Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 735: Taboo mainland, the ultimate truth!

In this way, Yangdingtian has been staring at this fallen black dragon, which is completely ubiquitous. +++23wx+

In this way, Yang Dingtian’s gaze has been chasing this fallen black dragon, constantly advancing, advancing and advancing.

More than a dozen hours.

Twenty hours.

Fifty hours!

Taboo the mainland moves quickly and moves!

Moved more than 200,000 miles, the endless world of empty world is over.

In front, the fourth world is open.

Yang Dingtian is very helpless. He really doesn't want to continue to work hard. He just wants to leave here.

However, this jade temple still brought him to the fourth continent.

Yang Dingtian didn't even go to see the fourth continent, he stared at the fallen black dragon.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian clearly saw that with the movement of the taboo of the mainland, the fallen black dragon quickly entered the fourth level of the mainland, and then disappeared completely without a trace.

In the void world, Yangdingtian can still see the figure of the fallen black dragon, but after entering the fourth world, it is completely invisible.

At this time, the fourth front of the mainland is getting closer and closer.

With the taboo of the rapid movement of the mainland, he still could not stop, completely entering the fourth continent of the mainland!

Then, seeing everything in front of me, Yang Dingtian is shocked, Lingbi also followed a shock!


Although there is no plan to continue to practice, Yang Dingtian is extremely curious about the fourth continent.

The first level is the hard rock plain, and the whole world is a flat and hard stone.

The second level is the flame plain, where the magma is invisible everywhere, as if the stones were completely burned and melted.

The third level is the endless ocean. More than one million kilometers, and crazy lightning.

So what is the fourth level?

For this taboo of the mainland, the heart of the Yangding has already had some vague answers. According to the speculation of the previous three worlds, the answer has been blurred.

So the fourth level is very important for discovering the truth.

even. The world of the fourth level means that Yangdingtian finds the key to taboo the mainland truth.

Then, what is the fourth world that is exposed in front of Yangdingtian?

Still the ocean!

That's right, it's the ocean. However, it is different from the ocean of the third level.

First of all, there is no such big wave, it is a relatively normal ocean.

Second, there is a sun in the sky!

That's right. Yangdingtian had a feeling of tears in his face. He came to the taboo mainland for so long and finally saw the sun for the first time.

Not a big wind, gently blowing, the sea surface bursting with waves.

The ocean here, and the ocean of the third level, have a world of difference. ,

The third level of the ocean. More than one million miles, it is completely abnormal. There are huge waves everywhere. There are crazy lightning everywhere.

The ocean here is not much different from the ocean of the chaotic world outside.

Not only that, Yangdingtian also saw some reef islands. In the distance of a few hundred miles, I saw the real big island, and there is a huge mountain on the island.

Yang Dingtian even has a feeling of tears running, the world of the front three views. I can never see the mountain, and now I finally see the mountain.

However, there is still no life found.

There are no animals and no plants.

The whole world is very quiet and does not feel any crisis.

And the jade temple. Just floating quietly in the sky, motionless.

There is no meaning to crash, nor is it meant to be destroyed.

Yang Dingtian shook the soul sword in the handshake, not unexpectedly, it is 40 times anti-gravity. That means time is also forty times outside.

Yang Dingtian was very active this time, using recoil, jumping directly from the jade temple.

"Hey!" Forty times the gravity, want to jump off the surface of the sea, Yang Dingtian two people and one beast need the recoil, more than 200,000 pounds.

This jade temple really couldn’t stand it, and it was instantly broken.

"Hey!" Still ruined.

Jump into the sea!

At the first time, Yangdingtian exported an ice-cold Xuanqi and built a 200,000-pound weight, which is a hundred-ton ice boat.

Then go to the north.

The whole sea, very very quiet, without any signs of danger. No big waves, nothing.

In just one hour, Yangdingtian arrived at the island.

There is a big mountain on the island! Whether it is an island or a mountain, all are stones.

The sun was shining, and there was already a wind blowing, and it was raining.

Yang Dingtian saw that some of the stones on the island had cracked.

Unsurprisingly, these stones, after years of wind and sun, will split up layer by layer, peel off layer by layer, then turn into fine powder and finally become soil.

Of course, it is only a crack at the moment.

After leaving the island, Yangdingtian continued to build an ice boat and headed north.

This time, I sailed for 30,000 miles and reached a very, very large island with an island of thousands of miles.

On the island, there is nothing but stone. Of course, there are still many mountains.

Moreover, the degree of weathering of the rocks here is also more serious.

Other than that, there is still no discovery.

Yangdingtian continued to row the ice boat.

I sailed for another 100,000 miles.

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud bang.

"Look." Lingbi suddenly pointed at the sky.

Then, Yangdingtian saw an unprecedented scene.

Endless meteorites, endless meteor showers, dense and mad.

It’s totally countless!


Almost all the world's sky, covered with all the meteor showers.

It was a real meteor shower, and after these meteorites came in, they began to violently burn.

Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to be burning.

Endless flames, madly heading to the world.

Countless meteorites burned into the ocean.

Suddenly, the sky is falling apart, and the mountains are tsunami!

The entire continent. A violent earthquake.

The whole ocean, began to roar, began to set off a huge wave of sky!

Yang Dingtian two people and one beast, desperately avoiding this endless meteor shower under the forty-fold anti-gravity.

At this time, Yangdingtian is already an absolute master, although the meteor shower is intensive to the extreme. Although there are crazy tsunami everywhere, Yangdingtian is still escaping from these huge meteorites.

Only two people and one beast are completely nervous to the extreme.

Although the repair is very high, but these meteorites, moving hundreds of thousands of millions of tens of millions of pounds, this volume from the outer space is extremely amazing.

Although Yangdingtian is already a five-star master, if it is mixed. Basically, it must be dead.

"Hurry up……"

Suddenly, Lingbi called.

Then, Yangdingtian felt that the sky was dark.

Then look up and see, only to see dense, hundreds of large meteorites, fiercely squatting within the range of one hundred miles.

Yang Dingtian desperately manipulated the ice boat and quickly avoided it. He has tried everything.


The ice boat where Yangdingtian is located was smashed and broken.

because. I can't avoid it at all.

A quarter of an hour before the ice boat was smashed, Yangdingtian used up all the mysteriousness and sneaked into the deepest part of the sea.

Since you can't hide these meteorites at all, you should sneak into the deepest part of the sea to reduce the damage caused by the meteorites.

"Hurry up……"

Yang Dingtian two people and one beast, desperately desperate to dive underground, while madly avoiding the meteorite.


At this time, the entire seabed suddenly slammed a loud bang, an unprecedented loud noise.

then. The bottom of the sea completely tears open a huge hole. Then a burst of fiery red light slammed out from the bottom of the sea.

It is magma, it is a volcanic eruption!

The volcanic magma on the bottom of the sea rushed out.

The crater, which is a few hundred kilometers in diameter, is so powerful that it is almost the energy of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs.

A very incomparably huge amount of energy, violently pushes Yang Dingtian two people and one beast, and instantly pushes into the air!

This force, even across the sea, is hundreds of millions, billions of pounds, and even more energy.

Yang Dingtian two people and one beast, there is no room for any little resistance, and rushing back into the air!


Yangdingtian was directly thrown into the air!

Here is forty times anti-gravity, once thrown into the air, there is no resistance.

Yangding days are cold!

I looked at myself and fell into the deep space.

The first off the Hard Rock Plain, he desperately resisted, did not fall into the deep space.

In the second pass, he would rather use the ice and cold to solidify the magma, but also not to fall into the deep space.

The third level, he made ice boats, also in order not to fall into the deep space.

Because under anti-gravity, once it falls into deep space, it means death, which means lost, meaning it is finished!

Finished, completely finished!

Two people and one beast, holding their claws, falling, falling, falling.

Lingbi was incomparably scared, but then he gradually calmed down, then slowly compared his eyes and waited for the arrival of death.

As she said, she is afraid of pain, but she is not afraid to die.

Just at this time.

Yang Dingtian suddenly felt that his eyes were black.

Then he looked up and suddenly saw a very incomparably huge meteorite that slammed into the top of the head from space.

How big is this rock, I don't know!

Perhaps a few hundred miles in diameter, it is like a small planet.

Such an incomparably huge meteorite, once the sun is in the sky, what will happen?

There is no accident, it is an instant smog.

Yangding Tianyan looked at this huge meteorite, getting closer and closer.

Rely on, is it not just lost and drifting to death, but also to be killed by the meteorites?

Getting closer and closer.

Yangdingtian has clearly felt that the huge energy that comes on the way, as well as the burning fire.

"At any time, I don't think I'm waiting for you." Yangding suddenly screamed: "Chong!"

Then, I took out all the mystery.

"Call!" Then he flew straight out.

Suddenly, he was completely shocked, how, how can fly again.

The konjac king also stayed completely. Then violently flashing the wings.

It found that he would fly too.

Then there is Lingbi, she will not fly the mysterious skills, use the mysterious energy, forcibly flying.

She will also fly.

Yangdingtian was shocked, this. How is this going? what on earth is it?

The first pass, the second pass, the third pass, can't fly, why can you fly now?

What exactly is this for?

However, at this time it is not much.

Two people and one beast, flying desperately, madly avoiding this huge meteorite on the top of the head.


Finally, Yangdingtian escaped this deadly meteorite.

at this time. Yangdingtian is okay, the speed of flight is very fast, and Lingbi is not slow.

But the konjac king, the claws, flew very hard, completely crumbling.

Yang Dingtian understands that it is too heavy, and under forty times gravity, it is a normal flight. It is also equivalent to a load of 200,000 jin. So, it will fly so hard.

"A claw. Go to the big island in front, look for a piece of stone weighing 200,000 pounds." Yangding Tiansheng.

Then, the two men and one beast, desperately avoiding the meteorites of the sky, flew toward the island in front.

At this time, the super-fine meteorite with a diameter of several hundred miles. Slammed into the sea.


The world is discolored!

Amazing loud noise!

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that the whole world, the entire ocean, seemed to completely collapse.

These hundreds of miles of meteorites slammed into a puddle of several thousand miles in the ocean.

Then endless sea water. Surging, thousands of miles long and tens of thousands of meters high.

The whole sea, as if slamming the back completely tearing open.

The island in the distance, though a few hundred miles apart.

However, as if the child's toy is normal, it is instantly broken.

The huge mountain, suddenly collapsed and torn.

The boundless ocean is completely insane.

Countless volcanoes spurt out fiercely.

Like a gorgeous fireworks, countless huge volcanoes, countless flaming magma, spewing out.

The whole world has undergone a dramatic change.

Yang Dingtian two people and one beast, desperately avoiding, desperately avoiding.

Finally, the konjac king claws, grabbed a huge rock before the island completely disappeared.

Although it is less than 200,000 pounds, it also has more than ten thousand kilograms. Under the offset of each other, the konjac king claws, suddenly need to bear more than 30,000 kilograms.

This weight is completely incomparably easy for it.

Almost instantaneously, it flew more than a thousand miles per hour, almost reaching the speed of sound, much faster than Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tian and Lingbi immediately jumped behind the konjac king.


This meteorite rain took ten hours to stop.

The fundamental number is not clear how many huge meteorites fall into the sea.

The drastic changes in the entire ocean have not stopped.

Every day, the world is changing dramatically.

Countless volcanic eruptions.

Countless islands have disappeared.

Then, when Yangdingtian advances 250,000 miles.

He saw with his own eyes that a continent slowly rose and rose from the ocean.

Two people and one beast, witnessed the birth of a continent of tens of thousands of miles, and the ocean of tens of thousands of miles disappeared!

This is perhaps the first continent of the world!

There is still nothing on this continent. There are stones everywhere, mottled stones, and huge mountains.

At this time, travel in this world has become extremely simple.

The konjac king claws, found a piece of 200,000 jin of boulders, put it on the back.

When the two cancel each other out, its load is almost zero.

Therefore, its flight speed directly reaches the speed of sound, which is less than two thousand miles per hour.

Moreover, the energy in it is enough to support a fast flight for thirty hours.

And when it needs to rest, then Yangding Tian is stunned by the konjac king, Lingbi, and the boulder flying.

Similarly, this kind of zero-loaded flight is completely effortless for Yangdingtian.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is not in a hurry to go to the end of the fourth continent.

In this way, he is in the fourth world, flying everywhere, visiting the world everywhere, and observing the dramatic changes in the world.

Then I saw it with my own eyes. The disappearance of a piece of ocean, the birth of a piece of land!

He calculated clearly that this fourth world is also more than one million miles.

The birth of the mainland has added up to nearly 100,000 miles.

In this way, Yangdingtian did not care about how to go out. Day by day, fly around, observe the world carefully, and observe the birth of this new continent.

Until one day!

He saw a familiar pattern.

That's right, although it's a little different.

But flying to the height of more than 100,000 meters, you can see clearly.

There is a land about a few thousand miles below, which looks exactly the same as Yunzhou in the East.

That's right, going down from a hundred thousand meters, it's really the same.

It’s like it. A turtle explores the sea.

In an instant, Yangding Tianquan understands!

Why can't I fly before? Can you fly now?

That is because there is no gas in the world of the first pass, the second pass, or even the third pass.

Without gas, there will be no aerodynamics, and naturally it will not fly.

The fourth is the mainland. The reason why I can fly is because of the gas.

Then. How did this gas come from?

Perhaps, it is because of the second flame of the plains, to the third level of the evolution of the ocean, and then countless lightning madly beat the sea, creating gas.

Or because the sun appeared, it made gas.

In short. The fourth world, the gas appeared.

Therefore, Yangdingtian and the konjac king can fly again.

Also, whether it is the first world. Still the second world, or the third, the fourth world.

It is not a so-called taboo continent. It is a chaotic world, but a chaotic world of different time and space.

The first pass, the second pass, the third pass, the fourth pass... Going all the way, it is actually the evolution of the chaotic world in time and space.

In the beginning, the chaotic world was a hard stone plain, flat like a mirror, without air, without the sun, without anything.

Later, without knowing what I wanted, this hard stone plain was subjected to terrible heat, and all melted and became countless magma.

Later, I did not know how many years, or millions, or longer.

There is water in this world, and the ocean becomes the only one in the world, drowning everything in this world.

Therefore, the world has changed from more than 20 million miles to more than one million miles. The hard rock plain land was completely submerged by the ocean.

Then, I don’t know how many years have passed.

The explosion of meteorites has brought tremendous changes to the world.

A piece of ocean disappeared, and a piece of land appeared.

One of them is the Oriental Yunzhou, which is very familiar with Yangdingtian.

The so-called taboo of the mainland is simply not to make you cultivate for the main purpose. Its theme is to let you thoroughly understand the world from beginning to end.

The whole world is still undergoing dramatic changes.

However, Yangdingtian no longer needs to look any further. He has already understood and thoroughly understood.

"Well, Claw, let's go, go to the end of the fourth world." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the konjac king's claws flew toward the end of the north at a speed of two thousand miles per hour.

Just two days and two nights later.

A temple floats at the end of the fourth world.

This temple is still stone, but it is covered with some moss and some algae.

This is actually a preview of the next world.

"We, are we going to the temple?" Lingbi asked.

"Go." Yangding Tiandao: "Although it is not long in the fourth world, there is no hard work, but even if there is a little breakthrough, it is good."

The konjac king claws ~ ~ easily flew into the temple, throwing the boulder on the back.

After entering the temple, Yang Dingtian sat down for the first time and was ready to start swallowing.

Ling Bi suddenly asked: "Yangdingtian, have you found a way out?"

Yangding nodded and said: "Yes, find it!"

Later, Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and began to swallow Xuan.

The familiar Xuanqi, once again surged into the sea.

After a few hours, the familiar sense of expansion came again.

Swell, expand, and expand to the extreme!


Note: The second one is sent, and today it is nearly four thousand words. I also conceived that I was going to be mad at the end of the day. After I finished writing, it was seven o'clock in the morning. I really want to go crazy! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)