Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 773: Fiance? Nether refused! 1 and other

Going home to the enchanting? Yangdingtian eyes jerked!

Then, he put on a smile and said: "It turned out that the maiden came? So, I went back and asked, what is the meaning of her own?"

Next, Yang Dingtian’s smile was more enthusiastic. “Well, the enchanting married to me for the past few years, I still saw her mother’s family for the first time? Really should not, wait for a time, I must bring Go back to the enchanting party!"

When I saw Yang Dingtian smiled, the faint smile on the enchanting face was closed, and after a half step back, the expression became more polite. "I think you may have misunderstood. I said to take her home. It is always back to Xiaoxitian."

Yang Dingtian’s smile also closed up and said: “But I think that you have no reason. Women marry chickens and chickens, marry dogs with dogs. The enchanting marry me, I am naturally her home here, and What are you going to go home?"

"Oh no, no, no." The enchanting bends again: "Sorry, the fox family and the human being are not married."

"Do you have this rule?" Yang Dingtian laughed.

"Nature is there."

Yangding Tiandao: "When that year, you put a bunch of female demon foxes to the human country to do? Play?"

When the words came out, the enchanting eyes were pumping and cold. Yang Dingtian’s words undoubtedly poked the most painful part of the fox family. At that time, many female foxes were put out to do what they were doing, of course, looking for human mating, improving bloodlines, and cultivating a perfect half-god race.

Yang Dingtian did not say so clearly, but that is what it means.

Yang Dingtian went on to say: "And, the enchanting is already an adult. Everything can be decided by himself. Even if you are his brother, you have no right to interfere!"

The enchanting stare at Yangding Tiandao: "I am not her brother, I am her fiancé. I have grown up with my fiancé!"

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian suddenly trembled!

Hearing the names of enchanting and enchanting, he always thought that he was a brother and sister. The result turned out to be a fiancé?

The enchanting took a deep breath and took back the anger that was revealed. There is a courtesy: "Yangdingtian, you know that when you were in the taboo of the mainland a few months ago, not only I am, but also the Oriental Ice."

Yangdingtian certainly knows, but he did not nod and did not shake his head.

"Do you know what she has done?" asked the enchanting.

"I don't know!" Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting said: "He is going to form an alliance? I want to make Xiao Xitian and the annihilation temple allied!"

This is a big deal, and it is an unprecedented event. His face suddenly became serious.

The enchanting continues: "Of course you are relieved. I did not agree. Because we do not intervene in your human affairs. Lord Yang Dingtian, I am coming with great sincerity. Let's make a deal, how?"

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

"Agree with my request, then in this fight against the demon road, we will give you generous help."

Yang Dingtian smiled: "You intend to form an alliance with our bright parliament?"

"No, no, no?" The enchanting screamed hard: "I don't know what the Temple of Destroy is, what kind of organization is the Council of Light. To be honest, I don't know what it means. For you, I only use one. Words. That is human. If you form an ally with humans, then I think I will become the scandal and laughter of Xiaoxitian. I am sorry, I have no intention of offending!"

Yangding Tiandao: "You continue to say."

The enchanting said: "I said that the help is to help some experts to help you. For example, a few of your so-called semi-Saints? Dozens of what you call the Grand Master, as the rewards of your care for the enchanting people these years, how ?"

Yang Dingtian did not answer, and his chills were getting stronger and stronger.

"Sorry, my words are hard to hear, but it is true." The enchanting said: "Just like you humans can help monkeys, but can't form alliances with monkeys, right? If I hurt your self-esteem, then I am sorry."

"My self-respect, I never get it by my mouth. It is also difficult to be hurt by my mouth." Yangding Tiandao: "If I refuse, you will stand on the side of the demon road. Right?"

"Oh no, no, no..." The enchanting said: "You fully understand the mistake, because we are noble silver dragon blood, so we will not make a deceptive thing. So, I am very honest to discuss with you. And paid a lot of rewards. And if you refuse, then I can only be very sorry."

"How? I refused, you will kill me, right?" Yang Dingtian sneered.

"How can you understand this?" Demon said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, I ask you not to speculate on me from the perspective of human beings. Why should I kill you? Just like human beings, not because a monkey is facing him. After a few words, is it killing? If you don’t agree, then I can only take the enchanting directly with great regret, nothing more!”

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "If that, I will stop you from taking the enchanting."

The enchanting glimpse, said: "That, then, then I can only really very very very sorry. After all, patience is limited, just like there is a monkey to stop your way, there are stools to throw you, I think You are also very likely to kick in the past, right?"

Yang Dingtian has not been angry at this time, and there are many racists on the earth. In their minds, only white talent is a human, yellow is a monkey, and black is a beast. Of course, the racist discrimination in front of him is even more devastating.

In his eyes, all human beings are monkeys.

The enchanting smiled again: "I know that you will have very complicated emotions, so in this angry mood, it is difficult to make any rational decisions. As a silver dragon blood, I think I need to give Your time, then ten days? I will give you ten days to think. I will come back to you after ten days. If you promise, I will give you some so-called semi-sacred and great masters to help you win this so-called The war of extinction. If you don't agree, then I can only take the enchanting rudeness. Of course, if you want to block, then I can only very very very sorry!"

After all, the enchanting will turn and leave.

Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "If the enchanting does not give birth to a child with me, then you still want to take her away? Just say enchanting, not mentioning the baby, how hypocritical?"

The enchanting face is pumping. Then said: "As for the child, please rest assured. After I get married with the enchanting, I will see it as my own."

Yangding Tiandao: "I still have a question I want to ask you."

The enchanting said: "Please say."

Yang Dingtian seriously said: "Please tell me. One person, even a woman who has a child to have other men to help. Where is so much superiority? Cuckold can also wear a sense of superiority, I am really the first See you again!"

The enchanting eyes suddenly chilled, then continued to smile, and erected the slender index finger: "For the first time, you threw a stool for me for the first time, costing me one-third of my patience, two more times. I can only be very, very sorry. Leave a message!"

Then, he was respectful and courteous, bent over with a gentlemanly manner, and then disappeared directly!

At this time, I don’t know why, Yang Dingtian actually missed Wu Ningming. Even though the mysterious brother is hypocritical, it is true that the wind is so light, it will not bend all the time, always salute, and will not always be filled with polite words. When Wu Ningling occasionally talked about vicious words, occasionally cursing Yang Dingtian. It is also quite real.


Princess Peony (Oriental Ice Ling), flashing behind the black and purple light and shadow wings, soaring quickly on the sea. .

Then, float over a rotten island.

Lift your hands gently, suddenly two bodies, slowly floating from the disgusting blood mud below.

She frowned slightly and figured out which one was Wu Ning. Then, throw another one back into the blood pool, and don't take a look.

Wu Ningming still does not die, he really does not know why, why can't he die.

"Princess Peony. Is it?" He hoared.

"Yeah." Princess Peony said faintly: "The duel with Yang Dingtian, you lost."

"Yes. I lost." Wu Ning said.

"What are you doing at this time?" Peony asked.

Wu Ning said: "Wait for death, but I don't know why. I can't die."

"You, don't die." Peony said: "You can live."

"No, don't." Wu Ning said: "You let a dead person come over, it's impossible."

"You can restore your energy and even become more powerful." Peony said: "I have an evil spirit, and there is an evil spirit in Li Ming. Because you and the East are different tasks, so you have no body. But Your first-class evil spirits have been temporarily stored somewhere. Once the mission fails, you will hand over the evil spirits that you deserve, and your one, this time I brought it."

Because the East is responsible for letting the Snakes estrus to become pregnant, hesitating to worry that the evil spirits will affect this, so he did not activate his evil spirits.

And Wu Ningming, because it wants to usurp the power of the Heavenly Alliance, of course, can not have the evil spirit energy, so it has not been activated.

"That's true thank you." Wu Ning said: "I can enjoy the same treatment with you, and Li Ming."

"This is what you deserve." Peony Road,

"However, I don't need such evil spirits." Wu Younm shook his head and said: "If you cheated, you can't beat others, and you have to cheat for the second time. I don't want to face it."

"No, you don't have to deal with Yangdingtian again." Peony said: "As you said, you and Yangdingtian fight only once. Once you fail, there is no second time. So and Yang Dingtian personally The struggle between them is over. The next task you have to accomplish is the coming battle of destruction!"

Wu Ningming’s eyes shook a little, but there was still no light.

Wu Ning thought for a while, then still shook his head: "In my life, I only lived to defeat Yangdingtian. Only by defeating him, I can get a new life, and I am qualified to do other things. Now I have failed, I am Not qualified to do other things, I can only die! So you will let me down, leaving me here to rot and die, here I am at least not nothing!"

At this time, the peony only looked at the body that was just thrown away. Ling dance did not know the body of life and death.

The peony slowly looked at Wu Ning, cold and cold: "I am very shocked by your desire for death. But all this is meaningless. I can only say that it is dead or alive, and you must not have the final say. From the day you were created, your destiny is not your own. So you can't do it if you want to die!"

Then, Peony (Oriental Ice Ling) gaze violently, his hands slammed in the air, squeezing the air between the palms.

Suddenly, a purple-blue light and shadow dragon swims in her hands and swims. Lively and vivid.

The purple-blue light and shadow will instantly bring the unparalleled face of the peony to the incomparably gorgeous and incomparable demon.

"Call..." Then she violently released!

"Hey..." A fierce scream, suddenly the purple-blue light and shadow of the dragon, slammed into the body of Wu Ningming.

"No, no, I don't need it, I don't need to..." Wu Ningming struggled desperately in the air, desperately.

But as Peony said, his fate has never been mastered by himself. Whether he is alive or dead, he has no right to control.

The purple-blue light and shadow dragon entered the body of Wu Ningming.

In an instant, an unparalleled energy, crazy filled the body of Wu Ning.

His already decaying body was instantly smashed in an inch. Only one skeleton is left, and there is a world of light and shadow in the sea.

Then, the skeleton of the whole body was completely broken.

Throughout Wu Ning, there is only one world of energy.

Light and shadow dragon, desperately into his gas sea!


In an instant, the whole sea slammed the huge waves of the sky, the huge waves of tens of thousands of meters, and the huge waves of thousands of miles.

The entire sky instantly covered all the light, and the two days in the sky were completely shrouded.

The world of thousands of miles seems to have been completely changed, as if it were the end of the world.

After the dragon completely entered Wu Ning's qihai, then a blue mang, instantly burst open!

For a long time, I couldn’t see the thousands of miles in the world, and it’s as bright as a moment, as if it was blinding in an instant.

After the light is gone!

A brand new body floats in the air.

The skin of the whole body is as if it is white jade! The whole body is like the most beautiful and magnificent sculpture.

Wu Ning, stretched out his hand and body, and before the injury was perfect, the power of the palm of his hand was extremely powerful.

However, he still has no surprises, but only endless loss.

"It's stronger, does it make sense?" Wu Youxiao slowly said: "My former strength was based on my own efforts, and I came here one by one. Now the first-class evil spirits make me suddenly so powerful. , big cheating. Let me do something? Go to kill Yangdingtian? I will spit!"

"No, I said, you and Yang Dingtian are over." Peony slowly said: "The next mission is to help your creator, fight the so-called fate, help your righteous father, go To defeat the so-called god, the end of the world war is only the first step!"


Note: The second is sent, please support! (To be continued) ()