Nine Sun God King

Chapter 374: Ancient moon

There is a moon pattern on the mystery! This means that this is not an ordinary mystery!

Even the ancient metaphysical, the mystery of the moon pattern is rare.

This level of mystery, in the ancient times, is also used exclusively for the high-ranking Xuanwu warriors.

Qin Yun has a monthly pattern, although he has not yet mastered it, but he has seen it and can see it all at once.

"You can all be a strange master, don't you recognize the moon?" Qin Yun smiled.

"This can't be a moon pattern! Even the ancient mystery, it will never engrave the moon pattern on it!" A stranger Xuanshi retorted.

"Little devil, you are just making a fool of it! We don't have a moon pattern, but it doesn't mean we can't see it! Even we can't see it, let alone your hairy boy!"

"It's not a monthly pattern at all, it's just a deeper mystery!"

Those few strange lines, retorted.

Before Qin Yun thought that the strange-skinned masters here could recognize the moon pattern.

But now, seeing their affirmation at this time, they can be sure that they really don't know the moon pattern! .

"The general manager of this strange hall should be here too! Please ask him to identify and identify, how?" Qin Yun said: "If it is really the moon pattern, what do you say?"

Xiao Yuemei and Hong Mengyu are just looking at each other with surprise. This is an area they are not familiar with. They don’t know how to plug in.

"The general manager of the singular hall is very busy. How can he justify it for this little thing? If you call him, and identify the moon pattern! Then we will compensate the Princess of Nightmare for ten thousand purple. The crystal coin is regarded as our fault!" said the old man in white.

Hong Meng wrinkled his frown and said: "The big general manager of the sacred temple is really busy. Even if the city owner of Xuancheng comes, it will not necessarily let him come out!"

The old man in white sneered: "Young people, have you heard? Now, you say this is the moon pattern, it is your side, you just want to refute us!"

Qin Yun is very speechless. I didn't expect the level of these strange lines to be so bad.

Here, an old man is responsible for monitoring the scene, and the old man who brought them in.

Qin Yun looked at the old man and asked: "What is your general manager, what are you busy with? Can you let him identify and authenticate? We will also give him a certain amount of amethyst coins, as a reward!"

The geeks suddenly laughed.

"How can you see your Amethyst coin?"

"The ignorant little devil is actually showing off in front of us!"

"That is simply a deeper mysterious pattern, but it is not a monthly pattern!"

The old man in the singular hall sighed: "The little brother, the general manager is really hard to come out! Unless... unless he can make something interesting, he will come out. Usually he is in the refining machine. The general thing can't alarm him."

Qin Yun took out a piece of paper and quickly painted some strange lines on it. He said, "Grandpa, please help me! Give this paper to him and let him come here!"

The old man of the singular hall is also a singularist, but only a high-level singer. He also knows a lot about grotesque.

He looked at the piece of paper that Qin Yun handed, and he looked at his brows: "This strange pattern... is very special, just plain lines... What is this strange pattern?"

"Little brother, please wait a moment, I will go to the general manager!" The old man left in a hurry.

Xiao Yuemei said to the group of singular singers: "You old swindlers, dare to lie to the nine princess's purple crystal coins, your courage is really not small!"

She quickly stopped at the door and continued: "You can't leave in a hurry, wait for the big manager to come, let's say!"

Those few strange lines are very calm.

The old man in white smirked and said: "Can the big manager still come to the same thing! Moreover, the Xuanyue knife is definitely a mysterious pattern, I will never admit it!"

"You will have it! Don't mess around here!"

"Now the young people, how are they, so look down on our seniors!"

Qin Yun said: "I am very curious, have you never seen the moon pattern?"

He asked this question, those strange lines and strange spirits, suddenly swallowed.

"Well, this... I have seen it before!" said a stranger.

"I have also seen a bit, although it is not complete, but it can be seen. I can also conclude that the strange pattern on the Xuan Yue knife is not a moon pattern!"

Later, the geeks here looked at the moon pattern, but they all said that they had only seen a short paragraph.

"The monthly pattern is really strange. When I saw that, it was so deep that I could see it for a while!"

"Although it is a clear pattern, it is very strange, and the rhyme contained in it is not comparable to the mysterious pattern!"

"Not bad, the monthly pattern is very rare, I can fortunately see it, it is luck!"

"I just saw a little bit of the moon pattern, which made my perception of the strange pattern higher. It really benefited a lot!"

These singularistes continue to praise the magic of the moon pattern.

Qin Yun is also the highest realm of seeing out of nothing. Now he even concludes that these singularity masters have never seen the moon pattern.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of Xuanwujing was close, and the people in this hall were quiet!

In the sacred temple, there is a warrior who can have a Xuanwu dynasty. Most of them are the big masters!

Sure enough, a middle-aged man in a black robe with a big belly, holding a piece of paper in his hand, walked in quickly.

"The big manager, that strange pattern is painted by this little brother!" said the old man of the sacred temple, pointing to Qin Yun.

"Boy, where is this strange pattern?" The big manager looked at Qin Yun and said in a hurry: "Right, I am the general manager of this strange temple, named Shefeng laugh!"

Shepherd laughs very fat, and has a big belly, how to look is not like a powerful singer.

The general manager really came, which made those strange masters come up with greetings, and they were shocked to the extreme!

Hong Mengyu was also secretly surprised. After seeing Qin Yun, she was the daughter of Wu Wang, and naturally she was well-informed.

I have never heard of such a powerful young man, just just drawing a strange pattern, let the big manager rush in.

Qin Yun looked at Hong Mengyu and smiled: "Nine princesses, look at your knife to the general manager, he must be very interested!"

Hong Mengyu quickly went over and handed the Xuanyue knife to the shepherd!

Shepherd laughed and took a look, suddenly shocked and shouted: "This knife... this knife, the moon pattern, the ancient moon pattern!"

Those few singular masters are shocked!

On the Xuan Yue knife, there is a moon pattern!

"The big manager, the strange pattern on the piece of paper, is the moon pattern on this knife! Although it is only the Ming pattern, I think you are very interested in this!" Qin Yun said.

"Not bad! The monthly pattern is very rare. Even if it is just plain lines, it has the value of in-depth research!" Shepherd laughed and looked at Hong Mengyu, and quickly said: "Nine princesses are right! I also heard that Hong Yingwu Wang sealed a **** for gambling. Wang, this knife is yours, right?"

Xiao Yuemei quickly said: "The general manager, the dream pig sister asked these singular singers to help repair the Xuanyue knife, they are very powerful, saying that it is possible to repair it."

"They also let the dream pig sister give them 200,000 amethyst coins, saying that even if they don't fix it well, they won't return the purple crystal coins!"

Shepherd smiled and looked at the few strange lines, and frowned: "Can you really fix this knife?"

Those few strange lines, suddenly sweating!

"This...we...we thought that the above are all mysterious, so I think you can try to fix it!" An old man explained quickly.

"It is indeed that we look away, do not know the moon pattern above!"

"The big manager, you should also know that the monthly pattern is very rare, and we look at it is normal!"

Shepherd smiled and said: "Even if it is a mysterious pattern, you can't fix it! Don't you see that the dark lines inside are so badly hurt?"

"You can all be singular singular masters, even this point can't be seen, it will only give us a strange face!"

"You all handed over the badges, and after 10 years, the grotesques were newly evaluated, starting with the primary singularist!"

Those few strange lines, suddenly dumbfounded, full of fear.

"Also ask the general manager to forgive, we really didn't mean it!" The old man in white shouted in exasperation.

"You are deliberate! Bullying we do not know how to do, want to lie to our Amethyst coins!" Xiao Yuemei Jiao said.

These strange lines, the face is scared green, and the intestines are remorse!

That is the moon pattern. If it is studied well, it will really help a lot.

How can they think that there is a moon pattern!

The singularity master here is also surprised by Qin Yun, who can recognize the moon pattern!

The most surprising thing is Hong Mengyu, because Qin Yun did not carefully read the Xuan Yue knife from beginning to end! And he can not only quickly recognize the moon pattern, but also remember to draw it all at once.

Xiao Yuemei said: "You said before, you have to pay 10,000 amethyst coins to the dream pig sister, get it out!"

Those few singular masters can only give the purple crystal coins to Hong Mengyu, but they are suspected of deceiving the nine princesses. This is a big deal.

Shepherd laughs coldly: "Get your badges out! You look at the eyes and nothing, but actually plan to swindle people who don't know the strange lines. This is contrary to the spirit of our singular temple!"

"Our singularity teacher who is certified by the sacred temples must not do this kind of work!"

Those few singular masters can only give the badges to the shepherd, and then go away.

Other strange spirits, do not dare to stay, worry that their badges are not guaranteed, but it can bring them a lot of convenient things.

"Three little friends, let's change the place and talk about this knife again!" Shepherd laughed and laughed, then quickly took Qin Yun and the three of them to a luxury hall on the fifth floor of the Knot Hall. in.

Shepherd laughs and said to Hong Mengxi: "Nine Princesses, you can't repair this knife, and hope you can understand!"
