Nine Sun God King

Chapter 943: First tower battle

Qin Yun does not want to be a tower master, but it is very tired, and still has to do a lot of things.

"Star mother-in-law, I want to cultivate with peace of mind, I don't want to be the tower master!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "If you are doing well, continue to be!"

"Xiaoyun, if you change to other people, you definitely want to be the tower master, why do you refuse it?" Star mother-in-law is somewhat incomprehensible and continues: "Our star tour tower is very broken, but if it is the tower master , that can have a certain status!"

"Star Mother, I am the tower master, I will not have time to take care of the Star Tower... I am anxious to become stronger, and I sometimes go out and don’t know when I will come back!" Qin Yun smiled : "You will spare me!"

Xingmao smiled and said: "This is easy! You are the tower master, I am the deputy tower master, the star tour tower is for me to help you take care of it, so that is all right? After all, I said to my brothers before, is it Fixing our Stars, who can be the tower master!"

Qin Yun looked at the group of very old brothers who were suspended in the air. He whispered: "Star mother-in-law, can I be the tower master in the late period of the king's kingdom? Will the brothers disobey me?"

After hearing the brothers, they all expressed their support for Qin Yun as the tower master.

Qin Yun is still repairing those star patterns, and has not completely repaired the star array, but it seems that it will be repaired soon.

Xingmao smiled and said: "You see, everyone agrees that you should be, you should not refuse! When I was the tower master, it was only in the middle of the kingdom, nothing!"

Qin Yun thought for a moment and said: "When I fix the Stars, I will talk about it!"

He was very satisfied with his ability to change from a silver disciple to a gold disciple.

Now, he wants to be the tower master, which makes him unable to adapt at one time.

He had planned to keep a low profile before. If he was the tower master, wouldn’t he be very famous?

Star Mother Po also said: "Our Star Tour Tower chooses the tower owner and has nothing to do with its tower! You don't have to worry about being looked down upon by other tower owners. Many towers have had the situation of Wuwang being the tower master!"

Qin Yun nodded and said: "Repair the star array, we will discuss it again! Besides, without the help of my brothers, I can't fix this star-shaped big array! I can't do it alone!"

A teacher brother smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, if you don't take the lead in repairing the star-studded array, we may have to die, this is your credit!"

Other brothers and sisters also agreed.

Qin Yun felt that he had to be the owner of this tower.

Star Mother and the dozens of brothers, at this time are very happy, happy, they released the power of the spirit of the stars, seems to be full of joyful atmosphere.

Only Qin Yun is a little depressed, because he wants to be the tower master!

After more than ten days, Qin Yun and dozens of brothers joined forces and finally repaired the outer ring.

After repairing the good moments, the star-studded brilliance flashed a strong brilliance, and I saw the huge stars in the surrounding area, and sprinkled all kinds of glory.

The Stars Pavilion absorbed the power of the sky superstars and suddenly became very beautiful. The whole body became white jade, like a jade-like jade building.

"Great, great!" Starmother was very excited and quickly helped Qin Yun.

Qin Yun is also almost consuming the spirit of the moon.

"Everyone goes in!" Star said, and then took Qin Yun into the Star Pavilion.

Inside the Star Pavilion, there is a strong star power everywhere.

When Qin Yun came in, he absorbed the power of those stars, and his moon was also active, greedily taking in the power of the stars, and restoring the loss of mental power.

What surprised Qin Yun was that the books on the bookshelf that looked yellow and old were now very beautiful.

The cover of those books is like a crystal, blue, red, gold, white... The book covers of various crystals are surrounded by crystals, which is very beautiful.

This star-picking pavilion is like a sudden resurrection!

"The Stars Club has finally come alive, we don't have to suffer after the Star Tour Tower!" Star Mother is very excited.

There are several layers in the Star Pavilion, each of which is quite large and can accommodate many people.

Those brothers are all on the ground, or sitting in a chair, absorbing the power of a strong star.

Qin Yun suddenly discovered that the power of these stars has a faint scent. He suspects that there is a great source of immortality inside this small star.

"Is the brothers all star-studded?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yes! Over the years, they have been practicing the power of the stars in accordance with the practice of the Star Tour Tower. Now that the Stars have been repaired, they will definitely break through and they will have a longer life!" The mother-in-law smiled.

Such a strong star power is of great help to those brothers.

A lot of wrinkled brothers on the face, after absorbing the power of the stars for a while, it is like getting moisturized, and the wrinkles are gradually decreasing.

"Xiaoyun, I will give you the order of the tower!" Star Mother took out a crystal token and put it in the palm of her hand, saying: "Xiaoyun, put your hand on the token, I pass the tower to the position of the tower." Give you!"

"Star mother-in-law, or you come to be!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "I don't care what the tower owner is!"

"That won't work, I will talk fortune... Rest assured, you only need to accept the position of the tower master. The other things in the Star Tour Tower are handed over to me and the teachers and brothers to take care of them. It will definitely not take up your time!" Ci smiled.

Star mother-in-law can see that Qin Yun’s ability to repair the strange lines is definitely the top level. Her heart is also very curious why Qin Yun is so powerful, but she did not ask more questions.

"Okay!" Qin Yun put his hand on the crystal token on the palm of his mother.

"It will be fine for a while!" said Star Mother.

Qin Yun nodded.

Soon, he felt that the crystal token and his gradually felt, it was a very subtle feeling.

After a while, Qin Yun was surprised: "Star Mother, this crystal token is very powerful!"

Xingmao smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, you are not a brilliant singularist, but you can see it! This is a very strong thing. It has been improved through the refinement of several of our towers! What is the ability, you You can discover it yourself!"

Qin Yun nodded and seriously played the token.

"Yes Xiaoyun, you are now the tower master, but you are still young, and the cultivation is also low. You can go to participate in various activities of Baitamen, and you can also get resources!" Starmother laughed and said: "There is, The star order that holds our star tour tower is the tower master, and all the tower owners are peers. Except for the tower master, everyone else will call you a predecessor!" s3p

Qin Yun smiled and said: "In our star tour tower, there is no need for so many rituals. You will still be a star mother, brothers or brothers, you will call me Xiaoyun!"

Starmother smiled and nodded: "Go, let's go out! Look at the little blue back!"

Other brothers are still practicing here, and Qin Yun is sending a line of stars and stars to the tattered star tower.

When Qin Yun came out, he sensed the familiar atmosphere!

Lan Chen is back, in addition to him, there is an acquaintance he knows!

It was a one-armed man dressed in white and with a cold face. It was Xie Wufeng!

"Xie Boda!" Qin Yun saw Xie Wufeng, some excited and rushed over, grabbed Xie Wufeng's shoulders with both hands.

"Cloud brother!" Xie Wufeng smiled slightly, then patted Qin Yun's shoulder and smiled: "I haven't seen it for a long time... I didn't guess wrong, the big master of the famous Zhentaita City, is the younger brother?"

"Thanks to the boss, you are also very powerful! Only the peak Wuwang, and Murong Tianzhe do not distinguish up and down!" Qin Yun laughed.

Xie Wufeng saw Qin Yun here, and he was very excited. When they were young, they experienced a lot together. Later they separated for a long time and now they finally meet!

Lan Chen smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, when I was in the competition, I learned that Xiao Xie came, and then I gave him a voice, saying that you are here, he immediately came with me!"

Starmother laughed and said: "Xiaoyun, you are the great master of the famous name in Baita City, no wonder!"

Xie Wufeng looked around and sighed: "The Star Tour Tower has become so lonely, it is also given by the first tower! Xiaoyun, I believe that with your ability, it will definitely revitalize the glory of the Star Tower!"

Xie Wufeng also understands the history of the Star Tour Tower and understands the power of Qin Yun!

Star Mother said: "Xiao Xie, you are a sword pagoda. I heard that you are ready to challenge the first tower and want to compete for their first place. Are you sure?"

Xie Wufeng shook his head: "I was ordered to test the strength of the night invitation snow, very strong... The late Wudi of our Shenshu Pagoda, it is difficult to win her!"

The night invites snow to be the chief disciple. It is the middle stage of the Wudi era, and the highest can only be challenged by the late Emperor Wudi.

And she is the tenth Wu Di in the whole Baitamen, and the nine people above her are the Emperor Wufeng!

Therefore, in order to defeat the night invitation snow, you must have the repair of the Emperor Wudi.

In this way, the chief disciple of the first tower of the night invitation snow will be able to hold her off firmly!

"Want to get the title of the first tower, the tower mainly defeats the tower master, the chief disciple wants to defeat the chief disciple! Finally, it is the power of the beast of the town tower! If you win in all, you can become the first tower!" Star Po Po sighs .

Xie Wufeng nodded. "Yes, the tower master of our Excalibur Pagoda can defeat the tower master of the first tower, but the chief disciple and the tower beast are not able to pass this! So I tried to explore the strength of the overnight snow. We also gave up challenging the first tower!"

Lan Chen said: "Xiaoyun, have you not helped Kangxi to become the king of Wufeng before, and broke through to Emperor Wu? You also help Xiao Xie to break through!"

Xie Wufeng said with a smile: "Old blue, that's just a rumor! I want to be a martial artist. It just takes some time. If you want a stable breakthrough, how easy is it? Our tower owners can't do anything!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Thank you, boss, you look down on me! I can really do it!"

Lan Chenxiao smiled and said: "Xiao Xie, you are the name of the big master of this cloud brother, but it is not white!"

Xie Wufeng was a little surprised: "Cloud brother, is this true? What resources do you need to consume? I can give you double!"