Nine Sun God King

Chapter 372: Nightmare princess

Qin Yun also knows that the jade material that the great man said is the original stone of the life mark. Need to cut to know that the life mark inside the jade is a few orders.

It is also difficult to detect the inside of the original stone, so before the cut, no one knows how many jade jade is inside.

However, it is certain that there is a life-marking jade inside, and the worst is also a first-order life mark.

Many of the forces that manage the life of the crystal jade business, from time to time to take some of the original stone that looks very good, the price is generally high.

However, most of these rough stones can cut high-order life-marking jade.

When Qin Yun was at the edge of the land, there was also this kind of gameplay called gambling stone.

But that's all ordinary jade, mainly for decoration.

And here is the cutting of the life mark crystal jade, which is of great help to the martial arts practice.

"I am not interested!" Qin Yun did not want to participate in this kind of thing, he has something to do, to buy purple frosty grass.

"This is the best! I have been here for so many years, but I have seen many children in the family, and I have been ruined!" Dahan said with a smile: "But it’s good to go and see it. After all, I’m watching it. I heard that we are Hongwuguo. The nine princesses are just gambling in the singular hall!"

Qin Yun was surprised: "Nine Princesses?"

Dahan nodded: "She is the same as the Seven Princes, because she was favored by Hong Yingwu Wang, so she has a title. In the ten title princes, she is ranked ninth, the name is gambling, but she likes others. Shouting her dream princess!"

Qin Yun has some accidents, a woman, actually has the nickname of the gambling king!

"Does she have any great places?" Qin Yun asked curiously. He would wait to go to the sacred temple, and maybe he could meet this woman.

Dahan said: "I heard that her martial arts is a jade soul, which allows her to sense the life-stained jade in the original stone. It is a few orders! Therefore, she is young, thirty years old, is the martial art. Triple. She got a lot of life marks and jade, so she was taken by Wu Wang!"

"Is this true? Those who sell gambling stones don't want to die red?" Qin Yun thought about it, and felt that the ability was very useful, allowing him to quickly get a lot of life-marking jade.

Dahan smiled and said: "She is not a hundred and a hundred. It is said that I can buy ten pieces of raw stone. I can gamble two or three pieces! This is also quite good. You must know that she is only starting with high-order life marks and jade!"

Qin Yun feels that he has to buy some life-saving crystal jade cultivation, but this requires a lot of purple crystal coins, you have to earn yourself.

When he chatted with the crane, he came to the Temple of the Gods.

Qin Yun saw this strange temple, and suddenly felt very familiar.

It is similar to the strange temple of the Tianqin Emperor City. It is very large and spacious, and there is a mountain behind it.

It is also necessary to climb a lot of steps to enter the singular hall.

In front of the thousands of steps, there is a huge square.

In the middle of the square, there are many large stones.

Those are the original stones of the life mark crystal jade!

Linghe landed in the square. After Qin Yun gave a hundred purple crystal coins, he jumped off the back of the crane and walked toward the huge stones.

Here, there are several old people and dozens of big men guarding the patrols, protecting these rough stones from being stolen.

Some of the original stones are only one watermelon, while others are as high as a few meters.

"The Princess of Nightmare is coming! She just cut out the eight-step six-step life mark crystal jade yesterday!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Qin Yun immediately walked over, just approached, but heard the familiar voice, the voice seems to be quarreling!

"This is what I saw first! It was also what I first touched, it was mine!" A woman in a white dress with a pair of ponytails, the face of the jade is pretty and pretty, with a bit of naughty.

It is Xiao Yuemei!

Qin Yun did not expect that Xiao Yuemei is actually here!

Xiao Yuemei holds a large round stone, and her little face is slightly bulging. She is very angry and looks at a woman in a red dress.

The woman in the red dress was shorter than Xiao Yuemei, making her look petite and exquisite. Her appearance was also very beautiful. The delicate face of the melon seeds was somewhat delicate and somewhat charming.

Coincidentally, this red skirt woman also has a pair of long ponytails.

The red dress woman is the Princess of Nightmare, the gambling king!

"When you see it first, you have to look at the singular hall and sell it to you!" Hong Meng said with a sigh.

"The grandfather of the singular hall, you come over to judge, sell and not sell to me!" Xiao Yuemei said to an old man.

"This is... It is indeed the girl you first touched, but well... the price is high!" The old man smiled, and they were not afraid of Hongwuguo, so they dared to sit at this time.

Hong Mengyu and Xiao Yuemei were very upset and snorted.

"This original stone was originally 100,000 purple crystal coins. Now whoever gives you a high, whoever gets it!" said the old man.

The people secretly admire the courage of the old man, and dare to dare to come to Hong Meng.

This method is also very common, and everyone is not surprised.

I just think that the Qizhi Temple should not use this method for Hong Mengzhen, but should sell the original stone to Hong Mengyu. After all, the Qizhi Temple is in the territory of Hongwu State.

Of course, the sacred temple is in the wilderness, and it is not afraid of any sectarian martial arts, so they dare to come.

"200,000 amethyst coins!" Hong Mengyu smiled a little, very proud.

"Three hundred thousand!" Xiao Yuemei scorned.

"Fifty thousand!" Hong Mengyu shouted, she did not expect this little girl in front of her eyes, the bid is so fierce.

Everyone is also curious about Xiao Yuemei's identity, and dare to gamble with the gambling king.


Xiao Yuemei did not finish, Qin Yun hurriedly said: "Wait!"

She heard Qin Yun’s voice, and she was also pleasantly surprised. She quickly put down the original stone and ran over.

"Brother!" Xiao Yuemei was very happy to take Qin Yun's hand.

"Don't waste the purple crystal coin!" Qin Yun did not know that Xiao Yuemei brought so many purple crystal coins, smiled and pinched her face.

Xiao Yuemei looked at the original stone, and some reluctantly said: "Brother, I am optimistic about the stone. I guess there are seven orders of life-marking jade, at least three pounds!"

Seven-step life marks, crystal jade, a pound of at least 700,000 crystal coins, three pounds is more than two million!

"Forget it! Let's go!" Qin Yun took Xiao Yuemei to leave.

Xiao Yuemei refused to go, Jiao said: "Brother, I listen to you, I don't buy that stone! But I want to see if there is really a high-order life mark in the inside!"

Hong Mengyu was very proud, paid 500,000 purple crystal coins, and then took out a very sharp knife, and cut the stone very easily.

There is a life mark in the inside, but a closer look, only a life mark, this is a first-order life mark crystal jade.

However, the weight is three pounds!

Xiao Yuemei accurately estimated the weight, which is also very good.

The first-order life mark crystal jade can sell 100,000 purple crystal coins in one pound! Three pounds is 300,000 amethyst.

If you buy the stone with 100,000 amethyst coins, you will definitely not lose.

"Small girl, do you see it right?" Hong Mengyu collected the lifeline marks and cuts, and smiled.

"The old woman who is tender, you look away!" Xiao Yuemei also smiled: "You bought a loss this time!"

Everyone suddenly squeezed a cold sweat for Xiao Yuemei, actually dare to say that Princess Nightmare!

The Princess of Nightmare is in her thirties, but when she looks like a girl, she does have the suspicion of being tender...

" look like a little girl, but it is a martial art. You are also an old woman!" Hong Mengyu was really poked in pain, said angry.

"I am only eighteen years old, what's the matter?" Xiao Yuemei was very proud of her vomiting tongue.

When you are less than 20 years old, you will enter the martial arts, which means that your talent is very high!

Hong Mengyu was only 20 years old when he entered the martial arts!

Xiao Yuemei in front of him, 18 years old is the martial art, this is even more powerful than Qin Yun!

Qin Yun quickly took Xiao Yuemei and walked to those steps.

Hong Mengyu quickly caught up and shouted: "Don't leave! I don't believe you are only 18 years old. If you have a kind, go to the sacred hall to check the age, let me see!"

"You love it or not, you let me go to the test, I will test it? I won't stop you, I won't go!!" Xiao Yuemei is very naughty and makes a face to Hong Mengyu.

Hong Meng was so anxious that he quickly said: "If you are going to detect the age, and it is really 18 years old, I will give you 100,000 amethyst coins! If you are not 18 years old, I will not want your Amethyst coins! ”

"Well, the fool's purple crystal coin does not earn white, don't earn, go!" Xiao Yuemei smiled at Qin Yun: "Brother, you look at how I earn purple crystal coins!"

Xiao Yuemei also knows that Qin Yun is in the Xuanwu Optimus Tianshan, but it is not suitable for asking the specific process.

Qin Yun met Xiao Yuemei here and was very happy.

Everyone wants to follow up and see, but I know that they can't go in and see it.

Hong Mengyu is very famous here. After all, she is a gambling king and a nine-princess of Hongwu State. She often visits the Temple of the Gods.

There are not many people in the lobby of the one-story hall. The people here are also buying high-level spirits.

Hong Mengyu came to the counter and said: "Liu Lao, take out your test age, this woman said she was only 18 years old, I don't believe it!"

Xiao Yuemei reveals the scent of the power of the road, the 18-year-old martial art, that Liu Lao does not believe!

Liu Lao at the counter, quickly took out a disc.

Xiao Yuemei smiled and pressed the jade hand on it, and then appeared "18".

After seeing Hong Mengyu, he took a breath and the charming face was full of surprise.

“Is it seen?” Xiao Yuemei smugly vomited to Hong Meng’s tongue: “Get 100,000 purple crystal coins out!”

Hong Meng stunned and smashed his feet, took out the plaid card, and gave 100,000 amethyst coins Xiao Yuemei.

Xiao Yuemei smiled at Qin Yun: "Brother, I earned another 100,000 amethyst coins!"

Qin Yun pinched her face and smiled: "You are a girl, more powerful than me!"

"Brother, how can I have you? You are a senior singer!" Xiao Yuemei wrinkled his nose and smiled: "Beyond me, I don't know where to go!"

Hong Mengyu listened and looked at Qin Yun. Some doubts said: "This guy looks very young. It should be only about twenty years old. How could a senior singer?"

Qin Yun also did not want to expose his identity, and quickly said: "Nine Princess, I do not know how your relationship with Hong Yan?"

"Hong Yan? It is my brother like a monkey! This guy, obviously worse than me, but ranked seventh, what is the king of inflammation, I think it is the monkey king!" Hong Meng sighed: "Our relationship is still OK, you know him?"

"I also know him, this guy is in Beiling City, lost to me several times!" Xiao Yuemei said with a smile: "You brother, really weak!"

Hong Mengzhen suddenly squinted, very sighing silently: "This guy, give me a face, I lost to you this little girl!"
