Nine Sun God King

Chapter 898: dilemma

Qin Yun took over the star fire, and smiled: "Does not both? How easy is it? You are not saying, would you want me to pay back ten times?"

The middle face of the round face shook his head and screamed: "I don't dare, I am wrong! Brother, let me go!"

Everyone saw this round-faced middle-aged so beg for Qin Yun, and they all frowned. After all, it was a Wudi!

However, they think about it carefully. If there is a symbol in their own Dao Dan, and they will explode at any time, it will definitely become like this.

The half-age elder of Gan Fengzong did not know what to do. He can't help the Emperor Wu, and he can't do it to Qin Yun. Rpqj

Because of the small life of the Emperor Wu, it was pinched in the hands of Qin Yun.

"Big Brother, how do you let me go?" asked the middle face of a round face with fear, because he felt the flying knife symbol vibrating in Dao Dan.

Everyone also felt very strange, how did the flying knife device enter Dao Danli?

In fact, the flying knife symbol is a Taoist device, which increases the star pattern and the moon pattern, and can absorb the power of the mysterious power.

If there is no defense, then the flying knife can easily enter other people's bodies.

Hong Mengyu also secretly admired Qin Yun's means. She was very keen to know that the Tao Fu and the symbols that Qin Yun had just taken out were not refining themselves!

Qin Yun secretly gave a round face to the middle-aged voice: "Uncle, or else! I hate Tian Dajiang, Tian Siyu, Luo Meiru, Gong Feiyan, and Lu Tiangui... Well, there are those dry winds. Disciples, you will reward them with one slap in the past!"

In the middle of the round, I heard the sounds in my mind, and I was shocked. I wanted to see the young people.

"Don't go see them, lest they doubt!" Qin Yun said again: "You have to decide quickly, either die, or do what I said! You can rest assured that although the old fat field is half a fairy, you are doing it." Wu Zong of Feng Zong, he will never kill you!"

After Qin Yun’s voice was over, he thought about it and quickly said: “And, don’t admit that I forced you to do it! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!”

The middle face of the round face bite his teeth, the body suddenly moved, and the speed quickly flashed out.

The few people who Qin Yun just named are not far away.

The round face of the middle-aged Emperor Wu, the strength is still very good, just a few moments, just left a big **** on the faces of those young people!


The middle-aged face of the round face was actually done according to what Qin Yun said, and the faces of those who were just arrogant just now were slap in the face!

The young people who were beaten were also stunned and squinted!

Even Lu Tiangui, who had just been carried up, was beaten as well!

"Grandpa...he beat me!" Tian Siyu squinted and cried: "I am so big, no one has ever dared to beat me!"

"Grandpa, you must kill him!" Tian Dajiang was also very angry.

Gong Feiyan and Luo Meiru squinted at their faces, and their hearts were very angry, but they did not dare to say anything, because they were the Emperor of the Emperor of the Winds!

In addition, the disciples of the dry winds are even more angry and look out!

"Lei Xiong, what are you doing!" Old Feitian was facing the round face of middle age and angered: "I dare to beat my grandson!"

Everyone immediately thought that this might be Qin Yun’s instigation!

"It must have been the dog slave who asked him to fight!" Tian Dajiang shouted at Qin Yun.

Everyone knows that Lei Xiong's Dao Dan has a flying knife symbol, Qin Yun can control the flying knife symbol explosion at any time.

Lei Xiong quickly said: "I don't care about him, I want to beat them! They have been very rude to this big brother, I just taught them!"

Old Fattian bit his teeth and glared at Qin Yun: "You bastard, are you persecuting him?"

"He just said it, he is doing it himself, what is it about me?" Qin Yun said.

On the side of the play should be completed, but also secretly praised Qin Yun playing very slippery.

Gong Feiyan and Luo Meiru, all of them are screaming at Qin Yun.

Lu Tiangui was furious: "The dog slave... I must kill you!"

After Lei Xiong heard it, he immediately jumped over and hit a few slaps against Lu Tiangui: "Idiot, shut me up!"

Lu Tiangui was beaten a few times by Lei Xiong’s face, and he was screamed and screamed.

Gong Feiyan and Luo Meiru and other disciples of the dry winds, originally wanted to marry Qin Yun, but when they saw Lu Tiangui's miserable situation, they immediately shut up, and even dared not go to Qin Yun.

Lao Feitian looked at the half-elder elder of Gan Fengzong and said: "Elder Qiu, you saw the same thing! I have to teach Lei Xiong, what do you think?"

"Learn that he can, but don't kill him!" The elder Qiu also felt a headache, whispered.

"No, Grandpa! You must kill the fat head!" Tian Dajiang angered.

"Small beast, what are you yelling at me?" Lei Xiong had a fire, and he heard Tian Dajiang licking that he was fat, and suddenly he was angry and shouted.

"Fat head!" Tian Dajiang shouted.

"Hey fat head, you are going to die soon! How are you doing a few words?" Tian Siyu also screamed.

Lei Xiong suddenly screamed and rushed, but he did not dare, because the old fat field was over there.

Old fat field cold channel: "Qiu elder! If you intend to protect Lei Xiong, then don't blame me!"

Elder Qiu suddenly sighed and said: "Lei Xiong! We have never provoked the right and wrong. Now... you have caused such a big disaster, I can only drive you out of the wind!"

"From now on, Lei Xiong will not be the person of my style!"

The crowd was somewhat surprised to say that it was justifiable for Gan Fengzong to do so. After all, they offended one and a half cents!

It can be seen that the old fat field is still very powerful!

Of course, there are also many people who conceal the weakness of the wind.

Luo Meiru said: "Lei Xiong, you are a fat man, you dare to beat me... If you are still alive, I promise to let my Luo family kill you!"

Lei Xiong also stunned, and his fists clenched. He is dead now!

He looks at Qin Yun!

Qin Yun no expression, no voice.

Old Feitian cold channel: "Lei Xiong, are you forced by the kid? If so, I can spare you a life!"

Luo Meiru also shouted: "If it is the dog slave, we can understand this thing, fat head, you must admit it!"

"Little scorpion, shut up Laozi!" Lei Xiong came to Luo Meiru in front of him, it was a slap in the face: "You are a group of small beasts, and they are giving names to others all day long. I can bear you." The dogs are scorpion, and if you are not you, Lao Tzu will not become like this!"

If it wasn't for Elder Qiu’s past, and Lei Xiong’s shock, Luo Meiru would definitely be labeled as a pig.

Gong Feiyan had just been slapped, and now she still has some pain. She secretly rejoices that she has not had Lei Xiong, otherwise she will be like Luo Meiru.

She saw that Luo Meiru was not recognized by her mother, and she also had an inexplicable joy in her heart, because she also hated Luo Meiru.

The old Feitian cold road: "Lei Xiong, give you another chance! You just admit that it is forced, I just yell at you!"

Only in this way, the old Feitian can make a difficult attack on Qin Yun, otherwise he will not be able to give any excuse to teach Qin Yun.

Because Qin Yun is also a slave to the brother!

If there is no hatred with Qin Yun, then go to the lessons of Qin Yun, then you can use the title to play, and squatting them.

Lei Xiong coldly said: "I am not forced, I just have been very unhappy with this group of small animals!"

Tian Dajiang yelled angrily: "Grandpa, he told me that I am a small beast, then you are an old animal, and he is also jealous of you! You kill him!"

When everyone heard this, they all wanted to laugh, but they didn’t dare to laugh. They could only secretly scream.

The old Feitian also suddenly jumped his feet and took out a long sword and rushed to Lei Xiong.

Everyone was secretly scared, and the old Feitian actually wanted to kill!

Just when the long sword fell, the hunchback old man suddenly shot, and saw his palm flashing, and a golden faint long scorpion appeared.

The long scorpion blocked the sword from the old Feitian, and made a "dang" sound.

"I am the general manager of this strange temple, can't watch you destroy this strange temple, you have to go out!" said the humpback general manager.

He is also worried that Lei Xiong suddenly blew himself up, and his singular hall will be finished.

When Lei Xiong heard it, he quickly said: "Don't come over! Otherwise, I will blew myself. At this time, this strange temple will be smashed!"

The old fat field did not dare to pass.

Elder Qiu said: "Lei Xiong, if you admit your mistakes and admit that someone is forcing you, maybe it will be fine!"

If Lei Xiong admits, he will die too!

"Qiu old dog, you are a weak and incompetent soft bastard, close your mouth!" Lei Xiong shouted.

Elder Qiu suddenly looked ugly and faint.

This Lei Xiong is also going out, and who is arrested.

"The big manager, you accept me! I am willing to stay in the singular hall for 10,000 years! Do 10,000 years of hard work!" Lei Xiong said to the humpback general manager.

The humpback manager looked at the old fat field and shook his head: "No, I can't accept you, I don't want to offend people!"

It should be laughed at: "Old dwarf, the long scorpion in your hand, is the ancient dao you just got? Very good look! Interested in shooting!"

Everyone also served this "Yu Ge".

People are shouting and killing here, and the air is full of murderousness. It can be done in a hippie smile and do not look at the occasion.

"This ancient road device is damaged. If it is repaired, it is the ancient king device. It is comparable to some semi-central devices!" The hunchback chief sighed: "There are two sets of important grotesque damage on the top, I can't fix it!!"

This suddenly caused a lot of people's interest, even the old fat field, they looked at the gloom of the golden light.

I should be surprised to ask: "What garble is damaged? Can you fix it?"

Qin Yun, who has never spoken, suddenly said: "A group of star patterns and a group of moon patterns are seriously damaged, and the fine lines and dark lines are erased by most of them! There are also three sets of dark lines of the lines, which also damaged a small section!"

The humpback manager suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Qin Yun. He was shocked and said: "You... how did you know?"

Hong Mengxi whispered: "Humper Grandpa, he is a singularist! Have you seen my Xuan Yue knife before? The original moon pattern is damaged, that is, he repaired it!"

This suddenly makes the Emperor Wu and the half fairy move here!

Especially knowing the singularity of the division, one by one is shocked, because they have seen Hong Mengyu that Xuan Yue knife, know that those monthly patterns are very complicated and difficult to repair!

It should be heard in this, and my heart is even more shocked. Because he has a lot of magic weapons are damaged, most of them are serious damage to the monthly pattern, but no one can repair!

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