Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1102: The fish died in the net and broke

At this time, the dark castle outside is constantly bursting. ±,

The entire dark empire was completely on the verge of collapse, and the Heavenly Emperor also made a loud noise and tremor.

The person who stays inside is like the end of the world.

Now, Prince Tai Li is completely certain that this is indeed the hand of Yang Dingtian.

Yangdingtian did not lie, he, he can really destroy the dark empire!

Thinking of this, Prince Si Li even felt a feeling of suffocation.

How can it be? The Dark Empire is so powerful, even if Naga is to flee, how can the semi-sanctification of the Yangding Tianqu District destroy the Dark Empire.

But the reality has happened.

Prince Edward is really jealous.

Is it true that Yangding innocence is the son of the legendary destiny, is it really the nemesis of the demon?

Otherwise, how could such an absurd thing happen?

He can destroy the dark empire!

As if to know that Prince Tai Li believes in general, everything in the Dark Empire has completely recovered.

The terrible explosion, and the tremor of Tongtian Emperor, finally stopped.

The entire dark empire returned to normal.

However, there are at least dozens of dark castles, all of which are broken.

The prince looked at Zhao Mu's eyes and now cut off Zhao Mu's arm and threaten Yang Dingtian can only say ridiculous.

People use the dark empire to threaten you. Do you use an arm to threaten others?

I can’t afford to lose face.

The card of Yang Dingtian has already been played, and it is a card that is too big to be bigger. The biggest card of the landlord is the bomb. Then the card that Yang Dingtian played at this time is the nuclear bomb.

Prince Edward Li Ming remembered the conditions of Yangdingtian.

Unconditionally released Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu and other bright parliamentary captives.

at this point. Of course, there is no doubt, it must be released.

Moreover, the so-called viper action must also stop, and even do not ask the other party.

You go to kill a few people, Yang Dingtian will destroy your nest.

Take humiliation. Nor is it the way to do this.

In addition, Yang Dingtian also proposed to unconditionally surrender the coffin and the innocent.

This is totally unacceptable.

Although, the most useful use of the coffin is the first, the second world war.

However, after the devil died, Ji said that there will be great use in the future. Prince Edward is not clear, what is this great use.

However, since it is said to have great use. It is very important.

The innocent, possessed the ghosts of the Nether and the second-class evil spirits, of course, became very powerful. Moreover, because it is not a first-class evil spirit, it cannot be suppressed.

However, this does not matter. Because the life and death of the innocent is always in the hands of the emperor.

The key is the coffin, and Yangdingtian must be sure to hand over her.

about this point. Prince Tai Li can't make a choice, only to find the queen after death.

"No. The coffin can't hand it out."

Prince Edward said: "But if you don't hand it out, Yangdingtian will threaten to destroy the entire dark empire."

After the devil died Jidao: "After his destruction? All the evil spirits, all have no shelter. Everyone will completely tear the face, we will kill the entire bright parliament, and Yangdingtian will kill us. We Can not care about the lives and deaths of those evil spirits. Doesn’t Yangdingtian care?"

When the words came out, the Prince was nodded.

Yes, Yangdingtian has the ability to destroy the dark empire. But this chip can only be used to intimidate.

Once the dark empire was really destroyed, it was extremely detrimental to the Bright Parliament.

For the demon road. At most, all the minions were lost, and a few of the masters of the holy level and above became the commander of the light pole.


After a few hours.

The Bright Parliament and the Demon Road once again met in the old place.

However, at this time, the arrogant and ridiculous expression of the prince was gone.

Of course, anger and jealousy are gone. When I see the first sight of Yangdingtian, I laughed loudly: "The Yangding Tianzong, I really admire."

"Well, let's talk." Yangding Tiandao.

Prince Edward said: "Can you ask, how did you do it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Tell, you don't understand. Of course, you have no way to remedy unless you remove the entire Tongtian Empire."

Prince Edward is as if jokingly: "Of course, there is still a way to kill you, or to catch it."

Yangding Tiandao: "I am afraid I can't do it. In front of my Naga royal swordsman, I am afraid that no one can stop it."

Prince Tai Li said: "Then I have to be curious, how long can you use the sword of the Naga royal family?"

"It’s been a long time, anyway." Yangding Tiandao.

Prince Tai Li said: "Okay, don't bicker, say business."

Yangding Tiandao: "Please!"

Prince Tai Li said: "I am willing to release all the bright parliamentary captains such as Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu, etc., and stop the serpent action, no longer hunted and arrested the Bright Parliament. You and I will return to the original In the tacit understanding, and in exchange, you must also release the East, and all the evil spirits are captured."

As soon as his words were finished, Yang Dingtian suddenly laughed: "Hello, you are joking?"

Prince Si Li said: "What's wrong? I think my conditions are very fair. Three important hostages, change one for you. Then all the bright hostages, for all your evil spirits hostages. I stop the snake action, in exchange for You stop revenge for the Dark Empire."

"I don't bicker with you." Yangding Tiandao: "I said my conditions, you unconditionally release Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu and other bright parliamentary captives, unconditionally surrendering the coffin and the innocent, as for the snake action I don’t even have to say it."

"What do you pay for?" Prince said.

Yangding Tiandao: "The retaliatory action against the dark empire will not destroy the dark empire."

Prince Tai Li’s face twitched: "Yangdingtian, you are really a big lion."

Yangding Tiandao: "No way, who makes the cards in my hand big?"

Li Ming sneered: "The card in your hand is not fake, but don't forget it. This is a card that cannot be played. Once it is played out, it will not only hurt us, but also hurt yourself."

He is right.

Destroying the dark empire is a nuclear bomb.

After use, it is useless.

Prince Edward said: "Well, even if you destroy the entire dark empire, we have lost all the nests. What about it, can we not just occupy an island as a new base?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Now the sky, the ocean, and the land of the entire human kingdom are under my control. You can't find a place to hide in the demon road, unless you build the Temple of Destruction into the Nether Empire."

Yangdingtian did not brag, and after the evil demon lost the dark empire, no matter where it was built, a new base was established. It will be destroyed in a few days.

The Prince said, "Well, then we will build the base into the Nether Empire."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then I will bring the lightning of the sky to the Nether Empire and destroy all the undead of the entire Nether Empire."

"Ha ha ha ha..." The prince was very angry and laughed and said: "Can you do it?"

"Yes, it's just a big price, and it takes a long time." Yangding Tiandao: "As long as the undead of the Nether Empire and Shura can't come out, I don't have to find them for the time being. But it doesn't mean I can't do it."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "I promise. Only if necessary, I will create thousands of lightning giants, enter the Nether Empire, and completely destroy the entire Netherland."

Suddenly, Prince Si Li fell into silence.

Then, he slowly said: "Okay. Even if you let us have no place to live, then everyone completely tears the face. We thousands of evil spirits, the most insane hunting for your bright council. At the time, look at the number of people who die under your hand. Or are there more people who die? Our people have evil spirits, and if they can’t die, they will not be captured.”

Then, the prince's face was cold and cold: "And to say the most ruthless words, the life and death of those evil spirits, I don't care at all. You are different, you are false and false, and the people of the Parliament are living and living, you care."

Yangding Tiandao: "It is very good, but I have a problem."

"Please say." Prince was fierce.

"If I destroy the Dark Empire, how do you ask the Devil to ask the day?" Yangdingtian slowed down.

Suddenly, the Prince’s face was twitching.

Yes, destroy the dark empire, let the evil demon and the bright parliament die, but the light council will suffer.


The devil asks the heavens. At this time, it is surrounded by the chaotic emperor. In the future, whether it is to win the sun, or to break away from this chaotic emperor, it is necessary to refine the refining and formation of the dark empire.

And even without these, the Dark Throne of the Dark Empire has always been regarded as the greatest wealth by the Devil.

Hesitantly struggled for a long time, Prince Tai Li dying after the demon and looking back.

In the end, he slowly said in the sun: "I am still in that condition, I stop the snake action, release all hostages, exchange the hostages in your hands, and stop the destruction of the dark one more point It’s impossible to have one PCT. If you have the ability, you will destroy the dark empire, and everyone will die!”

After all, Prince Si Li directly turned and left!

This person, really stunned, resolutely stepped on the soft ribs of Yangdingtian, to bite the biggest flesh and blood.

He is gambling, Yang Dingtian can not bear the consequences of destroying the dark empire.

So, use the lowest price in exchange for the biggest chip.


Prince Edward Li has just left.

Yangding Tiandao: "Violet, you return to Yunxiaocheng. Nalu, you use the magical fog to flash, the fastest to the dark empire, after the devil and Li Ming did not return to the dark empire, we stormed the dark empire, rescued the coffin and No spirit!"

When the words came out, the violets suddenly looked awkward.

I did not expect that Yangdingtian was so determined, even attacked the dark empire! (To be continued..)u