Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 650: Shameful shame Wu Ningming! Find th

If anyone in the world knows the whereabouts of the killing of the sword and the law, it must be the Magic City Shang Palace!

The Sky Magic City does not belong to any force. It is a city where both Heaven and Democracy can trade. ()

His manager is a chamber of commerce.

Because the Magic City is almost the most prosperous city in the world, almost everything in the world can be traded here.

It is a place of chaos! But it is completely different from the chaotic land. It is more prosperous. Although it is incomparably dark and degenerate, it is orderly. The Magic City Chamber of Commerce has a strong military power and a strong armed force to protect the city!

In addition, the Magic City Chamber of Commerce also has a strong military mercenary.

In the Tiandao League, many top experts have committed a great crime, and they have chosen to take refuge in the Magic City. Therefore, many of the higher-ranking warriors who have nowhere to go in the chaotic mainland have been buried in the magic city to become a military mercenary.

So there is no doubt that Sky Magic City is a super powerful yet powerful force in Chaos!


Yangdingtian is the master of the Guangming Parliament, and it is very likely to be the Lord of the Hidden Emperor! Therefore, when he visited the Sky Magic City with great brilliance, as the ruler of the Magic City, he organized the organization and immediately used all the power to frantically rectify the order in the city.

Nearly 100,000 golden cavalry, expelling every cockroach on the street.

Nearly 100,000 rogues, cellars and villains in the entire city were swept away! Of course, the so-called sweeping is not killed, but all orders are not allowed to go out at home.

All the strangers, all strange, all evil and evil, either imprisoned at home, or simply caught in the dungeon.

All the wanderers are all held in the castles. Distribute food!

All the high-ranking warriors who are wanted by Heaven and Earth all avoid it and do not appear!

In short, when Yangdingtian arrives at the Sky Magic City, it must be an orderly, prosperous and stable city!

Because of the people of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce. There is indeed some concern that Yang Dingtian’s army will sweep through it and be included under the rule of the Guangming Parliament.

Before that, Song Yu had led hundreds of thousands of military soldiers to the city, only two or three hundred miles away from the Magic City, and scared the rulers of the Sky Magic City into a cold sweat.

Of course, with their powerful power, they are not afraid of Song Yu! Even at that time, the bright council of Yangdingtian was not afraid, but once the war started, the city was commercial and prosperous. It’s completely finished!

But the current Yangdingtian, the power is smoky! Directly master Xizhou, Dongzhou, and half Dongzhou.

Although the Sky Magic City has powerful armed forces, it has the most powerful equipment and weapons in the world! But the land of the magic city that wants to traverse seven hundred miles, with a population of four million, fights more than ten thousand miles. The bright parliament of more than a billion people is completely whimsical!

and so. When they received a message from Yangdingtian Special Envoy about Yangdingtian, they immediately decided to meet Yangdingtian with the highest specification etiquette!

Just when the Chamber of Commerce felt that the dust had settled, I suddenly received a letter from Special Envoy of Wu Youming, saying that Lord Wu Youming should also visit the Sky Magic City!

Moreover, it is the date of Wu Youming’s visit. The same is May 25!

The two masters of the sacred ancestors, even at this time!

Wu Youming City House is so deep, it is said that it will definitely not do this kind of arrogance with Yang Dingtian. However, the letter of Yang Dingtian really irritated him!

but. The rulers of the Magic City can have a complete headache, do not know who to receive!

These two people can not offend one!


In other words, Yang Dingtian has already competed with Wu Ningming once!

It is in Qixiufang! Ling dance into Qixiufang and become the grandson of Liusun! Gongsun Auntie invited Yang Dingtian to participate in the event, but also invited Wu Ningming!

As a result, Yang Dingtian did not go, wrote a word to be self-sufficient!

However, Wu Ningming went there, and sat in the most prestigious position, Gongsun Auntie voiced the main lord.

The word of Yang Dingtian was hung on the exhibition hall, and Gongsun’s face was naked and the face was smashed.

After the competition in Qixiufang, Wu Youming chose to compete in the magic city and Yangdingtian.


On the morning of May 25th, Yangdingtian and the Magical Guards were rewarded on time in the square at the south gate of the Magic City.

In other words, the Magic City Chamber of Commerce has also worked hard! Use the three thousand cloud carving guards to meet the eight hundred miles of Yangdingtian in the air.

In the square of the South Gate of the Magic City, almost all the celebrities of the Chamber of Commerce came out of the nest, and tens of thousands of people gathered here from the sky to meet Yangdingtian.

Moreover, all members of the Chamber of Commerce are also coming out from the owners of the Chamber of Commerce to all members.

When Yangdingtian just landed, everyone suddenly bent down and saluted.

"The Magic City Chamber of Commerce will lead all colleagues and all honorary residents of the Magic City to welcome the Lord Yang Dingtian!"

The owner of the Chamber of Commerce is a short-lived, fat, middle-aged man with a shiny face. The mighty character, Hu, charming and shrewd eyes, a face like a gimmick, just white and bright!

This is the Lord of the Chamber of Commerce, Sharon Bath!

Of course, whoever feels cheated by his flattering attitude is too stupid. This person is definitely not easy to be with his generation, otherwise he can't take charge of the Sky Magic City for 30 years!

"Hello, President, hello." Yang Dingtian reached out to him.

Sharon Bass gave a slight glimpse, and then instinctively extended his hands and Yang Tiantian.

The world is a courtesy without a handshake, and Yang Dingtian’s hand reaches out and suddenly, and the other party instinctively grasps the most accurate etiquette.

"Yangdingtian is the most distinguished guest of my magic city. Before we enter the city, are we honored, please speak!" Sharon Bass respectfully.

Yangding Tian nodded!

Suddenly, Sharon Bass led Yang Dingtian to the high-profile speech that had already been arranged!

Although it was built on a temporary basis, the entire podium was magnificent!

Yangdingtian stepped up step by step, looking at the tens of thousands of people present, slowly said: "Some people say that Sky Magic City is the most prosperous city in the world, I am completely sure of this!"

After this was said, there was someone in the place, and all of them were honored.

"But. Some people say that Sky Magic City is the most sinful city in the world, the dirtiest city!"

When this is said, there is a change in the place!

"A free port, a safe haven. It is needed! But it still needs order! So, I hope that the Chamber of Commerce will be able to establish this order, which will make the Sky Magic City more prosperous, but reduce sin and dirty!"

Yang Dingtian’s speech is over! His words are not very polite, but Sharon Bath, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, is completely self-disciplined. The loud voice: "Yangdingtian’s instructions are in full swing. It is the guiding light for the next stage of our Chamber of Commerce! We are based on the Lord Yang Dingtian. The spirit, go all out. Build the Sky Magic City into a beautiful city of freedom and prosperity, clean and order!"

Then, he more respectfully asked Yangding to go up to a carriage made entirely of gold and precious stones and enter the Sky Magic City!


Almost at the same time, Wu Ningming also took her wife into the Sky Magic City, but he landed at the East Gate!

Here, the same momentum is magnificent. The scene is huge!

To meet Wu Ning's, is the owner of the Sky Magic City, Soro!

There are also generals of the Magic City. High warriors, a total of thousands of people!

It is also difficult for the Sky Magic City, Yang Dingtian and Wu Ningming, no one dares to neglect, directly sent a team of two articles to meet the highest courtesy.

Of course, Wu Ningming is still very unhappy!

because. Everyone knows that the Lord of the Magic City is only the superficial master! The real master, only the Chamber of Commerce!

No one is sloppy on the surface of the Sky Magic City, but in fact has made a choice! But they chose Yangdingtian instead of Wu Ningming!

despite this. Wu Ningming still smiled and delivered a warm speech.

Unlike Yang Tiantian, the reprimand is not the same. Wu Ningming greatly praised the freedom and prosperity of the Sky Magic City! And in the words, greatly affirmed the role of the magic city, and hope that the role of the magic city continues to carry forward!


After entering the city!

In the Sky Magic City, two luxurious and grand banquets were organized to entertain Yang Dingtian and Wu Ningming!

Then, the Bright Parliament officially met with the Magic City Chamber of Commerce!

The main purpose of Yang Dingtian’s coming this time is, of course, to kill the fourth step of the pig sword.

However, there is an equally important purpose, which is to suppress Wu Ningming!

Of course, he will not participate in the talks. The leading talks are Qin Wanqiu and Song Lihua!

In the talks, Qin Wanqiu can give the most important thing to the Sky Magic City. The first is to recognize the authority of the magic coin. Second, I am willing to admit the status quo of the Sky Magic City!

These two points are especially important.

Everyone knows now! Gold coins, and amethyst coins, are only second-class, third-class currencies in the chaotic world.

The real first class currency is the magic coin!

This magic coin is issued by the Magic City Chamber of Commerce! Can be used to trade, buy all expensive treasures, buy the army, buy martial arts masters, and even buy territories.

In other words, the small Magic City Chamber of Commerce has already fainted the feeling of the Fed in the Earth World.

As the world currency, the US dollar has two major supports. The first support is the oil dollar settlement system. The second support is the US Army, Air, and Air Forces.

The support of the magic coin is basically three, the first one, connecting the Heavenly Alliance and the Demon Road! The second is the treasures and resources with astronomical figures. The third is the mysterious force of the magic city! This force comes from all the betrayers, exiles, wanted people, asylum seekers of Demon Road and Heavenly Alliance!

But at present, part of the lifeblood of Sky Magic City is already in the hands of Yangdingtian.

Because, Yangdingtian has cleaned the entire chaos, surrounded the sky magic city! As long as Yang Dingtian is willing, he can completely block the Sky Magic City and prevent any grain material from entering the Magic City. Then, even if the Sky Magic City has more wealth, no more treasures will be used because it does not produce food.

Today, the Bright Parliament has become the largest food supplier in the Magic City and the only supplier.

Before, almost the entire world supplied food to the Magic City. Nowadays, the land of chaos has become the territory of the Guangming Parliament. The grain of other forces cannot be transported to the Sky Magic City!

Because of this, the Magic City chose to let the Chamber of Commerce receive Yangdingtian, and let the city owner and all armed forces greet Wu Youning!


"Mr. Sharonbas, our bright parliament is willing to continue to supply the food and material of the magic city, and is willing to recognize the authority of the magic coin, and is more willing to maintain the status quo of the magic city! However, we have two conditions!" Qin Wanqiu Road.

"Please say!" Sharon Bass Road.

"The first one, Tiandao League has only one leader. That is the Lord Yang Dingtian! Anyone else, is a conspirators, a usurer! You let the city owner Somoro to receive Wu Ning, we are very dissatisfied! So, I want you When the face changes its name, it is no longer called Yangdingtian is the lord of Yangdingtian. It is called the Yangding Tianzong! Moreover, your magic city must not have any substantive contact with Wu Youming, substantive cooperation!"

Sharonbas’s face twitched and said: “The Qincheng Lord said the second condition.”

"The second condition, the Magic City Chamber of Commerce will be to transparentize the armed forces of the Magic City and the strength of the armed forces! We need a list. We need to know how many masters, how many masters, and how many Wu Zun! A few stars, the attributes of the mysterious veins must be marked, the real name, the origin must also be written clearly. Of course, we respect the free attributes of the magic city! Once our wanted people enter the magic city, we will not directly enter the arrest, It will pass the power of the Chamber of Commerce!"

As soon as the second condition comes out, Sharon Bath is even more discolored.

These two conditions. One is more demanding than one! For the moment, he really is not willing to promise!

Although the lifeblood of the Magic City is in the hands of Yangdingtian. And they also chose to favor the sun, but they do not want to really offend the Nether Sea and Lingbi Palace!

Sharon Bass said with a charming face: "Excuse me, Qincheng, if we don't agree, what will happen?"

"A grain of food, one inch of cloth can not be transported into the magic city! The entire sky magic city, will be completely blocked. The magic coin will become a pile of waste!" Qin Wanqiu said.

Sharon Bass still smiles, his face fat and snoring: "Don't you not be afraid of me and Wu Ningming?"

Qin Wanqiu said: "If that is the case, we have no choice! Our konjac army, the Dragon Dragon Corps. Thousands of artillery, millions of artillery shells, millions of troops, will be razed to the ground! Of course, I know that your magic city holds a very powerful and mysterious martial art force, but I believe that you can’t compete with the entire Guangming Parliament, not nearly ten masters, nearly 100 masters, and thousands of Wuzun. Let's go!"

Sharon Bass: "Don't forget, there is no spirit, no two and a half holy!"

"Two people, will you shoot?" Qin Wanqiu said.

Sharonbas’s face twitched!

In fact, if the two cities and the two powers deal with the least, then there is no doubt that it is the Lingbi Palace and the Nether. These two, a lonely, hardly deal with anyone. A greed, can't wait to put all the treasures in his arms.

Today, the Bright Parliament is the biggest customer and the largest provider of Magic City! Today, 80% of the transactions in the Magic City every month are carried out with the power of Yangdingtian.

It’s light and heavy, clear and clear!

However, negotiations! Always shouting the price, sitting on the money, you come to me, do not know how long to talk!

In fact, both of them did not say a word, but they waited for the other party to say it.

That is the recipe for killing the sword, the fourth order, the fifth, and even the sixth!

The most abundant treasure of the world, no doubt is the sky magic city! If we say that some people in the world know the clues to kill the sword, it must be the Chamber of Commerce of the Sky Magic City, which is precisely the Magic City Merchants Palace.

In front of Sharon Bath, the official family of the Shang Palace, at least the face of the family!

Today, Sharonbas hopes that Qin Wanqiu will take the initiative to ask for it! And Qin Wanqiu, I hope that Sharon Bass will take the initiative to help!

In this way, you came to me, talked for a few hours, no results!

Then, the negotiations were interrupted by one thing!

Yang Dingtian proposed to visit the Magic City Shang Palace! At about the same time, Wu Ningming, who is inspecting the wandering camp, officially proposed to visit the Magic City Shang Palace.

The purpose of both people is very simple! Yangdingtian wants to kill the pig sword, Wu Youming wants to stop!

And Qin Wanqiu said directly, Yang Dingtian and Wu Ningming, today only one person can enter the Magic City Shang Palace! If you let Yang Dingtian enter, you must reject Wu Ningming. If you let Wu Ningming go in, Yangdingtian will leave the Sky Magic City!

Suddenly, Sharonbas and Somoro fell into extreme entanglement!

In the morning, at the welcoming ceremony, you can also ride the wall. In the evening, Yangdingtian completely broke the room for them to ride the wall, forcing them to make choices!

Sharonbas painfully went to Qin Wanqiu: "Qincheng Lord waits a little, we need to negotiate for a while!"

Then, the city owner Somoro over there also temporarily quit Wu Ning, and went to the city government to discuss.

The Chamber of Commerce organized 19 people, six warriors, a total of 25 people, is the highest rule of the Sky Magic City!

After two difficult times of deliberation, the results came out!

The Magic City Shang Palace invites Yangdingtian to conduct inspections!

The Magic City Women's Self-help Club invited Wu Youming to inspect!

Sky Magic City finally made a choice, choose Yangdingtian, refuse Wu Ningming!

When the city owner Somoro officially represented Wu Ningming and his wife to inspect the women's self-help meeting, Wu Ningming, who was not at the bottom of the city, was completely changed!

It’s too deceiving, it’s too deceiving!

This morning, I can barely say that I am riding a wall! In the evening, it’s a naked face!

I dare to do this, dare to do so! You Sky Magic City, dare to hit the face of Wu Ningming, dare to hit the face of my Nether Sea and Lingbi Palace!

Wu Ningming couldn't help but want to come out, but his city was extremely deep and hard to endure.

Then, accompanied by the city owner Somoro, he smiled and went to inspect the women’s self-help meeting!

The so-called women’s self-help club is a charity organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Every year, countless women are trafficked from all over the world to the magic city to be prostitutes. The population is too ugly to buy, so the Magic City Chamber of Commerce must make a cover and establish a women's self-help meeting.

Mainly to accommodate women who have been trafficked, and weaving and other work in exchange for remuneration!

However, this organization is simply an empty shell. For a time, where are so many women? Most of the women who were turned to the magic city were female slaves, **** slaves, and prostitutes.

At that time, Somoro had no way to empty five brothels, scraped three hundred women, and entered the self-help club for textiles!

As a result, when Wu Youming entered the self-help club with great enthusiasm, he was suddenly returned by hundreds of eyes.

Where are these women weaving, sitting one by one in front of the textile machine?

I love children, my sister loves them!

Seeing the beautiful man like Wu Younm, these nieces suddenly burst into anger and fascinated. Where do you still remember the mission of today? I suddenly twisted and swayed, and dripped: "Oh, this heart and soul, I have never seen such a handsome Come, come and hurt your sister!"

"This son! Come and come, try your sister's ice and fire!"

"Good brother, my sister stunned, and quickly showed up the baby, and tasted it for my sister..." This is even more terrible, directly sticking out the tongue, making an action of azole and sucking.

Wu Ningming instantly blew up!

A shameful shame, a shameful shame!

Finally, Wu Ningming lost all her graceful gestures and came out!

Of course no one knows!

In the evening, the niece who wanted to taste Wu Youming's younger brother was cut off her tongue, cut off her lips, dug her eyes, threw it in her shackles, and was killed by alive!

However, it is not Wu Ningming's work, it is made by the coffin!


Yangdingtian entered the Magic City Shang Palace and searched for the killing sword!

The reception of Yangdingtian is a stunning beauty, the second lady of the Chamber of Commerce, Sharonbas!

This is a stunner!

A pretty enchanting stunner, the devil's general curve, the gorgeous face, especially a pair of watery eyes, like a hook, look at the man's soul!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)