Nine Sun God King

Chapter 68: Lion

No. 1 is bigger than Wutai, but now most of it is covered by fire.

The entire Qianlongwuchang has also become very hot.

Everyone looked at the flame intently and waited for Xiao Lang to come out.

However, at this time, Qin Yun took out a large stack of animal skins and lost them.

"Is this guy's magical charm blown by the wind? White?"

"Even if it is white, it is reluctant to use it! The animal skin charm, even if it is the next product, you need a seven or eight hundred crystal coins? And there is no market, it is not easy to buy!"

"There are more than 80 pieces, and they are worth 100,000 yuan. The mask people have won the blood in order to win!"

The magical symbols thrown out by Qin Yun burst into bursts of thunder and lightning, constantly shocking everyone, and they were all shocked to say nothing!


The beast came out, and the snow lion suddenly burst out of the sea of ​​fire!

The people of the Tianxiao Empire suddenly felt relieved.

It can be seen that Xiao Lang and Xue Shi are wearing good armor.

Snow lion can withstand so many fire attack attacks, it is very powerful, it rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and rushed to Qin Yun crazy!

Suddenly, the majestic body of the snow lion, spewing out the pale golden chill, means that the snow lion's martial arts is a gold-level, which is considered a high-order martial arts.

The snow lion's offensive is very strong, and a lot of fires do not cause any harm to it, but it can drag Xiaolang.

Qin Yun looked at the snow lion that rushed over, and he was shocked in his heart: "This is the seventh-order monster, and I have only five martial arts. I have not cultivated the heart, and the strength is disparity. I must not face the conflict with this animal!"

At the moment, he immediately made a decision, throwing out a large number of animal skin charms, with Lei and fire symbols, and a brain to the snow lion, at least fifty!

The large flames are rolling like clouds, and the dancing snakes are dancing in the claws, shrouded the snowy lions!

Everyone saw him like a wild saray and a fire charm, and the heart was a jump. It was simply... too bad!

"Be sure to kill this animal first, otherwise I can't beat Xiao Lang!"

Qin Yun looked dignified and looked at the flame that the wire was beating, and he did not dare to go in.

The people of the Tianxiao Empire and the Xuanyuan Military Academy are very calm, because they know the power of the Snow Lion!

After a while, a fierce beast was heard, and the snow lion rushed out!

Qin Yun stepped back a few steps, the mood is very heavy, the power of the seventh-order monster, which makes him feel powerless.

He has thrown out so many charms, but the snow lion is still fierce!

The speed at which the snow lion rushed was slower than before, indicating that he was injured.

When everyone saw Qin Yun biting his teeth and his face was condensed, he knew that the animal skin in his hand had been finished.

A martial art five-fold person, facing such a seventh-order monster, can persist until now, and is also proud of himself.

"It's too unfair. Xiaolang's monster is so powerful that you don't have to shoot yourself to win!"

"The mask man has to admit defeat, he must be very clear about his situation."

Just when everyone was waiting for Qin Yun to admit defeat, he suddenly punched out!

Thunder wristband!

Qin Yun suddenly flashed a piece of wire on his wrist!

The "Boom" thunder wristband was spurred, and a thick electric snake went to the snow lion that rushed over ten meters away!

The snow lion's head was hit and made a deafening roar!

Qin Yun held his breath, and his heart was loose. He thought it was successful, but he did not expect the snow lion to roar again and again, and rushed over even more crazy!

The snow lion was beaten and bruised, and the skull was smashed, which made it even more crazy, and it broke out more ferocious animal nature!

"Come back!" Qin Yun had to use another thunder wristband.


The snow lion was hit again in the head and finally fell!

"Bee, die!"

Qin Yun stepped forward and waved the sledgehammer to display the "shock-style" and "squat" in the six styles of the forged dragon.

With such a quick attack, the madness is not reduced at all, and the slamming of the snow lion's head gives a "beep" sound!

The huge lion's head of the snow lion suddenly broke and turned into many fire blocks and splashed!

The snow lion is dead!

The skull is crushed and the body is burning with flames!

Everyone looked at the violent flames of the snow lion and fell into fear.

The repair of the martial arts five-fold is actually killing a seventh-order monster, this kind of thing has never been seen before!

Among the crowd, Yang Shiyue, with a mask, couldn’t help but smile!

In the VIP room, Meng Feiling, even smiled that the eyes can not be opened!

Several old referees present at the scene were moving, and the teacher from the Xuan-level martial arts court was also incredible.

A few old men of the Tianxiao Empire are horrified!

After many years of domestication, the snow lion has invested a lot of resources to be so powerful, but now it has been killed by people. This is a huge loss!

"He used up his equipment? Even so, it's worth it to get a seventh-order monster!"

"Yes, the mask people are those things, seven or seven eight plus a value of fifteen or sixty thousand, but the body of a seventh-order monster, the price is more than 500,000 or more!"

"It's a pity that he can't take the body of the snow lion..." When the man just finished, he saw Qin Yun's body of the snow lion, which was included in the storage spirit.

Everyone stunned and immediately looked at the old men of the Tianxiao Empire. They saw that they were angry and blue.

"The mask man, hand over the body of the snow lion! That is our whistling empire!"

"You are robbing!"

"The things that rob us of the Tianxiao Empire are very serious!"

Several old men of the Tianxiao Empire yelled and yelled, and they were too angry.

Qin Yun did not have them, but looked at the flame on the stage, and Xiao Lang was still inside!

"Kill my beast, you have to give it fun!" In the flame, suddenly the sound of Xiao Lang's roar.

Xiaolang's body is golden, and the golden red armor resists the attack of a large number of fire and thunder!

After the fire weakened, he came out because he was transporting the internal force to the armor in order to resist such a strong flame. This is at least the next thing!

Qin Yun saw that Xiao Lang was energetic and unscathed, and could not help but frown.

Xiaolang's angry sword suddenly stabbed!

In the terrible sword, burning murderous, Weng Ming's sword is like the sound of death, so that Qin Yun could not help but fall into endless fear!

Even people around the martial arts can feel the horror of this sword, let alone Qin Yun!