Nine Sun God King

Chapter 801: Ghost dragon

..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*.*9.*2.*w.*.*bsp; Qin Yun heard the voice of Yao Fang, and his heart was also practical.

"Yao Fangjie, I met a powerful guy..." Qin Yun quickly told the story of the ghost dragon.

Suddenly, in front of Qin Yun, there was a black gas!

After Yao Fang listened to Qin Yun’s words, he appeared quickly!

Ghost Dragons thought that Qin Yun wanted to release something. I didn't expect it to be a person.

After the emergence of Yao Fang, he quickly rushed to the past, holding Qin Yun's Wraith Blade, facing the ghost dragon!

Ghost Dragon felt the powerful power of Yao Fang, and his heart was frightened. He quickly released a red giant axe and blocked the Holy Blade.


The collision of two powerful weapons inspires a very violent shock, and the ice inside is shattered.

The group of Xuan Yu and Long Jia were also shaken out, and many of them were also injured.

In the past, Yao Fang also released a part of the power to move the seriously injured Purple Allure, Shui Tianzi and Lan Suyao to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun himself was also very hurt. He could only put the three of them into the first bead of Jiuyang Shenque, and used them to cure them.

"Who are you?" The ghost dragon clenched the red axe vigorously and blocked the sorcerer's blade that was constantly pressed down.

"The person who can kill you!" Yao Fang's voice is cold and sturdy, and he vigorously hits the ghost dragon.

Yao Fang looked like a gentle palm. After playing out, the palace was violently shaken and cracked. The sound wave shook the wide stone chamber.

The people of Xuan Yu and Long Jia were not protected, because they were shaken by this force, and they coughed up blood.

Qin Yun ate two healing Dans, which were given to him by the ice star, which allowed him to recover quickly.

Qin Yun recovered a little injury, let his body become transparent, and then carefully flew to the group.

"Yue, do you have a way to make my Tianshi Town Long Ding produce a strong suction? I want to take the group of people into the Tianding Town Long Ding!" Qin Yun gave a voice to Ling Yun.

Although he can quietly pass, but can not kill all of it at once, after all, the Xuan domain and the dragon family have half a fairy. If he knocks out a few of the nine Yangshen hammers, others will immediately react.

What he needs to do is take a group in one breath, so that they won't be countered!

"You will release Tianlong from the Tianshi Town. I will release the strongest suction in the first time, inject it into Tianding Town, and bring in the group!" Ling Yun said.

Xuan Yu and Long Jia that group are healing at this time.

Yao Fang and Ghost Dragon fought in a fierce battle, and this place was also hit by many cracks, and it seems to collapse at any time.

After Qin Yun came to the group of people, he threw out the Tianding Town Dragon Ding.

Ling Yuner also quickly controlled the yang, releasing all the power.


The Dingkou of Longding of Tianshi Town faces the bottom, like a huge whirlpool, making a whistling sound, producing a strong suction, sucking the group of people on the ground.

"It is the dragon in Tianshi Town, the ghost of Qin Yun!" Someone shouted, the man just shouted and was sucked in.

Only three and a half cents reacted, and quickly ran the power to resist the suction, and rushed to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun also exposed his position because of the release of powerful power.

Now, there are still three and a half cents left!

Qin Yun quickly controlled Tianlong Town Longding to fly back!


The strength of the three and a half celestial beings hit the top of Tianding Town, and the Qin Yun and Tianshi Town Long Ding flew out.

Although Yao Fang was fighting intently and fighting with ghosts, she never noticed Qin Yun over there. She saw Qin Yun being besieged, and she quickly played a powerful force on Qin Yun.

Qin Yun felt that the power of Yaofang came over and hid behind the Dragon of Tianshi Town!


The strength of Yao Fang’s hand-carrying is so powerful that the stone in that corner is flying.

Although the three half-centers were defended, they were still shot and flew out.

The strength of Yaofang is comparable to that of Xianwang.

In other words, Qin Yun has a Tianding Town Longding, in order to withstand it.

The three and a half centuries did not have good armor and were seriously injured at once.

The two dans that Qin Yun ate were also released, and he quickly healed his injuries.

He also squats now, took out the Jiuyang Shen hammer, rushed to a half fairy, a hammer fell down!

The Jiuyang Shen hammer absorbs the martial arts of Qin Yun and releases a kind of colorful edge with a strong force of nine yang.


The hammer head fell on the injured half-sex head, and the brain was cracked, bursting into a colorful glow!

It was the wounded dragon 淳元, and saw that the half-sin of the Xuan domain was shattered and the horror reached the extreme!


Qin Yun controlled Tianding Town, Longding, and ran into the half-scent that rushed over.

The half-scent itself was injured. It was just injured by Yao Fang. Now it hurts and hurts. Then it was hit by Tianding Town, and it was also knocked out.

But after all, it was half a fairy, and the dead camel was bigger than Ma. He saw Qin Yun coming over and quickly got up!

After Qin Yun passed, let Lingyun release super gravity.

The half-sweet was overwhelmed by the sudden and powerful gravity.

However, in this short half of the blink of an eye, Qin Yun’s nine-yang gods lie down and fall on the head of the half-sex!


The head fell down, the muffled and knocked, the strong nine-color glow, like the edge of the weapon spurt out!

Qin Yun killed another half of the fairy.

"Qin Yun, go to hell!" Long Yuyuan flew past, and punched Qin Yun vigorously!


Although Qin Yun was blocked by Tianding Town, he was shot by Long Haoyuan.

Long Yuyuan’s half-seven power is also very strong, playing Qin Yun and Tianshi Town Long Ding all hit the wall.

He was also shocked by Qin Yun's hammer, but fortunately he was farthest from Qin Yun, Qin Yun did not choose to attack him.

"Dragon Yuan, don't want to kill me!"

Qin Yun controlled the Tianding Town Dragon Ding to fly over and urged the Tiens Totem above the Dragon Ding in Tianshi Town.

Tianding Town Longding has nine sets of Tiens Totem!

This tripod, from the name, knows that it is used to deal with the dragon!

Long Yuyuan smiled and said: "You are dead!"

He did not fear the downed Tianshi Town Longding, raised his hands and banged to Tianding Town Longding!

At this time, suddenly there were three heads of the Tianyu Tiens!

As soon as the Tianshi of the Ming Dynasty appeared, it rushed to the Tianding Town Longding which became very big!

After the Tianding Town Longding was hugged by the three heads of the Tianyu Tiens, it also released a powerful black mist. The Dingkou spouted out a strong force of the Tianshi Zhenlong, which was difficult to breathe.

Long Yuanyuan did not expect that Qin Yun Giant could summon three powerful Tianshi Tianshi, which suddenly enhanced the power of the dragon in Tianshi Town!


Dingkou covered the ground and covered the dragon 淳 yuan!

Tianding Town Long Ding also gradually became smaller, Qin Yun long breathed a sigh of relief.


This huge basement is also constantly dropping a huge stone.

The fierce battle between Yao Fang and Ghost Dragon destroyed this place very seriously.

The ghost dragon just broke open the seal and did not return to the peak, and he did not have the weapon of the Holy Spirit. At this time, he was also in a disadvantage, but he was cut down several times.

And every time he was cut, the soul on his body seemed to be pulled off.

This is the unique power of the soul of the Holy Spirit!

"Damn woman, who are you? Why do you have the curse of the magic fairy?" The ghost dragon finally remembered, the breath of Yao Fang is the power of the power of the magic fairy.

Those who can be cursed by the Magic Immortal are not ordinary people!

In the heart of the ghost dragon, Qin Yun’s ancestors of the 18th generation were all smashed. He really did not expect that Qin Yun actually carried such a terrible woman with him.

He only felt that he was unlucky enough to break the seal, but now he has encountered a sly character and he was seriously injured.


The head of the ghost dragon was suddenly screamed by the sacred blade of the soul of Yao Fang, and his soul was swallowed by the Holy Blade.

Yao Fang’s heart was a joy, and he quickly grabbed the ghost dragon and rushed to Qin Yun.

"You still!"

Yao Fang returned the soul of the soul to Qin Yun, and then captured the ghost dragon into the Jiuyang God.

The second bead of the Jiuyang gods is now holding the evil shadows of the dead and the dead, and the ghost dragon!

That's all for Yao Fang to absorb!

"Yao Fangjie, take the blue shrine to me!" Qin Yun shouted, and then quickly took the big coffin away, and rushed to the cracked golden jade gate.

"Know it!" Yao Fang took the ghost blue dragon's holy shrine and put it into the first bead of Jiuyang Shen.

After he went out, he also saw a large group of headless giants, and the bodies of many headless giants were still lying on the ground.

And Jian Haotian they are still outside, they have not left!

"Qin Yun, are you okay?" After Jian Ling saw Qin Yun, he quickly helped him.

Qin Yun is also full of injuries!

"I'm fine, leave quickly!" Qin Yun shouted: "This is going to collapse."

Jian Ling squats with Qin Yun, Jian Qian Tian and Bao Changshou, who are in front of the road, flying in the sky, avoiding the headless giants.


The semi-circular building in the middle of the dead city was taboo.


The building was destroyed and the enchantment inside it failed.

Jianyan Tianhe Bao Changshou, they only need to pay attention to the falling boulder along the way, they are all powerful semi-Xian and Wudi, can easily break the falling boulder.

Even if the road is blocked, with the strength of a few and a half cents, it can suddenly open.

At half an hour, they finally got out of the semi-circular building.

Taboo the black gas in the dead city, because at this time dissipated, Jiuyang shines down, taboo black blood inside the dead city, and gradually turned into an aerosol disappeared.

"We have to leave this wasteland!" said Jian Yantian: "It is too dangerous!"

Qin Yun also wants to leave soon, and then go to the Dragon House to help the purple city and the water heaven to lift the curse.

Their group of people quickly flew out of the taboo city and flew in the direction of the exit.

Qin Yun was carried by Jian Ling, and he was relieved to rest on the back of Jian Linglong, closing his eyes and resting.