Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 483: Scarlet wedding! Save the dream!

Note: There is one more in front, don't miss it!

Things have changed, and Qiu Fengjian, the master of the Qiu Shui Jian faction, has to force Qin Meng to be a beggar and try to swallow dreams from all industries.

Assassination according to the original plan will definitely not work, so Yangdingtian chooses to take risks once and cooperate with Qin Wanqiu!

"Yangdingtian, I am definitely standing on the side of the demon road, so you are trying to change my position on this matter. It is impossible." Qin Wanqiu said: "Even if you can successfully extinction the Qiushui sword In order to express my innocence, my attitude towards Yunxiaocheng will be more intense."

“It doesn’t matter.” Yangding Tiandao: “Our cooperation is limited to this time.”

Qin Wanqiu said: "Then I will make it clear that I can't send any masters to participate. Everything depends on you."

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good!" Qin Wanqiu said: "You say, what do I need to do?"

"First, although you have already agreed to the wedding, you must show a rejection attitude. So first of all, you can't participate." Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course, I would not have participated." Qin Wanqiu said.

"You can not only participate, but you can't send a master to participate, don't put pressure on our battle." Yangding Tiandao: "And, affect all the people you can influence, so that they don't send high-handed players."

"Yes." Qin Wanqiu said, then he said: "Autumn Ruohan, is a Samsung master, if she goes to Qiu Shui Jianpai?"

In the top of the sun, the heart is still a little tremble, and the relationship between husband and wife reaches this share, which is really the best. Qin Wanqiu’s idea of ​​killing his wife was so fierce.

"What is the repair of Qiu Fengqi? The whole Qiu Shui Jianpai, how many masters of the master class?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Qiu Fengqi, a five-star master. Qiu Shui Jianpai, a master of the master class, there are four." Qin Wanqiu said: "But other people just broke through the master."

"How can it be so much?" Yang Dingtian frowned.

"They have a long-lasting cultivation material, and the talented heap is also piled up to the guru." Qin Wanqiu said.

Yangding Tian Shen is a five-star master and three ordinary masters. Almost, it is already the limit of the Yangdingtian team. You have three masters, one close master, and one just Wu Zun.

Of course, the enchanting is also a master. However, she was too ecstatic, and Yunxiaocheng did not have any control over her. Yangdingtian returned to Yunxiao City several times and had never seen her. Of course, she is not doing bad things anymore. All her babies whose energy is in their stomachs are almost unconcerned about everything in Yunxiaocheng.

After hesitating for a while, Yangding Tiandao: "Qincheng Lord, let his wife Qiu Ruohan, this time do not kill. But her life is still in our transaction, we will promise to help you kill her, How? The four masters of Qiu Shui Jianpai are almost the limit of ours. With the addition of Qiu Ruohan’s master of Samsung, the change is too big. We can’t get to the end, the key is to kill Qiu Feng.”

Qin Wanqiu narrowed his eyes and then nodded. "That's good, I won't kill this time. When the conditions are ripe, I will directly send you a letter."

Yangding Tiandao: "Good! Qin Zongzhu, can you be sure that all the guests attending the wedding, there is no master-level powerhouse?"

Qin Wanqiu said: "This wedding is relatively hasty, so the participation is destined to be only three thousand miles of guests. And within these three thousand miles, it is the scope of my Qin city, so basically can guarantee. But there are three people, not Within my control."

"Which three?" Yangding Tiandao.

"First, the main city of Baiyun has no city, five-star master. You also know that when I let the dream away from his brother and leave, when we marry you, we have already broken." Qin Wanqiu said: "I have not affected him."

"The main city of Baiyun has no city. He should not go. Because the dream was once the wife of his brother. This wedding is also a hit on his face. Even though Baiyun and Qiushui Jianpai are the most thorough in selling the devil. But the competition between the two minions will be great." Yangdingtian you.

"It makes sense." Qin Wanqiu said: "But if Ning Wuming goes, he will go if he doesn't want to."

"What about the second?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Cold Yanmei, eight-star Lei Shi." Qin Wanqiu said: "The evil spirit energy is really strong, directly let the cool master's Samsung master rise to eight stars. He is the most loyal ally of Ning Wuming, I have already Can't influence her."

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao: "But this person is so proud that he will not put the Qiushui Jianpai in his eyes and should not go."

"Well, but if Ning Wuming goes, she will definitely go." Qin Wanqiu said: ‘#Ning Wuming is the representative of Li Ming, once he attends, everyone must attend, even including me! ”

Yangdingtian suddenly frowned, and he was very sure about this. Just like the Earth Age, the mayor and the secretary did not deal with it, and neither of them put a deputy mayor in the eye. The deputy mayor’s son is married, and these two amnesties will basically not participate. However, if the vice governor suddenly comes to the wedding, the mayor and the secretary will not be able to deal with it anymore, and then look down on the deputy mayor and will come to participate.

"Nan does not sound, will you go?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It is very possible!" Qin Wanqiu said: "This time, Qiu Shui Jianpai contributed such a large amount of wealth, which is entirely an astronomical digital asset. In order to express the reward, Ning Wuming will definitely participate."

"Do you have a way to let Ning Wuming not go." Yangding Tiandao.

"I have no way." Qin Wanqiu said straightforwardly: "My will will not affect Ning Wuming, I am still outside their circle. Even as long as I reveal a little bit to stop Ning Wuming from going to the wedding, It will cause him doubts, maybe your plan will be revealed."

It makes sense, Ning Wuming this person, absolutely swindling to the extreme. On the pure intelligence and mind, Yang Dingtian is not his opponent, let alone a seventy-seven swindler like him.

"So, to stop Ning Wuming from going to the wedding, it is up to you." Qin Wanqiu said: "If you can't do this, I advise you not to act. Even if you want to act, don't bring my son Qin Huaiyu. ”

Yangdingtian slightly narrowed his eyes!

According to the current situation, Qiu Shui Jianpai paid such a large price, Ning Wuming is definitely going to participate in the wedding as a reward.

Ning Wuming went, Qin Wanqiu, Baiyun City, the main cold Yanmei all go.

In this way, killing the autumn phoenix and destroying the Qiu Shui Jianpai is completely out of play. If Yangdingtian enters Qiushui Island, it can only be that the sheep enter the tiger's mouth to find death. Yangdingtian will not be so stupid.

"Qincheng Lord, if we kill your wife, Qiu Ruohan, will it prevent Ning Wuming from going to the wedding, and then come to participate in the funeral of Qiu Ruohan?" Yangding Tiandao: "After all, the identity of Mrs. Qincheng It is much higher."

"That must be." Qin Wanqiu said: "Between the wedding of Qiufeng Jinna and the funeral of Mrs. Qin, Ning Wuming definitely chose the funeral of Qiu Ruohan. But Qiu Fengyu will come, the wedding will be Cancelled or delayed."

Indeed, this road will not work, otherwise Qin Wanqiu will be happy to kill his wife in advance.

"Right, Qincheng Lord, is it your original death, and Qiu Ruohan?" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Qin Wanqiu looked cold and said: "Don't ask what you ask, don't ask."

"Qincheng Lord, please pay attention to the relationship between us." Yangding Tian cold road: "I must judge the authenticity of your will to kill the wife, so you still have to answer this question."

Qin Wanqiu's face suddenly became ugly, and then nodded: "Yes, she killed. But everyone said that I killed, the purpose is to 娶秋若涵. Yes, I am going to Qiu Ruoruo. Han, but only a flat wife, and you are the same as Jiaojiao. But someone started, let Qiu Ruohan become my only wife."

In this way, it makes sense.

"Also, Qiu Ruohan can't be pregnant, it's my hand." Qin Wanqiu said: "I don't allow, the future successor of Qincheng falls into the hands of Qiu Shui Jian. If she really gave birth to a son, Qin Huaiyu Life is dangerous."

Yang Dingtian suddenly screamed, he had previously seen that the relationship between the couple is not good, the same bed dream. I didn't think that it was so dangerous to the extent that it was so difficult for two people to live for so long.

"Well, then I promise you again, I will kill Qiu Ruohan." Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Wanqiu said: "That is the future. Now you have to make sure that you can let Ning Wuming not attend the wedding in Qiushui Island. You can't do this, and you can't talk about it."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian brows wrinkled.

This is really hard to do. Ning Wuming is too embarrassed. It is impossible for Yangdingtian to influence his will.

Of course, there is indeed a way. However, it was a plan after Yang Dingtian. After defeating Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming United Army, they won the plan after the first battle against the evil demon.

What is this plan?

Of course, it is a fake and sturdy, seeking negative chaos and turbidity, and establishing a sacred atmosphere to cleanse the array. Completely destroy the Nanhai Ningzu, and let Li Ming lose the only force base in the chaotic world.

This plan is very important for Yangdingtian and even as important as the next war.

Don't look at the extreme strength of Li Ming at this time. It is completely for the sake of my death. However, most of them are only taking advantage of the situation. There is only one armed force in his hands, that is, the Nanhai Ning.

Once the South China Sea Ning was destroyed, Ning Wuming was eliminated.

Li Ming will become awkward, and he will face Yang Dingtian directly. At that time, he will fall into a huge embarrassment and trouble.

Because, he can't kill Yang Tiantian! Yes, he can't kill!

After the devil, Ji Ji is extremely powerful, but for a long time her main task is to resurrect the devil to ask the sky.

Not to mention the devil, even the demon princess peony, is not Li Ming can be commanded.

Therefore, once Ning Wuming is destroyed, once the Nanhai Ning is destroyed, Yangdingtian will take the initiative.

At that time, it was time for him to lead the Tiandao League, prepare for the war, and prepare to resist the invasion of the army.

If Yangdingtian appears in the face of Ninglang, it can of course directly prevent Ning Wuming from going to Qiushui Island. However, the plan to destroy Nanhai Ning in Yangdingtian has certain destructive effects.

As for the impact, Yangdingtian is not known. Deeply hesitated and weighed a few moments later.

Yangding Tiandao: "I have a way to stop Ning Wuming from going to Qiushui Island. Your business can be done."

Qin Wanqiu said: "Are you sure there is a way? How much do you have?"

"80%, 90% or even higher." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Qin Wanqiu was shocked and wrong!

Then he got up and said, "I believe that you can do it, let's go, I will go."

Yang Dingtian also got up and said: "That's a good time! I wish our cooperation a smooth success."

Qin Wanqiu said: "I wish you success in saving the dream, and successfully extinguishing the Qiu Shui Jianpai!"

Then, Qin Wanqiu left and disappeared into the night.

Then, Yangdingtian also left and disappeared into the night!

After leaving, he flew tens of thousands of meters into the air and flew in the direction of Xizhou City.

After two hours.

In the most famous Qinlou in Xizhou City, an incomparably beautiful face appears in everyone's eyes.

Suddenly, it caused an incomparable shock.

Within this brothel, almost all men and women, all come out and see the beautiful man who has no one in the 100,000.

Then, that night, this beautiful man, and the redest lady in this Qinlou, had a spring breeze.

Then, it disappeared completely into the night, as if it had never appeared before.

Soon, this information was directly transmitted to the ears of Ning Wuming.

At that time, Ning Wuming was finishing the line, and planned to go to Qiushui Island with Qin Qiqi to participate in the Qiufeng Temple's Nayong ceremony.

However, soon an intelligence head of the Nanhai Ningzu said something in his ear.

Suddenly, Ning Wuming changed dramatically.

"Ning Lang, what happened?" asked the unparalleled Qin Qiqi.

"Oh, nothing." Ning did not say: "Maybe, I can't go to the wedding in Qiushui Island, you will be represented by me."

Qin Qiqi: "But, I am going to go with us alone, the difference is very big. You don't go, cold Yanmei and Ye Wucheng, my father will not go. Then Qiushuidao Industry, we can hardly eat it completely."

Ning Wuming frowned, Qin Qiqi said it makes sense.

Ning Wuming represents the temple of the annihilation, and he will not go. Qiu Fengqi will have a lot of opinions. Then, if you swallow the Qiushui Island industry, there may be a change.

He suddenly began to hesitate.

Then, the intelligence leader said: "When Mr. Wu Mozhi heard the rumors, she had already gone for the first time. Without anyone, one person used the fastest time to fly to Xizhou City."

Suddenly, Ning Wuming changed his face and immediately said: "Prepare the fastest flying mount, prepare everything, I will use the fastest speed to rush to Xizhou City."

Suddenly, the face of Qin Qiqi became a bit ugly.

Although Ning Wuming is his husband, when he hears the name of Wu Mozhi, he immediately looks confused. This is a huge blow for every wife.

Suddenly, Qin Qiqi’s face showed a beautiful smile: “Ning Lang, you have important things, I will not stop you. However, Qiushui Island is too important. If you don’t go, there will be a change.”

Ning Wuming frowned: "This way, you represent me first. I will go to Xizhou City to handle the affairs, and then use the fastest time to get to Qiushui Island. Of course, let their weddings continue as usual, anyway, I will definitely go west. The state island is a glimpse."

Qin Qiqi's beautiful beauty trembled, softly said: "Well, as you wish!"

The next day is bright!

Yang Dingtian, Zhu Hongxue, Qin Huaiyu, Song Chunhua, Lingbi. Five people, all of which are easy to change, with the help of Qin Wanqiu, mixed into a force team, went to Qiushui Island, and participated in the wedding of and as Yangdingtian expected.

Ning Wuming does not come, Baiyun City Lord, cold Yanmei will not come. The arrival of Qin Qiqi is one of the variables.

However, Qin Wanqiu brought a huge piece of good news, or he was helping, the great master of the Qin Qiqi, and did not follow the Qin Qiqiu Qiu Shui Island.

As a result, things have entered the most favorable situation for Yangdingtian.

There are no guru guests to attend the wedding, and Yang Dingtian has to face only five masters.

Qiu Fengqi is a five-star master, and the remaining four, including the bodyguards brought by Qin Qiqi, are ordinary masters.

Although this battle will be difficult, Yangdingtian is still full of absolute confidence.

In this battle, they will win, and they must win.

Because the Yangdingtian Declaration has spread throughout the western world, it has already caused a huge laughter.

The extinction of the Qiu Shui Jianpai will not only save the Qin Meng, but also allow the blood to stain the Red Sun.

At noon, Yangdingtian enters Qiushui Island!

Qiu Fengqi, also returned to Qiushui Island.

Bloody wedding, officially opened!

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