Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 852: East is gone!

Almost instantaneously, the entire body of the East was a blackened, screaming scream.

His understanding of Yangdingtian is still almost a year ago, and when Yangdingtian is in the silver palace, it can almost be called the feeling of unarmed chicken. Therefore, he did not put Yangdingtian in his eyes at all, nor did he put the emperor's release in his eyes.

In the eyes of the East, the Yangding Tian is still the master of the Nine Stars and Eight, and the emperor is just the appearance of the Eight Star Grand Master.

This is a cultivation, and it is a dream to want to slay him away.

What is the repair of the East? I don’t know how many years ago, it’s already a big master of nine stars and nine, and with the devour of the emptiness of fire, there is only one layer of window paper from the half holy.

Of course, even if only a layer of window paper is separated, there is a difference in combat power.

However, he felt that his cultivation was done, and that the killing of Yangdingtian and Dongli was completely out of the question, and even ten of the eight Yangdingtians together, he could kill it.

However, I did not expect that when Yangding Tianyi came up, he gave him an unforgettable pain.

This repair is a powerful lightning bolt that has slammed into his mysterious veins.

In an instant, his entire body is completely paralyzed.

Then, a devastating energy madly entered his body.

The energy of the nine-star and nine-level masters, he is really familiar with this energy level.

How can it be? How can it be? Yang Dingtian turned out to be a nine-star and nine great masters?

Can he fly? How fast is cultivation, how fast?

If it is the attack of other nine-star and nine-level masters, he will be able to resist it if he is left alone.

But this is lightning energy, ignoring any defense.

Although he still can't kill him, he can seriously hurt him.

Just when I felt that my body was madly attacked. Suddenly, the dark mysterious fire in the sea is rushing out, and most of the electric energy is swallowed up!

A glimpse of the east, then an ecstasy!

Dark Xuan Huo, is this so bad?

Yes. The dark Xuan Huo from the east is really much more happy than Yang Dingtian.

The dark mysterious fire of Yangdingtian was incomparably weak at the beginning. The dark Xuanhuo in the east swallowed up enough dark crystals and vacant fires, which were very strong from the beginning.

The black-green fire of Yangdingtian is now strong enough to go against the sky. It’s a pity, it’s too strong, and Yang Ding’s temperament is not enough, so most of the time it can only lie in the depths of the sea.


The east is shaking gently. The blackness of the body suddenly dissipated, revealing the body that was all naked.

This color magic, the money is really strong scary, more than the top of the sky.

When the emperor saw the moment of her body, she suddenly trembled and slammed into the ground and began to vomit hard.

Yangding is really speechless!

This. Can this still fight?

This is not useful for the emperor to release the semi-san. When people look at their clothes, you are desperately mad, and you still have a fart.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The east smirked, and then swayed toward the emperor's side, saying: "The emperor releases the girl, when you taste it, you will be completely obsessed with it, and then leave Don't open it."

When the East did not finish, the emperor’s release suddenly spit out even more.

East and then smiled toward Yangding Tianzhu. "You turned out to be a nine-star and nine great masters. I really can't think of it, but what about it? You want to kill me. It's purely a dream! You don't even know, Jiuxing Jiu and so on. The gap between the master and the infinite master is how big."

"Is it?" Yang Dingtian saw that the east was originally beaten by lightning. But it was safe and sound. He didn't know why, but he soon thought of it. Dark Xuanhuo, there is also a dark mysterious fire in the east.

The dark mysterious fire is completely like a bug.

With its existence, Yang Dingtian's mysterious attack almost lost any effect on the East.

Soon, the emperor did not spit, but took a cloth strip to cover his eyes and then floated around Yang Dingtian.

"The emperor released the side, I will block your cherry mouth with something, and you will not vomit." East laughed.

"Vo!" The emperor slammed and slammed.

Yangding Tian glanced at her and then continued to stare at the east.

Since the use of magic sky cracking lightning can not kill the East, it means that Xuanhuo is useless, but will become the dish of his dark Xuanhuo!

Since all the energy attacks are all useless, there is only a physical attack.

At this time, the east slowly lifted the sword and moved toward Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, it is time for you to taste the power of the infinite master."

Yang Dingtian has already tasted it. Without the word, the energy of the infinite master is released, but that is all. Can make Yangdingtian seriously injured, but can not kill Yangdingtian.

East side of the side brewing mysterious, while laughing: "Guess guess, my move, will attack you, or will attack the emperor's release of this stunning beauty?"

"Hey..." Yangdingtian has not much nonsense.

Directly use the magical fog coat, flashing instantly, directly in front of the East.

And the sword in his hand, the fiercely pierced chest away from the east.


Blood smashed.

The east was violently shocked, and the eyes were watching Yang Ding appear in front of himself, and then the sword directly penetrated into his chest.

Between horror, thinking can hardly do anything. But the body reacted instinctively, and the lightning generally exploded.

At the same time, a sword smashed into the sun.


A very powerful energy directly bombarded the chest of Yangdingtian.

The Yangdingtian chest suddenly trembled, and then the whole body flew straight out, and a blood spurted out.

The emperor came over and quickly came over and caught the back of Yang Dingtian. He entered Xuanqi to heal him.

However, it was found that Yangdingtian was very light and light.

That's right, because the terrible energy of the East is directly bombarded in the chest of Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian is wearing the magic black armor, which can almost devour most of the energy, the reason why he vomits blood. It’s just the rest of the body, it’s attacked by the aftermath.

After the east quickly flew back to tens of thousands of meters! Because of this distance, it exceeds the limit of the instant flashing of Yangdingtian.

Then, he looked down at the wound in his chest and stabbed him more than two inches, a little bit. Just pierce the heart directly.

The cold sweat that feels the back of the east is constantly coming out, it’s amazing!

Yang Dingtian's close to the Emperor's soul sword, plus the magical fog coat, is a complete bug, this kind of ghosts are not surprisingly flashing.

A little bit worse, I almost died under the sword of Yangdingtian.

Really underestimated!

For a long time, the eyes of the East are looking forward to Yang Tiantian, full of hate and jealousy.

"Yangdingtian, don't think that you have a magical fog coat. You can escape my pursuit." East away from the cold channel: "I still have a way to kill you."

"Ah, ah, ah..." Between the distance of tens of thousands of meters, the swordsman from the east, suddenly madly killed.


Suddenly, the air of tens of thousands of meters is full of deadly murderousness from the east.

Tens of thousands of meters of swordsmanship, vertical and horizontal. Filled with dozens of miles around, all became a killing field.

East is madly strangled. Almost every second, I took out dozens of swordsmanship.

The picture at this time is very similar to the laser in the science fiction movie.

You can't see where the sword is, but every inch of space may be.


Time, the entire water villa, completely ravaged.

Silent and uninteresting. I saw the whole hut, and I was opened from the middle.

I saw only the entire boulder, and I ate it in an instant.

I saw the whole uncle, and instantly broke the bones.

Within a few seconds, within tens of thousands of meters. It has been hit harder than ever.

Countless rocks, countless trees, all houses, all shattered.

On the ground, leave a deep gully.

This is the power of an infinite master.

Of course, such an attack, the ambiguity of the East, is completely like the consumption of a waterfall.

This is the most stupid way, but it is also the most effective way.

Almost instantly, Yangdingtian was killed.

Because at this time, within the tens of thousands of meters of space, all are the swordsmanship of the East.

And when the emperor releases it, as long as he picks it up, it will be ruined. Because of the energy of the ghosts of the Nether, she lives forever. But if she is killed, she will still die, so no soul is so reluctant.

Therefore, Yangdingtian did not care about her vomiting to the man, hurry to hug her delicate body, and then use the magic spirit to release the most powerful energy cover.


With the magic of the fog, flashing, desperately avoiding the swordsmanship from the east.


But under this kind of mad attack, it is too difficult to completely avoid it, because the swordsmanship from the east is completely invisible, randomly issued, dozens of times per second.

So in a short while, Yangdingtian was hit as many as four or five.

The energy cover of the demon spirit is directly shredded.

Although Yangdingtian resisted most of the energy, but the emperor released the side, it was still blood squirting, directly serious injury.

Yang Dingtian discovered that in the battle of the top elites, it is not the helper, the better, and the helper repairs the difference is too disparate, then not only does not help, but will drag their own battlefield.

The emperor's interpretation is already strong enough. The nine-star and seven-class masters are not far from the nine-star and nine-ninth of Yangdingtian.

However, in this battle, she could hardly play anything under the mad killing, but she needed the protection of Yangdingtian.

She wants to really join the battlefield, and unless she reaches the strength of the nine-star and nine-time masters, she can help Yangdingtian.

"This will not work, the East has already killed the mad." Yangdingtian holding the emperor's side, rushing down toward the lake below, sneaked into the deepest.

The power of water at this time is manifested. Anything that smashes into the swords of the east is instantly broken and bones, and only water, after 10,000 bones, is still water.

Yangdingtian continued to dive underground, but the water lake was very, very deep. After a full 10,000 meters, it was only in the water.

This 10,000-meter-deep water has almost buffered most of the attacks from the east. Therefore, the emperor's release is safe at this bottom.


When I saw the Yangding Day in the east, I sneaked into the bottom of the water. I suddenly rushed into the water.

But soon, he thought, this may be the trap of Yangdingtian. Suddenly shouted on the top: "Yangdingtian, you come out, don't put the tortoise in it. And you have the magical demon thing I know, you can't imagine killing me with the magical demon at the bottom of the water."

When this was said, Yang Dingtian suddenly became awkward.

The magical demon, but his killer. I didn't think that Dongfang had thought of it directly.

It seems that although his reason is stunned by hatred, he still has a deep heart.

Of course, the magical demon mother is not an absolute secret, at least Ning Wuming will know. Ning Wuming knows that it is not surprising to know that Dongdi, one of the devils and lords.

Then, as a result, you can't kill the East with the Magical Demon, and he will definitely not get into the water.

And don't kill him today. That is really a complete trouble. Yang Dingtian is completely irritating him completely. If he is allowed to leave, he will really make a storm in the city of Yunxiao, which will cause incalculable damage to the relatives of Yangdingtian.

Therefore, he must be left today.

The east screamed in the air: "Yangdingtian! You don't show up again, I have to go to Yunxiaocheng. I don't have to stay there all the time. I am going to try it now. The taste of Ximen big milk." Hahahaha..."

Yangding is violently in the lake. Crazy out of mysterious energy.

Suddenly, the entire lake was rough. Therefore, the east can not see the trajectory of Yangdingtian movement.

Yangdingtian then rushed into the water, flying fast in the water, approaching the east.

Then use the stealth mystery directly when you don't drill the water. Completely disappeared into the air.

Then, Yangdingtian was so invisible and gradually approached the east.

The eyes of the East are still staring at the entire lake, and then the waves of the lake are getting smaller and smaller. Getting smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, he immediately thought that Yangdingtian would hide his mystery.

In an instant, he pulled out a cold sweat.

He knew that Yangdingtian was in stealth close to him.

Yang Dingtian's near-Emperor soul sword, coupled with the magical fog coat, is too horrible. Once he is close, he can be said to die.

Suddenly, the East is far from crazy sword dance, countless swordsmanship, crazy slashing every space around, completely protecting his body.

Yang Dingtian wants to be close to him? Unless you are killed by ten swords, one hundred swords!

And if Yangdingtian was cut down by ten swords, he would have died before he could die.

Then, can Yangdingtian not be able to hide while hiding?

can! In theory, it can.

But in fact, stealth moves tens of thousands of meters, it is necessary to exhaust the considerable part of the sun.

And in the stealth flash tens of thousands of meters!

That mysterious gas is completely an increase in the geometric multiple. It is still unable to support the current cultivation of Yangdingtian.

Moreover, the meaning of stealth flash is not significant.

Yangdingtian is constantly invisible and close to stealth.

The distance is enough. At this distance, Yangdingtian can completely flash directly, stabbing the Middle East.

However, at this time, the swordsman who was away from the east would protect himself from the wind and rushed in. Yangdingtian did not know how many times he would be cut.

The energy of the infinite master, Yangdingtian can squat, two times, three times, but what more? Yangdingtian does not know.

Of course, when Yang Dingtian is completely dying, the black and green Xuanhuo will go out and devour all the energy to protect the life of Yangdingtian.

However, at that time, Yangdingtian had lost its fighting power.

East is easy, you can kneel down your head.

Black and green Xuanhuo can protect your own sea, but may not be able to protect your head.

Therefore, if Yangdingtian rushes up, it may be able to kill the East, but the possibility of losing his life will be very, very large.

Moreover, just the east has blocked the first flash attack of Yangdingtian. Then the second flash attack may also block.

Thus, the situation has no solution.

However, there is another way!

That is, letting the East leave the mysterious, all exhausted, when it is time to kill him, it is easy.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is invisible, waiting for the East to run out of Xuanqi.

However, it is clear that the East will not be fooled, when there is still about 30% left in Xuanqi.

He whispered: "Yangdingtian, I know that you are waiting for me to run out of myth. I am not playing with you, I am going to Yunxiaocheng to play with your wife."

After that, he has to fly back quickly. If he let him go, the consequences are unimaginable.

While retreating, frantically sword dance, surrounded by countless swords.

And Yangdingtian slowly pulled out the sword, traversing the air, and motionless let the east leave the crazy explosion.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... Yang Dingtian, I am not playing with you, I am going to **** your wives, hahahahaha..." The east is laughing and the lightning is generally back.


Spurs, sharp swords, slammed through the small belly of the east.

"Boom!" The sea away from the east is instantly destroyed.

And Yangdingtian is still in stealth.

He did not flash the attack, but stood in the same place, waiting for the east to hit his sword.

Because, he used to move invisibly to the back of the East.


Note: Boss, please ask for a monthly pass! (to be continued


(Enlightenment Book Network)