Nine Sun God King

Chapter 723: partner

The badge in the hands of Xiao Yuemei is real and can release the light.

The young men in the hall of the first floor of the singular hall saw the badge and were shocked one by one.

The staff of the Krypton Temple saw the badge and quickly went to their general manager.

The intermediate-level singular master, but also very young, is the Dragon King of Tenglong, which of course must be the general manager.

Subsequently, many young male brothers who looked very identifiable came over and talked with Xiao Yuemei.

At this time, Xiao Yuemei secretly gave Qin Yun a voice, let him pretend to send her a good gift.

Qin Yun stunned and responded, and then took out an empty box and handed it over: "Dragon girl, this is a little gift that I gave you, it is 50,000 years of blood ginseng!"

"Thank you for the son of the gift, this kind of goodwill Xiangyin heart, such a valuable thing, the son still please take it back!" Xiao Yuemei voice is soft, and polite, like the kind of everyone.

Qin Yun’s heart whispered a few words about this little liar, and then continued to cooperate with Xiao Yuemei: “This is nothing to me, please accept it, otherwise I will look down on me!”

"Right, under the name of Murong Daren, is from the Murong family!"

“Thank you for Murong Gongzi!” Xiao Yuemei took the box of Qin Yun, and then made a slight ritual, and said: “We have recently acquired some precious herbs, Murong Gongzi, your Murong’s medicinal materials must be good, I Can be bought for you instead of the family!"

"Let's say it!" Qin Yun laughed.

The younger brothers here, after seeing them, also rushed to give gifts to Xiao Yuemei.

Xiao Yuemei said very polite words, while holding the gifts, thank you later, and promised tonight, a dinner party will be held in the lobby on the second floor of the Krypton Hall, and there will be dancing at that time.

Qin Yun secretly admired Xiao Yuemei, and immediately swindled a bunch of gifts.

Those young sons and brothers also want to tie up this "long family of young singular masters", especially after the general manager of this singular hall has determined that the badge is true, even more amazing.

The young female singularity appeared, and suddenly the son of the son was crazy.

As the first gift-giving person, Qin Yun was also invited by Xiao Yuemei to let many people envy.

Xiao Yuemei is a mysterious master and can stay in the suite for free.


Qin Yun whispered in the suite's hall: "Moon Rose, where did your badge come from?"

"I lied!" Xiao Yuemei laughed.

"Cheats? How to lie? The process of issuing badges is very strict. If the person who issued the badge deceives, it will be swallowed by blood!"

Qin Yun had received the badge before, and knew that the process was very strict.

"I cheated when I was assessed, so people who issued badges didn't know!" Xiao Yuemei smiled proudly: "Brother, am I amazing?"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Great! Look at what is there?"

Xiao Yuemei quickly took out the pile of gifts, and after taking a look at it, he snorted: "It's all some garbage!"

"How is the garbage? It is all black medicine!" Qin Yun looked at those black medicine, and also felt quite good.

"I just can't look at these! Just now I looked at their martial arts, they are all garbage martial arts, nothing attracts me!" Xiao Yuemei sighed: "In this ghost place, it is difficult to meet own Good martial arts person!"

Xiao Yuemei sat on the table, shook his calf, took two fruits from the pile of gifts, ate one by himself, and gave a Qin Yun.

Qin Yun also rummaged through several fruits and gave them to Momo and Xiaoyu Rabbit.


Suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"Dragon girl, is it free now? There are several big family members who want to visit you!" The person who spoke is the general manager of the singular hall, named Li.

"Yes, let them come over!" Xiao Yuemei stunned and replied quickly.

Then, she whispered to Qin Yun: "Brother, you have to cooperate with me! Wait a minute, I will despise you, and then let those sons have a sense of superiority, then you are very angry, and those guys will be compared... This way is free to play!"

After Qin Yun remembered, he nodded.

"Brother, is it very enjoyable? When you were in the past life, but you often take me everywhere to lie, now it is my turn to take you to play, I am a veteran!" Xiao Yuemei laughed.

"You little girl!" Qin Yun laughed.

Not long after, General Manager Li knocked on the door.

Xiao Yuemei quickly opened the door.

Qin Yun is sitting next to the round table in the hall.

The few who came in were indeed the sons of the big family, and the clothes on them were very beautiful.

After General Li sent the person, he left in a hurry.

The reason why Xiao Yuemei thinks these people are big fish, because they can let the general manager of this strange temple come to match.

The people who came came from Jiang Jia, Ye Jia, Xia Jia and Ji Jia. In total, they were four young and handsome, dressed in luxurious young people.

This is the son of a second-rate family. In the words of a sword, it is a miscellaneous fish family. q;

The miscellaneous fish family is hard to squeeze into the first class, so these brothers, once they meet the opportunity to meet the best of the world's best, will not let go.

Especially when they meet young and beautiful women who are very talented, they will not let go.

Qin Yun also found that when Xiao Yuemei faked his identity, he pretended to be far away, so he would not be immediately detected by the other party.

She is in the proud state, posing as a person in Tenglong, even if it is necessary to check, it is difficult to find out her identity in a short time.

Coupled with her beauty and the singularity badge, she will be able to deceive people.

"Mu Rong Gongzi, although you gave me a gift, but ... but you are so rude, some are not like the children of the big family. You look at these sons, whether it is temperament or dress, you can't match it. "Xiao Yuemei's eyes are full of doubts, looking at Qin Yun.

The sons of the big families are also called again and again.

Ye Gongzi looked at Qin Yun and sneered: "If you dress like this, you dare to say that you are a child of a big family? It is no wonder that the dragon girl will doubt! You are a liar!"

Ji Gongzi also taunted: "Dragon girl, the ginseng he gave you, maybe it is fake!"

Jiang Gongzi said: "I will send someone to check his identity when he waits. If he is a liar, then he will die!"

Xia Gongzi smiled at Xiao Yuemei: "Dragon girl, you can rest assured that if someone swindles and swindles here, he will definitely not live! I have Xia Gongzi here, no one dares to lie to you!"

In the Qin Yun illusory space, the charm of the giggling laughs non-stop.

Qin Yun did dress very well, and the clothes of the clothes were very rough skins.

Although he was underestimated, Qin Yun was very calm in his heart because it was deliberately provoked by Xiao Yuemei.

Qin Yun pretends to be very angry: "Don't look at people with low dog eyes. Although my Murong family is not a super big family, I can't afford to buy good clothes! I just don't bother to wear!"

"Bold, you are a girl with a dog in the eyes of a dragon?" Ye Gongzi suddenly angered, angry, he also released a breath, that is the mid-term repair of the spiritual environment.

This kind of son looks young, and it is also a strong middle ground in the middle of the spirit. It is also very strong here.

Qin Yun is not afraid of this son, he can shoot a few slaps.

"The dragon girl just questioned me, and you all know that I am a liar! The dog eyes are low! Just say a few of you!"

Qin Yun makes himself look angry and release a breath, which is also the middle of the spirit.

Of course, the breath was suppressed by him, otherwise he would scare the other side away.

"Don't bother, sit down quietly!"

Xiao Yuemei shouted, but her heart was happy, she felt that it was very happy to take Qin Yun to cheat.

Before, she and Hong Mengyu often partner.

"Dragon girl, you can rest assured, I will confirm that I am not a liar!" Qin Yun was angry.

Then, he took out an Amethyst card and said, "Dragon girl, I will give you one billion amethyst coins now, let you buy clothes to wear! Although I don't trim the margins, your girls still have to dress up!"

It’s not easy to take out one billion purple crystal coins in one breath, and scared those sons.

"Mu Rong Gongzi, a small woman walking alone in the rivers and lakes, so need to be extremely vigilant, so often doubtful, please forgive!" Xiao Yuemei quickly said: "I believe that you are the child of Murong's family, this one billion amethyst coins I also No, this is definitely your family doing business for you, I can't accept it!"

Xiao Yuemei said, with his own hands, holding Qin Yun’s hand, pushed it back, and said: “Mu Ronggongzi, doing business needs extra calm, Murong’s family will have so many amethysts If you can trust you, you can't be mad at it!"

After Qin Yun took back the Amethyst coins, he also deflated.

The sons of the sons, secretly praised the dragon girl in front of their eyes, they all thought that this was a good companion, and actually refused the gift of one billion amethyst coins.

You know, the women they met, though very beautiful, all saw their eyes open.

Qin Yun sneered at the few sons: "You guys are so poor, you know that they are empty-handed! You dress so well, so high-profile, it must be a swollen face and fat! Really have a foundation People are very low-key, like me!"

"Do you have any good things for the dragon girl? Not all garbage things?"

The sons of the sons were so mocked and unable to fight back. Because they really have nothing good.

"If you don't look at the face of General Manager Li, can you come in here? A group of poor ghosts, but also want to make a dragon girl, you don't feel shameful, I feel embarrassed!" Qin Yun continued to sneer at them.

Ji Gongzi said: "Dragon girl, our Ji family established a very large industry in the chaotic city, and it has been for many years! Our foundation is strong... This time it is relatively hasty, so the preparation is insufficient, I will go back!"

Several other sons and brothers also said that they would go back to prepare gifts. Xiao Yuemei pretended to persuade them to stay, and said that they would not want any valuable gifts, as long as everyone is calm and good.

This has even spurred the few sons.

"You shouldn't be coming back without going!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Asshole, you are waiting here, I want you to see, what is the big family!" Ji Gongzi put down the words and left.

Several other sons are gone!

After the door closed, Qin Yun shook his head and smiled: "A group of poor ghosts! I am worried that they will not go back!"

Xiao Yuemei smiled and said: "Brother, you are doing well! You have the style of your past life, waiting, they will definitely come back! And they will bring their elders!"

"Brother, you are refining a little good thing now, I will wait for it as a gift, I will lie to their family!"