Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1244: The combination of fate!

Speaking of this topic, both people are in silence.

In the end, Naga Frost broke this silent road: "If you don't remember the future Medusa Simon Ningning, I can."

Yang Dingtian could not help but look forward to her. She had always insisted that she had to break through with the gods and then meet with Yangdingtian.

Naga Frost sighed: "The ruins of the Naga Empire have been disintegrated. I have lost the possibility of breaking through the gods quickly, and I can't break through even my life. The previous insistence is meaningless."

Yangding Tiandao: "Not only that, half of your energy will be transferred to me. And, in the future, every day you devour energy, half of it will be mine."

Naga screamed and shook her head: "There is no way to break through half-god. It doesn't matter. After you meet with me, I will drop from thirty-nine steps to thirty-two orders, but what about it? Can kill me. Medusa can still kill me. And those later generations of Naga still have nothing to do with me!"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you go with me to the New Naga Empire, wait until I use the Sanxuanhuo lightning to kill Bo Yiming and others, you take me to escape immediately, can you succeed?"

Naga Frost flattened and said: "I can, of course, escape easily. But if you add you, you can not run with you, but you will fall into it. Don't forget, I am only thirty. In the ninth order, they have countless nearly fifty steps. Even if my mystery is dozens of times thicker than them, but dozens of descendants of the late 50th generation, Naga, are enough to kill me."

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and fell silent.

Do you want to re-enter the New Naga Empire and kill everyone who has been killed and who has seen the scrolls of space, including the Queen of the Sea?

Yes, still have to go.

Although, you may not be successful.

However, this is the only way to stop the invasion of the new Naga Empire.

Anyway, try it. Can't sit still.

If you decide to go, you must make a deal with Naga so that you can escape.

Otherwise, I want to come out from countless powerful future generations of Naga. That is definitely a dream.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian stared at Naga Frost Road: "If you don't regret it, then you are sorry, you have to split half of your energy."

Naga Frost's petite body trembled slightly and nodded. "Okay. Then do this. Let's go back, you and the fox priest, write the scroll again. If you can successfully let the soul sword release the mysterious fire, you can succeed. If we hide the mysterious fire lightning with the isolation space, we will begin to meet and then enter the new Naga Empire and kill the enemy."

"Good." Yangdingtian nodded.

Then, the two left and returned to the human kingdom.


When I entered the Dark Empire again. The people inside are already twice as big as before.

Under the command of the coffin and innocent people, the steady stream of humans and demon foxes moved into the dark empire.

The space within the entire dark empire is large enough. Inside, there are countless huge castles, each of which is like a city. There are no problems with living hundreds of thousands of people.

The most important air is no problem.

The entire dark empire is an incomparably huge array of energy that can continuously extract air from the outside and then inside the castles.

The biggest food problem. Not too big.

This is still to thank the Dark Empire. In order to prepare for the war of extinction, the Magic City Shang Palace, which serves the Demon Road, has been stockpiled for hundreds of years. In the special space of the Dark Empire, it will not rot at all.

As a result, I did not expect that the new war of extinction would not be able to use food. The only consumption is the Snake Empire that supports the Queen of the Sea.

The grain treasury of the Dark Empire fed tens of millions of people throughout the Snake Empire for more than a year.

but. It still only consumes a fraction of it.

Moreover, the human kingdom is still an endless source of food, fresh water, meat, and fruit transport into the dark empire.

Therefore, the dark empire raises millions, and tens of millions of people are not a problem at all.

The most important thing is order, people.

This big retreat will undoubtedly cause great panic.

However, all of this was handed over to the army of the Bright Parliament. Under the suppression and maintenance of tens of millions of troops, order can be maintained.

The key is that it is useless to retreat into the dark empire.

Can the new Naga Empire come in? This is not known.


Yang Dingtian once again saw the fox priest, her first sentence is to show me the soul sword.

When the Emperor's Soul Sword was taken, the Great Priest of the Demon fox screamed again and again.

The former Soul Sword is only completely transparent. Now this Yang Chaotian's Chaos Emperor Soul Sword is completely invisible.

"It has already broken through the gods?"

Yangdingtian nodded.

Suddenly, the fox priest was so excited that he touched the emperor soul sword with incomparably confusing.

Breaking through the gods, it is almost the eternal faith of the demon fox, and now a soul sword has done it.

After a quarter of an hour, the fox priest said: "There is also a credit for me, right?"

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao: "I have been unable to leave your help from the beginning to the present."

The fox priest Chaoyang Top Tian smiled and said: "Then, what do you want me to do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There are new reels."

"Say." The fox priest is eager to go to heaven.

Yangding Tiandao: "The soul sword version of the Xuanhuo lightning reel. That is, the hollow fire, the magic spirit demon fire, the three spirits of the spirits fire into the soul sword, let the soul sword give them a mysterious, then Become a chaotic attribute, and finally hit the impact, resulting in three Xuanhuo lightning."

The fox priest closed his eyes and said: "The biggest problem here is that these three black fires are yours, not the soul swords, nor within the sea of ​​soul swords."

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes."

The fox priest said: "So, at the root, this is the mystery of borrowing the soul sword, not the pure soul sword version of Xuanhuo lightning."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The fox priest said: "Some troubles, Yangdingtian."

"Yeah, it's a little troublesome." Yangding Tiandao: "If it's just a Soul of the Soulfire, it's simple, it can be written in less than a day."

The fox priest said: "But it is not that difficult, right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes. It's just that we have to pick a direction. The first direction is that Xuanhuo enters the soul of the sea. In the second direction, it simply borrows Xuanhuo."

The fox priest said: "The first direction is divided into two steps. The first direction is difficult, the second direction is only one step, but it is difficult."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, according to your keen perception. Which direction do you think we should choose?"

The fox priest said: "The second direction is purely in the martial arts wisdom of the realm of God. The first direction is less difficult, but some are not within the realm of God."

"Yes, then the second direction!" Yangding Tiandao.

The fox priest did not go to the door and stripped his clothes again.

Then quickly, take the Yangdingtian and use the spirit to re-enter the deepest meditation world.

Start writing new reels.


Borrow the soul of the soul sword. Inject the master's fire!

It sounds very, very simple, and the code is definitely short.

However, it is the most difficult and difficult scroll ever written by Yang Dingtian.

It can be said that without the previous three writing experience, he could not imagine to complete this scroll. Even many theories cannot be resolved.

The master's Xuanhuo, the soul of the sword, the two are completely independent individuals, connecting the two, only the consciousness of Yangdingtian.

and so. Although Yang Dingtian and the fox priest are full of confidence, it is actually very difficult.

Moreover, there has never been a similar reel.

Why? Because of the master's mystery. Forever, you can't borrow it.

Nowadays, this is a wonderful thing in Yangdingtian. The repair of the soul sword is much higher than that of the master.


Yang Dingtian and the fox priest are in the deepest level of meditation.

Thinking day and night, writing.

In the beginning of the time. Most of them are thinking, and even the framework can't be fixed.

Because, you have to figure out the principle.

In the world of meditation, a few years have passed.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been quarreling, and I’ve finally settled the rough idea.

Next, it took another year to know.

Set the entire framework.

After the frame was set, the fox priest once again burst into tears.

She cried last time, the first time she wrote the scroll.

After the frame was set, the most difficult time has passed.

Next, it is to fill the paragraph.

In the world of meditation, it took less than a year to complete.

After the thorough completion.

Two people have a big sleep in the world of meditation. After sleeping enough, they are still the priests of the foxes and write the entire scroll.

Then, the two were completely awake and returned to the real world.

At this time, the real world has already passed for a few days.

Because only for the first time, Yang Dingtian and the fox priest entered the world of meditation, the deepest and deepest. Later, the levels are different, either deep or shallow.

In the real world, Yangdingtian controls the soul sword and learns this scroll.


However, after failing to learn the scrolls, the soul of the soul sword can still not provide the mysterious fire for the sacred fire of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, the fox priest couldn’t help but cry.

After crying, the two men once again entered the deep meditation world and started again.

That's right, it's a new start, not a modification.


The first time it failed.

The second time, it failed again.

The third time, it failed again.

The fourth time, another failure.

Later, Yang Dingtian and the fox priest were almost desperate.

Such a simple scroll can't be done, and it seems that the method can't be done.

Because, the last time, the two men examined carefully and really couldn't find any problems.

So the two negotiated and finally started again, if it still failed.

In the direction of change, let Xuanhuo enter the sea of ​​soul swords, even if Yangdingtian completely loses these mysterious fires, they will not hesitate.

So, in this atmosphere of ruining the boat.

For the fifth time, I don’t know how many years I spent in the world of meditation. In the real world, it’s been ten days.

Finally, when the scroll was finished, Yang Dingtian took the soul sword and realized it, and began to display it.

The body of the fox priest is almost trembled and fearful.

As a result, they succeeded.

When I failed four times and almost despair, I finally succeeded.

Chaos Emperor Spirit Sword, strive to provide Xuanqi for the three Xuanhuo of Yangdingtian.

Just such a simple scroll is the shortest scroll that Yang Dingtian has written, but it is the hardest.

The fox priest held a deep kiss in Yangding, and then stroked his beard. "Baby, you know that I can do anything for you. But, at least within a year, you should stop coming to me."

She was really scared, and it was impossible to write the next reel in a short time.


When Yang Dingtian came out from the secret room of the fox priest, the beard on his face was already like a weed.

The vicissitudes of the face seem to be old.

This scroll, he wrote for fifty days, longer than the first scroll.

Seeing the vicissitudes of Yangdingtian, Naga frosted, then said: "Completed?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Completed."

Naga Frost said: "Once I have combined with me, I will share my life and share energy. I can't be your partner if I am Ning Ningning."

Yangding Tiandao: "If there is a relationship, as long as the mind is connected, there is no need for that kind of thing."

Naga Frost said: "Are you going to say that this spirit is derailed before you combine it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You will read the mind, I know what you think."

Naga Frost said: "Well, let's go, go to the ruins of the Naga Empire, let's fit!"

Then, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, once again flew away from the dark empire, flew toward the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Although he did not understand why he must go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Is it not possible in the Dark Empire?

But what is now making sacrifices is Naga Frost, and of course everything she has the final say.


After a few days and nights, Naga Frost and Yang Dingtian once again came to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

This is only a quarter of the ruins, and it has maintained a long period of tranquility. So far, there has not been much dramatic change.

"Oh..." Naga Frost changed again and suddenly became the prototype of Naga.

Then, put Yangdingtian in his mouth again and drill into the depths of the ruins to find an energy cave.

Yangding, so? No way.

Even Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen are the human body, not the body of the snake.

There is no doubt that he is more concerned.

After entering the energy cave of the Earth's heart, Naga Frost immediately turned back and became a beautiful human body.

"French, do you really regret it?" Naga frost hoared.

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao: "You don't regret, I naturally won't."

Naga screamed and shivered: "Well, no matter what contradictions have been made before, what is not so happy, you and I will be united in the future."


Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, today seven thousand words are updated, please ask for a ticket. (To be continued.)

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