Nine Sun God King

Chapter 830: Interesting boss

Bai Yuxian whispered: "Boss, don't you say that something important is announced?"

She is also trying to divert everyone's attention to this matter, otherwise it will be very bad for Qin Yun.

The boss of the dragon said: "I do have an important announcement, it is an invitation to the Dragon family, but I can wait a moment to say this!"

Qin Yun heard the words of the dragon boss and suddenly thought of something. Not long ago, the Long family was in contact with the people of the Xianhuang, and the Xianhuang also opened a large-scale wilderness and sent a powerful half-sex.

The Dragon family is definitely doing something about conspiracy.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei came to Longwangzhuang, but also to inquire about Longwangzhuang, and wanted to see how to mix into the Dragon House.

Today, the Dragon boss said that the invitation of the Dragon Family is very likely to be a good opportunity.

The dragon boss is obviously the dragon family, otherwise it is impossible to know so many secrets, and the dragon tree pavilion he built is also very special, built using dragon trees. This kind of thing is not for anyone who can only get it.

At present, Qin Yun can't see what kind of person the dragon boss is. From the outside, he is a handsome and powerful young man.

The wind did not look to Qin Yun, said: "You will quickly prove that you are the master of the singular door, as long as you can prove that you know the strange lines, even if I lose!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "This is easy! I just need to make a character, it is enough to prove that I understand the strange pattern!"

At this time, an old man came out and smiled and said: "The odd-grained door is even a non-influenced martial art, but as a teacher, you must at least master the pattern, in order to be a master! If it is just a system, then it is still It's easier!"r

The old man, at first glance, knew that it was partial to the wind.

The wind is not the chief disciple of Xianmen, or the young Wuwang, and the relationship with the younger brothers of the Dragon family is very good. The future is a promising future. Even the older generations want to make ends meet.

At this time, a large group of old people, also stood up and did not ask for anything, accused Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei are liar.

The wind did not ask for this, but also to help his younger brothers to find their face. Only in this way, he can establish prestige, and later more people will be mixed with him.

"Boss, these two guests are my hospitality..." Bai Yuxian said softly, she hoped that the dragon boss could resolve the contradiction.

Dragon boss and Bai Yuxian know that Qin Yun owns 10 billion purple crystal coins, and naturally attaches great importance to such guests.

"Wind brother, this thing is alright!" Dragon boss finally said.

"Dragon brother, now someone is cheating on your site, and I want to lie to my head. I can't just forget it! This guy must be a liar. He is young and not very high. It is impossible. Become a small martial art teacher!" The wind did not ask for a bite, very sure.

"Dragon boss, thank you for the clearance for me! This is really not the case! I am being filthy. If it is not clarified, how can I mix this strange door?" Qin Yun laughed.

Right now, someone gave him a purple crystal coin, and the dragon boss must not be interrupted.

The boss of the dragon spread his hand to the white fairy, and he was helpless.

"Fake a card, then you will start to prove yourself now! Make a pass, I will believe that you are the one who teaches you! At that time, I will give you one billion amethyst coins. Just as an apology to you!" The wind did not ask for a laugh.

"This is why... Lele is not as good as everyone. If it’s just that we are gambling, it’s boring! I see so many friends, or let them participate, since they don’t believe that I am a small martial art. Let's make a bet!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Kid, let us participate, do you have so many Amethyst coins to pay?" A young man sneered.

"That is, we have a big brother who won you one billion. Do you still feel that it is not cool enough?" said a young man.

"Sorry, I have more than 10 billion on hand. You can bet on ten people. Do you dare to come?" Qin Yun took out an Amethyst card and handed it to Bai Yuxian. He smiled and said: "White palm can testify!"

This suddenly let the old people here take a breath!

A young man, actually holding a tens of billions of purple crystal coins, but also gamble here, it must be seen that there is a great dependence!

The wind is not asking for help, because even he is only 2 billion amethyst coins in his hand. It is also the Yufeng Xianmen temporarily loaned him to compare, after the installation, it is to be returned.

If you gamble on tens of billions, you must be confident!

Qin Yunhehe smiled and said: "My singular door is a small sect that does not flow into the stream, but a hundred billion still can be obtained!"

The wind did not ask for the young people, and a few old people who helped to speak. At this time, there were some difficulties in riding the tiger.

Dragon boss frowned: "This brother, there are indeed more than one billion amethyst coins on your card, but this does not prove that you are a martial art teacher, but it is even more doubtful to you! Because of a responsible palm Teach, never use a martial art property to gamble!"

When the boss of the dragon came out, many people nodded.

Many of the seniors present were high-level leaders of one party, and they strongly agreed with this.

"Since the boss of the dragon does not believe, then he also bet to gamble a game, how?" Qin Yun smiled, and his heart was secretly confused, because the dragon boss seemed to help him in secret, the purpose is to keep up with the hurricane.

"You have a book of 12 billion purple crystal coins. Don't think that there are many amethyst coins, you can scare me! Even if I have a hundred thousand Amethyst cards, I will see more, and I will bet on it!" Dragon boss sneered : "You don't have to pay when you arrive, otherwise you can't get out of the Dragon Tree Court!"

Xiao Yuemei saw it at a glance. The dragon boss was helping them. Then she quickly pulled Qin Yun and whispered: "Go teach, let's go, they love to doubt and let them doubt, don't gamble! You The injury is just right, if you don’t make a debut, you lose!”

"Don't want to run!" The wind did not ask for a quick stop Xiao Yuemei.

Several other old people have also blocked the road of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei.

As a result, everyone else feels that Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei have ghosts. They are still confident enough. Now they see the dragon boss playing really, but they want to run.

Seeing that the dragon boss was out, the wind did not ask for his five younger brothers, as well as several old people, who also participated in it.

"I am willing to gamble with you, but... you have to give the Amethyst coin to the Dragon boss first, let him make a guarantee, I am worried that you are swearing!" Qin Yun did not have a smile on his face.

"No problem," the wind said without a smile: "I want to see what tricks you play!"

Subsequently, the wind did not ask for a few young people, as well as a few old people, gave the dragon boss one billion amethyst coins.

Qin Yun’s heart is dark, although I don’t know why the dragon boss wants to help him, but obviously wants to make friends with him.

Although the dragon boss is a dragon family, Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei, at this time, need to strengthen a dragon family, in order to be more easily mixed into Longwangzhuang.

Qin Yun took out a table.

At this time, an old stranger walked over and said, “Use my paperwork! I am a singular singer. There are also a few strange masters here. They can identify the characters you made!”

The dragon boss smiled and said: "I am not a singularist, but I have to verify the authenticity of the Taoist, it is no problem!"

Qin Yun looked at the piece of paper, and there was no problem, or it was made of better materials, which also made him feel relieved.

Instead of using the sacred pen, he used a more common carving knife.

The road sign made by Qin Yun is a relatively common flame sign, and only the fire pattern of the next product is needed.

This is what Jianling passed to Qin Yun. Although it is the next product, it is more practical.

When Qin Yun painted the lines, it was very easy.

This is also the power of Daojun Qixing!

Qin Yun engraved several sets of lower flame patterns, and then engraved two sets of star patterns, as an auxiliary, can enhance the power of the flame road sign, other plus some black lines on the line.

Before and after, he only spent more than half an hour.

This speed is also very fast, and some of the strange singers present at the scene felt a little surprised.

"I am done!" After Qin Yun carved it, he quickly left the table and said: "Dragon boss, you can firmly identify!"

The boss of the dragon walked over and frowned. "If I am not mistaken, this should be a flame, and there are stars on it. Someone can paint the stars and the road in such a short time." Pattern!"

Hearing the words of the dragon boss, the wind did not ask for the young people, the heart tightened and the face suddenly changed.

At this time, a strange singer also came over and saw the flame of the road, and also marveled again and again: "This is indeed a flame, the fineness of the lines and stars are extremely high!"

"The singular door? I have never heard of this martial art! There are such high-profile singular sects. At this level, it is more than enough to be a small sect."

Dragon boss smiled and said: "Cloud teaching, I just looked away! I am willing to gamble and lose, these Amethyst coins also win!"

He said, he gave Qin Yun a hundred and twenty billion amethyst coins!

"This...Dragon brother, they may be cheating..." The face of the wind is green, and his younger brothers are as dead as the gray, and the purple crystal coins are given to them by their family. I have lost all of it now.

"Impossible, no one can cheat in front of me!" Long boss smiled: "Wind brother, we should be refreshed when we are a man, lose if you lose, billions of amethyst coins for your young Wuwang, but It’s drizzling! Didn’t I lose a billion amethyst coins? But, we’ve got a young singular singer, and it’s still a piece of teaching, it’s a big profit!”

The wind did not ask to hear these words, there are 10,000 words in my heart to sell the batch to say.

Although lost, but the style still has to be, especially the wind does not ask this kind of people who love to wear, lose the decent, he quickly said to Qin Yun: "Cloud teaching, we can not be beaten I have known that I have been offended, please forgive me!"