Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 414: Meet the sand without name! And the la

Sha is unknown, and accurately said that it is now the name of Ning Wuming.

Sha is unknown, this is the name shared by the illegitimate children of the South China Sea. It means that this illegitimate child is very low-lying, just like the sand everywhere, being trampled under the feet of everyone. No name, naturally means no name. of course. When Yang Dingtian faked the ancestors, he also named it unnamed. However, on the body of the sect, the name of the name is very high-end, and it is very mysterious.

At this time, the sand of the Nanhai Ningzu has no name, and has officially recognized the ancestors as the ancestors, and changed its name to Ning Wuming.

In the Yunxiao City Council Hall, Yangdingtian saw this person.

To be honest, this person is very much beyond the imagination of Yangdingtian. This person seems to have no despicable and vicious appearance at all, but rather elegant and indifferent, even more like a noble son than Ning Yi.

His looks may not be as beautiful as Ning, but they may not be more attractive than Ning. Because his narrow and bright eyes are always very focused and serious, especially his eyebrows, really like a knife cut out, more delicate than a woman's eyebrows.

When Yangding Tianjin went in, he was talking to the Ximen woman. The look, the look, seemed to be full of praise to Madame Simon, full of appreciation, but not half-divided.

This kind of man is simply a natural sinister thief, romantic and not sloppy.

Before Yangding’s heaven, he went down to the Ximen’s wife and said: “Xiaoying met with Yue Niang.”

"Small days are back." Madame Ximen stepped forward and raised Yangdingtian, not taking the hand of Yangdingtian, pointing to Ning Wuming: "Xiaotian, I will tell you about this, this is the Nanhai Ning The young master, the fiance of Qin Qiqi in the northwest Qincheng, Ning Wuming."

Ning Wuming hurried forward. Chaoyang Top Tianyi walked down the road and said: "The younger brother is no more, and sees his brother-in-law."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian took a while to come over. Yes, Qin Qiqi is a charming younger sister, so this sand is unknown (Ning Wuming) is not called Yangdingtian as a brother-in-law.

"Ning Shaozhu is good." Yang Dingtian also said: "You Ning is far away from tens of thousands of miles. How can you have time to visit my Yunxiao City?"

"It was really embarrassing. A few months ago, I met with the Seven Seventh in the Southwest China. I fell in love at first sight. I had a private life. She had something to do in the Southwest, so I officially went to the northwest Qincheng to ask for a kiss. The result came to Qincheng. I realized that the original Yang brother was getting married with Jiaojie. I rushed to Qincheng, just because your couple had left. So, after a few days in Qincheng, I went to Yunxiaocheng to meet my brother-in-law and offer a wedding ceremony."

"Ning Shaozhu's gift is unimaginable and valuable." Mrs. Simon was on the side of Yangding.

Yangding Tiandao: "That's a thank you, can you see it?"

"Not yet!" Ning no sound.

"That's just right, I have a small feast at noon, I am going to entertain you with Jiaojiao." Yangding Tiandao.

"Thank you brother-in-law, it is really harassing."


At noon, Yangdingtian. Madame Simon, flames. And Jiaojiao four people, accompanied by Ning Wuming banquet.

Qin Susu and Mu Zhen were waiting on the side.

When Yang Dingtian went to call Jiaojiao, she still ignored it and said that she would not come. The result is still coming.

After coming, I only looked at the dishes on the table. I don’t care about Ning Wuming’s future sister.

And the flames, the mind is completely in the baby in the valley, so at the dinner table is also completely absent-minded.

Although it is a table to eat, but still strictly categorized. Chopsticks and spoons with vegetables, and chopsticks spoons for eating vegetables. It is completely separate, so there will be no indirect contact.

Ning Wuming appears to be very self-cultivating, and every move is more noble than Yangdingtian. Yangdingtian often forgets to use it, and eats it directly with his own chopsticks.

"Ning Shaozhu, I heard that you Ningzu, want the yin and yang of my husband to return to the crystal?" Qin Jiaojiao suddenly said: "You came here, is this for my husband?"

When she said this, she made a slight glimpse of Yangdingtian.

After Ning Wuming heard it, he immediately put down the jade chopsticks and said: "The big sister laughed. Before the Nanhai Ningzu competed in the yin and yang rounds, there was this. Because at that time, I did not become the son-in-law of Qincheng. But now, I am Yang. The city owner has become a company, how can it be necessary to return to the yin and yang rounds, and today it is to make up for the failure to participate in the wedding rude between the big sister and brother-in-law."

Qin Jiaojiao this year, in the daughter of Qin Wanqiu, the age is not the biggest, probably only ranked third.

However, Qin Wanqiu has only three prostitutes. Among the nobles like Qincheng, the prostitute is big, so Qin Qiqi, who is also a prostitute, calls Qin Jiaojiao a big sister.

"It's not the time to return to the yin and yang rounds, that's the best." Qin Jiao Jiaodao, and then no longer care about Ning Wuming, instructing Qin Susu to clip this dish for her, sandwich the dish. Anyway, the flames looked at what dish, she let Qin Susu go to grab. When Mu Yu couldn't see it, he went to help the flames, and the result was that the smoke on the dinner table.

Madame Simon did not seem to see the general, Yang Dingtian can only be installed to see if it is not seen, anyway, two people do not quarrel in front of outsiders to fight.


After the meal, Yangding Tian and Ning Wuming were alone.

"Ning Shaozhu, what is going on now, you can say it." Yangding Tiandao.

"I have nothing to do, just to tell a few words for the seven seven." Ning did not say.

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

"Duan Wei has returned to Tianfengge in the southwestern mainland. Leng Yanmei has gone to the position of Tianfengge, and was scrapped and repaired into the dungeon." Ning Wuming said: "Then, Tianfengge It has returned to a conservative and secluded strategy. Therefore, the battle of the Seven Seventh in the southwestern continent has almost destroyed most of it."

"Yeah." Yangdingtian is not set to no.

"Seventy-seven know that all this is your brother-in-law." Ning did not say: "Of course, she is very willing to understand you. You are doing this, but a helpless compromise, just to keep the Yunxiao City and have to form an alliance with Qin Huaiyu, the actual You and Qin Huaiyu are completely enemies like the sea. She said that she admires your courage and heart."

Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you for her."

"In addition, there is one thing in July 7th, I want to help you." Ning did not say: "If you are willing to help, then she will never work on Yunxiaocheng. And will give you a very precious gift."

"What? I want to help?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Seventy-seven know that your brother-in-law has always wanted to build a mysterious atmosphere to clean up and condense a large array. Although, I can't believe that Yunxiao City can build this big array, but I can't doubt the ability to create miracles." Ning Wuming did not directly answer the question of Yangdingtian. He said: "Now the key yin and yang rounds are back to the crystal. You have already got it. Yes, the yin and yang rounds are the most important thing in Xuanqi, but it is not the hardest. One thing."

"Yes, the most difficult chaos is turbid!" Yangding Tiandao.

A mysterious condensate and purification of a large array requires hundreds of thousands of things. But the most critical, three pieces are needed.

The first one, the extremely rare yin and yang round crystal, its role is to put any mysterious atmosphere between heaven and earth. Whether it is positive or negative, whether it is fire system ice or wind system, etc., all become non-attribute. This thing, either or not, once it is excavated, it will be there.

Therefore, among the three things, the yin and yang rounds are the most precious. It is also the most accidental and rare.

The second thing is the massive yin and yang magnetic spar. The role of magnetic spar. It is to condense all the mysterious tens of hundreds of miles in a circle into a small space.

Magnetic spar is almost the easiest to get, and it will be available as long as it is rich and powerful. But every three years have to be replaced, so the money is completely astronomical. Unless the financial power is dozens of times that of Yunxiao City. Otherwise it can't be done at all.

The third thing is the chaos and turbidity.

Its only use is to swallow the filth in the energy of mysterious energy. Chaos is turbid, like a life, and like an energy. The only hobby. It is to devour the pollution. Therefore, it can purify the mysterious energy, and it is almost 99.9 percent evolution.

Chaotic turbidity is also an energy crystal. It is almost contained in any matter in this world, so it is not uncommon. Especially in the magma, there is a rich chaotic turbidity.


In the magma of about 100 million jins, it is possible to refine the turbidity of a frog.

And a mysterious condensate purification of the big array, you need a big head of chaos magic.

Therefore, it is necessary to refine and refine billions of kilograms and billions of pounds of magma.

Of course, the magma should have everything in the northwestern continent.


A senior refining pharmacist, doing nothing in one year, only the chaos and turbidity inside the refining magma, probably can refine 100,000 jin.

That is to say, if it is necessary for a senior refining pharmacist to refine the chaos and turbidity needed to purify the large array, it will take tens of thousands of years.

However, at this time, Yunxiao City will not get more than three or four refining pharmacists. If you must be a senior refining pharmacist, then there is no one. Because all the refining pharmacists in the northwestern continent were attracted to the northwest Qincheng.

You have to ask where is the chaos of the northwest Qincheng?

Very simple, hundreds of senior refining pharmacists, with a few kilometers of ordinary refining pharmacists, took a full few decades to refine this enough chaos.

This made Yangdingtian ring the earth era, and the principle of making nuclear weapons is not difficult. The extraction of uranium is not technically mesmerizing. However, a country has tried its best to use tens of thousands of people and spend many years before extracting a small piece of uranium.

This chaotic turbidity is indeed similar to the uranium that makes nuclear weapons on Earth.

This thing is not rare, but the human and material resources are completely astronomical.

And basically, this thing didn't have to be sold, even if it was sold, no one could afford it.

At present, there is chaos and turbidity on hand. According to the estimation of Yangdingtian, there will be no more than three.

The first one, the Northland World Conference. This northern hegemon, sitting on a few thousand miles of territory, and hegemony for a hundred years, chaos magic turbid must have been refining, and waiting for the yin and yang rounds back.

The second one, the Lishi City and the Yuntian Pavilion, the two companies united, the forces will not be the best in the world, but also a hundred-year-old tyrants, and they must have prepared the chaos and turbidity early.

The third home is naturally the Nanhai Ning.

Nanhai Ning, lonely overseas, is more mysterious. It is also completely out of the three ninth and twenty-seven factions in the world. It only knows that it is the overlord of overseas. However, the nearest place to the mainland is also tens of thousands of miles, and never deal with the mainland.

and so. Whether he has chaotic turbidity, no one really knows.

However, from their previous competition for the yin and yang rounds, it can be seen that they do have chaos and turbidity.

Moreover, the Chaos turbidity used in the trading of Qin Qiqi and Yangdingtian is probably from the Nanhai Ningzu.


Three key things to build a sacred atmosphere. Yin and Yang round crystal, yin and yang magnetic spar, chaotic turbidity.

The yin and yang rounds have returned to the crystal, and Yangdingtian already has it.

The magnetic spar, Dafupo Qinmeng is constantly being shipped.

Chaos is turbid, and Yangding is innocent. And with the power of Yunxiaocheng, it is absolutely impossible. Of course, there is a way to grab it from the world, or to split the city from the ground. Yuntiange grabbed there.

However, at present, this is probably exactly the same as finding death.

"The chaos in your hands is turbid, is it negative, or is it positive?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Negative." Ning no sound.

That's right, Xuanqi condenses the chaos that is needed for purification and needs a pair. One yin and one yang, one is responsible for phagocytosis positive turbidity, one is responsible for phagocytosis negative turbidity.

"What do I need to do?" Yangding Tiandao.

"In the seven seven and Qin Huaiyu. Choose to support Qin Qiqi." Ning no sound.

“So simple?” Yangding Tiandao: “Do I think that I have such a big weight?”

Ning Wuming smiled slightly: "I am just a message. I don't know exactly. But I asked you to hand over a letter to you."

Then, Ning Wuming pulled out a letter from his arms.

Yang Dingtian took over, Ning Wuming turned very gentle.

In the letter, it is the unique handwriting of Qin Qiqi.

Yang Dingtian’s hand just touched the letter, and the handwriting was revealed.

"Yangdingtian, help me kill Qin Huaiyu. Chaos is turbid to you. Otherwise, after three months, I will level the city."

He just finished reading, and the words on the letter disappeared without a trace. Then, the letter paper also disappeared with the gray smoke.

There is endless anger in the heart of Yangding.

This is no sound in front of me. Even if you send out the most sinister threats, you will never lose half of your smile. Moreover, without leaving any little evidence, it seems that everything has nothing to do with him.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian thought of one thing.

This is between Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi. Who is the hunter and who is the prey?

Of course, if Ning Wuming is a hunter, his hunting target is the entire northwest Qincheng, and even the entire northwestern continent and the southwestern continent.

His identity is not known to others, and Yang Dingtian is very clear.

He is the minion of the Lord of the Temple of the Immortals. He would rather have no sound to refer to the northwest Qincheng, which means that the claws of the Temple of Destruction are officially placed on the northwestern mainland and the southwestern continent.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian could not help but think of a person.

Two hundred years ago, Tiandao League’s biggest traitor, the most infamous devil, Li Tianxiao of Mujianbao, killed millions of warriors and killed Li Tianxiao of all his elders.

In the eyes of this, there is no sound, is it the role of Li Tianxiao?

Although I can't wait to see the man in front of me, Yang Dingtian smiled slightly: "Or, let me think about it?"

"Of course." Ning did not say: "This is a matter between the brother-in-law and the seven-seven, I am just passing the message. Even if you answer, please hand it over to the seven seven."

"That's good, you bother to run this squat." Yangding Tiandao.

"Thank you for hospitality, the younger brother said goodbye." Ning did not say.

Then he bowed and went out.


"French, this is what Ning does not have to do." Yan Yan said: "He is very scary. His gaze, his breath, is very scary."

"How scared?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I can't say it, anyway, it's not evil, or mystery. In short, there is a kind of inhuman breath." Yan Yan said: "And, for women, he has a fatal attraction. Fu Jun, there is a terrible thing. After the woman saw him, his shadow seemed to be directly engraved in the woman's mind, and it could not be wiped off. For a woman, he was a deadly devil.

Yangding Tianhan Mao was vertical and said: "Is this the case?"

"Yes." Yan Yandao: "This is what Niang and I said, so before I go to meet him, let me and Jiaojiao, and Yu and Susu, don't look at the eyes of Ning Wuming." Flame Road: "So, we didn't look at it. But he was really scary. Sitting next to her, there was a feeling of chill. You just noticed that Jiaojiao and I have been stealing food. In fact, we all have one bite. did not eat."

Yangding Tiandeng took a deep breath, and for Ning Wuming, he just felt unfathomable. And Yan Yan, but he felt so strange and terrible smell on his body, compared to Qin Huaiyu did not know how terrible.

"Well, he won't come again." Yangding Tiandao: "In about a year or two, I will kill him."

"Kill him? Why?" Yan Yan said: "But killing, this kind of person definitely harms the world."

"Right, what about Oriental Ice? How is she?" asked Flame Flame.

"She?" Yang Dingtian paused for a while, then said: "She, probably only ten days."

The flames were shocked, rising straight from the top of Yangding, and trembled: "She, what happened to her? Ten days, what do you mean?"

"After ten she will probably die." Yangding Tiandao: "Because she has something in the temple of annihilation, and... and the soul of the soul of Ximen Shishu is almost the same!"

Suddenly, the tears in the flames of the flames continued to fall, and the expression was extremely sad.

"French, you go with her, you are with her for ten days, she must really want you to be with her."

Yangding nodded and kissed a flame.


Yangdingtian landed in a cabin more than ten miles away.

Oriental Ice Ling is waiting for her at the door.

Yang Dingtian took her hand: "Sister, these days, we are inseparable, where do you want to go?"

Oriental Ice Ling gently leaned in front of Yangding Tianzhu, said: "Brother, I will take you to a place, a place that changes my destiny, a place where I almost died. I want to be there, give myself completely You, really be your woman." (To be continued.)