Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 116: Cave night! Target million blood pool!

PS; The second five thousand words are sent, update one million today, and ask for two monthly tickets to cheer!

At this time, the distance and Qin Shaobai's duel, there are sixty-nine hours.

Then, a person took Yangdingtian to the bride's side, and suddenly he smelled a familiar and seductive body fragrance.

Yang Dingtian never encountered such a dark place. It was really impossible to see anything at all. Even in the first half of the eye, nothing could be seen.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart raised an infinite sympathy. When he was inferior to the worship of a monk, he had to be black and bonfire, and he would not let anyone see her face.

"Ji Shi has arrived, the bride and groom are in the church."

Then, a piece of red silk was stuffed into the hands of Yang Dingtian, and the other one was in the hands of the second Miss.

Then, a scent is close, and an ice-cooling sound is very impressive.

"You remember, treat my sister well. When it is dawn tomorrow, if I see my sister is laughing, you can live. If she does not laugh, you will die."

After all, the big witch, the singer and the phoenix dance, retired, leaving only Yu Xiangyu, and the threat of cold and murderous.

"A world!"

Then, in the heart of the chaos, Yang Dingtian and Wan Xuegong's second lady, the solitary singer, worshipped the heavens and the earth.

"Two worship high church!"

"The husband and wife are worshipping!"

"Send to the cave!"


In this way, Yang Dingtian ended his worship and was sent to the cave.

From beginning to end, no more than three minutes, did not see the face of any relatives and guests.

The cave is very far and far away. The Wanxue Palace is on the front of the boulder mountain, while the cave of the singularly proud frost is on the back of the mountain. On the back of the big mountain, there is only one person who lives alone, and Yang Tiantian has a little more pity for the frost.

No one is in the middle of the cave, the north of the huge boulder mountain, only Yangdingtian and Duoluo Aohuang, two miles away from the front of the Wanxue Palace.

In the cave room, there is still a darkness, and no fingers are seen.

Is it necessary to spend the night in the dark?

"You should have heard the reputation of my mother-in-law." Duoluo Ao suddenly suddenly said coldly: "But don't feel that it is a great gift to me to be with me."

The sound is very familiar, the frost that Yangdingtian encountered. However, at this time, her tone was cold and she was not half gentle.

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but sneak a glimpse of what it means.

"Duo Youfeng felt that I was owed to me, so I wanted to marry and be a bride before I died. In order not to let her feel that I owe me, I accepted her kindness." Duo Ao Frost said: "But If you dare to touch me, I will definitely let you die without a burial place, because I have a heart, even though I can never marry him, but I will not want other men to touch me."

Yangding Tiandun was gentle and said: "Reassured, I will not touch you."

"Ah..." After Yang Dingtian’s voice fell, Duo Ao Ao Shuang exclaimed, and dared not set the channel: "Yan Big Brother is you..."

In the tone, it is completely full of surprises.

"Yes, it is me..." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, in the arms of a hot, suddenly a soft petite suddenly plunged into his arms.

"Yan Big Brother, how could it be you? How are you here? I, I am not dreaming."

Yangding Tian said: "You don't know who is with you?"

"I, I don't know." Duo Ao Frost said: "Duo Youfeng Dance did not tell me, she just said to find a husband, Yan Brother, how come you, I am really not dreaming. ”

The solitary arrogant frost trembled slightly in his arms.

But then her excitement faded away, silent for a moment, screaming: "Yan brother, my sister caught you, forcing you to be with me, right?"

Yangdingtian did not deny it.

"Actually, you don't want to marry me in your heart. You don't like me in your heart, right?" Duo Ao Ao Frost twitched: "Yes, who would like a woman with scales all over her body?"

When I said this, the body that had been solitary and proud of the frost gradually cooled down.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and his voice became gentle. He said, "Froser, can I call you like this?"

"Yes, I like you to call me like this."

"I like you very much. You are a girl with a good body and a simple heart. I like you very much." Yangding Tiandao.

The solitary arrogant frost seems to have regained its vitality. "That, then, are you willing to marry me?"

Yangding has not spoken for a long time, even in the dark, I can still see the frost full of hope, her eyes are really beautiful and charming.

"I really want to say that I am willing to marry you frost. Although it is very happy to see a girl like you, I already have a wife." Yang Dingtian slowed down.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the heat of the palm of his hand, and the tears of the solitary arrogant frost fell.

Yang Dingtian’s heart was soft and continued: “And, I came to Wanwan Palace, and I have a very ulterior purpose.”

"What purpose, Yan big brother." asked Duo Ao Frost, although Yang Dingtian has already said his identity, but Duo Aohuang is still called his big brother.

"Into the million blood pool cultivation, and strive to break through, and then return to Yunxiao City to save my wife." Yangding Tiandao.

Silence for a moment, Duo Ao Ao Shuang looked up: "Yan Big Brother, can you tell me about her business? What happened to her?"

"Well, she is called Ximen Flame..." Yangding Tiandao.

Next, Yang Dingtian sang the story of him and the flames. He always said that the flames were murdered by Qin Shaobai, and Yang Ding had to fight with Qin Shaobai three days later. Everything told Duoao. Frost.

After listening to it, the solitary arrogant frost softly said: "Yan big brother, Ximen flame is really happy. If I can be like her, even if I am dead immediately, I am willing."

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, although the flame is unique in my heart. But I want to say that whether it is looks, character, or body, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, like Flame."

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, the solitary arrogant beauty suddenly showed infinite tenderness, said: "Yan brother, you can not tell me these things, directly say that you are willing to marry me. Then let me help you into the million Blood pool cultivation, you know that I like you, no matter what I am willing to do for you."

Yangding Tian smiled: "You are so cute and simple, who will bear to deceive you?"

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, the solitary arrogant beauty was a little more joyful.

After thinking for a while, Frost said: "Yan Big Brother, is this okay? Yang Dingtian is a man who is going to Ximen Flame, but Yan Nantian belongs to me, is it good? You are not saying that you don't hate me like this, Do you think there is another kind of temptation? Then... then we will be real couples tonight, we really have the closest relationship, then I will help you to practice in the blood pool, help you escape from the Palace of Blood, let you Go to save the flames sister, okay?"

Yang Dingtian was a moment, he really did not expect that Duo Ao Ao will make this request, and he did not know how to answer it.

Hearing Yang Dingtian did not have any reaction, Duo Ao Ao cream shuddered: "Yan Big Brother, you said that you don't hate the scales on me, telling the truth, right?"

Suddenly, her words were completely full of fear. In the unlikely event that Yang Dingtian is telling lies, then no one in the world will see her not afraid, which will cause her to collapse and will completely collapse her only faith.

"Of course." Yang Dingtian bowed her head and kissed her lightly on her forehead: "You may not know, holding your body, my inner flame is really a bit of a move."

Let all the men on earth make a multiple-choice question. When you hold the deformed woman in X-Men, will you be in the heart? The shape curve of Duo Ao Shuang is more hot and **** than her.

"Then why don't you agree, I just let you do a night of Yan Nantian, let you be my husband for a night, after tomorrow, you will be back to your Yangdingtian." Duo Ao Frost said: "I am going to die But before I die, I really want to give my body to my beloved man. I don't want to die, I have never really been a woman. And, you said that you are not afraid of my appearance."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a while and said: "Frosion, my proposal is very heart-warming, but I have to tell you a secret, that is, my wife and I have loved each other, we have been married for a few months, but There is still no real relationship between husband and wife, even though we have done anything close to us."

"Ah..." Suddenly, Duo Ao Ao Shuang made an incredible low voice.

"If I promise you and have a relationship with you, I honestly say that I will enjoy it, and if I say no words, I will not feel too much guilty. But it is the biggest unfairness to you." Top Heaven said: "I have always felt faintly, one day your scales will definitely fade, you will be a phoenix nirvana, you will become a woman who is as beautiful and as bright as a solitary phoenix dance. At that time, will There are countless men who are crazy about you. So I am responsible for your body now, "I am irresponsible."

"Really, Big Brother Yan, do you think that the scales on my body will really fade?"

"I think this is the case." Yangding Tiandao: "And after leaving the Palace of Blood, I will travel to the world to practice. At that time, I will try my best to find ways to let you fade the scales. Of course, I dare not say that I can Find it, but don't give up hope at any time, and don't make any important decisions because of despair, okay?"

Frost softly said: "But even after I have faded the whole body scales, even if I shine in the future, I will not change my heart. I will still love you."

"If that's the case, that's the luckiest man in the world." Yang Dingtian smiled: "Frost, how long do they say you have a life?"

"Two years..."

"I don't believe, I firmly believe that you will continue to live." Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, you said let me be your man tonight, I can't do it. But what I can promise is whether or not I can find you." I have come back to see you once in two years, no matter how hard it is, I will come to see you once."

“Really?” Frost said with joy.

"Of course!" Yangding Tiandao.

Frost hangs down the dagger and whispers: "Then I have a request, Yan Brother."

"Yeah." Yangding nodded.

"Kiss me once, let me feel what kind of taste is the love of men and women." Duo proud of the frost, then looked up and slowly closed the beauty.

Yang Dingtian held her face and kissed her lips deeply.

After a few minutes, the lips of the two people gradually separated.

The solitary arrogant body is completely hot, soft in the Yangding Tianhuai, beautiful and fascinating as if drunk, breathing in the dark.

The whole body exudes a special enchanting aroma.

Then, Duoluo Aohuang left from the embrace of Yangdingtian: "Well, Yan Da Ge, your time is very urgent, we have to plan immediately, how to let you enter the Wanxuechi cultivation."

"Thank you, Frost, thank you very much." Yang Dingtian seriously said.

"Yan Big Brother, you gave me the courage to continue to live, I am willing to do anything for you." Frost softly said: "Wan blood pool in the hillside under a few kilometers, is the most dangerous in the entire million blood palace The place, if you do not have a million blood to enter, no matter who will die."

“Is the blood pool alert very strict?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"Without any warning, Shimen directly opened wide, and no one was guarded." Duo Ao Frost said: "But there is a fire mad lion, it is a five-year-old monster, because a large number of absorbed blood pool The mysterious spirit is already equivalent to the great division-level powerhouse. The entire Wanxue pool is its territory. Unless it holds a million blood, anyone who enters will be torn into pieces."

"Which blood is in your father's hands?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, and it is impossible for you to get a million blood from his hands, but it will cause him doubts."

Yangding Tiantou scalp, a large class of monsters, I am afraid that the East Nirvana has some headaches. Moreover, the monster has an extremely strong possessive desire for its own territory. Once it enters a half step, it will never die. Like Yang Dingtian at this level, I am afraid that 10,000 will be added together, but also can not support the claws of the fire mad lion.

"Is this fire mad lion relatively close to someone in the Wanxue Palace?" Yangding Tiandun remembered the genius beast of Ximen Ningning.

"No." Duo Ao Frost said: "It is gradually full of hostility towards the people of Wanxue Palace, and because it absorbs the energy of the blood pool, it has become more and more arrogant. It always feels that Wan Xuegong has robbed it. Things, so now many million blood palace disciples are not forced to do so, even if they hold the Wanxue order, they dare not enter the Wanxue pool. My father has even begun to plan **** this fire mad lion."

Wan Xueling couldn't get it, and there was no room for negotiation with this violent monster. It seems that it is extremely difficult or even impossible to enter the blood pool.

Then, Yang Dingtian thought of a method, which has a six-beat beast, which itself has a deadly appeal to the monster. Then Yangdingtian will integrate the blood of Ningning and the blood of the West End into the beast of the beast, and feed it to the fire lion.

Although the deep sea mystery and the soul-sucking mystery in the blood are very very thin, but mixed together, the toxicity should still be very amazing, as long as the fire mad lion eats this beast, at least temporarily loses the ability to attack.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian said this method, but did not say that it is the soul of the soul and deep sea mystery, only to say that it is a very very mysterious rare poison.

Duo Ao Ao directly shook his head: "No, this fire mad lion feeds on the energy of the blood pool, and does not eat anything, because no matter what you eat, it will cause damage to its mysterious repair."

In time, the Yangding innocence has nothing to do.

"Do you have six beasts and souls?"

Yangding nodded.

"There may be a way." Duo Ao Frost said: "It is only life-threatening, at least a little careless, it will be torn into pieces."

"What is the way?" Yangding Tiandao.

"You come with me, Yan brother." Duo Ao Frost Road, and then ran straight out, Yang Dingtian quickly catch up.

At this time, it was late at night... Yangdingtian walked out of the pavilion where Duoluo Aohuang lived. There was darkness outside, no stars in the sky, no moon. It should have been, but I don’t know why I can’t see the stars and moons here.

Under the 10,000 meters, it is the vast, boundless river.

Here is the back of Wanxue Mountain, the incomparable loneliness, only the long mountain road, and a solitary small building inhabited by Duoluo Ao, and it can be seen from this that the whole blood palace is so repulsive and fearful of Duoluo.

Two people climbed down the rope and climbed down to the entrance to a huge cave.

Inside is a stone cave passage, which is more than ten meters high and ten meters wide.

"Yan brother, walk along this channel, go to the deepest, is your destination million blood pool."

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, what can you do? Let's say it now."

Duo Ao Ao Shou pointed to Jiang Dao under 10,000 meters: "Yan Da Ge ~ ~ below the river, also lived an incomparably powerful monster, although it is a little worse than the fire mad lion, but also It can be said that it is half a catty, it is the lord of the entire hundred miles."

"Well, then?" Yangding Tiandao.

Duo Ao Frost said: "This eight-headed konjac and the fire mad lion have deep hatred. When the two monsters fought for a battle in the blood pool, the eight konjac lost, and hated lived. Jiang, but it still covets the blood pool. We can use the beast soul Dan to lead the eight konjac to the vicinity of the Wanxue pool, so that the fire lion will think that the other party is going to compete for the territory, and will definitely lose it. The reason is rushed out, so that the two monsters will kill each other. With this opportunity, you can enter the Wanpi pool to practice at the fastest speed."

By, Lonely Ao Frost said: "But Yan Big Brother, this method will still be very very dangerous, even if something goes wrong, you will die."

Yes, the risk of this plan is very, very large.

First of all, it is not necessary for the eight-headed konjac to be attracted by the six-story beast. Even if it is attracted, it may be directly rushed to eat the animal soul Dan and Yang Dingtian together. Also, these two monsters will not kill each other, they are still unknown.

Even if everything goes well, Yangdingtian sneaked into the deep pool of Wanxi. Then when he is out of the blood pool, the fire mad lion may have won the victory and returned to the hole, discovering your existence, it will tear you directly into pieces.

In short, according to this plan, Yangdingtian has a huge life threat.

"There are no other things to do, and fight." Yangding slammed his teeth.

At this time, there is still sixty-five hours of the duel with Qin Shaobai.