Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 833: Holy level! Yangdingtian choice!

"Peony meets with the uncle, the uncle." Peony went to the solitary.

Duo 逍躬 逍躬 逍躬 : : : : : : : : : 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万

"Don't dare..." Peony Road.

Duo said: "Peony Princess came to me, what is it?"

Peony said: "I heard that the uncle and the uncle have assigned both daughters to Yangdingtian?"

Duo said: "Feng dance and Ao Shuang? This peony princess does not know, first of all, Ao Shuang is not my daughter, I believe this you know. And she and I are like a hostile, have completely severed relations with me. The solitary phoenix dance did have a long-lasting relationship with Yangdingtian, and it was hit by the soul-seeking magical sect of the sacred prince of the sacred temple. Now it is dead."

This should be the most open-minded squint in the world.

The peony in front of the eyes is the oriental ice rink. At that time, when Yangdingtian used tears to crystallize and rescued the solitary phoenix dance, the Oriental Ice Ling looked at the side.

Nowadays, Du Guzhen says that the Du Gu Feng Dance is dead, so there is no more confessing lies in the world.

Peony smiled a little and didn't say anything. He just smiled: "The master also knows that you are one of the leaders of the demon road. If you are married to Tiandao, it is very contrary to the position of our temple."

Solitary said: "Peony Princess is here, is this for this matter?".

Peony shook his head and said: "The solitary predecessors know that the devil's wise man is deliberately defeated nearly two hundred years ago, but it is for today's layout two hundred years later. And the demon king has the ability to pass through the heavens and the earth, within these two hundred years, The seeds of the evil spirits truly bred the true evil spirit energy, which is the highest level of energy in the universe. You should know that the chaotic world seems to be cursed, and the mysterious energy between heaven and earth is not enough. Five hundred years ago The holy power is no longer present, not because the human talent is getting worse, but because the energy between heaven and earth suddenly languish. The evil spirit energy created by the demon king can break through this comfort. Let humanity break through the realm of the Holy Level."

Duo said: "So, is the Peony Princess coming to give me the energy of evil spirits?"

Peony Road: "My second-class evil spirit energy. I am not qualified to give you. You may stop, the demon king and the demon have a Yuanshi evil spirit, and then you can give five people an evil spirit. Now all four have the Lord. There is still a first-class evil spirit, and the demon king feels that the solitary predecessor is one of the most outstanding people in the history of the demon, so I want to give you such evil spirits."

Duo said: "A few days ago, the human kingdom had one more semi-classic powerhouse. It should be the gift of Princess Peony."

Peony smiled and said: "Yes. There is no way in the Lingbi Palace, but for the rest of his life, he can only be a semi-classic strong. Those who have first-class evil spirits can break through the holy power. So, we are five The first-class evil spirit owner, as well as the demon king, can be promoted to the holy realm."

Duo said: "The minister is really grateful for the love of the devil."

Peony Road: "The Lord of the Blood Palace for generations is the most loyal minister of the Devil. This is what you deserve."

Duo stunned and said: "But I heard that once I have planted a first-class evil spirit, I will completely lose my will, just like you are a princess. Because the evil spirits have their own will, although you The body is oriental ice, but she has become a sinister evil at this time."

Princess Peony trembled a little, saying: "But the wisdom of the Oriental Ice Ling. Feeling, the emotions are still there, just the will is suppressed, just the price, in exchange for the realm of the Holy Power. Is it not worth it?"

Duo stunned and said: "The value is not worth it. It depends on the individual. For some people, it is not free to die. The master of your body is like this, but it is powerless to resist. So, if I can refuse it. I still have to refuse."

The peony face changed slightly: "Uncle, you don't think this is too selfish?"

Duo said: "How do you say?"

Peony said: "You also know that this is the last battle of extinction. The Heavenly Alliance will disappear completely. Yangdingtian is also the lord of the last generation of Heavenly Alliance. Within ten years, the Temple of Destruction will rule the whole. The human kingdom, the establishment of an unprecedented unified empire. Within two hundred years, the temple of annihilation will rule the snakeman empire with the descendants of the demigod. Within five hundred years, the temple of annihilation will unify the western empire with many descendants of the demigod. By that time, all the planes of the entire chaotic world will be in the hands of the Temple of Destruction. If you reject the evil spirits, where do you set the blood palace? In the future chaotic empire, the Palace of the Blood Where is the location? Can you let the leader of the Wanxue Palace be degraded?".

Solitary silent for a moment, smiled and said: "Peony princess, I have been extinct, I have no heirs in the Palace of Blood. After I am, the Wanxue Palace will be extinct. Since the Wanxue Palace is going to be destroyed, then What are you talking about?"

As soon as this was said, Princess Peony’s face changed dramatically.

I did not expect that Du Guzhen would be so determined.

I was alone and bowed down: "Please tell the devil that you are still loyal to the temple of annihilation, but I am the last generation."

The peonies princess looked at the solitary for a long time, and said faintly: "I will tell the demon king to kneel down. As for how to dispose of his majesty, he can only listen to his fate."

"Do not send."


A good middle-aged man with a good spirit and a handsome man has a style that is no less than that of Duo and Dong Nie. Even the temperament of his body is a combination of Duo and Dong Nie.

This is almost the most outstanding man in Yangdingtian.

"The Lingbi Palace, no way to see the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance, Lord Yang Dingtian." There is no way to salute.

Yang Ding Tianyi, lost his reaction almost for a short time.

No way? The grandfather of Ling Rabbit, no way?

He, he should not be old and old, can not survive, can not die?

In front of me, this kind of style and prestige is more than the man who wished the Lord, is there no way?

Soon, Yangdingtian understood!

He knows that the second second-class evil spirit of Princess Peony is given to whom, and also knows what happened to the tsunami and earthquake in Nanmanzhou two days ago.

The semi-class-level powerhouse, the human kingdom has another semi-classic powerhouse.

Suddenly, Yangding’s heart was bitter.

This is no way. It was originally the most important part of his arrest of the Lingbi Palace. After he broke through the semi-holy, he would force the grandfather who had no spirits to surrender the rabbit to have no way, and then tried to cure his injury and let him recover.

Then, Yangdingtian will kill the innocent, and let the Taoist son succeed to the Lord of the Lingbi Palace. then. The Lingbi Palace really joined the Guangming Parliament, and the 20,000-hundred-year-old Black Squadron became the most ruthless air corps in the Guangming Parliament.

I did not expect that this plan has not yet begun, it has already been shattered, and the Princess of Peony has first boarded.

To be honest, Yang Dingtian once thought that Peony might give second-class evil spirits to the coffin. However, I really didn't think of it. Will give no way.

"Sun Yiyang is in the sky and meets the predecessors." Yangding Tianzhu walked the ceremony: "Would you come to see the rabbit? She is studying at the Tianqi Academy in Xijing. She is very talented and very fascinated by the martial arts." Practice."

No way to laugh: "I have heard that Yang Zongzhu took care of my granddaughter very very well. She not only restored her beautiful appearance, but also cultivated her leaps and bounds. More importantly, although she was forced to marry by the innocent. You. But you have nothing to do with her! I am here, and I solemnly thank you for your kindness."

Let me talk about it. There is no way to worship, and the whole body is at a 90-degree angle.

"Yes." Yang Dingtian smiled: "The spirit rabbit is kind and intelligent, anyone will pity it!"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Excuse me, what happened to the seniors?"

No way to say: "Yang Zongzhu should probably know that my Lingbi Palace is the leader of the Demon Road. The mainstay of the Divine Temple. It is the innocent who has seized the position of the palace and then rebelled against the demon."

Yangding Tiandao: "Somewhat heard."

No way: "Loyalty is the most basic quality of my martial arts. My father, my grandfather, my great grandfather has been loyal to the demon king for generations. I am the bloodline of the Lingbi Palace. So. Soon after, I should re-elect the Lingbi Palace, so the Lingbi Palace will still be loyal to the Devil's Majesty. This point, please also ask the Yangding Tianzong Lord forgive me!"

Yangding Tianqiang smiled and could not answer falsely.

No way: "Although it will be in a hostile position at the time, my heart is still admirable to the Emperor of Heaven. At that time, each of them is the Lord. If you meet on the battlefield, although it is sentimental, it is also I am helpless and hope that Yangzong will understand."

Yang Dingtian's smile was even more stubborn, then nodded.

No way: "But I promise that before the end of the Great World War, before the command of the annihilation of the temple, my scorpion palace will never infringe any interests of the Sun Dingzong and the Guangming Parliament."

"Thank you." Yangding Tiandao.

No way: "Yang Zongzhu also knows that Ling Rabbit is my granddaughter and my only heir to the shackles. I will die one day, and she will become the sole heir to the future Lingbi Palace. Therefore, I think it should be difficult for the rabbit to continue to be your wife. Otherwise, this is the betrayal of the Devil's Palace under the Lingbi Palace. And when the Ling Rabbit is married to the Emperor Yang, it is forced by the innocent, and the name is not right. Shun. I believe that you are also watching this way, so I have never committed to my granddaughter in the autumn of the rabbit, and now she is still the body, so this marriage should be a misnomer. Then, the old lord Yang Zongzhu gave a paper break, let you I am in a clear position!"

Yangdingtian eyes jerked.

Is the shamelessness of the Lingbi Palace the same?

The shamelessness of the innocent, from the inside out.

There is no way in front of the eyes, the surface is solemn and right, but the heart is still mean and shameless.

On that day, Yangding Tianzhu Ling Rabbit, he had no way to ask for it.

It can be Su Hong, Ling Rabbit marrying into Beijing, not only to break away from the bitter sea, but to avoid the fate of destruction.

At that time, although she ate poisonous mushrooms, her face was scary. However, the body is becoming more and more attractive, and the Lingbi Palace does not know how many men have been eyeing her. As long as she stays in the Lingbi Palace, one day, her rabbit will suffer the catastrophe and be insulted by the beasts of the Lingbi Palace.

He can't keep his last blood.

Now, he has no way to get a second-class evil spirit, to break through the semi-holy, and to say that the name is not right, it is forced by the innocent.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "There is no way to predecessors. Since the words are open, then it is more straightforward. Yes, I was a rabbit, more for the Lingbi Palace, I want to be a coffin. The palace is completely pulled into the Bright Council. For you, I am basically holding the idea of ​​living in a strange place, wanting to save you, and then restoring your cultivation, letting you replace the innocent son and become the Lord of the Lingbi Palace, and become my bright council. Irons."

After I heard it, I just smiled lightly, and did not say words like Yangding’s whimsical days.

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, of course, I don't do such a fantasy, so of course there is no reason to keep the rabbit. So this and the separation, I can promise. But... first of all, the rabbit must agree and leave, if she Willing to stay in the Bright Council and stay with me, then no one can force her."

No way to smile: "Yangding Tianzong, is it necessary? I am the elder of the Spirit Rabbit. I have the right to say everything about her."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is also this sentence in the chaotic world. I am married from the father at home. So, now the decision on her should be in my No way: "Yes. So I just asked for your opinion, and the Yang Zongzhu has promised and left. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I promised. But I will return this decision to the rabbit. She said that she would leave and leave. She said that she stayed and left!"

No way the eyes were slightly stunned, and suddenly the two eyes became narrow and long, saying: "Yang Zongzhu, it seems that you are very confident, let the spirit rabbit stay?"

Yangdingtian does not speak.

He is really confident, although his contact time with the rabbit is very short, and he can't talk about any feelings.

However, Lingbi is here, Ling Rabbit and her feelings are deep. Moreover, Ling Rabbit studied in Xijing, many people are very good to her, especially Qin Meng, as if she is a sister, but also like a daughter. (Sisters from the identity, from the age of the pro-daughter.)

Moreover, Tianqi College’s theory about Tiandao League’s theory of evil demon is very thorough.

Ling Rabbit’s study at Tianqi College is almost a year. After a long period of baptism, the spiritual thoughts should have an absolute understanding of Zhengxie, and she has absolute abhorrence for the darkness of Lingbi Palace. Therefore, she should have absolute yearning for justice and light at this time.

No way: "Well, I am tired of Yang Zongzhu with me to go to Xijing Tianqi College, we let Ling Rabbit decide for itself, is it left, or away?"

After a while, the two flew toward Xijing. (To be continued...)
