Nine Sun God King

Chapter 972: Ghostly Emperor

Qin Yun was struggling to fight the strongest force, and this power came out.

Some people in the whole place were surprised and quietly watching the thirty-one golden dragons flying in the shadows until the golden dragon illusion gradually dissipated.

A Wu Wang, actually played the power of thirty-one dragons!

The people present were all shocked to see Qin Yun!

Qin Yun’s inflated arm gradually contracted. There was a layer of blood and sweat on the surface of the skin. It can be seen that he forced the release of a strong force. Even so, it is incredible.

Many people can't accept such a result. A Wuwang is stronger than many Wudi.

"This is impossible...what is going on, he is a martial artist, the power of thirty-one dragons!"

"This guy is terrible!"

"You look at his arm and almost got blasted. It seems to have suffered some injuries!"

"Have he not hurt Zhang Yunping before? How can he still play such terrible power?"

"Zhang Yunping is also the power of the 30 dragons. Can he say that he can beat Zhang Yunping?"

"How is this possible? The guy can play the power of thirty-one dragons, but he has half a life!"

Zhang Yunping clenched his teeth, his face fluttered and glared at Qin Yun.

The top three results of the force measurement also came out.

The first is the snow invitation at night, the power of fifty-five dragons.

The second is Xie Wufeng, the power of the thirty-one dragon.

The third is Qin Yun.

The same is the power of the thirty-one dragon, because Xie Wufeng measured earlier, so he won the second.

For such a result, Qin Yun has no opinion.

Zhang Yunping and those in the first tower are very upset. Because the rewards don't have their share!

The night invites snow to get a top grade emperor stone, which is also very happy.

Qin Yun does not lack the source stone of the emperor. As long as the first tower cannot be obtained, he is very happy.

"Well, the person who passed the force measurement, come here to collect the ghost bag!" An old man said: "Each tower can only receive a ghost bag, and then take the ghost bag to conquer the ghost beast, the ghost received If the beast is the strongest, you will be rewarded!"

"The first one can get six top-grade emperors, the second one can get six middle-class emperors, and the third can get six lower-class emperors!"

There is no doubt that the first reward is the best.

The night invites snow to ask: "How do you assess the power of the ghostly beast?"

The old man said: "It's very simple, the stronger the ghost beast, the bigger the ghost beast on the head, the time is assessed by this! Right, going out to catch the ghosts and beasts, there is a certain danger, if it is out What an accident, you have to be responsible!"

Qin Yun does not know what the ghost beast is, but from the name, it should be a ghost, and the strength is as strong as the Emperor Wu.

Going out to catch ghosts and beasts, this can be secretly cheated.

Qin Yun felt that the first tower might have let the elders catch a very strong ghost beast.

Murong Tianzhe asked: "Do you want to turn in the ghosts and beasts you caught?"

The old man smiled and said: "No, you can keep it yourself!"

One of the disciples said: "The ghost beast is terrible, and there is only one person in this tower. I can hardly catch it!"

The companion of this disciple was eliminated because of the lack of force.

There are at least thirty towers, all of which are separate disciples.

Xie Wufeng said: "If you are alone, you can unite and help each other!"

The old man said: "The time is ten days. After ten days, compare the square in front of the first tower!"

"Get off!"

The night invites snow to walk in front and take Qin Yun to quickly leave the first tower.

Xie Wufeng and Murong Tianzhe also followed.

"Cloud brother, this time you go out, you have to be careful!" Xie Wufeng shouted.

"I know!" Qin Yun will be very vigilant.

The night invitation snow also has this concern, so she will quickly take Qin Yun away from the Baita Gate.

"We will not be tracked!" Qin Yun followed the night to invite snow, flying in the air.

"I don't know, it's not that simple!" The night invites snow to fly deep into this mountain range.

The hundred towers of Baitamen are originally in a large mountain range.

This Baita Mountain range is very large. There are also many powerful beasts in the depths. It is said that some beasts are so powerful that they cannot even provoke a six-royal and a half-sex.

Usually, the disciples of Baitamen will also go deep into the search for some weaker beasts.

The night invites snow and Qin Yun to fly very quickly. When Qin Yun is on the road, he also throws a character from time to time, and absorbs all their remaining breath to prevent being traced.

"Night sister, how strong is the strongest ghost beast?" Qin Yun asked.

"I am the tenth in the Wudi list. In front of me, the nine emperors are the Emperor Wudi. The strongest ghosts and beasts are stronger than the nine emperors!" said the night snow: "The kind of ghosts The ghost beasts are big!"

Qin Yun was slightly shocked and said: "Isn't that only half a sin can deal with those powerful ghosts?"

The night invites the snow to shake his head and say: "If you just robbed half a celestial, you dare not face the strongest ghost beast!"

The strength of the ghost beast is actually strong enough to this point!

"How did these ghost beasts form?" Qin Yun thought before, but only some beasts.

"In the depths of the mountains, there is a black lake! When the beasts fall, they become ghosts. If the ghosts catch other beasts and get under the lake, they can devour other beasts... Even the ghosts and beasts can be swallowed and merged together." Night invites snow: "As long as it evolves into a ghostly beast, there will be a ghost beast. We encounter ghosts and beasts, as long as we can judge the ghosts according to the ghost beast. Strong and weak!"

Speaking of that kind of angle, Qin Yun has two, one is the beast of the fairy beast, so that one is the evil corner.


In a secret room of the first tower, Yang Chongtian and several old men in white robes sat on the stone chairs and their faces were a little serious.

"The star-studded star of the Star Tour Tower has been repaired!" Yang Chongtian gritted his teeth: "This must be the little devil named Qin Xiaoyun!"

"The star-studded squad was destroyed very seriously at the beginning. Many powerful singularity masters were helpless. How did the little devil fix it? Will he lie to you!" A red-haired old man questioned.

"According to the information discovered by the spy, it is certainly not wrong! Most of the old guys in the Star Tour Tower have broken through, and they have become very young and full of vitality! Their group of stars monks can suddenly break through, definitely a star. The merits of the big battle!" Yang Chongtian patted the table, Shen Sheng: "Night invites the snow this gimmick, it must be the strange genius talent of the kid, only to rely on the past!"

The red-haired old man said: "We have repented before, and did not give resources to the Star Tower. The Star Tower has hatred our first tower, and now it is more hostile to us! We must not let them have a chance to rise!"

An old man with a half-open eyes asked with incompetence: "This Qin Xiaoyun has such a talent, it must come from an extraordinary place. Have you found anything?"

Yang Chongtian said: "I found some, this is from the Longmen side! Longmen did not always want to control the domain? They sent a lot of people to the domain, but they all suffered a big loss, Longmen in the The dragon roots of the domain are almost uprooted and the losses are heavy!"

"The one who made Longmen eat a few big losses is a little ghost named Qin Yun! I don't know much about this Qinyun thing. I have sent people to Fanyu to investigate."

The red-haired old man said: "The night snow invites this girl to leave the first tower. It is unexpected. If she is such a super genius, she must not let her run. She must take her back!"

"Night invites snow and Qin Yun has gone out to catch the ghosts and beasts, how are you arranged, to catch them!"

Yang Chongtian looked at the red-haired old man and sneered: "Old chapter, you are catching the snow at night, I want to give you the grandson Zhang Yunping to play? You asked me how to arrange it? It should be that I asked you to be right, you do This kind of thing is best at it!"

The red-haired old man laughed and said: "I thought you were also secretly working! Yang Chongtian, your grandson also wants to have the night invitation snow, you don't have any strength? I don't believe, you must have yourself. s arrangement!"

"In any case, Snow and Qin Yun will be missing anyway!" Yang Chongtian said.

"You have to be clean, if you let them find out that our first tower is doing, then it is trouble!" said the red-haired old man.

"I sent out a team of first-class killers. They have assassinated the sacred sacred sacred sacred princes! To seize the two young people, the night invitation snow and the Qin Yun, it is definitely not a problem, it is not good, just Kill them!” Yang Chongtian sneered coldly and said: “It’s the people you sent out, be careful!”

"Yang Chongtian, you can do it! Actually send your emperor squad!" The red-haired old man laughed and said: "Then we will compare now, who is the first to succeed!"

"Compared than!" Yang Chongtian proudly smiled.


Qin Yun and the night invite snow, very vigilant along the way.

In particular, Qin Yun, even in the daytime, he also released the spirit of the moon, covering a few kilometers.

If something comes in nearby, he can see that although it is very mentally consuming, it is safe to do so.

In the evening, they flew over a grand canyon.

The night invites snow to float in the air, looking at a tall mountain in front of it, the top of the mountain is covered with blue ice.

She pointed at the blue iceberg with jade fingers and said: "We walked through the iceberg and entered the area covered by the ghost lake. The ghost beasts are 100,000 miles away, and there are all kinds of ghosts and beasts!"

Qin Yun looked around and said: "Do other people also follow this path?"

Night invites the snow road: "There are some, some are not! This road I am taking is not the fastest one, this is also to avoid being with other people, so as not to be tracked!"

Qin Yun suddenly felt that someone entered the area covered by his spiritual strength, and quickly pulled the night to invite snow, and instantly fell from the height of 10,000 meters to the ground.

"Someone is coming, three people, the strength does not seem weak!" Qin Yun Shen channel, he pulled the night to invite snow, hiding in the dark, releasing the power of the shadow to hide, while releasing a spiritual eye, pay attention to the sky Happening.

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