Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1181: Return to the human kingdom! The s

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Hell prisoners are not simply the spar energy array, but the energy of the powerful heaven and earth that is not deep in the Zhoushan field.

This energy prisoner does not say that the holy level, even if the devil is false, he can’t come out if he is locked in.

Now in the hands of Yangdingtian, there is only one quarter of the keys.

However, his space technique can cross any energy wall.

In this way, Yangdingtian made the space door, and entered the depths of Hell prison on the first floor.

Among the entire prison prisons, ten people were held at this time.

Nalu, Enchanted II, the fox priest, the fire priest, and the weak priest.

When I saw the appearance of Yangdingtian, several people in the room suddenly felt terrified and then snorted: "What are you doing? Go, go..."

Yang Dingtian had no time to explain it. He went straight to the front and first cultivated it as a weak fire priest. There were also six non-language priests who opened up the space door and wore the energy prisons layer by layer. Put it in the cart.

Then, use the space door again to enter the depths of the prison.

Start to rescue Naru and Enchanted II and others.

"No, I don't go out." Enchanted II directly went to the top of the sky.

At this time, the cultivation of Enchanted II was completely controlled by the devil, and Yang Dingtian had to take him away, which was completely easy.

However, he looked firmly at Yangding Tiandao: "I don't go out, I don't know how you came, nor how you escaped from his claws. But you are going, go with the fastest speed, the devil is very I will be back soon. Once he returns, you will never escape his claws."

Yangding Tiandao: "You can rest assured that Ji Ya and Yao Yang have been rescued by me. I will bring them to the human kingdom in a moment."

Enchanted II sullenly shook his head and said: "There is no pure land in this world. The demon king and his evil spirits will soon invade the human kingdom."

Yangding Tiandao: "The door to the human kingdom has been closed, and they can't enter the human kingdom."

Suddenly, Enchanted II was horrified and said: "Did you know that the devil has won the illusion before?"

"No, no." Yangding Tiandao: "It is violet, he is very suspicious. I think it is too easy for us to win the demon. She can't stop me from returning to the field of Zhoushan, but I insist on temporarily closing the door of the human kingdom. Because He is worried that the dramatic changes in Xiaoxitian will lead the Huihu people to enter the human kingdom. I agree with him and decide to temporarily close the door of the human kingdom and wait until the new order is opened. So, fortunately."

Enchanted Second World Road: "Don't forget, the devil has a hollow fire, can enter the first dark field through the dark crevices, and then enter the human kingdom."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment and said: "That is also a matter of five months. At least, I have five months. After a short time, you must return to the human kingdom with me."

"No, I don't want to go." Enchanted II looked at Yangdingtian.

Yang Ding Tian Er said nothing, directly pick him up, it must be put into the space ring, the demon anger II was repaired as imprisoned, completely unable to resist.

"Yangdingtian, you listen to me, I can't go." Enchanted II is anxious and correct: "If I leave, no one knows the truth in the whole small West, and the Shadowgo needs my protection. Also, the Silvermoon and the Justice League need my protection. The demon fox needs me and the devil's imaginary to be a snake."

Yang Dingtian stared at the enchanting II for a long time.

"Boom!" At this time, the snowy mountain castle in the distance suddenly burst into a loud noise!


The officers on the Snow Mountain Castle were summoned to the agency room, but for a long time no one opened the door to energy.

Suddenly, he quickly entered the interior of the castle and found that the complex and sophisticated energy array inside the door of the energy gate had been completely destroyed.

In other words, the door to energy was destroyed.

So, he quickly reported this matter to the silver dragon referee (the devil devotees to the sky)

Suddenly, the devil is angry and angry!

Although he has already guessed this, he is still extremely angry.

Then he frantically hits the energy wall at the door of the energy gate.

The entire snow-capped mountains are shaking and making a loud noise.

But it's useless, even if he is almost half-dead, he can't destroy a semi-detached plane.

Although the area of ​​the Zhoushan Mountain is small, it is also a half plane.

Taking a deep breath, the Devil left the area of ​​Zhoushan with the fastest speed.

He is going to collect spar and temporarily build an energy array to create a temporary energy gate.

It is difficult and difficult to say the whole process, and it is very easy.

Because all the attributes of this energy wall have been cracked.

Therefore, the relevant energy array analysis has long been clear, and with enough energy spar, you can build an energy array.

Only what is needed is time.

Now, the most terrible thing is time.

During this time, Yangdingtian was excited about the waves in the Zhoushan area and did not know how many people to save.

He wanted to order the samurai of the Snow Mountain Castle to block the sun.

But they quickly gave up the idea. These warriors did not even punish the punishers. They were repaired to a low level, and they could only die at the top of Yangdingtian.


In the prison of hell, Yang Dingtian heard that Enchanted II actually said that he could not go, and suddenly he was shocked.

"Devil sorrow, are you sure?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I'm sure." Enchanted Second World Road: "If I leave, it will be a huge catastrophe against the Shadows."

"I respect your thoughts." Yangding Tiandao, then walked toward Nalu, to put her into the space ring, bring out the prison prison.

"I don't go out either." Nalu said: "It's not enough to rely on the enchanted anger II. As the speaker, I have to be with Xiao Xitian. I have the responsibility to protect the whole Xiaoxitian."

Yangdingtian fell into hesitation.

Unlike Enchanted II, Naru is a woman and an innocent mother.

"Let's go, although you temporarily destroy the door of energy, but the devil will soon build a new one, your time is very urgent." Nalu said: "Next, you have the Silver Dragon Temple to go save."

Yangdingtian thought for a while and nodded.

Then, Lanling stepped forward and put the fox priest into the space ring, then picked up the fire priest.

"Nara Speaker, father-in-law, you take care." Yangding Tiandao.

"Zhezhong." Naludao.

Yang Dingtian made the space door, with the demon fox priest and the fire dance priest, left the prison prison.

The next stop is the Silver Dragon Temple, and all the priests are saved.

In the high priest association of Zhoushan, the surviving priests were temporarily released by the demon king, so they are all in meditation.

The fire dance and the fox priests simply did not wake them up.

Directly in meditation, transfer them to another snow sculpture that is not Zhoushan.

Dozens of great priests were smashed by dozens of snow sculptures.

In a large car, the bright parliamentary jury led by Qin Huaiyu, under the leadership of Yang Dingtian, desperately flew to the torn space.

Although there were a few snow sculptures pulling the cart, it took almost half an hour to reach the torn space.

Then, Yangdingtian began a long process of transfer.

There are more than one hundred people who need him to move to the torn space.

Many of the great priests need to be loaded into the space ring before they can skip the space door and enter the tearing space.

Yangding Tian first let Ji Ya and the demon fox, the fire dance enters the torn space to meet.

Then, throw all the people below the half-sacred, quickly into the space door and into the torn space.

Finally, all the priests who are sanctified. Yangdingtian fits into the space ring one by one, then jumps into the space door and brings it into the tearing space.

The whole process took two quarters of an hour.

Finally, more than one hundred people, and dozens of snow sculptures, were all transferred to the torn space.

After entering the torn space, the priest who was meditating did not wake up.

Then, Yang Dingtian led the team of more than 100 people, traversing tens of thousands of miles to tear space, and flew toward the human kingdom.

These snow sculptures are already very flying, but it takes a few days and nights to pass through the entire tearing space.


The speed of the devil is undoubtedly amazing. Within an hour, he got all the spar.

Then, in less than an hour, he built an enormously complex energy array.

Then, turn on the energy array and create the door to energy.

He finally entered the Snow Mountain Castle and entered the field of Zhoushan.

At this time, Yangdingtian had already taken everyone with him and escaped.

In the Snow Mountain Castle, the mother and daughter of Ji Ya, of course, disappeared.

There are only two holy punishers in the underground prison, and there are two evil spirits.

When I saw the Devil, two holy punishers got up and said: "His referee, your order has been completed, we have taken people to the Snow Mountain Castle and delivered the mission to you."

The face of the demon slammed violently.

Then, the gaze shot the evil light, and the big hand slammed open.

There was a burst of ghosts crying.

The evil spirits are open!

Two sacred punishers, who were born with a soul, became a walking dead.

Then, the devil immediately flew to Hell prison.

Inside, the six non-language disappeared, and the fox and fire priests disappeared.

However, Enchanted II and Nalu are still there.

The devil couldn't help but see why Yang Dingtian did not save the two. The repair of these two men was imprisoned and could not stop Yangdingtian.

"We don't want to go." Enchanted II slowly said: "For the benefit of Xiaoxitian and the demon fox, we must also stand on the side of the winner. I believe that after a long time, the dark crack will bloom, and the devil will be there. Your Majesty can enter the human kingdom. Yangdingtian can't escape your claws, and the human kingdom is faced with a more terrible disaster."

Nalu said: "But you have imprisoned our cultivation, otherwise Yangdingtian has become a prisoner."

The devil asked the sky to look at the two, then turned and left.

Going to the Grand Priest Association, it is already empty.

In addition to the devils II and Nalu, who were unwilling to go, everyone was saved by Yangdingtian.

Shame, shame, shame and shame!

Yang Dingtian not only escaped his own claws, but also lived and gave himself to play. He even saved more than 100 people under his own eyes.

Among them, dozens of people are the great priests of the wise men he needs very much.

It is a great shame.


The devil no longer hides.

Floating in the air, crazy attack is not Zhoushan.


The whole is not Zhoushan, and the sky is falling apart, like the end of the day.

The glaciers are torn and the snow is falling.

The huge mountains were torn apart for a few kilometers of cracks.

A few kilometers of boulder, half a mountain, live and collapse, falling into the abyss.

The wrath of the devil life destroyed a peak of half a mountain.

After madly venting anger, the demon floated in the air, looking at the direction of the human kingdom in the east, slowly speaking word by word.

Yangdingtian, you can't escape.

You and your human kingdom, your wife and children, have lived for five months.

When the next dark crack blooms, it is when the door of the human kingdom is taken back by me.

At that time, hundreds of thousands, millions of monsters and foxes, like the tide, flooded into the human kingdom.

By then, you will feel my anger more.

At that time, the human kingdom is not 100 million, 200 million, but how many people can survive?

Your wife, your children, will also suffer from hell.

I will let you know what is the wrath of the devil! R1152