Nine Sun God King

Chapter 580: Destroy group

Qin Yun left the cave house before the martial artists arrived.

When he left, he did not forget to kill all the horses.

Those horses, but they used the points exchanged for the points, need two points, which is more expensive.

If he doesn't want it, he can't take it, he can only get rid of it. This will make the Balong Corps feel bad.

After Qin Yun came outside, the 20 martial artists of the Balong Legion also rushed out.

"Qin Yun, don't run if you have a species!"

The person who spoke was the head of the Balong Legion. He looked very young, in his early twenties, dressed in a black armor and armed with an epee.

"I don't run, are you waiting to catch you?" Qin Yun laughed and continued to run.

"I am Long Xiaoming, the younger brother of Long, do you not hate us the most?" Long Xiaoming sneered: "I will give you a chance now, come and have a hard time playing, how?"

"You are a martial artist in a spiritual environment, equipped with equipment, and there are so many companions, I will not fight with you!" Qin Yun said coldly, still running.

"You can rest assured that I guarantee that they will never shoot, only I will conduct a fair discussion with you!" Long Yuming said: "I also want to see how your strength!"

Long Yuming also knew that he was a corps and was destroyed by Qin Yun.

He himself has nothing to lose, just cheaper Qin Yun, let him get more than two hundred points.

It didn't take long for Qin Yun to enter the Xianbing illusion field, and he got more than two hundred points, which is very powerful.

"Okay, I am playing with you!" Qin Yun suddenly stopped.

If you are killed, you will only lose one point, and it will not hurt him.

He and Long Yuming are trying to see how strong they are.

"That's right!" Long Xiaoming smiled smugly, and the epee in his hand slammed into Qin Yun.

He is not fast at the sword, but he has a very strange power.

That weird power, with a suction! Pp5l

Qin Yun originally wanted to avoid the sword, but because of the suction, the body became much dull.

In desperation, he can only block the knife.


Qin Yun’s knife hit the past and slammed a shocking force.

In the epee of Long Yiming, the impact of violent use is also used.

The energy that broke out in the collision shocked Qin Yun’s arm and it hurt slightly.

"Damn, there is no celestial body, it is not good!"

After Qin Yun received the knife, he quickly took out a few knives, and the time was hurricane six.

"You are not so good!" Long Yuming swung his sword to resist, and blocked several swords in a row, and Qin Yun was repelled.

Qin Yun had to admit that he did not have the power of mysterious body and blood, and he was very struggling against the warriors of the spirits.

"Yue, use that power!" Qin Yun suddenly said to Ling Yuner.

At this time, Long Xiaoming also rushed over, screaming loudly, a sword stabbed!

"Sparkling swordsmanship, this is a superior martial arts at the prefecture level! The head of the team is becoming more and more skilled!" A middle-aged woman watching the game in the distance, haha ​​laughed.

When the sword stabbed, it still produced a strange suction, which made it difficult for Qin Yun to move half a step.


Qin Yun didn't have time to dodge, even if he waved his arm and went to block, it was very difficult and slow, causing the chest to be hit with a sword!

Long Yuming used the flashing sword method to smash the past like a thunder, and he would fly Qin Yun for dozens of meters.

Qin Yun lay on the ground, and there was a big hole in the chest, which was very painful.

"Qin Yun, you lost!"

Long Yuming flew over and fell from the sky. The epee was facing the ground, and the body suddenly spun out, smashing to the ground.

This is still the lightning sword, and it is even more terrible.

At this moment, Ling Yuner released the power of Mingyang Dao Dan, generating a very heavy force and rushing to the sky.

The dragon humming fell and the epee smashed and slammed into the gravity.


The violent collision caused a violent force.

Suddenly, the wind screamed and rolled up a large piece of fallen leaves and dust.

Long Yuming was shocked and flew out, his arm trembled a little, and when he landed on the ground, he stood a little unstable.

Although Qin Yun blocked the horrible sword of Long Xiaoming, it was also shocked.

"Yes, really worthy of the name, a little strength!" Long Xiaoming sneered, and attacked again.

Qin Yun did not know what power this dragon used to use, and always produced a strong suction, which led to his slow action, even difficult to move.

When Long Xiaoming came over, Qin Yun jumped away quickly.

He did not dare to approach Long Xiaoming.

Long Xiaoming saw Qin Yun hiding from him and suddenly angered: "Qin Yun, are you not going to compete with me? What are you hiding? Hurry and roll me over!"

"Dragon humming, you may not know, your corps killed me once before!" Qin Yun smiled coldly, suddenly flashed over.

"Haha, if that's the case, that would be great!" Long Xiaoming laughed and quickly smashed the sword.

That kind of suction reappeared. After Qin Yun sensed it, he quickly retreated more than ten steps.

He found that as long as he kept a distance from Long Xiaoming, he could avoid the suction.

"Xiaoyun, I am ready to start, you can see the opportunity to start!"

Ling Yuner suddenly said that just now she suddenly released the kind of gravity of Mingyang Dao Dan, only to block the terrible blow of Long Xiaoming.

Long Yuming made several consecutive attacks, and he couldn't hit Qin Yun. He was very angry. He said: "Qin Yun, you are a coward! If I catch you, I must torture you so that you can't live!"

Qin Yun also rushed over: "Catch me? You have no chance!"

After Qin Yun’s past, Ling Yuner quickly released the gravity and pressed it on Long Xiaoming’s body.

Long Xiaoming only felt his body, suddenly heavy and difficult to move, and Qin Yun came to him.

"Save me!" The dragon screamed and screamed.

Qin Yun slashed his knife and slammed the head of Long Xiaoming and sneered: "You said before that they would not shoot, now?"

Long Xiaoming was killed, Qin Yun also got four points!

The martial artists of the 20 Lingwu dynasties also rushed over, surrounded Qin Yun, and then attacked together.

Qin Yun Meng jumped to the sky, then released the power of the shadow, hidden in the darkness, disappeared and disappeared.

The following martial artists, all of them are amazed.

Although it is at night, their vision is very good.

Even if the air is very small, they can see clearly.

A person who can be as big as Qin Yun suddenly disappeared into the air.

Qin Yun is hidden in the darkness, and quietly landed on the ground to control the flying knife!


After the five flying knives flew out, they instantly penetrated the heads of the five martial artists!

There are no good armor in the celestial field of Xianbing.

Qin Yun’s mental strength is very strong. The flying knives he controls are also very sharp. The rapid spurs of the past, piercing the heads of the martial artists.

He was hidden in the darkness, and suddenly he came out silently.

Hurricane Six!

After six consecutive knives, six martial artists were killed.

The flying knife also followed the first few martial artists who fled, and killed five.

The last few martial artists were also injured by Qin Yun with a flying knife. If they did not escape, they would be killed by Qin Yun who flew past.

"Is the group dead?"

Qin Yun looked at the gradually disappearing body and smiled.

The strength of the Balong Corps is also relatively strong.

But now it is destroyed by Qin Yun alone!

You must know that the Corps is rarely destroyed in the group, let alone being destroyed by one person!

Qin Yun’s points suddenly became three hundred and twenty-three!

It was ranked more than two hundred at a time.

This made many people who were concerned about the ranking of the points, suddenly shocked.

In a short period of time, Qin Yun got more than three hundred points, and it was apparent that a corps was destroyed.


Not all disciples, all day in the fairy illusion, those top ten disciples, only when they are about to be overtaken, will enter the fairy illusion, increase their points, and maintain the ranking.

At this time, the top ten people also heard that Qin Yun suddenly added a lot of points.

Chu Binyu was quite happy to hear the news.

The one-eyed old man frowned and said: "Half of the top ten disciples are disciples of family power. I don't know what action they will have?"

"I am also very worried! If they are in the illusion of Xianbing, they will catch Qin Yun, and that name will be troublesome!"

Chu Binyu thought of this matter and secretly worried about it.

"It was the most troublesome to be caught in the sacred field of Xian Soldier! Especially when it was caught and then tortured, this is the most difficult!"

"There was a disciple before, and I was tortured after being arrested. Then I couldn’t stand the pain. I left the sacred field and was deducted a thousand points!"

"There are too many disciples of the family power. If they unite, Qin Yun will definitely be very dangerous!" The one-eyed old man sighed: "I hope Qin Yun can successfully enter the top ten!"

Chu Binyu was originally happy, but thought that Qin Yun would be attacked by the disciples of the family forces, and he was secretly worried.


On the other side of the family, four men and one woman were invited to a luxurious hall.

These four men and one woman are among the top ten disciples in the martial arts list and are disciples of family power.

An old man looked at the five disciples and said: "Qin Yun will destroy the Balong Corps. You should have heard about this matter?"

"I heard that!" A black-faced youth with a big ear sneered: "Qin Yun really has the ability to enter the Xianbing illusion and get so many points!"

"The task of the five of you is to seize Qin Yun! Don't kill him, just don't let him have any action in it, stop his points from increasing!" said the old man.

"Oh, our vacation is over, and we have to lie in the coffin!" A short man said with a look of disappointment: "Qin Yun this bastard, disturbing my vacation, I caught him, must Torture him!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy! Qin Yun is a martial art martial artist, but it is very difficult to deal with! I heard that he has weapons, and he did not know how he got it!" The old man sternly shouted.

"At least two hundred points need to be transferred to the weapon, but Qin Yun did not have so many points before, where did he come from?" asked the tall woman.