Nine Sun God King

Chapter 820: Ling Yunzong

After Xiao Yuemei stabilized the flying magic weapon, Qin Yun was going to pull the sword, but he saw the stabbing sword, and the strange patterns carved on it were special.

"It's a symbol!" Qin Yun screamed, and quickly pulled Xiao Yuemei, and he used it to run through the belly of the Flying Eagle.

Bang! q

The flying eagle magic weapon suddenly exploded.

"Damn bastard, ruined my baby!" Xiao Yuemei saw that his flying magic weapon was broken, angry and squatting, looking at the fragments with distressed eyes.

"Nothing, my brother will help you refine a better and stronger eagle!" Qin Yun quickly comforted.

Xiao Yuemei’s mood was better. She quickly looked down and shouted: “It’s the group of guys, let’s go down!”

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei also quickly landed below.

There are more than a dozen people below, and there are many young people.

Those young people are spiritually martial. There are also two middle-aged people who are Xuanwu.

Seeing their lineup, Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei also immediately thought that this might be a team that elders came out with juniors.

Xiao Yuemei is not the kind of person who kills innocent people. If the other party is really only unintentional, then she just let them compensate some purple crystal coins.

"The eagle is not a real eagle, it is my flying magic weapon. You broke my flying magic weapon and quickly lost it to me!" Xiao Yuemei snorted.

The more than a dozen young people, seeing Xiao Yuemei so young and beautiful, but also pretty and beautiful, could not help but appreciate it.

"Hey, a flying magic weapon, worth a few purple crystal coins? I also wasted one of my symbols, it should be that you pay me!" A square face middle-aged, sneer.

Xiao Yuemei just wants to worry, another middle-aged man who is thin and dark, said: "Two, your flying magic, how many amethyst coins? I will pay you!"

Seeing this thin middle-aged attitude is good, Xiao Yuemei is also polite, and said: "One million purple crystal coins!"

"Ah... so expensive!" Surprised after the middle age heard.

"The flying magic weapon is so expensive, I am still relatively inferior!" Xiao Yuemei said.

"Don't pay them, they should be compensated for my tokens, but it is worth two million!" The middle face yelled.

"You almost killed us, but dare to be arrogant!" Xiao Yuemei is very angry.

"Two, I don't have so many Amethyst coins for the time being! I am Lu Shaowen of Lingyunzong. After a month, you will go to Lingyunzong to ask for me. I will write an owe to you!" That middle age, Say it and take out a piece of paper.

"Brother, what do you pay for them? This is what they are wrong!" The face is very dissatisfied with middle age.

"Who is right and who is wrong, I can get it!" Lu Shaowen shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it, this girl looks at your right and wrong, won't let you lose it!" Xiao Yuemei finished, smashed the middle-aged, cold voice: "Bastard, you have a kind to report the name Come, I will definitely let my elders come to the door to compensate you for the broken device!"

The middle face of the square face was heard, and his face changed slightly. He immediately thought that these two young people are young and have precious flying magic weapons, and they must be famous.

"Girl, I will compensate you for the Amethyst coin, this is the case!" Lu Shaowen said quickly.

"No, I owe a guy's token, I can't afford it now, I will let my elders compensate him in the future!" Xiao Yuemei snorted.

"I don't know what to do. I am here to find antidote and to get rid of my poison for my little son. I really didn't expect this to happen!" Lu Shaowen's attitude has always been very good.

When Xiao Yuemei was doing things, he also looked at people.

"What poison? We help detoxification!" Xiao Yuemei said, Jade is good at doing things, she will also do it.

"This... can you really solve it?" That Lu Shaowen was shocked.

"Yes!" Qin Yun nodded.

Qin Yun is also a good person to see Lu Shaowen, I plan to help him by the way.

Lu Shaowen also quickly took Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei, left the mountainous area, and returned to the Lingyunzong.

Out of the mountains, I saw a lake, Lingyun was next to the lake, and many buildings were built in the water.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei also know that the face is middle-aged, why is it so arrogant, because their sects are outside.

Ling Yunzong is a small martial art.

Such a small martial art is generally a remote place from the prosperous area, just like the emperor, so many of these small sects are quite arrogant.

There are even some small sects that only bear the name of the martial arts ancestral hall. In the dark, they are gangsters, and some good things are doing bad things.

Qin Yun saw that Lu Shaowen was a good person, so I also thought that Ling Yunzong should be considered a decent one.

The small martial art is still relatively simple, and all kinds of buildings do not have the kind of luxury that the big martial art, like the poor village.

This Lingyun sect also has two or three thousand people, which is the biggest force in this area.

Xiao Yuemei and Qin Yun, followed Lu Shaowen, came to a five-storey tower on the lake and came to the third floor.

Among the towers, there are actually several martial arts kings.

In a quiet room, there was a child with a blue face, about five or sixty. The skin was dry and wrinkled, with a hint of blue gas, which was extremely poisonous.

There is an old man, Wu Wang, who looks after the child.

The old Wu Wang, looks like a little similar to Lu Shaowen, should be Lu Shaowen's father.

Laowuwang’s face was also full of grief and looked at the child. He saw Lu Shaowen with Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei, and hurriedly asked: “Shao Wen, have you found the antidote?”

"Not... I met two friends on the road, they said that they can detoxify!" Lu Shaowen is also a kind of honest person. He also saw Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei talking and believed in them.

At this time, there were also a few old people who came in, and the face was middle-aged.

When the middle face came in, he said, "It’s them, it’s a waste of me!"

"Lao Lu, your grandson has not been saved, don't hold any hope! Now, these two people, we also lost a million worth of tokens, we should join hands to grab them and let them use things to compensate!" The old man sneered.

"You all give me out and are noisy here!" The old land screamed and quickly drove the group out.

After closing the door, Qin Yun also took out the Xiaoyu rabbit, placed it in the palm of the child, and began to absorb the virulence.

At this time, Lu Shaowen also told Lao Lu about the passing of things.

"That is not worth two million amethyst coins, not worth 10 million!" Lao Lu said: "They clearly want to take the opportunity to extort!"

"That guy ruined my flying magic weapon, I haven't found him yet, but I still want to marry me!" Xiao Yuemei is also angry.

At this time, the skin of the child gradually became tender, not as dry as before, and the blue toxin on the skin gradually subsided.

After Lu Shaowen and Lao Lu saw it, they were all happy, and they were grateful to Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei.

After half an hour, Xiaoyu Rabbit also sucked away those poisons, and quickly rushed to the arms of Qin Yun, and then returned to the first bead of Jiuyang Shen.

"This is two million amethyst coins, one million is to compensate for the flying magic weapon, and the other million is to thank you!" Lao Lu took out a crystal coin card.

"Forget it! Just do it, I don't want you, let's go! I don't want to see the disgusting guys again!" Xiao Yuemei said.

Lu Shaowen also quickly opened the door, and the group of people outside immediately rushed in.

They saw the poison of the child, and it was more certain that Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei had many good remedies on hand.

"You two, harm us to lose the symbol, if you do not compensate, don't want to leave!" An old Wu Wang, shouting with a sullen face, holding weapons in his hand.

Lao Lu and Lu Shaowen were very angry and quickly stopped in front of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei.

"Your father and son havetened to let go!"

"The child is saved, you take him away, these two guys will give us!"

"Your father and son also thanked them, but don't ignore the loss of our symbols because of this kindness!"

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei heard the words of this group of people, and their hearts were full of anger.

Lao Lu said: "They are my benefactors. If you move them, I will fight with you!"

Lu Shaowen quickly said: "They are both from the big family. Do you have no concerns in this regard?"

"Concern? We Lingyunzong has a guest, he is from the Dragon family! He is coming soon, there is him, what are we afraid of?" An old man laughed.

Also at this time, came a middle-aged Wu Wang wearing golden embroidered clothes.

This is really a dragon family!

The middle-aged Wu Wang saw the child in the bed recovering so well, frowning: "These two people are so powerful, they suddenly solved the poison!"

"Dragon's bastard, are you poisoning the child?" Xiao Yuemei replied in a cold voice: "You are a dragon family, run to the place where the bird does not pull, poison the child, that is I want to control others to do things for you, and to hollow out the wealth of others!"

These tricks, Xiao Yuemei saw it at a glance.

Lao Lu, their father and son, after hearing, their faces have become gloomy.

"There is no such thing... I heard that you have lost the symbol of your home? Is it a friend of Lingyunzong's teaching, I will let you compensate in any case today!" The middle-aged sneer of the dragon family.

The angry old land, walked over, pushed away those people, and shouted: "Give me away, I will send my benefactor to leave!"

"Idiot..." An old Wuwang of Lingyunzong angered and suddenly stabbed a sword.

"Predecessors are careful!" Qin Yun quickly shouted.

However, Lao Lu was stabbed in the heart, and was hit back by a palm, coughing up a piece of blood.

"Hey!" Lu Shaowen quickly caught the injured old land, angry with his forehead bursting blue veins.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The Wuwang of the group of Yunyun, and the middle-aged of the Dragon family, laughed.

Qin Yun saw the injured old land, and the anger in the body rose and violently called out the Holy Spirit.

The anger that he could not suppress, also rushed to the Holy Blade of the Wraith, releasing a burst of black mist.