Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 ~: 988: The 5th bride, innocent!

Her face is still the original face, the original five senses.

But it seems that it has changed from person to person.

The original girl's general beauty has disappeared, replaced by magical beauty and seductive.

Her eye sockets are deep, and her eyes are turned into a fascinating purple.

Her nose has become so high.

Her lips became full and became more red and hot.

Her face, and even the skin of her body, has become whiter, no less than the white of Wu Mozhi, like the white of the earth white.

Her face has also grown.

Therefore, the whole face, although still the spirit of the five senses, but the outline is deep.

The whole face becomes especially fascinating, mysterious!

The flat-breasted chest that used to make the spirits look good now has amazing size and perfect shape.

The double peaks on her chest are no less than the size of Wu Mozhi and the tall and straight.

Her waist is already like a snake.

Her hips and legs have a full arc curve of the devil.

In short, this is the most pure devil figure.

Of course, she and humans are still very different.

First of all, behind her, there are purple-red wings, and it is purely the devil's wings, the shape is similar to the bat wings, but more beautiful.

And her ears are completely devil's ears, and they are very pointed!

And her jade feet have disappeared, and replaced by the devil's hooves.

There is also one of her hands, although it is still the appearance of a human jade hand, but it has a particularly pointed nail. Long nails are born purple.

And her hair is also purple.

She has directly changed from a beautiful woman who has never lost herself to a peculiar thing in the pyramid.

"Call!" She slammed her wings and flew in the air, making a hoarse and incomprehensible voice.

"Yangdingtian. You will soon see my revenge. All the people who have hurt me, I will definitely let you survive, you can't die!"

Then, she made a terrible horror, but also a charming smile.

Her jade hand is violently raised.

"Whirring whirring……"

In an instant, all the dark dragons and dark dragons within a few hundred meters. All the bones are broken and turned into countless energy.

Then, began to condense, resurrect, and change into a more horrible dragon!

After the devil, Ji looked at all of this, and his mouth was full of tempting smiles. He slowly said: "The most critical part of the World Corps has already made up for it!"

This is the end. The sorrow and torture of the coffin finally ushered in the peak of her life. Completed the most terrible Nirvana.


The innocent wandering for no purpose has been a full moon!

In the mouth of Yangdingtian, this should be a very happy time, like a fairy, the world travels.

However, for the innocent, it is like a corpse. Can't find any destination at all.

In this way, he walked aimlessly on the edge of the world, went to the coast of the East China Sea, went to the far south, and went to the east to the grasslands. I have been to the sea of ​​the extreme west.

He wants to find a place to settle, but he can't find it at all.

He spent too much time in the Lingbi Palace for nearly two hundred years. As long as he left the Lingbi Palace, he would feel like a ghost, and could not find any sense of security.

However, the current Lingbi Palace has completely turned into a ruin, nothing!

Even his own daughter, the most loved coffin, was sold to Yang Dingtian by his own family, and now life and death are uncertain.

He became a true loner.

His inner hatred of Yangdingtian seems to be deeper every day. However, he completely cannot afford the idea of ​​revenge.

Not afraid, but a complete depression!

In this way, he wanders like a corpse, wandering!

Until one day, Prince Li Ming appeared in front of him!

"No spirits predecessors, time is up, I will pick you up to destroy the temple." Li Mingdao.

There is no spirit to look at Li Ming, can not tell whether it is anger, or irony.

Officially because of the appearance of Prince Li, he will go to pick up the sun, leading to the destruction of the entire Lingbi Palace.

At that time, when Yangdingtian destroyed the Lingbi Palace and seized the coffin, where was your prince? It is completely sitting and watching, watching the destruction of the Lingbi Palace.

"Thank you, Li Ming, but I am old and I don't want to travel any more." No one refused.

Li Ming said: "At the wedding, you will see your daughter's coffin. Now she has completely changed her mind and become one person, over ten thousand people, and become the master of the real wind and rain."

The innocent voice said: "She, she has not been imprisoned by Yangdingtian?"

Li Mingtai said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, has fallen into our hands, he will also participate in this grand wedding!"

The innocent suddenly took a breath and said: "It is an honor to be a slave to participate in the wedding of the Lord."

"So, please!" Li Ming Taizi said!


At the same time, Princess Peony slowly descended to the Wanxue Palace, saying: "The time of the solitary, the time is up!"

Lonely, open his eyes and tremble: "Time, is it finally here?"

"Yes." Peony Road.

"Oh, then, let's go..."

After a few hours, the lonely palace of the Happy Palace closed for several years, also appeared behind the princess peony!

At the same time, the abyss border at the end of the southern side of the first dark field!

Long-lost eastward, appeared on the edge of the abyss border.

Behind him, there are more than 200 demon fox masters, the head of which is the brother of the demon glass, the young master of the Golden Albanian demon!

There is also the cousin of Ji Ya, the demon power, the fiancee who once had a cold Lord!

That's right, the two camps that were originally in the dark arena have stood together completely because of the reasons for the East. Stand together!

There is a hollow fire in the east, and you can cross the abyss border.

Yongshe asked the day to feel the great fission in the dark field, so he ordered the east to leave, and immediately entered the dark field, and took the remaining demon fox masters out of the dark field!

Therefore, just when the demon and all the demon fox masters are desperate. The East appeared in front of them and told them that they could take them out of this dark field of **** and return to Xiaoxitian without any conditions!

Not only that, he also showed the token of Xiao Xitian Speaker!

So for a long time, the East has completely conquered the two camps of the demon fox family.

Then he personally performed a hollow fire and crossed the abyss border. Came to the first dark field.

Now, they are about to leave the dark realm and enter the human kingdom!

In the east, I came to the front of the Golden Albanian Lord and the demon, and said: "The demon is cold and the Lord, and there is a small matter to seek!"

Demon cold road: "East from the Lord is my savior, let me know!"

East Road: "A few days later, it was the wedding of my prince and the prince, and before I returned to Xiaoxitian. I have the honor to invite you to the temple to participate in the wedding!"

The demon cold just hesitated a little, said: "So such a grand event, of course, can't ask for it!"

"That, thank you."

Then he released the fissure fire and entered the abyss border.

The emptiness of the fission is constantly splitting and splitting. Instantly flooding the entire abyss border.

Then, the black and white fires began to merge, and the entire abyss border became a transparent crystal!

East away from the demon cold and less main road: "You, please, you can leave this **** dark field!"

"Long live!" Suddenly. Defeat the demon fox master in the presence, exclaiming excitement!

Then, jump into the abyss border one by one!

Two days later, hundreds of demon fox masters, as well as the East, appeared in the north of the ice and snow.

Hundreds of people suddenly turned into countless meteors and flew west!


The poisonous waters north of the Sky Magic City!

An incomparably beautiful and fascinating figure, rushing out of the sea, flashing huge wings, suddenly flew to the height of tens of thousands of meters, and then flew in the direction of the southwest!

For many years, this is probably the first time after the devil, and returned to the ground!

After passing through the Sky Magic City, after passing through the chaotic land, passing through the northwestern continent, passing through the southwestern continent.

On the vast ocean, she saw countless bright parliament warships!

This is the most powerful Tiandao League in history. It is ten times as powerful as dozens of times compared to the Tiandao League in the hands of nothingness two hundred years ago.

In just a few short years, Yangdingtian unified the entire human kingdom and created the most powerful war machine of thousands of years.

He is really amazing.


He met the devil to ask the sky, and the devil asked the sky, just found the evil spirit energy, found the Queen of Medusa, found the remains of the martial arts energy civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, and found a huge dark empire.

Therefore, even if the Bright Council is stronger, it is only a toy for children in the face of the World Corps!

After the devil, Ji Ji flapped his wings and flew to the south.

Finally, I came to the island of silver sand, here is the sea of ​​secluded!

"Innocent lord, after the devil, come to see you!"

The sea is calm!

Suddenly, a gust of wind began to condense into a beautiful and beautiful figure.

"Don't come innocent, and meet again. But I should call you nothing, or is it a demon?" The face of the sea is still beautiful, innocent and slow!

"Feel free to like you." After the devil died Jidao: "Li Ming can send you an invitation?"

"Sent it." Nothing said: "But I will not go to the junior wedding, but it is just a plot against Yangdingtian, isn't it?"

"No, this is the wedding of the new devil."

The innocent face changed, said: "The wedding of the devil, but the bride is not me? Why should I go?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "You, there are already eternal questions!"

Innocent sneer: "Is he asking the sky? He is not, I love to ask the sky, not such a character, not such an idea, he has all the world's most imaginative thinking, the most romantic feelings, the most determined determination. Always ask the sky, such a feminine, so scheming such hypocrisy, not my love!"

"You said this, he will be very sad." After the devil died Ji Dao.

Nothing to say: "Believe me, I have worked hard, I can't do it!"

Then, no shouting: "Women's wedding, then who is the bride? Is it definitely you?"

"Not only me, but four." After the devil died Jidao: "And, the new devil, not only ask the sky, but also Yangdingtian is also among them!"

The innocent body trembled fiercely and said: "That means that I can become a real woman, and I can breed offspring, and I can give birth to a demigod, right?"

"Yes, that's it." After the devil died Ji Dao.

"Ha ha ha, poor yongshe asked the sky, not only abandoned by me, but also abandoned by you." Innocent and hoarse smiled: "I want to let me go to the wedding, but I want to be the fifth bride!"

"As you wish, my sister." After the devil died Jidao: "The time is tight, we should go to the temple!"

"The temple, is there really a temple?" Nothing.

"There is a temple, and it is definitely beyond your imagination, the fifth bride."

Suddenly, there was no such thing as a peerless city, and it flew out of the sea.

Then, two beautiful women, flying at tens of thousands of meters, heading northeast!

All the brides are ready, all the guests are coming together! (To be continued.)