Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 344: Forced Mrs. Simon!

"Boa..." In the distance, Madame Simon opened her arms and ran towards the flames, then held her tightly in her arms.

Madame Simon has not seen her daughter for more than a year, and she has long been worried about it. After holding the flames in his arms, he never let go.

Everyone stopped, Yang Dingtian stood on the side, watching the flames and her mother cuddle and cry.

As a result, Mrs. Simon loosened her arm and also carried Yangdingtian in the past, holding him in the arms with the flame.

After Mrs. Simon’s crying, Mu Liancheng and Mu Hao stepped forward and bowed down.

"Old slave Mulian, meet the lady."

"Slaves, you see my wife."

Madame Ximen quickly stepped forward and raised the two.

Mu Liancheng and Ximen have been missing for twenty years, and Mu Liancheng can’t cry: “The old slaves asked the lady to let the old slaves and the little girls return to Yunxiaocheng.”

"You are an old man, I certainly hope that you are around." Mrs. Simon smiled. "However, I am a woman, and Yunxiao City is a small day."

"Uncle Mu is an elder, it is up to you to help, we certainly like it." Yangding Tian smiled.

Next, Mrs. Simon and Li Guinong and others met to salute.

At this point, a person with a full body black armor stepped forward, and the sun was shining at the top of the sky: "Hello, you have returned to the northwestern continent, then I will go back to life."

This person is the confidant of Qin Qiqi, and has been monitoring since the fall of the city.

"Yeah." Yangding nodded.

"This is the letter my master gave you." The black man sent a letter.

Yang Dingtian opened the envelope and opened the reading.


I took the southwest and Qin Huaiyu took the northwest.

I used the knife soldier, Qin Huaiyu used it.

I have to look at it, both in the southwest and in the northwest. Therefore, you should never let Yunxiao City fall into the hands of Qin Huaiyu, so I will let you leave the Southwest.

Finally, I want to tell you two sentences.

The first sentence: You are now repairing as far from enough to win the position of the city.

The second sentence: Even if you lose the competition, don't fight, leave your life, I am useful.

Qin Qiqi. ”

The word of this witch is very beautiful and not as full of swords as the words of the Oriental Ice. After reading the letter, Yang Dingtian’s state of mind was even more angry and cold.

First of all, the reason why Qin Qiqi, the witch, let himself out in the southwestern mainland is definitely not a dog’s righteousness. The reason why she let go of herself and the five hundred brothers is because of the infighting between the northwest Qincheng.

She and Qin Huaiyu are fighting for power. This witch got the initiative of the southwestern mainland, and Qin Huaiyu got the initiative of the northwestern mainland.

Qin Qiqi not only wanted to monopolize the southwestern mainland, but also prevented Qin Huaiyu from successfully winning the Yunxiao City. Therefore, he did not hesitate to release water to Yangdingtian, and gave her brother, Qin Huaiyu, a black foot.

Of course, Yang Dingtian is not angry with this, but the thoroughness of her words. Think of Yunxiao City as a thing in the bag, and regard Yangdingtian as a general, completely every thing.

Yang Dingtian came to the front of the black man, whispered: "Go back and tell your master a word."

"Please say." Black A humane.

"I will definitely kill her after the first rape." Yangding Tiandao.

Yang Dingtian insulted his master so much, but the black man was still expressionless and nodded: "Well, I will tell you."

"Oh..." Then, behind the black armor, he suddenly gave birth to a pair of mysterious wings, flying directly to the south.

This person is just a messenger, a watcher, but a Wu Zun level.

It can be seen how powerful the northwest Qincheng is.

In the road back to Fengyun Liegu, Yangdingtian saw about 200 people brought by Madame Ximen, but it was not a black blood riding army, but a strange army, each face was fierce, naked, Tattoo cockroaches, could not help but ask "Mrs. Ximen Lie brother?"

"In the stormy valley, he wants to guard the castle." Madame Simon said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Where did you live with the black blood cavalier during this time? Is this the wind and the valley?"

"From more than half a year ago, we no longer wandered around and entered the stormy valley." Madame Ximen said.

"All the forces in the entire northwestern continent are afraid of the northwest Qin family. Isn't there anyone who dares to take us in? How can this Fengyun Ligu be so bold?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Fengyun Liegu, a distance of three thousand miles from Yunxiao City, is a very very strange force.

Say it's big, it's big, it's a full two thousand miles.

It is small, it is very small, the residents in the territory add up, and only 200,000.

This is because it is located in the sunset mountain of the largest mountain in the northwestern continent. There are mountains and mountains, wild mountains and wilderness, and it is very lonely and bitter.

The people living in this mountain are very low-level and have always been regarded as barbarian tribes.

Sunset mountains, things run through most of the northwestern continent, stretching nearly 10,000 miles. The north and south of the continent are directly separated, and the climate in the south is pleasant, moist and rainy, and lush. To the north, it is dry and drier, and there are drylands that are divided by magma and scarred. But because the south is hilly and the north is flat, the north is more prosperous than the south.

This wind and valley is the biggest force in the thousands of miles of sunset mountains. It is almost completely isolated from other forces on the northwestern continent and does not interact with each other.

Even the wind and the valley are full of hostility to people outside the mountains. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the northwest Qincheng, it is probably one of the winds and valleys.

Because of the deviation from the wilderness of the wind and the valley, the northwest Qincheng has no desire for a little conquest.

Moreover, at this time, the owner of Fengyun Liegu is still a violent master-level powerhouse, so basically no one is willing to provoke this lonely, brutal and violent tribe.

But did not expect that Madame Simon and Ximeng Lie actually entered this stormy valley.

"We are stationed in Fengyun Liegu. It is really forced to help." Mrs. Simon said: "More than half a year ago, Qincheng increased the destruction and slaughter of our black blood cavalry. Our losses are very large. Escape everywhere. I couldn't find a place to hide. In desperation, I hid in the deep forest of this sunset mountain, and I was saved."

"This fire-blown Mosha does not allow any outsiders to enter his territory. You enter the sunset mountain range, are you afraid of killing him?" Yangding Tiandao.

Mrs. Simon said: "On that day, we were chased and killed thousands of miles, and there was no way to escape to the sunset mountains. It was not long before it was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the fire, which was originally to be wiped out by the whole army. The barbarians live on the food. The result..."

Madame Simon’s face trembled a little, then whispered: “Because the fire melted Mosha and found me, I seemed to like it very much. I wanted to marry me as the third lady, so I took us.”

The flames were shocked and shouted: "Mother, don't marry this big devil."

"Of course not." Madame Simon’s face was red, said: "But, at that time, the chase was behind, and we saw that more than a thousand scarred black blood cavalry will be wiped out. I can’t watch them die. So I can only confess with him."

"What did you say at the time?" Yang Dingtian quickly asked.

"I said, now that Xiaotian is the head of the family, I need to pass his consent before I can remarriage." Mrs. Simon whispered.

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian was shocked.

Mrs. Simon went on to say: "This person is violent and barbaric. Originally, he was still pretending to pursue it. Later I saw that I never give color and felt that I was deceived, so I have become less and less patient. I found it a few days ago. The opportunity to kill a black-blooded brother. Even recently, he has begun to put me under house arrest, I am worried that one day, he will be mad."

Yangding Tiandao: "How come he allowed you to come out this time?"

Mrs. Simon said: "I said that I can only remarriage through your consent. So I told him that you are going back to the northwest, I am going to pick you up. He is in a hurry, he sent two hundred rides, half of the surveillance, Half protection, agree with me to pick you up."

"The brother of Ximen Lie, and the brothers of more than a thousand black blood cavalry, have been detained in the stormy valley?" Yangding Tiandao.

Madame Simon nodded and said: "So, unless you promised his request. Otherwise, he will definitely not let the black blood ride away, or even kill."

Yangding Tianmei couldn't help but lock it tightly. At this time, it was only four days from the position of the city owner. It happened again.

"Small day, or do you go to Yunxiao City to participate in the contest. Then come to pick us up?" said Madame Simon.

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Impossible. The madman who melted Mosha, if he didn't see me this time, would end up patiently and kill the black-blooded brothers."

"What should I do? I can't really marry the beast."

"There is always a way, I will meet him." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangdingtian speeds up and rushes toward Fengyun Time is tight, before going to Yunxiao City, Yangdingtian will go to abandon the mine hole, the other side of the non-freezing pool, to kill The lord of the dead abyss, all the remaining more than 900 million years of blood hardware dug out, with the black fire forged a real soul sword.

In this way, it is more certain to defeat Ximen fear.


The speed of Yangdingtian was very fast. After five hours, it was rushed into the stormy valley with Madame Ximen.

Flames, Mu Liancheng, and five hundred cavalry did not come in. This is a savage tribe in the valley of the storm, in case they let them see the flames of the flame, I am afraid to provoke the right and wrong.

And the time is very urgent, Yangdingtian must fix this fire and sand in one day, let him let off the lady and the black blood riding army.

The center of Fengyun Lie Valley is of course the Fengyun Castle.

The so-called Fengyun Castle is just a pile of buildings made of huge wood, built in a valley.

There are less than 30,000 people living in the entire castle. Most of the people inside are naked, have terrible tattoos, and wear a variety of things on their noses.

Yang Dingtian just entered the valley and heard a thunderous voice.

"You are Yangdingtian, Pepe's things, do you have the final say? Well, now give you a choice, or let me and Pepe's room today, or I will kill you, and forcefully Pepe and her cave room!"

This should be the owner of Fengyun Liegu, the fire and sand. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking update group @ch8296929].)