Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 130: Netherland! A moment of love! North!

"Wait, wait..." Yangding Tiandao: "Excuse me, where is this place? My wife?"

The beautiful girl turned her face and waved her hand at Yangdingtian, then pointed her finger at herself, saying that she would not speak.

"You can't talk?" Yangding Tiandao.

The girl nodded and then opened her mouth. This is a beautiful little mouth. The teeth are like white jade, but there is no tongue inside, and it is cut off by living.

On the back of Yangdingtian, the hair is so vertical, so beautiful girl is cut off her tongue. How cruel is this?

The girl smiled at the top of the sun, and told Yang to wait a little while, then walked outside.

Yangding Tianxin suddenly became more confused. What is the place here? Obviously, when he finally released the sword spirit, the violent sword spirit madly reversed, instantly letting his own sinister pulse destroy and break, leaving his soul almost dying. But this place can actually cure itself, and still use such bizarre means.

But this place is so cruel, even cut a beautiful girl's tongue, perhaps for confidentiality.


Yangdingtian climbed up from the pot and found that the body was full of scorpion power. Fortunately, my own mysterious energy did not diminish. His clothes were on the table, and his nightingale sword.

Put on the clothes, Yang Dingtian looked at this nightingale sword with some complex look, after all, did not touch the sword again.

After about half an hour, a slender figure walked into the stone room.

This is a familiar face, a beautiful man, Song Yu!

Yangdingtian knows where this is, this is the Netherland, the legendary mysterious and omnipotent Nether Sea.

"It's really unbelievable, you actually recovered." Song Yu looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "When you sent it, you have already destroyed the veins. Only the last bit of life is gone. I didn't think that it was less than three. In the month, you will be cured."

"Three months, I have been in a coma for nearly three months?" Yangding Tiandao: "Who sent me? Flames?"

Song Yu frowned impatiently: "I will say you listen below, don't ask any questions, I won't answer."

Yang Dingtian nodded his head as he excitedly excited.

"It’s Ximen Flame. You only know her way to the Nether Sea. I don’t know what she experienced, but when she is carrying you to the Nether Sea, she is already scarred and thin, then in the Nether Sea. On the beach, I spent seven days and seven nights, and I want to exchange your life with the endless people of Ximen." Song Yudao: "I said, we have owed a huge human heart to the West Gate. We got a Naga The crystallization of mysterious veins, I want to use it to cure the mysterious veins of Ximen Flames and destroy this human relationship..."

Speaking of this, Song Yu took a deep breath: "But, Ximen Flames gave up the only chance to restore yourself to strength, but gave this opportunity to you. Of course, my Nether Sea is not a play, not you. I want to transfer to which person's head to go to which person's head, so even if she collapses, it is useless."

"The original you and Ximen Yanyan should have died on this beach, but then things turned around. My teacher, Boji, has no words to see her flaming veins. She just lacks a sword waiter, so Ji The silent teacher proposed a condition. If Ximen Flame is willing to be her sword waiter, then the Nether Sea can save you Yang Tiantian, and Ximen Yanyan agrees."

The sword waiter, in the ordinary sense, is the person who holds the sword everyday and acts as a confidant and apprentice.

Ning Ruohan is the daughter of the largest force under the Yin and Yang dynasty, so she became the sword waiter of the Oriental Ice Ling.

Ji Ninghai's Ji Wuyan, identity is also no different from Ximen. Wu Yan has made her sword waiter, not a shame, but Yang Ding Tianxin still feels distressed.

"Do you want to cure the flames of the fire flames?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Song Yu shook his head and said: "The only crystal of Naga's mysterious veins has been used on you. I want to cure the Ximen Flame, unless you get a crystal of Naga, but do you think it is possible?

"When can the Ximen Flames leave?" Yangdingtian asked for a quick breath.

"She certainly can't leave." Song Yudao: "She changed her life, how can she leave?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If that, I found another crystal of Naga, or something more precious? Can Flame Flame leave?"

"Of course it can be." Song Yudao: "However, we have got a crystal of the Naga people in the Netherland for decades. Do you think you might get it?"

It’s harder to do it!

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and calmed down the blood of his jaw. He slowly said: "I am going to see the flame."

"Are you sure you want to see?" Song Yu looked at Yangding Tiandao: "The island of Ji Wuyan Shibo does not allow any man to step on a half step, otherwise he will die without a place of burial."

"Please help, thank you!" Yangding Tianzhu walked the way.

Song Yu looked at Yang Dingtian and gently sighed: "You are so proud, it is not easy for you to bend over. I am going to arrange a boat for you. As for you to go to Ji Wuyan Shibo, there is death and life, I will Can't manage it."

After all, Song Yu went out.


A few minutes later, someone came to tell Yangding that the ship was ready.

Yangdingtian walked out of the cave, and at this time he had the heart to see the scenery of the Nether.

This is the Nether Sea? It's not like the scenery of the human world. It is beautiful to the extreme, and mysterious to the extreme.

The sky is completely blue, and it always emits a cold and gentle light, and you can't see the two days. Any corner is bright, but no corners are shining.

Walking out of the cave is a beach. The sand here is all like silver, crystal clear and exudes fascinating fluorescence.

The ship is ready, but it can only be boated by Yangdingtian, because there is no salt-free island that dares to go to Ji’s silent.

Yangding Tianshang Ship, this is a delicate small wooden boat, completely carved out of a piece of wood, exquisite and wonderful.

Gently swiping, the sea water is like a jade that is broken, and the water that is transparent and clean to the extreme emits a little bit of light. All these beautiful scenery are like dreams, as if they are completely unreal, like the sea full of fantasy in "The Drifting of the Youth".

Yangdingtian constantly draws ahead, passing several islands along the way, there are completely jade islands, islands that are completely purple-red coral reefs, and islands that are all green trees without any sand. In short, everything It is a beautiful island.


After more than half an hour, the salt-free island is coming soon, and it is far from looking.

The salt-free island is so ugly, so gray, it is completely composed of a pile of gray-black rocks, and every stone is strange. And the islands that passed along the way are completely different.

Not yet docked, Yangding Tianda said: "Ji Wuyan predecessors, Yangding came to see him."

"Ah..." Suddenly, the salt-free island uploaded a surprise call, so familiar, is the flame.

"Roll, any man set foot on my salt-free island, and immediately smashed the corpse." A hoarse voice sounded completely like a witch.

"Mother-in-law..." The island uploaded the voice of Ximen Flame.

"Ximen Flame, remember your identity, don't think that giving you two days of good face, you can go to the nose and face, the scars of the punishment just forgot?" Ji Wuyan cold, despite the woman, but the voice But even more difficult than men.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law..." Ximen Flames constantly screams and pleads, and Yang Dingtian can even feel the flames of this time twisting the whole body into a numbness.

Finally, Ji Wuyan couldn't help but scream at the flames of the goddess, cold channel: "Give you half a column of incense, once it exceeds, I immediately kill the man alive, interrupt your little hoof legs."

"Thank you mother-in-law..."

Then, I saw the Ximen Flame as a deer ran out of the black hut.

Suddenly, the entire gray island is bright, because the presence of flames makes the ugly and weird islands cute.

"Husband..." There are still tens of meters away from Yangdingtian, and the flames open their arms, like a nestling bird, rushing into the arms of the sun.

Yang Dingtian opened his arms, the flames of plump and delicate body suddenly loaded into his arms, still so soft, so aromatic.

The two did not speak, and the hot lips suddenly kissed together.

Greedy kisses, crazy kisses, like a suffocating kiss.

The two men's hands are getting tighter and tighter, and they almost have to push each other into their bodies.

Yang Dingtian madly kissed the delicate lips of the flames, the delicate and tender tongue, frantically sucking, madly swallowing her sweet body fluid.

Finally, until the two people could barely breathe, they began to faint because of the lack of oxygen in their heads.

Yang Dingtian holds the face of the flame flame, still exquisite and exquisite, still delicate and beautiful, just a little thinner, the chin is also pointed, making her original baby fat into a delicate face, and then holding her small Waist, originally fleshy, it is also slender and soft.

"Flame flame, you are thin, my flames are thin, my baby is thin." Yangding Tianrou channel.

"Husband, I just grew up." Yan Yan Jiao said: "And the place that should not be thin is not thin at all, do not believe you touch."

After all, the flames put Yang Dingtian's hand on his full round buttocks, and the stunned breasts.

Yang Dingtian gently touched her hips. Originally, her heart was full of extremes and arrogance, and there was infinite anger. But holding this most beautiful petite body, as if a clear spring poured into the heart of the field, let him gradually calm down.

Enjoy this sweet silence, Yang Dingtian even some do not want to talk.

"Flame flame, what about your mother? Ningning sister? Ximenlie big brother?" Yangding Tiandao: "After I rushed the sword soul, what happened."

Suddenly, the joy on the face of the flames faded, and then the situation was snarled.


"What I didn't think of was that, finally, Master Yang actually stopped the Qincheng army to pursue us."


"In this way, Ningning sister alone blocked all the masters of Yang Yan and so on, and there are thousands of traitors, let us take hundreds of black blood cavalry to protect you from withdrawing from Yunxiaocheng."

When I thought of Ximen Ningning, Yang Dingtian’s heart suddenly felt a suffocation and asked: "That, Ningning sister, what happened?"

"I, I don't know!" Yan Yandao: "In short, when I saw her last glance, she flew in the air, and nearly poisoned nearly a hundred people. The green light that appeared on her body was only as long as she got it. Poisoned, no one dared to get close to her dozens of feet. I never thought that the gentle and kind Ningning sister, even the ants who are reluctant to step on the Ningning sister, is so amazing..."

At the top of the Yangding Day, the heart felt a strong convulsion. The mind was filled with the infinitely gentle but faint face of Ximen Ningning.

"Then your mother, and the big brother of Simon, are they?" Yangding Tiandao.

Ximen Yanyan Road: "When we try our best to run to the Black Blood Castle, there are already another thousands of people riding the army to attack the Black Blood Castle. The so-called duel trial is entirely planned by Ximeng Yangyan and others. A conspiracy, he wants to kill us all on this day."

"And then? Black blood castle lost?" Yangding Tiandao.

Yan Yandao: "No, there were more than a thousand black blood cavaliers in the fort, and there were more than 2,000 servants in the army. They were fighting fiercely with the army of Qincheng. Ximen feared that the big brother took hundreds of black blood to ride to the black blood. In the castle, the black blood riding in the fort was strong and strong, and the front and rear were attacked, defeating the cavalry units of the Qin family in the northwest."

Then, Yan Yandao: "Brother, there is one thing I think about now, I feel a little embarrassed."

"What?" asked Yangdingtian.

Yan Yandao: "Dang Xin’s body suddenly paralyzed. When she rushed to my sword, her eyes were very painful. It seemed to be calling a word. I didn’t hear what it was. I thought it might be a fear word. After the land, her hand seemed to be desperately trying to write on the mud, but the whole body was paralyzed, written and twisted, and it was not finished yet. Now it may be half a fear word."

Simon fear? !

Yangding Tiandao: "Sheng Yan, why do you think so?"

Yan Yandao: "Because we left Yunxiao City, Master Yang secretly sent us a letter saying that I was careful about Simon's fear. I said that the reason why Tang Xin discovered the ugly things of Yang Shishi and Qin Shaobai was that someone asked her to go to the remote. valley."

Yangdingtian heart jerked!

That's right, it seems that Simon is afraid!

Qin Shaobai, a poisonous snake, planned a conspiracy to blame the flames. But behind him, there is also a West Gate fear.

It can be speculated that Ximen fear discovered the scandals of Qin Shaobai and Yang Shiji earlier, but he did not say anything, but invited Tang Xin to Qin Shaobai and his mother's place to let Tang Xin discover everything.

Then Qin Shaobai took down Tang Xin and immediately came up with a plan of three birds and one stone. Kill Tang Xin, blame the flames, take the opportunity to get rid of Yangdingtian.

This trick is extremely hot, Qin Shaobai thinks that he is proud, but he did not think that he has completely fallen into the trap of Ximen fear. His handle is completely in the hands of Ximen fear, the handle of adultery, and the handle of killing Tang Xin. In this way, in the future, his Ximen fear can destroy Qin Shaobai at any time.

If Qin Shaobai’s hand kills Yang Dingtian, he will destroy Qin Shaobai by morality, so that no one will compete with him for the position of the city.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian took a breath!

Qin Shaobai is completely a poisonous snake, but in front of Ximen’s fear, it seems so immature.

Ximen feared such a heart, so gloomy people, Yangding days have never seen, unheard of.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "He really is the best son of your father. It is really amazing."

And this person will become the biggest enemy of Yangdingtian to compete for the city of Yunxiao!

On the cultivation, Ximen fear should be close to Wu Zun. On the mind, he is not at the bottom. Such an enemy really makes everyone shudder.

"How deep is the heart? What can really be a duel, or your own strength and the sword in your hand." Yangding Tiandao: "In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy is scum!"

At this time, it is almost a year away from the position of the city.

Within this year, Yangdingtian will become stronger, stronger and stronger!

To break through the Xuanwu Division from the Xuan Warrior, break through the big sacred martial arts, break through Wu Xuan, break through Wu Zong, and even higher.

Only by breaking through the Wuzong-class powerhouse, Yangding genius is likely to win the position of the city owner in the big battle, with flames, with Ximen, with Ximen Lie, returning to Yunxiao City.

Seeing the blue veins on the top of the Yangding Tiantou, the flame flame gently touched his face, softly said: "Brother, our Yunxiaocheng is occupied, but I will not cry because I still have You, only you are there, the home of the flames is there. And I believe that one day you will go to help the flames to recapture the city."

"Oh..." At this moment, suddenly the island was uploaded to Ji’s silent speech, and the half-column time has arrived.

"Brother, I really regret that I didn't love you when I had time. I have found that I really love you, but I have no time."

"Reassured, we still have a lot of time in the future." Yangding Tianrou said: "Before the big battle, I will definitely come back to the Netherland. Whenever I use any method, I will take you away. Let's go back to the sky." City, recapture our home and recapture your small building."

"Well, I believe in you, I will always believe in you." Yan Yan nodded desperately, then she raised her face and said: "Brother, unfortunately we have no time, otherwise I have said that I have to complete myself. For you, although we are husband and wife, we have no room."

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "Then we will agree, wait for me to kill the Ximen fear, wait for me to recapture Yunxiaocheng, wait for me to take back our home, then in our small building, our cave room is good?"

"Okay." Yan Yan said delicately: "At that time, I will wait in a variety of ways to serve you, no shame, and then shame, I will do it. I want you to know that I am the best. Wife, even better than Ningning."

Yangding’s eyes are hot and soft: “You’re the best and the best little wife, always.”

At this point, the island uploaded a voice of Ji Wuyan’s anger: "I still have to leave, do you want me to interrupt your legs?"

"Predecessors, I will leave." Yangding Tiandao.

"Brother, I love you, kiss me once more, kiss me to death." Flames looked up.

Yang Dingtian puts his lips on his lips and bites the lips of the flames, kisses and slams.

The two men kissed again madly, as if the end of the world came to a deep kiss.

When the two men were completely dying, they only slightly loosened their lips, but they still got together, breathing and smelling each other's breath. The red lips of the flames were red and swollen, but they were even more delicate.

"Baby, go back. Remember, I will pick you up after one year." Yang Dingtian gently released the flame.

"Yeah." Flames nodded desperately.

Yangdingtian picked up the flames and gently thrown her on the shore. Then he began to row down.

The flames of the flames look at the Yangdingtian, bursting with tenderness and tears.

"Brother, remember to go to Mujiawu in the southwestern mainland. I am hiding there in the second stage of killing the sword." Yan Yan suddenly remembered an important thing, and also considered that it was not on the side, loud and sunny. Shouted the day.

"Okay, I will go immediately after leaving the Netherland." Yangding Tiandao.

There are still a lot of words that have not been finished, but the time is not enough. Ji Wuyan has already begun to get angry.

Why is it that only the flames of the flames come to the sea with the sun, and how the flames are separated from the Simons, how can the second stage of the killing of the swordsman be in the hands of the flames, and there is nothing to say.

"Brother, I took you to the Nether Sea on the way to be intercepted by traitors. At the end of the day, a black cloak with a clown mask saved me, and gave me the second step of killing the sword, then escorted I came to the Nether Sea, he is very powerful, very mysterious, I don't know who he is." Flame flames again.

"Oh..." The flames haven't finished yet, and Yang Dingtian's face suddenly slaps a hollow slap in the face, and suddenly it hurts.

Yangdingtian is still bending over the waist: "Predecessors, please take care of my wife..."

"Oh..." Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s body was smashed a few times. Under the pain, he could barely stand.

"Please, senior!" Yangding Tiandao, then he rowed and turned to the outside.

"Brother, I am waiting for you to pick me up." Flame is loud in the back.

Suddenly, the tears of Yangdingtian finally couldn’t help but rushing down, gentle and muttered to himself: "Flame flame, for up to a year, I will pick you up."

Perhaps, before the Yangdingtian became strong, the Netherland is the safest place for Flame.

A few hours later, Yangdingtian opened his eyes again and has already floated on the sea.

He has left the Nether Sea, the most mysterious place in the world, with everything under the sea. It seems to be an independent space, hidden under the sea, where the island, the sky, the silvery beach there, are all under the sea, but no one knows how to get in.

Yangdingtian is drawn off the sea and comes to the beach. The beach here is a normal beach, and it is the beach where the flames are here for seven days and seven nights.

"Sflaming, wait for me to pick you up!"

Yang Dingtian finally looked at this mysterious sea, then turned around and ran fast to the north, ran hundreds of miles, and soon it was the sea. The other side of the sea was the southwestern continent.

Mujiawu is at the southernmost tip of the southwestern mainland, killing the second stage of the sword sword, and the flame is hidden in the Mujiawu.

The refuge of the cold pearls that Yangdingtian needs is also in the southwestern continent.

The southwestern mainland is across the sea from the northwestern mainland, separated by more than 5,000 miles.

Flame Flame first walked thousands of miles to the south end of the northwestern mainland with the sun, and sailed for five thousand miles, then crossed the southwestern continent of eight thousand miles, and then went to the Nether Sea for thousands of miles.

Therefore, Yangdingtian stayed in the Netherland for three months, but the flames took him on the road for two months. He had gone through all the hardships and suffered hardships. Yang Dingtian can't imagine how much suffering the flames have encountered on this road, but as soon as I think of the flames and scars on the beach, Yangding Tianxin seems to be breaking the general pain.

All of this is because he is not strong enough.

Another year, there is still one year's duel to the city owner of Yunxiao City. This is the only chance and the last chance for him to regain the city of Yunxiao.

Only one year, he wants to make himself stronger.

He will not blame the shameless shame of Simon's fear, nor will he go to jealousy for his ungratefulness. He will only leave the head of Ximen fear after one year. Although Ximen fear is very powerful.

Ximen fear, Yang Yan! You are waiting for me at Yunxiaocheng.

Yangdingtian is alone, rowing a small boat, day and night, and constantly heading north.

More than 5,000 miles of water, Yangdingtian is only relying on a small boat, day and night, madly rowing, hungry, catching the sea fish directly eaten hard. Of course, this sea area is full of deadly traps under the setting of the Netherland. If there is no chart given by the Netherland, then any ship passing through can not avoid the end of the battle.

Half a month later, Yangdingtian set foot on the southwestern mainland. At this time, Yang Dingtian, the beard was born, the whole face has been blown dark and rough by the sun and the sea breeze, the image of the whole person has completely changed, and the face is vicissitudes, as if he is nearly ten years old, even if he doesn’t make much makeup, No one recognizes that this is a sunny day.

The southwestern continent is hot and humid. There are deep mountains and ridges everywhere. There are dense forests everywhere. There are horrible beasts everywhere, and there are wild and wild poisons everywhere. It is called the barbaric land by the whole chaotic world. In the southwestern mainland, the population is only ten million. Less than one-tenth of the northwestern mainland. Since Li Tianxiao killed hundreds of thousands of southwestern coalition forces two hundred years ago, the famous land has regarded this land as an unclean land. Since then, the forces on this land have gradually slipped to evil. .

Mujiawu, at the southernmost tip of the southwestern mainland, is about a hundred miles from the coastline.

In the Netherland, because of the time constraints, Yangdingtian also had no time to inquire about the situation of Mujiawu. It is also unclear why the flames believed so much about this Mujiawu, and even put this peerless treasure of killing the sword and swords. At the office.

Inquired along the way, Yangdingtian finally learned. Within a few hundred miles, Mujiawu is still a relatively large force, mainly in the sea for pearling for a living.

"Old man, how can I go to Mujiawu?" On the tea stall, Yangdingtian bought a large bowl of tea and asked the old man at the tea stall.

"Always go, see this road is not, go straight to Mujiawu, this road is the Mu family opened." Tea booth old man looked at Yangding Tiandao: "How? Young man, you are also going to participate in the contest? ”

"Thank you for a fight? What happened?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, aren't you coming to participate in the contest? It's weird. There are very few outsiders in our small place. What do you guys do?" The tea stall is old.

"I came to buy beads? I heard that Mujiawu is the biggest family of pearls." Yangding Tiandao: "I did a little business, but the price of the goods from the middlemen is too high, so I will I came to Mujiawu to buy the goods."

The tea booth is old: "It turns out that if you put it in the ordinary place, you can definitely buy the beads cheaply. The people of Mujia are very kind. The big family has never bullied us." It’s also his territory. The Mu family collects less taxes, and sends food to our home every day. It’s a Bodhisattva-like person. Unfortunately, good people don’t report well, hehe...”

Yangding Tiandao: "What is going on? Please ask the old man to listen to me."

The old tea sigh sighed: "It’s not that Ms. Mu Yu’s beauty is so beautiful that she has brought disasters. I don’t know how, the beauty of Miss Yan’s beauty has spread to the flames of the Lord’s ears hundreds of miles away. Mujiawu made a proposal for marriage and asked Mujiawu to reply within ten days. However, the lord of the Flame Fortress was notoriously far-fetched, and the cruelty of the ruthlessness, the marriage of Miss Yan to him, undoubtedly pushed her into the fire pit. But the power of the Fortress Greatly, Mu’s master could not expressly refuse, so he had to announce that Miss Mu has been involved in the contest, as long as Wu Gong beat Miss Mou and passed the test of morality, he could become the dragon of Mujiawu. If the lady is married, then there is reason to refuse the Flame Fort.

"Would you like someone to come to power?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, despite the power of the Fortress, there are still many people who admire Miss Yan, who have come to Mujiawu to participate in the contest, but in order to prevent the people who go to the war, the Fortress has set a level at each intersection, as long as It is the foreign youth who participated in the recruitment of the relatives, all of which interrupted the legs and feet.” The tea booth said: “So I asked you at the beginning whether you came to participate in the contest. If so, if the martial arts are not very high, I advise you to Don't go. And I don't think you really look like martial arts."

"The old man is relieved, I am not participating in the competition. I am here to purchase the beads. Thank you for telling me this. I am leaving." Yangdingtian put a silver coin.

"I can't find such a big money." The tea stall is old.

"Don't look for it." Yangding Tiandao, then got up and left.

"Young man, you don't want to go, they can either go to the contest to recruit relatives, as long as they are outsiders, they can't make mistakes." Tea booth old man chased it out.

"Reassured, I have my own size." Yangding Tiandao, then riding a horse, along the dirt road, directly rushed away.


"Stop, come down!"

Sure enough, just riding out less than ten miles, I encountered a roadblock.

More than a dozen people will stop the road, holding a sword and facing the sun and screaming: "Where to come from, where to go? Miss Mu, we are mainly set for the lesser. Immediately give me a shot, or directly interrupt the hands and feet."

"I am not coming to the competition, I am just buying beads." Yangding Tiandao, and then took out a bag of silver coins from his arms: "Please be a good man."

"Throw the money over." A man who headed the road.

Yang Dingtian threw the money bag over.

The strong man took the money bag and opened it. He suddenly smiled and had dozens of silver coins. It was a small windfall.

Then, after putting the purse in his arms, the brawny turned his face directly: "It’s still going out, where did you come from, or you immediately interrupted your hands and feet, even your fifth leg was interrupted, seeing you want Color, still terrible!"

Yangdingtian picked up a stable from the bottom of the horse. This is different from the ancient horses on the earth. This is made of tough soft metal. Each one is worth more than one hundred gold. Yangdingtian uses this weapon. In order not to let people see his identity.

When I saw this horse, the brawny eyes suddenly showed greedy eyes and shouted: "It’s only fat sheep, brothers!"

Suddenly, more than ten people rushed together, slashing swords and slashing swords.

"Hey..." Yangding Tianyi swept.

Suddenly the first three people flew out directly, blood rushing.

"Oh..." In the grass, suddenly a few cold awns were shot, and the sun was shining in front of the sun.

Yangding Tian upright chest directly meets these hidden weapons.

"Hey, it’s still a trick." The brawny headed sneer.

But then he was stunned, because the hidden weapons had just been stained into the chest of Yangdingtian, but instead of flesh and blood, they were directly bombed.

The brawny is shocked. This is Xuan Zang's cover. Seeing the situation is not good, the brawny let the men continue to kill, they have to turn and flee.

"Call..." Yang Dingtian’s horse smashed out and directly slammed the back of the strong man, directly fluck him out for more than ten meters, vomiting blood to the ground, and the horse smashed in the air, re- Fly back to the top of the sun.

"Oh..." After receiving the horse, Yang Dingtian was alone, interrupting the rest of the legs.

Suddenly a mess, many thieves tumbling on the ground, screaming and crying.

"If you interrupt other people's legs and feet, I will interrupt your legs and feet. If you can't do evil later, go home and do farming." Yangding Tian cold road: "Otherwise, it will die in the hands of others sooner or later."

Then, Yang Dingtian, a mobile phone, rushed straight over.


Mujiawu, built on the edge of a lake, half on the ground and half in the water. The buildings are mostly wood and the small amount is masonry. It is about a few tens of acres in size, in line with the small power of dozens of miles.

When I saw Yangdingtian, I didn’t go to the gate. Then two servants shouted forward: “Guests who participated in the contest? Welcome welcome...”

Then, one person is Yangdingtian, and one person is diligently leading the sun to the dock.

"Hero's name?" asked the servant who led the way.

"Yan Nantian." Yangding Tiandao, this is a pseudonym he randomly took. He felt that the name was very heroic in the earth era.

"Good name." The servant said with a thumbs up: "I don't know if the hero of Yan is still here?"

"After encountering more than a dozen road thieves ~ ~ have been sent." Yangding Tiandao.

The servant suddenly smiled and said: "Yan hero is really good. In the past nine days, you are still the fourth person who can cross the intersection. Please go here, I will take you to the living room. Our family has three others. The heroes are there."

Yang Dingtian thought that these three people should really be recruiting relatives and want to marry.

"Small brother please be slow, I want to see the owner of the dock alone, there are important things to tell." Yangding Tiandao.

The servant gave a slight glimpse, then said: "Let the Yan hero wait."


Soon, Yang Dingtian saw Mu Liancheng, the owner of Mujiawu, a medium-sized, medium-faced, middle-aged man who was not like a martial artist. Instead, he was like a scholar, but his legs and feet were inconvenient to walk, as if he had broken his left foot. However, other people's incompleteness, Yangdingtian can not see more directly and slipped through the eyes.

"Mu's master, I have seen Yan hero." Mu Liancheng came in the Chaoyang Dingtian archway.

Yangdingtian looked at the temperature and the face of this show. I don’t know why this person can bear such trust in the flames. He even put the second stage of the killing sword sword on him.

Yang Dingtian also said: "I have seen the Mu family, I came to retrieve a thing."

Mu Liancheng’s face changed slightly, and his eyes were like electric shots to Yangding’s Tiandao: “I don’t know what to take?”

"A scroll." Yangding Tiandao.

"What scroll?" asked Mu Liancheng.

"A roll of cheats, a girl stayed here." Yangding Tiandao.

PS: The second one is sent (unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)