Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1194: Last night! Enter Naga!

Back to the pyramid where the Queen of Poison is located. +,

Yang Dingtian officially presented to Naga Frost and returned to the human kingdom to help destroy the demon king.

There was no sway, and it was straightforward when I asked Naga to return to the human kingdom.

Naga Frost fell into silence, did not agree, and did not refuse.

She looked up and said, "The husband, the ruins of the old Naga Empire, is dying every day and is destroying."


Naga Frost said: "That is, it is dying every day, and it is not long before the complete destruction. Perhaps hundreds of years, maybe decades, maybe years, maybe months, it suddenly one day, It will be ruined directly."

Yangtou, agree.

Naga Frost said: "And it is my only chance to break through the demigod. Naga, which does not break through the demigod, is not the real Naga. It is not the real Naga, it is impossible to pass on the Naga civilization. Therefore, the ruins of this old Naga Empire is my only chance."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time and once again agreed.

Do not want to do anything to others, Yangdingtian has the obligation to save the human kingdom, but Naga frost does not.

Of course, she did not owe much to Yang Dingtian, but she could not force her to do anything.

Naga Frost said: "French, the ruins of the old Naga Empire are not only a rare opportunity for me, but also for you. The progress of practicing one day here is far more than one year in the human kingdom. So, you It can be cultivated here to the highest level you can reach. If you miss this time, there will be no chance."

This time, Yangdingtian did not silence, but said: "I am doing energy, not much, as long as I can defeat the devil. It does not matter."

Naga Frost said: "That's just right, when I am strong enough, I can just go to defeat the devil and ask the sky. It only takes twenty years, I can break through the demigod, and it is easy to kill the demon king." ”

Yangding Tiandao: "But, the human kingdom and Xiaoxitian. I can't wait that day."

Naga Frost said: "What is the relationship between humanity and Xiaoxitian?"

She said this sentence, it is completely natural, and there is no such thing as a violation.

For her, even the Queen of Poison is like an ant, let alone other humans.

Then, Naga Frost said: "French, we will inherit the foundation of the Naga Empire, the human kingdom and the so-called Xiaoxitian. What is the matter?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is something for me, not to mention, there are my wife, my children, my comrades, my family."

Hearing his wife, the child wrote the vocabulary, the beautiful face of Naga Frost. A convulsion, his eyes showed a hint of murder.

Naga's monopoly. It is very strong.

After a long time, Naga Frost said: "Don't those people be more important than me? Is it more important than our future dominance?"

Dominating the words of the world, without any preparation, said it from the mouth of Naga Frost. There is no sudden awkwardness.

Because Naga is like this, once it is completed, it will be born to dominate the world and become the world hegemon.

Yang Dingtian stared at Naga Frost, saying: "You are also my wife. My family, you are as important as them. But at least you are very strong now, very safe, do not need my protection. And they But still need my protection."

Naga Frost, still sinking.

Yangdingtian looked at her and said: "Froser, I don't want to give it to others. I don't have the power to ask you to do anything. If you don't want to go back to the human kingdom to help me destroy the devil, I won't force it." ""

Then, Yangding Tianchao Poison and Lingbi said: "Let's go."

Naga screamed up and said, "No, you can't go."

Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, I don't force you, you can't force me."

Naga screamed with a big breath, hesitating and struggling between the spouse and the energy. After a moment he said: "So, are you still coming back?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you don't die, you will come."

Naga Frost said: "But if you go, you will die."

Yangding Tiandao: "We have a saying, though thousands of people, I am going!"

Naga Frost said: "I know that the egg touches the stone, but also to find death? This is not brave, it is stupid."

Of course, both Yangdingtian and Naga Frost know that it is very simple to let Yangdingtian die.

When the two meet and become the true spouse, Yangdingtian shares the body of the demigod, and will never die.

However, Naga Frost did not take the initiative, and Yang Dingtian certainly did not mention it.

Yangding Tiandao: "I was not smart enough."

Then, Yangding Tianchao Poison and Lingbi waved: "Okay, go."

The Queen of Poison and the Lingbi, quietly walked to the side of Yangdingtian.

For the attitude of Naga Frost, the coffin was slightly uneasy, and she was a little lucky.

Because before, it was her who made mistakes, and she was morally tainted, and she was also a coffin.

Now, this person has become a Naga frost.

And her coffin, bravely standing on the side of the husband, has this moral advantage, really cool.

Yangdingtian took the hands of the coffin and the poisonous sand and flew directly away from the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Flying farther and farther, flying directly hundreds of miles away from the ruins.


Suddenly, a burst of energy storm swept across the body, leaving the body of the Yangdingtian three completely lost control.

Directly, it was rolled to the ground and returned to the ruins.

Of course, this energy storm was not ruined, but made by Naga Frost.

Naga Frost, the wonderful body still standing in the same place, staring at the Yangding Tianliang for a long time, said: "French, you said that the devil will ask Heaven to enter the human kingdom through the dark cracks, how long is it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There are still ninety-eight days."

Naga Frost said: "How many days does it take us to return to the human kingdom?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Ten days."

Naga Frost said: "If I am there, the speed of going back will be very fast. I just can't go back because there is no space. So, we are here together, practicing for 80 days, then going back."

Yang Dingtian brows twitched and said: "Time is so tight, in case of any accident, it will be abandoned."

Naga Frost said: "Every day I practice here is invaluable to me. I insist on practicing here for eighty days, and then go back together."

What she said was categorical.

Then, she said again: "These eighty days can make my cultivation a huge improvement. For you, the promotion is even bigger. In this way, we are more likely to win the battle against the demon king."

In the end, she is very determined: "It is so decided!"

Yang Dingtian and the Queen of Poison Shah looked at each other. Without Naga Frost, this battle has no chance of winning.

Eighty days, eighty days!

Then, Yang nodded.


Then, Naga Frost almost did not say anything, directly holding the Yangdingtian, and flew out of the pyramid, she was going to find a crack, drilled into the ruins of the heart, swallowing the highest concentration of mysterious.

The Queen of Poison and the Lingbi looked at each other with a smile.

"Oh, unfortunately, Naga is definitely not going to help, otherwise she can easily help you break through the holy order." Queen of Poison said: "You are much easier than human beings, you are the body of Shura."

The coffin snorted: "I can't think of such a beautiful thing."

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "I have a certain understanding of the abyss of the ruins. When a similarly large energy storm occurs, I will take you to complete the transformation."

Lingbi sweetly said: "Thank you sister."

But only a moment later, Naga Frost and Yangdingtian flew back into the pyramid.

Naga Frost chilled her face, very unhappy, and flew away directly to the coffin.

"You remember, I have nothing to do with you. If you don't speak, I will never help you to complete Nirvana, your despicable Shura." Naga Frost flies high above the sky and looks for energy storms. Full of sorrow.

After the coffin's face, I don't care at all, but my heart is proud, but I am still good to me. What are you like Naga?

Less than half an hour later, Naga Frost came back with a coffin.

The coffin was pale and apparently ate some bitterness, but after all, he completed the transformation and became a holy power, so her eyebrows were hard to hide.

Yangding Tiandao: "Sasha, can this pyramid last for 80 days?"

Queen Poison Shakes her head: "It shouldn't work, but you have to come out every ten days, so don't worry that we will be lost."

Yang nodded and said: "Then take care of the coffin."

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "That is not necessarily who cares for anyone. It is terrible to break through the Holy Spirit, and even manipulate and control small energy storms."

After waiting for Yang Dingtian to finish, Naga Frost held him directly out of the pyramid.

After flying for thousands of miles, I saw a very tiny crack on the Naga Frost turned into a prototype of Naga that was a few hundred meters in size.

Then, she slammed her mouth open and swallowed Yang Dingtian into her stomach.

Yes, it is swallowed directly.

Really scared Yangdingtian a big jump.

Of course, this is not to eat him, but to take him to the ruins of the earth, to protect with his own body, so that he is not under the strong pressure of the ruins of the Naga Empire.

Then, she violently turned into a golden light, madly darting into the crack, into the ruins of the earth, looking for energy caves.

In the energy cave, it devours hundreds of thousands of times of mysterious crystals, the highest concentration of energy in the world.

And Yang Dingtian, inside her body, swallowed and squandered and practiced.

To cultivate for 80 days, the most insane energy in the history is swallowed up. (To be continued..)u