing in it.

The strong men who turned the pinnacle of the universe were very focused on cultivation, because it was very important for them to step into the universe.

The descendants of Shenyang are very arrogant, especially those who are at the peak of the universe, and there is no one in their eyes.

They are arranged to sit in this kind of place, they must be very dissatisfied, so they are not concerned about the things here, they will not be vigilant. In their opinion, as long as there is a big movement, just hit it! Qin Yun quietly came to a secret room, just behind the middle-aged.

The strong man who turned the peak of the world, was not alert, but was absorbing energy from a grain of Shenyang blood in a very concentrated cultivation! The descendants of Shenyang can easily absorb energy from the blood of Shenyang, which is why they are very powerful.

Qin Yun's shady sword penetrated the middle-aged Huayu Xinyuan, and at the same time, he pressed his palm to his head, wrecking his soul.

Before he came, he quietly made a lot of soul-losing revelations, and now it is enough.

After the middle-aged soul was severely damaged, Qin Yun dripped into a large number of soulless dew, instantly lost consciousness, and then was refined by Qin Yun's own spiritual crystal moon.

After killing one, Qin Yun went on to assassinate the second one, which is still very simple! After everything was completed, there were no guards in the dungeon. Qin Yun released Xie Wufeng and let him see who could be saved in the dungeon.