Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 664: Get married! Flower night! determin

"Master, don't talk nonsense!" Huang said with red face and loud voice: "How can I like him? I hate him the most, if he is still useful, I have already slaughtered him."

"Is it?" Haixin smiled slightly, then caressed the top of the phoenix, and stopped talking.

"Okay, let's go back! Xiaotian, go see your old man." Haixindao, then three people entered the valley.


The valley is full of houses, all built of wood. Even if the area inside the valley is very large, the millions of people living in it are very crowded.

At first glance, within a few hundred miles, all are houses.

Even so, one-third of the people can't live in the house, only live in a simple hide tent!

Moreover, Haixin said that the Holy Valley saved their lives, so they must not destroy the creatures within the Holy Valley. Therefore, the Rebels did not cut down trees in large numbers, nor did they destroy the rivers in large numbers. Try to put the houses and tents in the original. Above the open space.

Yangdingtian walks away! Although the holy valley at this time is already in danger, and it is absolutely crowded, it is absolutely orderly and even seems very peaceful. There is no competition, no bullying is weak.

Because, the best and best house will live for the elderly and children. A poor house that lives for physically strong people.

As the armed forces of the Rebels, hundreds of thousands of rebel forces all lived in the worst tents. Including the phoenix and the sea, they live in the tent.

As a disciple of Haixin, Huangyu needs to be crowded into a tent with four or five fox girls, such as Xiangxiang.

Of course, on the food, I turned it down a little.

Because the Rebels have to fight and have to build a lot, they will allocate a larger proportion of food to the rebel warriors. And the child is growing up. The finer transactions are assigned, and the elderly allocate the least amount of food.

For this method, Yangdingtian is very admirable, humane, and not hypocritical.

When Yangding Tianyi Road passed, I saw the house. On the roadside, almost all of them are old people and children. All the half-human olds are doing what they can, either repairing armor or polishing weapons. Even a lot of children have to help on the side.

After Yangdingtian passed, almost all the half-human old people got up and went to the top of the sun. Say the words of the semi-humanity that Yang Dingtian can't understand, but can feel their gratitude and emotions.

The Virgin Mary is not easy! It is possible to manage a desperate land like a pure land.

Although, it may be destroyed all the time, and even eating is not enough, but the people here are very peaceful!


Soon, Yangdingtian saw the old man! One of the leaders of the Rebels, the patriarch of the Fox people, day by day. Bella.

of course. He must also see him because of him and every day. Bella. There are four other fox warriors who will live in a tent.

When I saw the old man again, every day, Bella couldn’t help but make a loud voice.

Then, talking about the tragedy that has been separated from the grasslands in the past year, Bella is almost blind, and the pupils are congested.

because. Countless foxes have been taken away and become slaves to build that terrible line of defense.

Speaking of the Virgin of the Sea, day by day. Bella's eyes are full of infinite respect! As if it were any words, it could not express the admiration and love of his saint!

"Mr. patriarch. So what do you think of the upcoming decisive battle?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"We have no hope of winning." Day by day. Bella directly said: "This is not only clear to me, but the saint is also clear, even everyone in the Valley is clear. The power of the Snake Empire is ten times, hundreds of times more than us. ”

Yangding Tianyi, the people in the Holy Valley are also clear? Then why can't you see much despair?

"Lord Yang Dingtian, we are different from you, we are always in the most dangerous environment, so we are not afraid of death, but we are afraid of death without value." Day by day. Bella: "It is enough to be able to live peacefully and happily within the Holy Valley for more than half a year. It is enough to be able to bathe under the light of the Virgin. So we know the end of destruction, but we are not desperate! Time Once you get there, everyone will go to death!"

Then, every day, Bella poured a green sap and handed it to Yangding Tiandao: "Sorry, the outside has been completely blocked. Our hunting team has almost no harvest, so the grain will soon be cut off within the Valley." I don't have any wine to entertain you. Although this sap is very difficult to drink, it is rare to bring a little bit of wine, come and do it!"

Yangding Tian toast and every day. Bella is drunk.

It’s hard to drink, it’s awkward and bitter, just with a little bit of natural alcohol!

I did not expect that the Holy Valley had been so hard, and even the food was gone. Every day, Bella, as the leader of the fox family, and the leader of the rebel army, have already been unable to produce any food, not to mention other people.

"Lord Yangdingtian, I ask you for one thing." Day by day. Bella suddenly said.

"You please say." Yangding Tiandao.

"On the day of the decisive battle, all the rebel forces will go to the battlefield, and all the people in the Holy Valley will also go to the battlefield! The tribes over the age of thirteen, whether women or old people, will pick up weapons and snakes. The empire battles, and then calmly dies." Every day, Bella's face twitched: "But... I, after all, I am a father, so... I hope that by then you can leave with the fragrance and take her. Go back to the human continent!"

Every day. Bella tears down, dripping into the thick and sap of the sap, and trembles: "Please forgive me as a father's selfishness!"

Yangding Tianduan started the sap, and finished drinking: "I promise you, Mr. patriarch!"

"Thank you!"


Next, soon Yang Dingtian completely saw the desperate situation of the Holy Valley!

It’s not that you have to cut off the grain right away, but you have already broken the grain!

Before, the hunting team of tens of thousands of people, plus the food that fled to the holy valley, was barely sustainable.

Today, the Valley of the Holy Valley has been completely blocked by the Snake Empire. The hunting team has not had any gains.

In order to solve the food, the sea heart walks into the virgin forest, looking for the fruits of the trees that can be eaten, even the branches, leaves, and roots!

Animals inside the forest. Can't hunt because they are the masters. The fish in the river, seeing four, can only hunt one.

In this way, inside the cauldron, the special plant roots, the fruits of some trees, the shredded meat, and the fresh fish are stewed. Every big pot inside. Will put a fish down.

Then, cook with a big fire! Cook all the food inside and turn it into a special porridge, then distribute it to everyone's bowl.

A large bowl of strong men, a small bowl of old people and children.

Those who are above the Wu Xuan level can eat no food and devour Xuanqi as energy.

Yang Dingtian discovered that there are very few elderly people who come to porridge. They choose to go hungry at home. Also give food to the people who fight for them. However, every child has porridge in his hand. I didn't care about the hot, gorging for a while and then eating it cleanly, then using the tongue to smash the bottom of the bowl like a wash, and finally the eyes are still full of food cravings.

At this time, the adults will pity and pour the porridge in the bowl into the children's bowl. at this time. The children will hold the bowl and run away quickly, refusing to eat the food of the grown-up. Although they are very hungry, although they want to eat, they will not eat. This is what their parents are desperately teaching!

Under such a desperate situation, the Virgin Mary has taught the whole holy valley to be so benevolent and modest!

However, Yangdingtian can't see the despair of peace. He walked directly into the tent of the Virgin Mary!


"Mother-in-law!" Yangding Tiandao: "I want to go back to Xizhou mainland, then I will bring thousands of konjac corps, and there are tens of thousands of large-scale flying rides! I will bring food and weapons over! Then, Bring all the children in the Holy Valley away from the human continent."

Haixin smiled and said: "Thank you for your child, but it is too late! The day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the Snake Empire will launch a general attack."

Yangding Tiandao: "This is the easternmost point of the east from the grassland, and the straight distance from the western continent, but less than 10,000 miles. The fastest day and night, you can go back and forth."

Haixin shook his head and said: "No! The back of this holy valley is indeed the sea! From the impression, more than 10,000 miles southeast of the Valley of the Sacred Valley will reach the West Island. But in fact, it is a sea of ​​nothingness, infinite Endless, you fly southeast and never reach the end!"

“How come?” Yang Dingtian said with amazement: “In terms of geographical location, Xizhou is obviously about 10,000 miles southeast of us.”

"I am also very strange, why is this?" Haixin said: "I have been flying for ten days and ten nights, and I have flown more than ten thousand miles. It is still the sea, I can't see the Northland that should exist, the northwestern continent. and many more!"

Yang Dingtian is completely shocked? How could this be? From a geographical point of view, it doesn't make sense.

"Small heaven, this world is different from what you imagined. It is endless, and the end of the world is the endless sea of ​​void." Haixin said: "We chose the holy valley, although there will be no back Attack, but it also broke our retreat."

"So, if you want to go back to Xizhou, you must go south, then go east, for nearly 20,000 miles, and break through the defense of the Snake Empire. By that time, the decisive battle has already erupted." Haixin said: "And I clearly I feel that the Queen of Poison will never let you go back to Xizhou. You can't hide the lock of more than ten masters. I know that you have stealth and mystery, but your stealth will be exhausted. At this time, no one in the Holy Valley can leave the blockade of the Snake Empire."

"That can't sit still and wait." Yangding Tiandao.

"Reassured, I won't sit still." Haixin smiled a little, then stretched out the jade hand and gently touched the face of Yangdingtian. Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the atmosphere of the ocean and the fairyland. The fragrance was soft and peaceful. Instantly calmed his mind.

At this time, an old man who was squatting slowly walked in, and the pilgrimage to the sea was worshipped: "Master, you are ready, ready."

"Know it." Hai Xindao: "Come to see your grandfather."

"Old slave A5, I have seen my grandfather." The old man walked in, and the sun was deeply worshipped.

Yang Dingtian has not seen such an old man, and he seems to be less than one meter three. The whole face is like a bark. The body seems to have only skinny bones, and a gust of wind seems to blow him away.

"See the old man." Yangding Tian worshiped him.

"This is my most loyal servant. I saved his life, he is also a human! Of course, he is another big master among us." Hai Xindao.

Yangding Tianyi, the old servant in front of him, is also a great master.

"Well, let's go out. I will say a few more words with Xiaotian." Hai Xindao.

The old slave bowed down and then retired.

Haixin looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Xiaotian, what I am most worried about now is my two daughters! Frost, is it okay now?"

Yang Dingtian’s heart trembled and said: “Mother, she is very good.”

"Then I will be relieved." Hai Xin said: "After a while, there should be a brief chaos in the Snake Empire. That is your only chance to escape. You promise me. Take the phoenix dance, too?"

Then, Haixin’s beautiful face shook a little, saying: “Everyone says that I am a saint, but I can’t rival my own selfishness. I can die, but I don’t want my daughter to follow me. She is still young! She, she has a child she doesn't know."

Saint Virgin. As if to explain the matter, what is she doing? She wants to sacrifice herself. Temporarily reinventing the Queen of Poison, giving Yang Dingtian the opportunity to escape?

Taking a deep breath, Hai Xin said: "Tonight, you will be married to the phoenix! I have decided this matter, and this is your responsibility as a husband."

"But phoenix she..." Yangding Tiandao.

"She has already promised!" Hai Xindao.


After an hour.

The wedding of Yangdingtian and Huangyu (Duogu Fengwu). Held immediately.

There are not many people participating, only a few leaders of the Rebels. There is no wine, no meat, only a few dozen cups of sap.

Then, under the auspices of Bella. Yang Dingtian once again held the second meeting with the same woman.

Even today's wedding dresses are all provided by incense.

Because, after Yangdingtian left, Xiangxiang secretly made a set of wedding dress for himself, and also made a set for Yangdingtian!

Today, however, she must dedicate her wedding dress to the phoenix ship.

The phoenix language is higher than the fragrant incense, and the undulating and undulating of the delicate body is more exaggerated. Therefore, the fragrant wedding dress is small, and it is worn on the body of the phoenix, which is more bumpy and undulating, and the ups and downs provoke fire!

I have worshipped the two days of the sky, worshipped the chaotic land, and worshipped the mother-in-law.

Then, Yangdingtian and Huangyu were sent to a tree house in the forest.

There, there is the cave house of Huangyu and Yangdingtian tonight!


Within the house tree house, only Yangdingtian and Huangyu are ignited by candlelight!

Two people sat across the table, and the head of the phoenix was covered with a hijab.

"You, don't you hate me very much? Why are you willing to marry me?" Huang said: "Is my master asking you?"

"She asked me, but if I don't want it, whoever asks is useless." Yangding Tiandao: "Do you not hate me too? Why are you willing to marry me?"

Huang language was silent for a moment, without words.

"I didn't agree." Huang said.

"That is to do a play, lie to your master? Well, I can cooperate with you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, I am not able to put aside for you. I saw your first sight, and my heart was a little trembling. I don't know why. I hate you, I can't wait to beat you, kill you. But I can't wait to be you." Hit, kill you. I hate you, but I can't help but see you. When the fragrance is good for you, my heart will be uncomfortable. I don't know why." Huang said: "But even so. I still won't marry you. So the master told me something, like me, we used to love and hate, I also gave birth to a child for you."

"She told you everything?" Yangding was shocked.

"No, she only told me that I used to entangle with you. I used to have children for you. But she didn't want me to go back. She wants me to be the one I am now." "Then I promised, I don't care who I was before! But I don't want to marry two men. In more direct words, I have been slept anyway, and I have to sleep again, and there is no big deal."

After all, the phoenix rips off the hijab on the head, and the eagerly eagerly looks at Yangding Tiandao: "Do you want to continue to hate me, then sit down to dawn, or give me a complete bonsai?"

Her beautiful face, red, a fascinating, hurried gasping, arrogant, can not look directly!

Yangding slammed up and smashed his clothes directly, then slammed it over, pressed the phoenix on the table, grabbed her plump hips and bite her delicate lips. Road: "Have I told you? I want to marry you, it has been a long time!"

"Come on, there are rumors, enmity!" Huang daring staring wildly at Yangdingtian, his legs jerked toward his waist, jerked his neck and kissed him. Yang Dingtian's lips, spit out a gorgeous and fragrant little tongue, deeply entangled and sucked.

"Hey, I have already married people, people who have given birth to children, and they are not pretentious!" Huang Yu boldly opened his mouth and bite on the chest of Yangdingtian.

And Yangdingtian, turned into a beast, screaming, and violently tearing off the clothes of the phoenix.

"Don't tear the wedding dress still have to return to others, tearing the underwear can be."

Yangding violently tore all the clothes in the wedding dress, and then, like the beast, on the table, completely captured the body of the phoenix.

And the phoenix language seems to be wilder than him! The mouth of the female screams, picks up the only pot of wine on the table, pours it into his mouth, then kisses the lips of Yangdingtian, and passes the hot drink.

Then, the two people completely turned into beasts on the grassland!

Think of the entire bookstore as the craziest battlefield!

At the most insane time, Yangdingtian decided, and tomorrow I will go to the Queen of Poison, and go to the meeting alone!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! In the era of harmony, grasp the scale!

Boss, please pay the guaranteed monthly ticket! Don't you open a single chapter, don't you really vote? (To be continued.)