Nine Sun God King

Chapter 715: Demon Abyss

The pain of Qin Yun's body has been alleviated, and perhaps because of such close contact with Ice Star, he has received a certain degree of comfort in the spirit.

He could feel the warm body of Ice Star and feel the soft touch.

It made him unbelievable. This usually cold woman was so gentle and warm all over her body.

The ice star is holding Qin Yun from behind, and the two people's body is close to each other. When she cultivates the heart and the moon, she can guide those fairy blood into Qinyun body faster and faster.

In addition, the ice star can be more comprehensive, and the power in his body can be transferred to Qin Yun body to alleviate his pain.

Even so, Qin Yun still feels very painful, but whenever he struggles with great pain and feels difficult to support, he always feels the gentle warm water flowing from behind, then flows through the body and can temporarily relieve His pain.

Qin Yun was very grateful to Ice Star at this time, and there was no other thought in his heart.

"Qin Yun, since the sister of Suirou chose you, it must be a certain aspect of her fancy!" The voice of the ice star rang in Qin Yun’s mind.

"Well, I will not let her down!" Qin Yun also wants to help Xie Qirou completely get rid of the fairy tomb.

Ice Star also knows that Qin Yun is working hard. For example, just now, the spirit collapsed and it was hard to support.

This process is so difficult to make Ice Star fear.

She saw Qin Yun’s painful appearance and knew that no matter who it was, it would be unbearable.

Even her, certainly can't succeed!

In a twinkling of an eye, it took a few days.

The blood of the fairy in the vat gradually decreased, and Qin Yun gradually fell into a semi-conscious state.

Especially in the following days, after suffering from more than a dozen hours, the body quickly reborn and then entered the state of being destroyed.

The blood of the fairy magic enters his body, and it takes more than a dozen hours to tear the muscles and muscles of the body and the internal organs.

This kind of pain is especially terrible, but fortunately he also passed.

Now, Qin Yun’s spirit has also been devastated. After being relaxed, he will be self-healing.

The ice star held Qin Yun, jumped out of the big bucket and landed on Xianchi. She held Qin Yun and sneaked into the bottom of Xianchi and entered the source of the fairy.

She hugged Qin Yun lying on the fairy bed of the sun and the moon, and then continued to repair, releasing a kind of fairy power to the body of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun’s body at this time is entering a stage of metamorphosis. This process is very magical.

Holding the ice star of Qin Yun, I can clearly feel that Qin Yun is producing a strange and powerful force.

Soon, she took Qin Yun’s consciousness and entered the time and space.

After Qin Yun’s consciousness entered, he was still in a state of sleep.

Ice Star sighed softly: "He should be able to get through this last level!"

This last level is that Qin Yun himself can come out from the painful abyss.

After more than a month of devastating, Qin Yun has fallen to the brink of mental breakdown.

That kind of pain has completely destroyed all kinds of good memories in his heart and tore his happy memories.

This is also the reason why the magic repair is so cruel, because the magic repair in this extreme way to cultivate the body to gain strength, leading to the memory of good justice is deprived.

It also distorts their concept of goodness and happiness, because those magical powers tell them to kill people and eat people, to be able to satisfy the spiritual pleasure.

If Qin Yun can't reshape the spirit of the past, then he will breed an evil spirit from the new, that will be the beginning of his fall into the magic!

The pain has already made Qin Yun desperate for the beauty of the world!

Even tearing up his thoughts to help Xie Qirou, even the beauty of Qi Meilian and Xiao Yuelan is gradually blurred.

Because of the distortion of the spirit, all kinds of people who appeared in his mind were all in sight, and he wanted to destroy it.

Even the most innocent and simplest Qi Meilian and Liu Jingmeng, when they emerged in his mind, were full of sinfulness.

He also recalled that when he was a child, he was stripped of the veins. Looking at the faces of those people, he felt very pleasing to the eye. Especially when he saw the Queen of the Leaf, she felt that she was very beautiful.

This means that his world view is gradually distorted!

"Xiaoyun, get up and get up!" Lingyun shouted.

"Shut up, you are a soul locust, stealing my memories all day, getting bored, I can't wait to kill you!"

Qin Yun was really disgusted with the appearance of Ling Yun in the early days.

But later I found that the charm is very interesting, and she also regards her as a close friend.

Now, the deep emotions of him and Ling Yun are also shredded because they endure endless pain.

Because in the time of enduring pain, he is very helpless and desperate, so he gradually hates his friends, he hates everyone!

"If I die, your Dao Dan is also finished! You are an idiot, actually let evil thoughts invade your soul!" Ling Yun is also very angry.

Of course, she is also very clear that there is a lot of demon power in the blood.

Even if Qin Yun has a good spirit, he can't purify those evil consciousness.

It depends on himself!

"Then you will die soon, I will see how I finished, hahaha..." Qin Yun laughed wildly.

The words that he said in his mouth, Ice Star can also hear.

Sleeping Qin Yun, the handsome face, is full of all kinds of embarrassment, seeing her secretly horrified.

Ice Star has never dealt with this kind of thing, and I feel panicked, because Qin Yun’s current reaction is like a magical fall!

It is very difficult for people who fall into the magic road to climb out of the abyss!

Although Lingyun is well-informed, there is no way at this time. It can only control Qin Yun’s memory and release those beautiful memories again and again.

"Damn, how much is his memory of his mother?"

Ling Yun could not help but squat, because she found that Qin Yun’s memory of her mother was very short, only a few beautiful moments.

"What must have happened to his mother... Xie Qirou does not want Xiaoyun to know, only to deprive it!"

Lingyun is more certain about this!

Just as Lingyun was thinking about this matter, he suddenly felt that Qin Yun’s mind had a large memory, all of which were about the memories he lost when he was a child.

Ling Yuner finally saw how Qin Yun saved Xiao Yuelan!

Also shocked her!

In the palace of the Tianxiao Empire, Xiao Yuelan was bullied by a few arrogant little empresses. That kind of bullying is not a teasing, but a beating!

At that time, Qin Yun, who was young, saw the incident and went to save the injured Xiao Yuelan and let her run away.

Then, it was Qin Yun who was beaten by the little princes of Tianxiao, who were about ten years old, and tortured for several hours with various kinds of torture!

The young Qin Yun did not faint, so he also suffered the pain for a few hours, almost falling into the magic.

Later, he was rescued by Xie Qirou and taken back for treatment.

What makes Yun Yuner even more surprised is that Qin Yun actually produced a mysterious and evil force because of that incident.

Qin Yun’s mother, in order not to let Xiao Qinyun fall into the magic road, will introduce that evil force into her body, and finally she will die!

Like the previous guess, Xie Qirou once helped the young Qi Meilian to help and take away part of Qin Yun’s memory! q;

So the young Qin Yun, also forgot to save Xiao Yuelan!

Ling Yuner now finally understands why Xiao Yuelan will die of Qin Yun’s death. If Qin Yun did not save, then Xiao Yuelan would be tortured to death.

At that time, Xiao Yuelan also saw Xiao Qinyun who was tortured after torture...

"Oops, this memory will exacerbate Xiaoyun's fall into the magic!"

Ling Yun is anxious, Xie Qirou did not want Qin Yun to have a shadow, but then sealed those memories.

But now, it was dug by Qin Yun himself.

Sure enough, Qin Yun dug out this memory and completely fell into a state of madness, yelling: "I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

His voice is like a brutal beast, low and hoarse.

Ice Star sees this and quickly brings the consciousness of Qin Yun out of the sun, the moon and the sky.

He saw Qin Yun’s body, which was gradually blackening and overflowing with black scales.

"Magic scale?"

Ice Star is even more frightened. She used various methods, but she did not suppress the expansion of the evil spirits in Qin Yun.

Just when the ice star panicked, a sudden and sweet voice came from her mind.

"Ice Star Sister, don't panic, do what I said, you can help Xiaoyun to overcome this difficult time!" This is the voice of Lingyun.

"You...who are you?" Ice Star looked at Qin Yun in his arms and asked with surprise.

"I am his Taoist. If you want to help Xiaoyun, follow what I said!" Lingyun hurriedly said: "If you go on like this, he will be finished!"

"You said, how do you do it?" Ice Star asked, and the heart was shocked and unable to add. She did not expect Qin Yun to practice the spirit.

"Come on him!" Ling Yun coughed twice and said: "Ice Star Sister, I am her Taoist, and I share all his memories! At this time, all the good things in his memory are distorted. It!"

"But the only thing is that he is jealous of you, even now, he is still very embarrassing to you!"

"Because he always felt that his past life owed you, and this has nothing to do with him." Ling Yun said.

The ice star was silent, then hugged Qin Yun, whispered: "So I kiss him, what is the use?"

"You kiss him, it means that you completely accepted him! Can dispel the guilt in his heart, let him have a little good feeling, as long as it brings a little light to his dark memory, it can illuminate his darkness. Memory world!"

Lingyun saw the ice star hesitating and scorned: "Ice star sister, I can see that your feelings towards Xiaoyun are deeper. Kiss him, this is not a problem for you!"

Ling Yun said again: "Ice Star Sister, the memory of Xiaoyun's previous life was sealed in the soul! I guess, he also had deep feelings for you in his previous life, so he will always be very embarrassed to you. !"