Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 1257: The Naga army is destroyed! Devour

Then, Yangdingtian discovered a very bad thing. Oh,

The whole plan went very smoothly, including 4,900 Naga, together with Moro, all flew toward the Medusa trap.

Without any hesitation, there is no doubt, it is completely a moth.

Of course, because the closer to the Medusa trap, the higher the concentration of mysterious gas, which is completely deadly temptation for this group of later generations of Naga.

But what is terrible is that they have also taken Yangdingtian together.

Naga, the descendant of two near-middle gods, still clung to Yangdingtian and flew toward the Medusa trap.


It’s a good thing to be close to Queen Medusa, you can go, why are you taking me with me?

I am not going!

But it's useless. After a period of half-god, Naga will not listen to you, completely ignoring your struggles.

You are in the thirteenth order of the district, and there is nothing in front of the strongman of the forty-ninth and ninety-nine people. There is no resistance.

Therefore, Yangdingtian was also wrapped up and flew toward the trap of Medusa.

It’s terrible, terrible, terrible...

Thousands of descendants of the near-middle god, Naga, really flew toward the flame like thousands of fireflies.

Yangdingtian can't stop and stop, and can't break free, but also rush toward the flame.

At this time, the voice of Naga Frost sounded in the heart of Yangding.

"French, it doesn't matter, you are the body of the demigod, it should be a subject belonging to the Naga Empire, so this Medusa trap will not engulf you." Naga Frost said.

"Really?" Yang Dingtian wondered if he was the body of the demigod, but at least not Naga.

"Or else, how could Mr. Fantasy of the year pass through the Medusa trap?" Naga Frost said.

Yang Dingtian finally rest assured, saying: "These generations of Naga, although not half-god. But barely can be regarded as Naga, will the Medusa trap be useless to them?"

Naga Frost was silent for a while, saying: "I don't know, this Medusa trap is the last barrier to the Naga Empire. All non-semi-god bodies should be blocked, so I will say this trap to this group of future generations. Jia should be effective. And when this trap energy array was built, Big Nirvana did not happen. These later generations of Naga were not born."

No matter what, now everything can't be stopped, no matter what the outcome, you can only gamble.

Yangding days closed his eyes and waited for the final result to occur.


Getting closer and closer.

Thousands of fireflies, the general light, rushed to the huge Queen Medusa at a speed of tens of thousands of miles per hour.

at last……

Arrived in front of two beautiful unparalleled faces.

At this time, the concentration of the surrounding Xuanqi. It has reached an amazing 100,000 times.

This is the mysterious concentration that this group of generations of Naga rushed to enjoy, and immediately became crazy.

What is sensible, what is alert, I have already gone to Jiuyunyun.

They only have one goal, which is to fly to the place where the concentration of mysterious gas is highest to swallow.

Where is the highest concentration of mysterious gas? It is the eyes of the Queen of Medusa, the beautiful eyes of the soul.


Then, Yangding Tianyan looked at him, one after another, near the half-god, the generation of Naga. Straight to the eyes of Queen Medusa, then disappeared...

One after another disappeared.

and. These later generations of Naga, who clearly saw the former companion had disappeared, thought that they had entered the inner world of Queen Medusa, and devour the highest sacred energy in it, so they rushed up.

So, one by one. A group followed by a group.

All thoroughly, the smoke disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

And two of the nearly half-death generations of Naga, at this time did not release Yangdingtian, they held Yangdingtian to fly toward the eyes of Medusa trap.

then. The two of them also disappeared.

And Yangdingtian, so floating in front of the eye gem, did not disappear, it floated and did not move.

Nami, who was behind the gods, saw no doubts, but was full of ridicule.

The despicable human beings do not deserve to engulf the noble energy of Queen Medusa.

There was no pause, and the near-middle **** Naga, a group of people, swarmed in.

Just a few minutes.

The side of Yangdingtian is empty, and all the near-middle **** Naga disappears without a trace.

All of them were wiped out and all were swallowed up.

He is really completely shocked!

This group of later generations of Naga, but very savvy, especially Moro, the heart is deeper than the day of the question, it is completely old and violent, all the way has not given Yang Dingtian any chance, even the space door is their own display .

However, he did not think that in the face of this trap, he did not even have a little resistance and doubt, and he rushed straight and died.

Li Lingzhi was faint, and Li Zhizhi was faint.

Not only him, but also his life.

How sly, how sinful. But because of absolute arrogance and contempt, I lost my life.

The key is that the day has already reminded him that Yangdingtian will come to assassinate him. But Bo Yi’s disdain, nothing at all. Probably in his mind, it is equivalent to someone telling you that you have to be careful of the ants at your feet, it may come to kill you. And it is a small ant in the conventional understanding, not a poisonous ant. Anyone who listens will not be dismissive.

The shortcomings of Naga are very deadly.

A total of 4,900 Naga, all after a few minutes of destruction. Yangding genius remembered: "Frost, I am finished here."

"Well, I already knew it." Naga frosted.


At this time, Naga Frost, and the later generations of the Nine tribes, Naga, 4,900, and all of them are in the vast hall of the Heavenly Emperor.

All the later generations of Naga have entered the Dark Empire, and all have become human.

Although there were nearly 5,000 people, it was still empty in the vast halls of the vast sky.

"Ask God, do it." The leader of a later generation of Naga said: "Clear the entire dark empire and kill all the excess ants, and now it will be transformed into an empire energy array."

This group of descendants, Naga. Ask the day to kill all humans.

Of course, killing tens of millions of humans here is completely indiscriminate for this group of future generations of Naga.

However, this group of humans are in the dark castle. These dark castles are part of the energy array and it is best not to damage them. But enter the dark castle. It’s too much trouble to kill one by one. But for the day, killing tens of millions of people can be done in one second.

He has the highest strength of the Dark Empire. With a single command, the entire Dark Empire can spur hundreds of thousands of millions of energy beams, killing all the humans in the Dark Castle in an instant, saving time and effort.

Ask Tiandao: "I have already promised Yang Dingtian. I want to leave his family. And, is it necessary to kill all the human beings here, and to discuss with the king of Moro?"

The descendants of the later generations of Naga suddenly angered: "Humans ask the heavens, don't forget, you are just one of our tools. Killing all human beings is planned long ago."

Asked the sky and shook his head: "No, what I discussed with King Moro is. He is the king of the whole world, and I became the supreme controller of the dark empire. The highest monarch of mankind. Killing humanity, I What does this monarch mean? So, how many human beings are killed, how many are left as slaves, and they need to negotiate with King Moro."

The head of the Naga tribe of the later generations snorted and never said anything. Although it is very uncomfortable to ask the day's disobedience, and from the heart can not look down on humans. However, after all, only the King of Moro can order human beings to ask the heavens.

Make a metaphor.

Follow the agreement with Moro. Nowadays, human beings ask the heavens, and they will soon become the monarchs of the human kingdom. They are equivalent to the emperor Pu Yi of the Puppet Manchuria during World War II, and the Moro is equivalent to the Japanese emperor. At the moment, the head of the Naka tribe of the next nine people is equivalent to the commander of the Kanto army of the devil, although he did not put the funeral in his eyes. It is completely regarded as a pig, but in the nominal position, the status of Pu Yi is still higher than him. Only the Emperor of the Devil can give orders to Pu Yi.

The head of the Naka tribe of the next nine people decided to wait until the king of Moro came. Not only must the family of Yang Dingtian be completely killed, but also the human beings who are kneeling down, and they should be humiliated.

At this time, ask the sky to sit leisurely on the throne of the dark, gently tapping the rhythm.

He was waiting for the signal, waiting for the signal from Naga Frost.

Because, only after the Naga, led by Moro, on the other side of Yangdingtian, was overwhelmed by the nine armed forces, he could only do it.

Otherwise, he killed all the Naga of the Nine. The plan of Yangdingtian over there failed. At that time, the later generations of the Nine tribes, Naga, came to see that the next nine people had finished their death. The consequences were extremely terrible.

As for the distance between him and Yangdingtian for hundreds of thousands of miles, it does not matter at all.

Because, no matter how far apart, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost are completely connected by the mind. What happened there, Naga Frost can know clearly at the first time.

At this time, Naga Frost smiled and smiled at the day.

Yangdingtian has succeeded!

It’s really shocking to ask in my heart.

Although Yang Dingtian said that there are ways, he is sure. But when it really happened, it was still very shocking to ask Tianxin.

A total of 4,900 near-middle gods, Naga, all of them are from the Upper Nine, and they are led by the sinister Moro.

Yangdingtian actually had a way to wipe them out at one time.

It’s amazing.

The key is that he asked Heaven to have the highest control of the Dark Empire. However, Yangdingtian is not.

Awesome, this cheap female niece is really amazing.

Seeing the following Naga primates full of hostility and disdainful eyes, asked Tiandeng to smile and said: "Stupid, goodbye!"

"What do you say?" Naga leader, Yang Dingtian said Chinese, they can not understand.

"Nothing?" Asked the sky and shook his head, then the idea moved.


In an instant, the entire hall of the sky was filled with dark matter.

All the people inside the hall were swallowed up.

The four thousand and nine hundred generations of the next nine generations of Naga, although rarely near half-god, can be more than forty-order superiors. However, it is still swallowed up by dark matter in an instant.

But the whole process is as fast as lightning.

Less than zero and one second, the entire temple was flooded with dark matter.

Not a little bit. Instead of irrigating like a tidal wave, it is filled with instant.


Because the Heavenly Emperor Jing, the Great Hall of the Clan, including the Dark Empire, all have special energy materials.

And this energy substance is a form of dark matter.

The entire dark empire. All are made up of dark matter. However, whether it is a refining and chemical formation, a dark castle, or a heavenly emperor, it is a different state of energy.

As long as the energy is sufficient, these energies can be converted to each other.

Therefore, as long as the mind moves, you can control the Heavenly Emperor Jing, the wall of the Great Hall of Heaven. The ground, etc., all transform into a dark state of matter.

Dark matter can swallow everything, even evil spirits can.

Then, when the devil of the year asked the sky, can you do this?

Because at that time, his Yuanshi evil spirit was built a layer of energy barrier before being taken away by Naga Frost. Blocking the escape of Naga Frost. Can he instantly transform all the material of the Great Hall of the Sun into a dark matter. Instantly swallow Naga Frost and Yangding?


However, he is reluctant. Because, he wants to devour Yang Dingtian. To catch the Naga frost.

These two are the only opportunities for him to break through the gods.

Once swallowed up with dark matter, nothing is gone.


Naga frost is also in the hall of the sky.

However, after she sent a signal. Immediately removed the eye gem of Yuanshi Naga from the space ring.

When the dark matter instantly filled the entire temple, the special energy emitted by the gem was immediately constructed into a protective energy field, which completely protected the Naga frost and blocked the dark matter.


Ask the heavens on the throne of darkness. He also controlled the Emperor of Heaven, continued the transformation of energy, and transformed the dark matter into the hall of the sky.

However, this time it is not so fast.

I saw only dark matter, and disappeared layer by layer.

After a quarter of an hour.

The entire temple of the sky was completely restored.

Then, Naga Frost and the day of the day, I was surprised to find out.

These later generations of Naga have not disappeared and have not been completely swallowed up.

Instead, one by one was completely sealed in the dark matter, motionless, and did not know how to live and die.

Therefore, the ground of the temple of the sky looks very strange. The shadows of thousands of generations of Naga, which are strangely printed on the ground, look very strange.

And then, Tiantian felt that there was a very powerful mysterious energy on the Dark Throne.

He understood that Tongtian Emperor Jingfeng sealed the thousands of descendants of the Naga, and then swallowed energy little by little and turned into a mysterious atmosphere.

Unfortunately, he asked that the interest in the improvement of the repair is not great, and the key he has reached the limit of cultivation.

Probably, the mysterious energy of these thousands of generations of Naga can only be cheaper than Naga Frost and Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, I asked Tian Tiandao: "Thousands of generations of later generations of Naga, all of the forty-eighths or more, full of dozens of times the same humanity. After being condensed by the Emperor of Heaven, it can become the essence of solidification. Cheap you guys."

After all, ask Tiandao: "Well, you will tell your man, let us know that we are here, let him come back."

"Good." Naga frosted.

Then, ask the sky to come down from the dark throne, saying: "Next dark throne is here. I know that you Naga greedy, swallowing up energy, is to race against time, I went to see the sun Those children of the day."

Then, ask the sky to fly directly out of the vast hall and fly toward a dark castle.

Yang Diantian’s young daughter is there, he wants to fight, and let the older children not be afraid of him.

And Naga Frost, can't wait to sit in the dark throne.

Suddenly, a rich and incomparable, hundreds of thousands of times of mysterious energy, violently injected into her body.

Naga Frost enjoyed this with great trepidation, and then said: "French, all done."

At this time, Yangding Tian is floating in front of the eyes of Queen Medusa.


Note: The big chapter of nearly 4,500 words, today is even more, sorry.

To finish the content, be careful to write, thank you. (To be continued..)u