Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1117: Yangding Tianshen! Ask the day to

The Nether Empire is still the same as before, silent. "top""",..

Even more quiet than before.

On the border of the two thousand miles on the border with the human kingdom, many low-level undeads are wandering aimlessly.

It looks no different from before, and there is no danger of danger.

But in fact, this is less than two thousand miles on the border, has placed nearly 50 holy-level powerhouses, more than 500 semi-class-level powerhouses.

Really right in the sky, as long as Yang Tianyi slams in, these terrible lords of the undead, the undead monarch, will fly wildly.

The five demon masters, led by the devil, have been ambushed outside the enchantment of the Nether Empire.

Even if they see Yangtian entering, they will not shoot.

Beyond the enchantment, the Demon Road has arranged countless undead ghost birds. No matter where Yangtian enters, it will be detected for the first time. Then the five evil masters will use their full speed and attack towards this place. In the first time, contain the sun that escaped.

Therefore, as long as Yang Tian dares to come, it will certainly be caught.

In the dozens of holy powers, hundreds of semi-class powers can also escape, the sun is not a person, but a god.

If this is a big net, then the ghost **** asks the sky, that is the spider king in the net.

Everyone, quietly holding their breath, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

An hour has passed.

Two hours have passed.

Three hours have passed.


The undead ghost birds scattered on the border of two thousand miles violently swayed in the place of 725 miles.

Then, a ray of light flashed into the Nether Empire.

"Come on, Yangtian is coming!"

The nearest Prince is Li Ming. Immediately, the lightning rushed to the place where the sun entered.

Then, the remaining evil spirit masters were also heard by the undead ghost birds.

They entered the place of Chaoyangtian.

And after the devil died, even though it was more than three hundred miles away from the invasion.

However, its soul sword is at a speed of tens of thousands of meters per second. Lightning usually rushes away.


A light and shadow, rushed into the Nether Enchantment.

Then, the energy jade box filled with Hell's magic crystals was suddenly opened.

Then, these **** magic crystals quickly flew toward the soul ring.

The first time of this scene was discovered by the undead who wandered nearby, and then it was discovered by the ghosts.

The Nether Ghost Emperor, even without careful attention, directly controls the nearest semi-class undead. Crazy to launch a suicide attack.

In an instant, more than a dozen semi-classical undead, slammed into a very powerful energy, shooting at a speed of tens of thousands of meters per second.

Nearly ten nearby undead monarchs also violently turned into a streamer, and lightning rushed over.

From start to finish, even zero seconds.

Dozens of undead lords. The undead monarch rushed toward the invaders.


It’s really less than half a second.

The nearest three and a half holy level undead energy. Flying suddenly, slamming!


The three-and-a-half-level undead lords directly completed the suicide attack. Put your own powerful energy and fiercely hit the invaders.

"It became, it became..."

The ghost emperor asked the sky to be ecstatic.

Yang Tian was hit and hit by three and a half holy souls. He was badly wounded and he could not escape.

Then, two and a half holy souls, crazy impact.

The powerful energy caused a terrible tremor.

The sun is over. The sun is over.

Ghost Emperor asked the sky to immediately control the vision of a dead soul and see the situation in which Yang Tian was attacked.

But after a glance, the Nether Ghost Emperor was completely shocked!

This is where Yang Tian, ​​this is just a soul sword!

Yes, it is a soul sword, that is, the emperor's soul sword of Yangtian.

Yang Tian is thousands of miles away, controlling this soul sword into the Nether Empire.

The soul ring is set on the soul sword. The energy jade box is also firmly sucked on the blade.

After entering the Nether Empire, the organs of the energy jade box were opened, and the **** magic crystal inside quickly flew out.

Then, use the mysterious energy around the soul ring to form a pure energy vortex, and swallow all these **** magic crystals into the soul ring.

Suddenly, the ghost **** asked the day completely completely stunned.

This, this, how does this fuck?

Consciousness can control the soul sword not to be fake, but it is just flying, or releasing soul skills.

Without that soul sword, you can open the box, and there is no soul sword. You can control the essence of energy and enter the ring of the soul.

The only function of the Soul Calibur is to attack, so it also directs attacks and flights.

How did Yangtian do it?

Ghost Emperor asked the sky, really crazy!

Yes, these things look very simple and can't be done at all.

The first problem, the soul sword has no vision, can not judge when he entered the Nether Enchantment. The second problem, the release of the sword soul, can easily break the entire energy jade box and destroy the **** magic crystal.

Because, Hell's magic crystal, is a very unstable and powerful energy, the Naga royal sword spirit is too powerful, it will destroy them.

The third problem, the creation of energy vortex, without destroying the **** magic crystal, simply can't be done, because the sword soul is born to attack.

So, how did Yangtian do it?

Very simple!

It is with the demon fox to enter the state of meditation.

Then, I wrote a soul technique inside.

Accuracy is two soul skills.

The first soul skill is that once the Soul Sword enters the energy position of the Nether Empire enchantment, it immediately releases a repulsive force field of about three pounds and opens the energy jade box.

The second soul technique, creating a pure aerodynamic energy vortex, without any attribute of energy, just swallows the scattered Hell's magic crystal.

This is the most difficult.

Because, even the energy vortex of pure aerodynamics. It will also have attributes because of the special energy environment of the Nethered Enchantment.

Therefore, if the energy of the vortex is large enough, it will destroy the **** magic crystal. But the vortex energy, the speed of engulfing will be slower.

So, experimented many times. Only found an optimal balance.

But even then, it takes more than 30 seconds to swallow all the **** crystals.

However, this means has been completely and completely amazing.

Ghost Emperor asked the sky, seeing this scene is a feeling of near suffocation.

Because Yangtian does this, it is completely another kind of martial arts realm.

This is already in the realm of the realm of God.

He can't think of it anyway. Yang Tian actually wrote his own soul skills, and then used the soul sword to complete this series of things.


One after the other, the Holy Undead, slammed into the Soul Sword and committed suicide attacks.

But, but there is an egg to use.

The body of the Soul Sword is not damaged by any energy.

Its mysterious vein is a thousand miles of mysterious veins that can withstand the energy of the entire yin and yang mirror.

The energy of several semi-class undead in the district. The impact on the top, all dissipated in the Xuanmai essence. Not even a tremor.

One second, two seconds...

Hell Magic Crystal, constantly into the soul ring.

The ghost **** asked the heart of the sky, completely in the blood.

He immediately changed the program, controlling the next moment of the Holy Order, and desperately fighting for these Hells Magic Crystal.



suddenly. Countless Naga royal swords slammed out.

Then, countless soul swords and shadows, began to form an energy mask outside, the entire soul sword, and all the **** magic crystal. Completely wrapped inside, completely airtight.

The semi-sacred undead, who is attacking wildly outside, can't get into this energy prison.

At that time, Yang Tian's Naga royal swordsman formed an energy prison, wrapped the Prince in the dark, and many people, such as the devil and death, issued a series of suicide attacks, which failed to break.

There are several semi-classed undead in this area, but there is no use for it. It is impossible to rush in.

The Soul Ring engulfs the Hellfire Crystal and continues.

Three seconds.

Four seconds.

Finally, two holy undead monarchs arrived.

The Ghost Emperor asked the day to immediately control the two undead monarchs and madly attack the energy cover of the Naga king swordsman.

However, if you have an egg, you can't penetrate it at all.

However, at the same time, the energy of the naga king's demon nucleus is rapidly passing.

Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds, seven seconds, eight seconds...

The Holy Undead, madly attacking the Naga royal swordsman energy hood, but can not be broken, can not resist the engulfing of the **** magic crystal inside.

The ghost **** asked the sky, really want to be crazy, to be crazy...

Is it so vain, watching countless **** magic crystals into the soul ring is refining into the essence of energy, and then swallowed by the sun to become a holy power.

No, absolutely definitely not.

Even if you pay the price of big and big, you must stop it!

Suddenly, the ghost emperor asked the sky to scream for a while.


Suddenly, the ghost emperor asked the sky to become extremely huge, reaching into the sky and violently tearing.

In an instant, the enchanting enchantment of the sky was violently torn apart.

The energy outside is rushing in.

The deadly two-day light also slammed in from the west.

The energy field in this area is violently destroyed and is no longer a purely secluded field.

In an instant, Hell's magic crystal takes on the energy of two days.


One by one, flying quickly and quickly.

The undead here can't stand it.

A piece of land flew away.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of undead, millions of undead, tens of millions of undead, have not been exposed to the sun, and instantly vanished.

Even the semi-sacred souls are shattered in sections.

The holy souls are also melted layer by layer.

The ghost emperor asked the sky, so ruthless, in order to stop the sun, it is completely killing one thousand, self-destruction of nine hundred.

You must know that this enchantment is a prison, but it is a protective cover.

Once the crack is torn open, it is completely devastating to the undead inside.


The extremely fragile Hell's magic crystal, flying fast, completely smouldering.

The ghost of the ghost in the ring of the soul, suddenly heartache and blood, at this time swallowed is too late.

He couldn't help it anymore, rushing out of the ring of his soul and madly engulfing the remaining Hell's magic crystal.

However, the light of the two days will soon cause fatal damage to it. Because even if it is wrapped in countless swordsman energy hoods, the energy of the two-day ray can still enter.

Just like the most powerful tempered glass, it can be bulletproof, but it can't stop the radiance.

So, it takes less than two seconds to swallow.

All the **** magic crystals, all of them are gone.

And the ghost of the Nether, a scream of screaming, and then quickly into the ring of the soul.

At the same time, the Emperor's soul sword, recovering all the soul of the sword, turned the direction, lightning generally rushed out of the Nether Enchantment.

Like a stream of light, flew out.

At this time, the soul sword of the devil's death Ji has arrived.

Lightning usually catches up.

And after the devil, Ji Ji and so on, did not know that only entering a Nether Empire is just a soul sword, but also thought that Yang Tian escaped immediately chased up.

Then, I saw a ray of light.

The speed of tens of thousands of meters per second is faster than lightning. In the blink of an eye, it disappears without a trace.

The innocent soul sword wand, although fast, is still a soul sword of the sun.

So, after a while, it was completely lost.

After the devil died, Jilian did not see the back, just arrived at a group of light and shadow, directly disappeared into the sky.

How can I fly after Yang Tian is injured? How can it be? How can it be?

She did not dare to look at this scene.

At this time, the ghosts inside asked the heavens and fell into the most crazy roar.

Ah... ah... ah, Yang Tian, ​​I must smash you a corpse, smash the corpse, and smash the corpse! (To be continued.)