Nine Sun God King

Chapter 955: Spinosaurus

Murong Yuwei was disgusted and jumped to his feet, shouting to his three brothers: "Be sure to teach this demon!"

Long Xin is also angry: "Little girl, I will make you not to die!"

"You are not to die!" Murong Yuwei shouted.

Murong Chang did not face such an opponent, but also had some headaches. He had just entered the Baita Gate, and he was still a silver disciple. He did not know enough about the Longmen.

Of course, although he is a silver disciple, because of his grandfather, he is also taken care of in the Baita Gate.

"Three brothers, pay attention to his mental attack!" Murong Tianzhe said: "He is good at using mental power to fight, you should pay attention to defending your own consciousness."

Qin Yun’s heart is even more curious. Long Xin’s practice is definitely a kind of evil magic, but it can cultivate a strong spiritual power.

Murong nodded no more and entered combat.

After the start of the contest, Long Xin first attacked and the speed was the fastest.

Murong Chang did not practice the soul of the Three Wus. Although he was not the King of Wufeng, his strength was not weak at all, even stronger than some of the peaks.

And this Long Xin is a very strong peak Wu Wang.

Murong Chang did not see Long Xin coming over, but also some scared, but he was able to take it with ease.

"Little handsome, very strong!" Long Xin smiled, but his voice was very thick, it sounded very embarrassing: "Come, pick me up!"

Long Xin's double fists are like the wind, flashing pink red light, with a haze of light, the momentum is fierce, the fist shadows overlap and tumbling, rolling up the waves of gas, the cover to the Murong long.

Murong Chang did not want to avoid, but suddenly felt that the body became a bit stiff.

"Breaken!" Murong Chang has no hands to dance, playing two enthusiasm, and shocked upwards to meet each other's punch.


The two forces collided, causing a shock and a dull shock.

Murong has no stiff body and is much more flexible. He and Long Xin, both of them were shaken back by the temper, and they all reached the edge of the martial arts.

Long Xin is more and more excited, licking his lips, smiled seductively: "Little handsome, I really want to go to you!"

Murong Chang did not suddenly have a disgusting color, frowned, his body suddenly flashed, and then separated three shadows!

"The avatar!" Star mother shouted.

Murong Chang did not directly become three, attacking Long Xin from three sides!

When I saw that Murong had no display of avatars, even the people on the gantry side were exclaimed.

The disciples of Baitamen did not know that Murong Chang had no mastery of this magical power.

"Mu Rongchang has no two points, and the strength of each avatar is similar!" said the night invitation snow: "If there is no accident, he will certainly win this game!"

When Qin Yun was in Murong Mountain Villa, he did not have a simple discussion with Murong Chang. At that time, Murong Chang did not use this kind of avatar.

Murong Chang has no avatars, and his strengths are quite equal. Once in the past, he will launch a rapid attack on Long Xin.

Star mother-in-law was surprised: "The heavenly superior martial arts, the gale palm! This is the martial arts created by the Murongta master!"

Murong Chang is very familiar with the use of the gale palm, and he can control the three bodies can be free and flexible. After Long Xin was besieged, the hair was also disrupted, and his face was full of nervous colors.

"Three little handsome guys? Great!" Long Xin smiled, his eyes suddenly flashed a pink glow.

Murong Chang did not touch the kind of pink light. He and his two avatars felt dizzy, and when the head was severely painful, they only felt a terrible force.

Long Xin has just used a mental attack, and it is hard to prevent!

After making Murong Chang and his vertigo dizzy, Long Xin actually used his own strong punches and hit the legs between Murong Chang.

Murong Chang did not feel the danger approaching, and the body suddenly spewed out a strong qi, and saw three different colors of energy, one after another.

Long Xin’s punching power was almost hit by the legs of Murong’s long legs, and he was blown away by the three-color airwaves.

"This bastard!" Murong Chang did not whisper, he was dangerous, and he was almost injured in the place.

Have to say that Long Xin's means are very sinister!

"It's awesome, little guy, I like you more and more!" Long Xin laughed.

Murong Chang was no more angry, controlling two avatars, rushing to the front, and his deity was in the distance.

"You admit defeat!" Murong long no angry.

His two avatars rushed over, the palm of his hand was like a lightning bolt, and then he palmed to Long Xin.

Attacked by two people, Long Xin also has a lot of pressure.


When the two Murong had no avatars, when they went out to fight, the lightning caught in their hands would also fly out, and they would scream a thunderous thunder.

"Qing Leizhang, this is the martial arts of the royal class!" Star mother-in-law was surprised again: "This little guy can actually master the martial arts of the Murongta master!"

On the stage, the lightning and thunder, the waves undulating and shaking.

Murong Chang has two avatars, the strength is quite terrible, and the death of the death of Long Xin.

Long Xin also repeatedly passed through the eyes, releasing a pink glow of light, to attack the avatar of Murong Chang.

After Murong Chang had no previous experience, it is not so easy now.

However, Long Xin’s spiritual power is gradually changing. It was originally a faint pink light, but now it suddenly becomes a deep pink. His eyes will also flash a lot of particles like the glow.

The particles are very strange and can be directly drilled into the human body.

In the two parts of the body that Murong had no, the body became dull after being caught by the strange pink particles.

"Little handsome, I want to abuse you!" Long Xin was also annoyed and shouted.

"You have no chance!" Murong Chang did not control the two avatars, struggling to fly out and hold Long Xin to death.


In the distance, Murong has no deity to control the two avatars.

The avatar is made of energy. After the explosion, the power generated is very strong, and the turret is covered by a strong haze.

Soon, the fog disappeared.

Murong Chang did not push the air wave of the explosion to the edge of the contest.

And Long Xin is bruised and bruised, lying on the ground and screaming.

Although Murong Chang did not release the two avatars, although his body was not affected, it only lost a large part of the energy.

"I admit defeat!" Long Xin shouted when he saw that Murong had not come over.

"The third brother won!" Murong Yuwei suddenly screamed happily.

The night invites snow to no ahead nod to Murong Chang, the first game of Wu Wang's match can win, is a good start.

And then, Murong Yuwei came to power!

Long Xin was not hurt, his body was blown up with many scars, and he looked at Murong with no resentment.

Qin Yun smiled lowly: "Mu Rongchang has not been targeted by the demon!"

Star Mother also laughed and said: "He is the grandson of the Lord Murong Tower, there will be nothing!"

After the enchantment was withdrawn, when Murong Chang did not go down, he almost stood still, showing that his loss was enormous.

Murong Tianzhe quickly went up to help him down.

The second game of Wu Wang’s showdown was that Murong Yuwei came to power!

Murong Yuwei wore a light green dress. After she went up, she tied the long hair of the head into a ponytail. She was very confident and fearless. She seemed to win.

The night invites snow to shout at the stage: "Xiao Wei, remember, life is the most important!"

Murong Yuwei scorned: "Night sister, don't look down on me! I can definitely win!"

If Murong Yuwei can win this game, the Wuwang matchup will pass.

Long Fangyu looked at the injured Long Xin, and then slapped it and hit Long Xin in the air for several laps before landing on the ground.

"Let you be serious, but hang out, wait for you to hurt, see how I can clean up you!" Long Fang Yu angered.

The people of Longmen did not dare to say anything when they saw this scene!

Long Xin’s strength is not weak. He is best at mental attack, but it has not been used several times.

If it is not a light enemy and not serious, Long Xin will not be defeated so quickly, maybe even win.

Long Fangyu cold channel: "Lin Tinglong, you go up, take care of that little girl! She is the granddaughter of Murong Chengzhu, must let the Murong city owner feel the pain, know?"

Among the disciples of Longmen, suddenly a sharp-faced man with a big eyes and a long tongue was found.

The pointed-faced man was dressed in a sly black suit, kneeling on the ground like a donkey. He jumped a few times and went to the stage.

He still squats on the ground like a donkey, spits his long tongue and licks his face, which looks disgusting.

Qin Yun frowned: "How do you know what the dragons are?"

Star Mother said: "The Dragon Gate has always been like this!"

Murong Yuwei frowned, only that this Lin Tinglong is very disgusting.

Lin Tinglong, the big eyes, but full of excitement and haze, he smiled awkwardly, laughter is hard to hear, said: "Little sister, let me care and love you! You know what is called pain ?"

Murong Yuwei said coldly: "Of course I know! Do you want to taste the pain? Rest assured, I will let you get what you want!"

The enchantment slowly opened, and then the referee from the stage started to scream, and the contest began!

Murong Yuwei is as light as a swallow, drifting soft and beautiful, gently flying over the past, don't look so soft, but the offensive is very fierce, the jade palm flashes a purple-gold anger.


I saw two purple gold water whip, suddenly appeared in the hands of Murong Yuwei, she waved the water whip, and violently pumped to Lin Tinglong.

Lin Tinglong laughed, his body suddenly overflowed with many thorns, and suddenly it became a hedgehog. The black thorn on his body released a black mist.

Murong Yuwei's water whip was on those black spikes. Although it was very strong, the force was destroyed by the spikes and it was difficult to form, causing the two water whip to spread out.

"I am here!" Lin Zhilong suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared, it appeared behind Murong Yuwei, the speed is incredible.

"Xiao Wei, beware of the back!" Murong Tianzhe exclaimed.

Lin Tinglong opened his mouth and saw that his tongue had several pointed and long spikes. The spikes flew out and broke into the back neck of Murong Yuwei.

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