Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1048: The smashed corpse is gone! Sea he

How big is the body of the Dark Dragon?

More than 10,000 meters long, a few kilometers wide, is exactly the same as a city.

The result of the fall of ten dark dragons will be completely unimaginable.

The ground is madly rushing to destroy the world, suddenly felt dark, and then a giant mountain, whistling to the ground.

Thousands of meters of giants fell from a height of 10,000 meters.

The kind of whistling noise, the kind of wind that is brought, is absolutely amazing.

Finally, the first dark dragon slammed down.


A loud noise, a loud noise!

Then, across the ground, fiercely cracked numerous cracks.

Throughout the ground, a giant pit with a depth of 100 meters was taken out.

A few hundred miles of ground, a tremor.

In the city of Peiping, all the light objects on the ground were suddenly blasted over the sky.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Below, countless exterminations of the world, easily smashed into pieces.

Whether it is an ordinary three-headed and six-armed infantry, or a few hundred meters of war behemoths, all of them are broken.


Then, a dozen dark dragons continued to fall.

Just like a city, a mountain is slamming.

Booming and banging...

The ground in front of the city is completely devastated.

The hundred miles of the ground were completely torn apart, and there were huge pits.

In the city, the soldiers almost could not stand, and they were all shaken to the ground.

Numerous ceramic vessels have shattered.

Fortunately, countless shells and detonators have become very complicated. Otherwise, under this kind of vibration, I am afraid that it will be directly detonated.

but. Many of the cannons on the fort were directly shaken.

The cracks that are torn open on the ground directly spread into the city.

The fall of more than a dozen dark dragons caused vibrations almost no less than the earthquake of seven or eight.

In the battlefield, millions of annihilated warriors use a very, very special way. The whole army was wiped out.

A considerable part of the ruined army was directly crushed and broken.

Some of the survivors were directly stunned and fell into the cracks of the tears.

The surviving savage army, after a little sluggish, climbed out of the crack and continued to frantically charge toward the city!

However, in the face of countless gunfire on the wall, their endings are only destroyed.


And the air battle inside the city. Also entered.

A few hundred meters of magic fire monsters, in front of this group of dark dragons, almost invincible.

Because it is a flame.

Any attack of the Dark Dragon is immune to it, but it is a very high temperature flame that can easily melt these dark dragons completely.

The dark dragon flies up like lightning.

However, the speed of the magic fire monster is no less than the dark dragon.

and so. This magical fire phoenix is ​​completely chasing these hundreds of dark dragons. Crazy slaughter.

Suddenly I saw that a dark dragon was completely decomposed into a group of coke by the terrible high temperature, and then it was broken and fell to the ground.

Just a quarter of an hour.

Hundreds of dark dragons are running out.

Magic fire monster. The final massacre is under way.

The magic fire monster is so powerful, is it invincible?

Of course not, the gram between the monsters is very powerful. The parents of the Magic Fire Phoenix are much more powerful than it, but they encounter the Holy Spirit. Just killed!

The magical fire phoenix that has been used for thousands of years has swallowed up many black fires. It is completely powerful, and it can easily destroy the entire city. And the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit can not destroy a city.

However, the master of the ice system is born with a fire and a beast.

This magic fire monster, afraid of the ice master. However, these dark dragons will discharge and will spray poison, that is, they will not ice.

Then, he was alive and slaughtered.


In the distance, the devil in the Golden Throne, the first real stunned.

In her imagination, this should be a one-sided slaughter, and the city of the human kingdom should not have the slightest effort to fight back.

Yesterday's army was annihilated, and it was only a pastime of the devil's death.

Today, the devil is dead, it is really necessary to completely eliminate the millions of troops in this city.

However, today it was even earlier than the whole army.

Hundreds of dark dragons, more than a dozen dark dragons, and more than five million dead warriors, all died.

Moreover, the entire battlefield has been completely torn apart, with a dozen or more hundred meters deep craters, and countless huge cracks. It is impossible to let the ground army get involved.

The people on the side of the demon road are also completely stunned, and dare not look at everything.

Suddenly, the East was away from Shura Ling’s words: "You are a monk, you are deliberate, you are deliberate. You are a **** who eats and climbs, after you have been sleeping in Yangding, your heart is facing She. When the dark dragons were killed, you should resurrect them, so that the squadron on our ground would not be killed! You are deliberate, I should have smashed you at that time. Throw you to countless beasts."

Shura Ling’s eyes were cold and roaring. Lightning rushed to him, and the pointed five claws violently tore away from the head of the east.

The east generally retreats from lightning.

But at this time, his cultivation is not as good as Shura Ling.

The whole head was torn into pieces by the coffin of the coffin.

In this way, Shura Lingling is still not satisfied. Under her anger, she directly uses her own claws to tear the body away from the east into pieces and smash the corpse.

The coffin is Wu Ning, who hates and fears.

But to the east, it is completely anger and hatred, and hatred of the sky.

Before, Dong did not provoke her, she was not good. Now that the East is taking the initiative, she immediately took the opportunity to retaliate and tore her into pieces.

In time, the East is left with the mysterious veins protected by evil spirits, the sea of ​​gas, the heart and the brain.

After being separated by the coffin, with the help of evil spirits, the bones left east. Muscles, grow fast, and after a few minutes, fully recovered.

Just now, he was really suffering from convulsions.

Shura Ling Ling stared at him coldly and said: "If there is no evil spirits. You have died a hundred times. If you provoke me again, I will divide you ten times a day."

The East is very resentful from the heart, but it is completely impossible to bring the spirits to death. It is only after the devil's death. "There is no resurrection of the Dark Dragon. Is this going to be punished? This lawsuit, even if it hits Under the command of the demon king, the coffin will also be punished."

Shura Ling Ling cold and cold: "On the battlefield, I only obey the command of the devil. She did not let me rise, I can not do it."

Of course, she is such a person, and she is eager to push any responsibility to others. The coffin is such a woman who is fangs and even dark inside. When the dark dragons were killed, she was thinking about whether to resurrect.

However, after the demon, Ji Ji forgot to speak out, and she deliberately forgot this embarrassment.

Of course, this is not to pity the people in the opposite city. Their lives and deaths. It has nothing to do with her coffin.

She just took the opportunity to please Yang Dingtian, and in the future, Yang Dingtian questioned her. She also has reasons. She will be confident that you can resurrect the Dark Dragon to give you a fatal blow. I have not done so.

Of course, the bigger part is that she also wants to see these dark dragons smashing into the ground and smashing countless annihilation troops into pieces.

Such a big scene. It’s a shame that it didn’t happen.

Therefore, she clearly has the ability to avoid this tragedy, but she did not. Just to satisfy her watching the big show, she would rather have millions of dying corps die.

This kind of mind is already absolutely dark.

now. She finally satisfied to see this scene. Suddenly, there was some guilty conscience and awkwardness. After the devil, he died: "I am going to resurrect these dark dragons now?"

After the devil, Ji looked at her deeply, then shook his head and said: "No, it is already late, the energy of the dark dragons has completely dissipated."

Lingbi whispered: "What do you do now?"

After the devil died in cold indifferent road: "Today's truce! All dark dragons, all dark dragons, all destroying dragons, all the earthworms, all the exterminations, all attack!"

Then, the devil looked at the still standing city in the distance, slowly said: "I want to let the city, do not leave a living person. I want to let that city, do not leave one person, one grass, one wood! ”

"Yes!" All the sounds were broken.

The Devil's Lingbi glanced at the coffin and said: "I know that today you have not resurrected the dark dragons, just to satisfy your inner darkness. I can forgive you this time. But tomorrow, you will not shoot again. If I do, I will take everything back to you."

Suddenly, the spirits trembled and screamed, "Yes, the queen is squatting!"

With the command of the queen, today's battle is over.

Not yet at noon, the battle of the next day has ended.

The battle of this day is still ending with the annihilation of the entire army.

At this time, in the city of Peiping, there was a burst of cheers.

Today’s victory is a real victory. Rather than the victory of the enemy indulgence.

The city was surrounded by millions of troops and was caught in a carnival.

Then, the information about today's war is immediately written as a report. With the fastest speed, it was passed to the northwest Qincheng and passed to Dayunyucheng and Zhongjing.

As for the battle of today, directly use the spar signal bomb to pass to the big cloud city.

Dayunyucheng, about half an hour, can be received.


At this time, the Northwest Qincheng Theater!

North Lookout, tens of millions of semi-human army, has completed the assembly.

Then, like the tide, head toward the northwest Qincheng.

It is precisely because the Queen of the Sea wants a country that it does not receive the actual support of the Dark Empire.

However, she knows that the entire northwest Qincheng war zone has only two million troops, only one-twentieth of its own.

And in the strength of the martial arts, because of the Hell Devil, he gave birth to a large number of snake masters. Together with the original semi-human masters, it is far better than the Qincheng theater.

Therefore, Queen of the Seas feels that in a few days, he can win the northwest Qincheng. Within a month, you can take the entire northwestern continent.

His snakeman empire, the only one who fears, is the navy of the human kingdom.

Because of the miles of the sea. The tens of millions of her army in the Snake Empire could not swim. The navy of the human kingdom was already very powerful, and it was easy to eliminate the maritime power of the Snake Empire, not to mention that Yangdingtian had already obtained the maritime army of the Mermaid Empire.

But now, through the power of the Dark Empire, the Snake Empire has already landed directly on the Northwest.

The mighty navy of the human kingdom. No use.

Therefore, in the heart of the Queen of the Sea, now his opponent is not the Guangming Parliamentary Legion, but the empire of the Dark Empire.

The two armies are faster than this, because this continent, whoever first occupied, will belong to whom.

In the heart of the Queen of the Sea, it is best to occupy the Northland and the chaotic land of the World Corps.

As for the city of Dayunyu, the territory of the northwest Qincheng. There are also Xijing, Iron Furnace City, and the entire southwestern continent, all of which allow themselves to occupy.

Yes, the appetite of Queen of the Sea is so big.

In his strategy, at least the entire Xizhou, to her.

And she knows clearly in her heart that the Bright Parliament is now using space for time.

in fact. At the top of the Bright Parliament, the entire West Island has basically been abandoned. otherwise. In the vast northwest Qincheng theater, there will not be only two million troops in the district.

At present, the tens of millions of troops of the Guangming Parliament are almost all in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, at this time, the strategy of the Bright Parliament is to carry out certain struggles in Xizhou and then begin a strategic retreat.

They want to keep only Zhongzhou and Zhongjing.

And the Queen of the Sea. What I want is the Western continent that was abandoned by the Bright Parliament.

As for Zhongzhou, she knows that she is not able to get involved. This time, she was completely hiding behind the dark empire. If it were not for the demilitarized army to stand in front, the tens of millions of troops in the human kingdom would not be daunted by the Snake Empire.


The snakeman empire army in the North Point of the Cape. There are still three thousand miles from Qincheng.

In the middle, there are many empty cities and countless castles. Originally, the Snake Empire could first occupy these empty cities and then encircle the northwest Qincheng.

However, the Queen of the Sea has no such patience.

His Snake Empire almost did not store much food, and the food of the Dark Empire was completely deducted. These castles abandoned by the Bright Parliament, there is no grain in the city.

At present, there is only one place in the entire Qincheng Theater, which is the northwest Qincheng.

Moreover, the food there is completely piled up like the sea.

The fertility of the human kingdom is completely unimaginable. The grain accumulated in the whole Qincheng city is enough for half of the population of the northwestern mainland to eat for several years.

Therefore, the Queen of the Sea has ordered the death!

The semi-human race, and all the hawks, and the Snake Empire Air Force, must arrive in the northwest Qincheng within three days.

These millions of troops first carried out remote encirclement of Qincheng.

The remaining tens of millions of snakes and empire army will arrive in the northwest Qincheng within ten days.

Within half a month, you must win the entire Qincheng.

Within a month, you must win Xijing and Dayunyucheng.

Under the command of the Queen of the Sea, tens of millions of snakes and empire army madly rushed toward Qincheng.


At this time, the northwest Qincheng, ushered in a strong army, more than 100,000 black scorpion corps, two thousand konjac army.

Thirty destroyed class missiles.

A thousand phoenix-class missiles.

There are 100,000 air launchers and 500,000 small and medium-sized short-range missiles, of which more than 100,000 are small-sized missiles.

There are other substances, from the big cloud city, from Xijing, countless.

Therefore, at this time, Qincheng has more than one million tons of solidified fire oil bombs. Airdrop x spar bombs, more than hundreds of thousands.

Small and medium-sized spar is powerful, hundreds of thousands.

All kinds of arrows, astronomical figures.

Qin Wanqiu finally got the exact information. In the army of the Snake Empire, in addition to the Dharma Dragon that appeared at the beginning, the Dark Emperor again.

This is a great news.

His handsome face twitched and rushed to the top of the theater. He said: "The news that has just been obtained from Peiping City, the dying army today, dispatched thousands of war behemoths, dispatched dark dragons, dark dragons, and 500,000 Worldly riding, five million annihilated army, launched a new round of attack on Beipingcheng!"

As soon as this was said, the high-level face of the theater at the scene was twitching and the heart was twitching.

The squadron finally dispatched the dark dragon, the dark dragon.

Then, it means that Beiping City is fierce. The fall of Peiping City means the fall of the entire chaotic land.

Then, the next step for the Destroyed Army is to attack the city, the core of the entire theater.

Qin Wanqiu said: "Before an hour ago, the battle of Peiping was over."

When this is said, everyone’s expression is even darker.

Qin Wanqiu said loudly: "Our bright parliamentary corps has won a great victory. All the troops that the corps of the corps was dispatched today were completely annihilated. At present, the dying army has been destroyed."

When the words came out, there was someone in the place, and suddenly showed a completely unbelievable expression.

Qin Wanqiu laughed and said: "You didn't get it wrong. The ruling army was completely annihilated. At noon, the whole battle has ended. The specific battle, after a few hours, the konjac messenger will send it. The General Command of the Theater issued two signal bullets to confirm that the news was true, and the northern theater was a great victory!"

"Long live, long live..."

Suddenly, the high-level audience at the scene finally gave a scream of ecstasy.

Qin Wanqiu laughed and said: "The clowns of the Snake Empire now see that we only have 2 million troops in the district, so we have to come to take advantage of it. She is totally dreaming~ victory in the northern theater Inspired us. The theater headquarters, temporarily sent the bright parliamentary air force commander of the Kwai Sicheng."

The main **** of the city, Kwai Si, stood up and greeted everyone.

Qin Wanqiu said: "Now, the tens of millions of troops of the Snake Empire are marching toward Qincheng. This means that for ten days, the tens of millions of troops of the Snake Empire will be completely exposed on the ground. Therefore, the theater of war The commander appointed the largest air strike plan ever, this action, named the Nightmare Action! The Lord of the Seas is the chief commander of the Nightmare."

Nightmare action!

The Bright Council will dispatch more than half a million air forces with the Konjac Legion and the Black Skull Corps as the main force. The marching snakeman empire army launched the largest air strike in history.

By then, there will be hundreds of millions of profit arrows, millions of tons of solidified fire bombs, millions of shells, and destruction-class blockbusters, falling on the head of the Snake Empire.

The result is definitely a nightmare! This air raid will become the nightmare of the Queen of the Sea! (To be continued.)
