Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 521: The battle is terrifying! destroy! kil

The sound of the enemy's skin drum is still far away, but it is enough to spread fear.

Yangdingtian got up from the bed, and all three women had already woken up, but everyone was embarrassed to open their eyes first. Flames are not afraid of the sky, but Qin Meng is away from this fairy, she will become very unnatural.

Yangdingtian went straight out in a straight line, and Muyu had already prepared the hot water outside.

However, at this time her face is somewhat unnatural, in addition to facing the nakedness of Yangdingtian, there is also a bit of amazement because of the sound of the human drum.

However, when she saw Yang Dingtian walked over such a big thorn, she couldn't help but glance at him, and then couldn't help but squint at a certain part, and sneak a bit, and even more red.

Yangdingtian directly into the bath soup, and then under the service of Mu Wei, began to bathe.

It is strange to say that the original Mu Mu was full of fear of the drums of the outside people. At this time, seeing Yang Dingtian not slowing down, he gradually calmed down.

"Although you are the master, I am a slave, but I am also a human." Mu's handcuffs screamed on Yangdingtian: "You don't want to face, I want to face, you have less to play in front of me." ""

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and comfortably leaned on the tub.

Mu Mu’s heart was even more angry. He twisted him and said: “Have you been the master of the city? The enemy has already been under the ice, and you are not going to be with all the troops, but lazily bathing here?”

"Afraid?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Whoever is afraid, it’s not a big death." Mu said: "In any case, it’s better to die."

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but smile, listening to your tone, as if he was suffering from bullying, some of them are not as good as death.

"What are you laughing at? I am serious about it." Mu said: "I am in Mujiawu. It is Miss Qianjin. When I came here, I was a slave. In Mujiawu, I am together with you every day." Here, I can't see it together for half a month. In Mujiawu, I live happily every day, and I am scared every day here. This is all right. Personality and dignity are still being placed under the feet!"

Listening to Mu's accusation, Yang Dingtian will certainly not refute. In fact, being a maid is also her own initiative. Yangdingtian was originally made to cultivate her, and her body and talent are very good.

At this time, a full-bodied, snow-white woman covered her chest and underneath. Ghostly ran out of the house.

The white skin, the plump curve, made the woman look shocked. Not to mention, there are a few blushing minor scars on the white body.

It was Qin Mengli, along the wall, ran out quickly and ran back to his room.

because. Jiaojiao and Yanyan, throwing her clothes in the water. And she lives in a small building. There are still dozens of meters from here.

There is no man except the baby in the entire valley. However, there are quite a few women. Flames and Jiaojiao are destined to make Qin Meng lose face once.

Qin Meng from the big white sheep generally ran back against the wall roots, when going out. He slammed the sun and the sky with a white eye.

Not long after she ran out, Yang Dingtian heard the baby shouting: "Mimi, Mimi..."

Suddenly, Qin Meng was ashamed to die.

Normally, the baby is very late, and the voice of the giant drums of the demon army is coming today. Woke up the baby. Excited baby, can no longer sleep, screaming out of the solitary arrogant cream, went out to wander.

As a result, I met the streaking Qin Meng from the aunt. Then, in the baby's eyes, there are only two big white-headed Mimi, excited. Despite the nurse's Mimi, he has to eat several times a day.

"Father and son, every good thing." Qin Meng was out of anger, and then thought that there is no man at all, no need to worry about it, just cover your face.

Therefore, she chose to lick her face and ran wildly toward her own small building.

Then, the voice of a little girl almost made her cry.

"Mom, Mom, come on, there is a non-clothing aunt who runs outside." Xiaoning Ning, excitedly standing on the window yelling.

Ning Luo's face was red and red, and the little girl was taken away.

"Ximen Yanyan, Qin Jiaojiao, you two are waiting for the aging mother!" Qin Meng rushed into his hut and flew loudly.

Originally, she thought that the day is still not bright, there will be no people outside, who knows that today is not bright, everyone is up.

However, in this way, the fear within the entire valley seems to be smashed by something at once.

"Shameless dogs and men, be careful one day, killing people." Mu Hao took the opportunity to screw a meter on the back of Yangding.


Yang Dingtian wore the robes of the city, wearing a golden crown, riding the konjac king, but did not fly, but ran away from the valley.

At this time, there is already a panic in Yunxiao Castle.

All the young disciples have been indifferent to practicing martial arts, grouped in groups of three, concentrated in the square, talking, and everyone's face is full of fear and restlessness.

The old and young women of Yunxiao City are also instinctively concentrated in the square. Everyone, when the sky is not bright, is awakened by the giant drums of the demon army, and then a burst of fear into the heart, drilling into the bones.

They all instinctively gathered in the square, instinctively holding the group to warm and expel fear.

At this time, I saw Yang Dingtian riding the konjac king over.

Everyone, suddenly looked shocked and embraced.

"Yangcheng Lord, can we win?"

"The city owner, the demon road army, will come in?"

All faces are full of fear and uneasiness.

"Can win, of course, can win!" Yang Dingtian smiled: "Unexpectedly, probably at noon tomorrow, the battle will end. You will have a task after waiting. Your mission is to be led by the lady. Cooking, fighting in front, meals will be tight, you have to contribute."

"Yes." Everyone shouted.

Of course, although there are more than a hundred thousand troops in the front to eat, but they do not need to cook, Yangdingtian just let them have things to do, and the fear of being idle is easier to ferment.

then. Yang Dingtian smiled and rode across the square, not seemingly hurried. The old and young in the square, seeing him calmly, fear can not help but fade a lot.

However, soon Yang Dingtian was stopped by a group of people.

A full hundred people. Wearing a variety of armor, holding weapons.

"City Lord, we are going to fight, we are a part of Yunxiao City, we are going to fight, we are not staying in this castle." A young boy heading for the sun.

"Going to the war?" Yangding Tiandao: "Well, you have such a mind, I am very happy. But unfortunately, the position on the wall is full. We have enough troops, no place for you. You see behind you. Are these people?"

The young disciple nodded.

"They are full of fear and fear." Yangding Tiandao: "I can tell you that my wife and son are in the castle. You are now on the wall of the castle, the last line of defense in Yunxiao, guarding the city." The old woman, including my wife and children, can you do it?"

"Yes!" Hundreds of young disciples in Yunxiao City are excited.

then. Rushing into the walls of Yunxiao Castle.


After the cloud city.

In the past, Yangdingtian flew at an altitude of 1,000 meters. Wind and power.

This time, it floated a dozen meters in the air, and flew away toward the city wall without slowness.

This road used to be a temporary wooden house or even a tent.

It started to fight, and millions of people in Yunxiao City. Already scattered throughout the house in the city.

At this time, listening to the giant drums of the demon army in the distance, has been panic.

There are fearful people everywhere, and the crying of children is everywhere.

People full of fear don't know what to do. So you can only walk aimlessly.

Yangding Tianyi Road passed.

Suddenly, all eyes were condensed.

"The city owner, the city owner!"

Countless people have come up, as if they are close to Yangdingtian, they will have more security.

Yang Dingtian brow wrinkles: "What are you doing like a headless fly? Don't you work?"

"This, isn't this a big fight?" said a strong man.

"What happened to the war? The enemy can't get in." Yangding Tiandao: "The work outside the city is finished, how much work is going to be done in the city? How many people live, the most simple shack, how many houses? To cover, how many drainage channels are to be dug, even standing still here, working."

The screaming of Yangdingtian, let them quiet down, sweeping away a lot of fear.

"And these children, do not go to class every day? Why are you still standing here, go back to dinner, after dinner, go to class." Yangding Tiandao.

Yes, the children of Yunxiaocheng are going to school every day.

Of course, the content of learning is not the same as the earth. Most of them are production knowledge, as well as the racial knowledge of the entire chaotic continent, the history of the Heavenly Alliance and the Demon Road.

Of course, there is no special school. Looking for a hall, a board, and an old man with relatively knowledgeable knowledge can teach. Although very rough, it has received countless hearts.

"City Lord, we are not afraid. We are always ready for your call, we are always ready to go to the city wall and fight the enemy in the end." A strong man.

"Well, you have such a good mind." Yangding Tiandao: "However, we have enough troops and you don't need to go into battle. But you can join the militia team when you are working, mainly to help maintain order in the city. In particular, beware of the enemy’s lurking in our public bad guys.

"Yes!" The strong man said: "I will organize the man immediately, and I will never let the bad guys lurk!"

Yes, in addition to the regular troops, there are astronomical militia in Yunxiao City. These people are not used to fight, or even reserve, mainly to maintain order and find enemy spies.

Yunxiao City has entered a large number of spies, some are directly sent by the demon road, there are the world, there are northwest Qincheng, there are Shenbing Villa. It is said that this is like throwing dozens of sand into a few hundred kilograms of rice, which is hard to find. But whoever let Yangdingtian launch is the unprecedented people's war in Chaos, let the people guarantee each other with dozens of people and hundreds of people, and build a huge army of militia.

These spies were almost directly removed from the roots.

that's it. Yang Dingtian walked over 200 miles without rushing, letting the panicked, fearful crowd gradually settle down.


In the last thirty miles, almost all of them were military camps.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. Very chill!

Almost all the military camps are empty. Because all the troops have already rushed to the city wall defense.

Yangding slammed into the city wall at full speed.

Come to the city wall!

Suddenly, the wall of the hundred miles has been armed to the teeth.

The 100,000-strong army has been distributed on the walls of the hundred miles, densely populated, and at the sight of the margins.

100,000 troops. In addition to weapons, each person has a strong bow on his back, with dozens of arrows.

Of course, most of them are not archers.

However, the enemy will be like a sea of ​​oceans, and there is no need to aim.

Behind the wall, every square behind the gate.

A row of cavalry. It’s neat and ready to charge.

Yunxiao City is in addition to the Dragon Dragon Legion. There are also nearly 25,000 cavalry.

In addition to the black blood cavalry, the Yunxiao City cavalry, there are also cavalry compiled by the princes, and nearly 10,000 cavalry in the world.

Twenty-five thousand cavalry, forming a dozen squares, is still a piece of black pressure.

Three thousand five hundred dragon dragon cavalry. Divided into two, separated by dozens of miles, behind the two gates, like two swords.

At this time, the voice of the human skin is a giant drum. It is already very big, deafening, and the liver and gallbladder are broken.

The 25,000 cavalry warriors have begun to tremble and start to fear. The cavalry, although they felt the fear, still quietly comforted their mount.

And 3,500 dragons mount, but they are calm, and they are filled with the turmoil of the sky, without the slightest fear.

Yangding Tian slammed into the sky, crossed the wall and looked into the distance!

In the thundering drums, the whole earth is shaking.

Countless steps, knocking on the ground.

But how many troops, how many people?

I can't see it at all.

Because the distance is the dust of the sky, it is like a sandstorm.

If you can't see how many troops there are, you can only see that there are hundreds of miles in the sky, all of which are dust and sandstorms.

The demon road army is like a giant beast in the sky, calling for the rain and sweeping.

The army of the demon road was completely wrapped in dust storms and could not be seen at all.


Yangdingtian landed in the center of the city wall.

Song Chunhua, Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue, Ximen Lie, the four most military officers of Yunxiao City, all bowed to pay tribute.

Yangding nodded and went to their center to continue to look far.

At this time, the flying mounts hovering in the air flew toward the city wall, loudly: "The distance between the evil demon and the army, eighty miles!"

That's right, at this time, the army is eighty miles away from Yunxiao City. But you can already hear the loud drums and the footsteps of the earthquake.

"Put a hundred pots of water on the wall!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Soon, a hundred pots of water were placed on the wall.


With the sound of the human skin, the sound of the ground was beaten with countless steps.

This hundred pots of water, constantly swaying and shaking.


After a while.

The airborne flying horse once again reported: "The demon army, from Yunxiaocheng, sixty miles!"

At this point, the water in the basin has begun to jump out almost.


After a while.

The airborne flying horse once again reported: "The demon army, from Yunxiaocheng, fifty miles!"


At noon.

Flying in the air: "The demon army, from Yunxiaocheng, thirty miles!"


"The demon army, 20 miles away from Yunxiaocheng!"


Suddenly, a terrible drink broke through the clouds.

The water in one hundred pots slammed half a foot.


Then there was another loud noise, like countless giant hammers, knocking the ground neatly.

Then, the sandstorm in the distance stopped moving forward.

The demon road army stopped moving forward when it was twenty miles from Yunxiao City.

Then, the dust storms of the sky are gradually scattered!

The demon road army gradually revealed its true content!


Although there is already a mental preparation, Yangdingtian still **** a cold breath.

The hundreds of thousands of troops in Yunxiao City, even instinctively cool, and then do a backward movement.

as if. The visual impact of the demon army has already been as great as the same stock, and they will be retired.

This scene has never been seen.

Whether it is a movie on earth or a reality in a chaotic world.

Never seen, such an earth-shattering scene.

original. Hundreds of thousands of troops have gathered together, so it is so huge.

Overwhelming, endless, like the ocean.

Looking at it, there is a piece of black pressure everywhere, and it is impossible to see the end. It is completely a real bird.

If it is a square of 10,000 people.

In the first 20 miles of Yunxiao City, there are actually six or seventy squares.

In other words. The Demon Road Corps that came this time is not forty-five thousand, but six or seven hundred thousand!

Perhaps, it is because of the attitude of the Eastern Army’s hatred, which caused some of the Central Expeditionary Forces to join the Southern Army directly.

Therefore, there are a total of six or seven hundred thousand troops in the army under the city.

Six or seven hundred thousand troops. It looks like almost a few miles. Over a hundred miles, they are all densely packed army.

It seems that these troops are enough to completely inundate the entire Yunxiao City.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that the 100,000 army on Yunxiao City was instantly cold.

Although they are ready to be mentally prepared. But when hundreds of thousands of troops were really in front of them, the feeling of shock, the terrible feeling, still pressed like a fierce behemoth, irresistible.


Crusade. The commander of the Southern Army is not Ning Wuming, nor Qin Qiqi, but the Tianfengge master, Leng Yanmei.

This cold, fierce woman.

Across the 20th, she saw the wall of the cloud near the hundred miles, and the heart was still shaking.

For just over a month, these people in Yunxiao City actually built this nearly miraculous city wall. Have to be shocked.

But all this is useless.

This hundred-mile wall, in the cold eyebrows, is completely vulnerable. Under the impact of hundreds of thousands of troops behind her, the entire Yunxiao City instantly collapsed.

Even she thinks it is ridiculous.

It is ridiculous to attack a small cloud city and even dispatch hundreds of thousands of millions of troops.

Although the political significance of this is the most important thing, she still feels ridiculous, too lifted up the sky.

In the city of Yunxiao City, as long as you talk about tens of thousands of people, it is enough to kill.

Across twenty miles, Leng Yanmei saw Yang Dingtian, and then faintly dismissed: "When the arm is a car!"

In the center of the demon army, there is a huge animal car.

There are more than a dozen rhinoceros beasts, like a moving palace.

Leng Yanmei came to the palace and said, "Little lady, why?"

Inside the palace, the voice of Qin Qiqi was heard.

"The demon wolf army, throwing out the nest, killing all the ants on the wall, eating meat!"


Leng Yanmei raised the flag and slammed.

Suddenly, the front of the human skin giant bones, under the impact of the huge cannibals, made a terrible loud noise.



It’s really a loud noise, deafening, almost the heart of the people, to explode, all the blood, to burst open.

The 100,000-strong army on the wall, almost instinctively trembled and trembled!

Then, a fierce wolverine!

Then, the whole earth, with a terrifying trembling, like countless thunders, hitting the ground.

Then, a group of black tides rushed out of the demons.

Fast as lightning!


The sound of hitting the ground is really like a thunder in the ear.


A hundred pots of water on the wall began to jump and splatter.

The silver basin filled with water began to tremble fiercely.

Looking at the surging black tide, the sun's eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and the bigger the more.

Then, I saw only a few dozen miles of the ground, densely packed, all of the enemy wolf cavalry.

This lineup is ten times that of the previous few days.

Song Chunhua is the great commander of the king of cavalry. Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but turn his head and said: "How many enemy enemies?"

Song Chunhua’s face is white and he is rushing to breathe: “No less than 20,000!”

More than 20,000 demon wolf cavalry!

It’s really a dozen times more than the previous raid.

Yang Dingtian once envisioned that there might be more than 10,000 demon wolf cavalry of the Demon Road Corps. However, I have never thought that there will be 20,000.

The Demon Dragons are only predicting that they can defeat more than 10,000 demon wolves, but they dare not say more than 20,000.

The entire demon wolf army from the grasslands in the east is no more than 30,000. Is this a complete nesting?

Two thousand demon wolf corps, rushing under the ground, instantly spread all over the hundred miles.

With the thunder and thunder, the surging surged.

At a speed of more than 500 miles per hour, it whizzes.

Qin Huaiyu stepped forward and whispered: "The sovereign, we only have 3,500 Demon Dragons, can we win?"

Can you win? Yangdingtian does not know.

He sat on the konjac king, flew to the front of the Demon Dragons, slowly pulled out the sword, and swung forward.

"Dragon Dragon Corps, all attack!"

"Yes!" Three thousand and five hundred Dragon Dragon Legion, broke in unison.

"Booming!" Two huge gates, suddenly opened.

Three thousand and five hundred Dragon Dragon Legion, divided into two teams, like two swords, rushed out!


The enchanting king of Yangdingtian, violently vacated, flew outside the city, following the back of the Demon Dragon Legion!


More than 20,000 demon wolves, overwhelming.

And the 3,500 Demon Dragons are just two lonely swords.

Looking from the air, a dramatic visual contrast is formed.

The shadow of the Dragon Dragon Legion is less than one-tenth of the opponent's! It seems incomparably weak, as if it will be swallowed up by the demon army in an instant!

A distance of just a few dozen miles.

Two landlords rushed at a speed of more than five hundred miles per hour.

Suddenly, the two groups of black shadows, close to the speed of lightning.

Ten miles!

Eight miles!

Five miles!


The four leaders of the Demon Dragon Corps are all at the forefront of the team.

Looking at the front, I couldn’t see the marginal demon wolf army, looking at the fierce and fierce demon wolf.

Everyone, they leaned down and ran wildly.

Countless demon wolves, wielding the giant knife in their hands.

And the Dragon Dragon Legion, still the sword is not sheathed, quietly crouching!

Getting closer.

Getting closer.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Thirty meters.

Ten meters!

Out of the sheath!

Three thousand five hundred dragon warriors slammed the sword out.

Instant ~ ~ Yang Dingtian with blood Wujin Molong's claws, plus the **** magic sword transformed by the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, like a steel forest, thorns the sky.

Suddenly, a sigh of anger!

In front, all the demon wolves, suddenly shocked, instinctively shrinking, almost timid.


Two ace legions.

A three thousand five.

A twenty-five thousand.

Instant impact.

Like Mars hitting the Earth.

Like a nuclear bomb collided.

Instantly, burst open!

Note: The first 6500 words are sent, I will continue to code second! (To be continued.)