Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 525: Slaughter! The demon army, the whole a

Two thousand guns roared in unison!

Countless fire dragons, slammed out.

The sudden loud noise, deafening, all the horror of the evil demon army, all suppressed.

This terrible bang, like an unprecedented thunder, shook the whole earth and was shaking.


Two thousand huge shells, tearing the air, making a burst of sound, whistling and flying out of the wall of Yunxiao.

All the demons and the army were completely stunned by this moment.

Even, they don't know, what exactly is this shot?

Just one second.

A metal storm consisting of two thousand artillery shells slammed into the large slinger's position and slammed into the large crystal squad position, slamming into the battlefield of the Demon Road.




Then, these shells, with a loud bang, burst open.

In an instant, the sun's rays are completely obscured.

The fire of this explosion is almost like a stinging eye.

This terrible loud noise caused countless demons to cover their ears in pain, and the eardrum was directly punctured and blood flowed out.

This terrible noise and explosion brought the whole earth to tremble.

The beasts that dragged the medium-sized crystal scorpion could no longer control, madly frightened and ran around.

But these are still nothing, the most terrible thing is.

These shells, the flames at the moment of the explosion, the terrible power of the explosion. In an instant, the huge and solid giant spar is powerful and instantly torn into pieces.

A larger catapult, like a child's toy, instantly breaks the bones and throws it into the air!


Yes, Yangdingtian uses a flowering bomb.

Add the explosives of the chaotic world secret medicine and spar powder. Power is endless. Inside each shell, there are dozens of pounds of explosives. Once it exploded, almost all of it was broken within a few tens of meters.

Of course, Yunxiao City does not have a professional artillery. And for the sake of confidentiality, the shooting training ground is placed deep in the mountains. Thousands of artillery. Each person's training does not exceed dozens of hair. Moreover, Yangdingtian will not be able to shoot himself, so it is all up to them to explore.

Therefore, these gunners are not very professional.

However, as far as this situation is concerned, it is too good to play, and almost no aim is required.

The trebuchet is a real machine, spread out dozens of miles.

The giant crystal squad position, spread out, dozens of miles.

Really can say. You can hit it with your eyes closed!

The most difficult thing about this flowering bomb is how to explode after hitting it. Instead of hitting out in the middle of the explosion, you can't just blast out.

As for this, Yang Dingtian’s poor scientific knowledge can’t be done.

Even in the manufacture of pure artillery, he only proposed a theory and drew a model. Finally, the formation of the artillery was completely explored by these craftsmen themselves.

The bottom of the shell exploded. Yangdingtian can't do it anyway. Therefore, at the beginning, Yangdingtian is planning. Directly manufacturing solid bullets, so that although the lethality will be much weaker, at least it will not be dangerous.

Later, this problem was solved by the mystery of the chaotic world.

How to solve it? Very simple.

Or use a special spar, when the shells land, or hit the target. There will be a fierce impact. With this kind of impact, the spar first has a small explosion, which in turn leads to a few pounds of gunpowder within the bomb.

Of course, this is another problem, that is, the moment when the gun pops up. There will also be violent vibrations that will cause an early explosion of the shells.

In this regard, it was solved by the sorcerer after a long period of experimentation. Of course, how to solve the specific, Yang Dingtian is not aware of the secret surgery field, but it seems to be the way of blocking between spar. The first time the vibration of the smashing, the spar just broke through this barrier, and once again, the violent impact will trigger an explosion.

In short, under the contribution of Qin Meng from the team of the sorcerer, the safe projectile was successfully manufactured.

So, there is the result of earth-shattering!



Nearly two thousand shells exploded at the same time.

This is also a super big scene on the earth.

We must know that in the Battle of Shangganling in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the United Nations forces only dispatched hundreds of artillery pieces.

At the same time the explosion of nearly two thousand shells, it was really shaking.

I saw it within a few tens of miles, and was instantly swallowed by flames and smoke. Then, nothing can be seen.

Numerous giant crystal scorpions, broken bones, numerous large trebuchets, and broken bones. Countless barbarian army was instantly blown into meat.

The beasts of the demon army have smashed their cavalry and ran wildly.

Even hundreds of thousands of troops, like the tides, the troops closest to the artillery were not killed, and they were killed by death.


The flames are gone,

The smoke is slightly lighter.

Then everyone saw a scene that was almost infernal.

The giant spar is strong and most of it has been fragmented.

Most of the large trebuchets have been broken.

The barbarian army around them has all turned into meat.

Of course, nearly half of these big killers can be used. However, dozens of miles on the ground have completely turned into ruins, and the people inside have almost died, and no one will use it.

All the demons of the army, first of all, the deadly horror, then blasted openly, frantically running away like a back.


Qin Qiqi did not go out of the palace.

But the entire palace is shaking.

"Impossible, maybe, impossible..."

Cold eyebrows, like seeing ghosts, the whole body is shaking, completely unwilling to look at this scene.

The most shocking, it is no different from the army on the wall of Yunxiao. They stand on the heights and see the most clearly.

Oh my God? The secret weapon of the Yangcheng Lord is so powerful and so powerful.

They are not just shaking, but a burst of creeps.

Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu, as well as Zhu Hongxue, looked at Yangdingtian with infinite shock and admiration.

"Sovereign, we really want to shock the world, we really want to create history."

Qin seven seven models went out of the mobile palace. The whole body was shrouded in a purple cloak, faintly ordered: "Let the Ningzu troops begin to maintain order, blow the fascinating horn, all the army, advance at full speed. Regardless of life and death, attack the Yunxiao City. All the retreats, all die! ”




Suddenly, the demon army, suddenly heard the strange horn, full of the power of the devil.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of barbarian army that had already injected special drugs, the fear gradually faded away, and replaced by a faint. Then, as the corpse is gone, regroup.


Then, in the thundering battle drums, hundreds of thousands of troops began to emerge like the tides and headed for Yunxiaocheng.


Yangdingtian looked at the army of demons like the tides, with a total of 600,000. Overwhelmingly came to Yunxiao City.

"Full speed shelling..."

Yangding Tianmeng underground order!

"Yes, full speed shelling!"


then. Two thousand guns are divided into four parts.

Every time, five hundred doors, completely uninterrupted firing.



Suddenly, the truly earth-shattering scene is fully unfolded!

Under drugs and sorcerers. The demon army, like a dead body, is not afraid of death and rushes toward Yunxiaocheng.

The two thousand artillery pieces in Yunxiao City are divided into four sections, and they are fired without interruption.

Each time five hundred shells, like a steel frenzy. Crazy.

There is no need to aim at all, and fall into the dense army of demons and blast them.

In an instant, a burst of flesh and blood.

Countless demon army, instantly broken bones.

In the ancient artillery, the launch speed was much slower, and it took a long time to clean the barrel. Moreover, there is a danger of bombing at all times.

But here, the cannon is cleaned up a little. As for the bombing, I don’t have to pay any attention.

In fact, Yunxiaocheng experimented and let an artillery fire uninterruptedly. It was launched for a few hours without any bombing. In the end, they gave up the experiment without patience.

After all, the metal here is amazing, and the artillery healed with the black fire is amazing.

However, the cooling of the artillery still needs to be done.

Therefore, the program for each launch becomes very simple.

Insert the gunpowder, then insert the shell and ignite the lead.

"Boom!" The cannon was fired.

Then, quickly clean the cannon and quickly cool the gun.

Then, fire again.

In this way, two thousand artillery pieces were launched without interruption, and madly throwing countless shells.

Crazy slaughter.

More crazy than the previous two fights.

In the tens of miles in front of Yunxiao City, it was swallowed up by endless flames, endless smoke, and endless blood devour.

Thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of shells.

Crazy to explode in the demonic army.

These walking dead, completely fearless, have been moving forward, forward and forward.

Then, in a terrible explosion, the body was instantly broken and instantly turned into flesh and blood.


In this way, in the crazy massacre.

The formation of the demon army was almost wiped out piece by piece.

In this way, in the will of Qin Qiqi's cold and poisonous, a pile of demon army was madly slaughtered.

The demon army, every 10 meters, must pay the price of astronomical figures.

If the normal army has already collapsed, it has already been blown up and fled without a trace.

However, these controlled barbarian army has completely turned into a walking dead, still numbly moving forward.

In this way, the ground for a period of time has completely turned into **** on earth!

"Booming and banging...

Later, many of the artillery pieces in Yunxiao City were already bombarded on the ground.

In this deafening, earth-shattering massacre.

Time is lost every minute.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Half an hour.

An hour.

That's right, this short three-mile distance, the demon army went for an hour, and failed to arrive.

Because there is a zone of death, and all that passes through is basically dead.

Also, the ruins of large crystal urns. The ruins of the large trebuchets made it difficult for the army to move.

But these walking dead, still numbly, climbed numbly.

Then, more numbness was madly slaughtered.


Killed tens of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands!

The demon army, which still has astronomical figures, came to a few hundred meters below Yunxiao City.

That's right. Yang Dingtian’s artillery is against the sky and is completely a one-sided slaughter.

However, the army of demons is too much, with a total of sixty thousand.

Although the cannons of Yunxiao City are carpet-type bombings. But there are still fish that slip through the net.

Tens of thousands of shells can only kill three or four hundred thousand.

There are still more than a dozen or two hundred evil demons, who came to Yunxiao City and came to the moat.

This is of course the purpose of Qin Qiqi, so what is the use of life heap. Use the body to pile up on the city of Yunxiao.


Looking at the hundreds of thousands of demons that are already very close.

Yang Dingtian smiled coldly and said: "This way, there is a fart."

Then, Yangdingtian shouted loudly: "Change the bomb!"


Then all the guns were replaced with shots.

The lethality of the shotgun is even more amazing than that of the flowering bomb. It is completely dead-end killing. But because the distance of the launch is too close, you must wait until the enemy is close.


Two thousand guns. Instantly fired.


Countless people only think that their eyes are a flower.

then. Countless sharp shots, millions of particles, like a storm. No, it is denser than the heavy rain, and slammed into the demon army a few hundred meters ago.


Countless blood bursts.

Just like cutting wheat, a whole field of wheat. Fall down instantly.



Millions of shots, like a rainstorm, slammed.





The blizzard was only less than a dozen times.

Then, in front of Yunxiaocheng. It’s completely empty!

Just now, using the flowering bomb to kill the demon army in the distance, it took a full two hours, costing 200,000 shells and killing three or four hundred thousand.

And after a dozen or 200,000 demon armys approached the city wall, they used loose shots.

Just a dozen waves, just over a quarter of an hour.

These ten hundred and twenty thousand people were killed.

It is a good thing to be killed by a shotgun, that is, it will not be blown up and broken, and the body is relatively intact.

So a few hundred meters in front of Yunxiao City, countless bodies, piled up into hills.

In this way, after less than two hours of shelling.

The 600,000-strong army of the Demon Road was completely annihilated and slaughtered!


Yangdingtian looked at the ground in front of dozens of miles in front, densely packed with blood everywhere, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

Of course, there is no sense of guilt, just a sense of absurdity.

This result, of course, he thought of it.

However, this is too simple. Even on the earth, killing 600,000 pigs with two thousand artillery pieces is not so easy. At least, the pig will run.

These evil demons, composed of barbaric mercenaries, were injected with drugs, and after the evils were applied, they would not run, and they would only advance numbly, advance, and advance!

Of course, there are fish that slip through the net.

Maybe tens of thousands, maybe 100,000.

There are countless beasts, and under the slaughter of artillery, they frantically fled.

But at least on the battlefield in front of him, only Qin Qiqi moved the palace, standing alone in a group of blood.

At this point, the sky is already dark.

However, the moon is very round.

Yunxiao City, released tens of thousands of aerial lights to illuminate the entire battlefield.

Suddenly, there is only one unpleasant smell on the battlefield, and there is a dead silence.


The Eastern Legion Cavalry, stop and go, at this time from the Yunxiao City battlefield, there are still more than thirty miles.

Wu Mozhi, who was surrounded by Qiu Wan, has disappeared without a trace.

"Zhuangzhu, what should I do?"

The two occasions just now, for the enemy, are completely baptism of the soul.

Two thousand artillery pieces, the 600,000 demon army, the slaughter was clean, so that his brain exploded in an instant.

This scene in front of him has had an unprecedented impact on his thoughts.

Then, it was so shocked to float in the air. Watch this unprecedented killing scene.

Look at the earth-shattering flame.

Watching countless bones flying.

In fact, when the Yangdingtian cannon was madly bombarded, the cavalry of the Eastern Legion could not rush to Yunxiaocheng.

All the horses lost control and tried to escape. The knight right away. Into the strength of the nine cattle and two tigers, they barely control, let them stay in place, but also desperately appease, let them go forward, death is impossible.

In this way, Qiu Wan robbery, fluttering in the air, staring at two hours.

just like. The Earth’s first time, like the American blockbuster, was completely shocked.

It was not until the shelling ended for a long time that he could not react.

The heart twitched him gently, saying: "Zhuang, what do we do? Also, Wu Mozhi has already ran."

This is only awakening, and the heart whispered: "You said, if it is like this iron pipe. There are tens of thousands. The tens of millions of dying troops have come, do we have to fight?"

"Of course, I have to fight." You must know that he has just been baptized by this big scene, and he is full of blood.

"Since there is a fight, the turtle grandson is too surrendering to the evil demon." Qiu Wan robbery yelled.


Also shocked in the air, there is Qin Wanqiu.

After the shelling ended, when the demon army was hundreds of thousands of troops.

Qin Wanqiu faintly said: "Yangdingtian. You, the son of this turtle, let the old man lose face, right?"

At this time, his cousin, the general manager of Qincheng, went forward and said: "The lord. There are tens of thousands of Zhongzhou expeditionary forces, and the barbarian beasts have escaped and are escaping toward us. What should I do?"

Qin Wanqiu immediately wanted to order the killing of these fleeing evil spirits, but after a little hesitation, he still said: "Forget it, let it go."

"Yes!" The main pipeline.

Then he stunned: "The lord, Yangdingtian pointed the iron pipes to us."

Qin Wanqiu saw it, sure enough!

On the wall of the Yunxiao City, there is a general iron pipe pointing at this side.

Qin Wanqiu was shocked and said: "I don't believe this turtle son can play so far."

The main pipeline: "Perhaps, really, you look at the iron pipe, and the farther you play, the farther you play. But he, what does he mean?"

"What do you mean? Force the old man to stand in the team." Qin Wanqiu said: "I don't believe in Laozi, he really dares to hit me."

At this time, Qin Wanqiu saw that the flag that lifted the air in the air turned out to be Qin Huaiyu.

As long as his flag slammed down, thousands of cannons would have to fight the cavalry of Qin Wanqiu.

Of course, the artillery of Yunxiaocheng is much stronger than that of ancient China. But it's still so difficult to get it, and even if it can be hit, there is no quasi-head.

Therefore, to eliminate the evil demon army, I would rather wait until I am close to the 3rd and 4th.

However, Qin Wanqiu has never heard of such weapons, and has never seen such weapons. Of course, I don’t know how to fight so far.

"The bastard, the son beats Laozi." Qin Wanqiu angered: "Order the cavalry, kill the evil demon and escape."

"Yes!" Qincheng general manager said: "Qincheng cavalry listened to orders, killing the army!"


Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of Western Army cavalry began to launch, madly chasing the tens of thousands of evil demons and fleeing without the Lord.

The same happened in this scene, there are also the Eastern Legion Cavalry.

The same son is playing Laozi.

One thousand guns in the east also aimed at the Eastern Cavalry Regiment. In the air, the command of the flag is the enemy of Qiu Yiming.

After Qiu Wan’s robbers screamed at his son’s son, he began to order more than 100,000 cavalry and slaughtered tens of thousands of evil demon soldiers.

In this way, Qin Wanqiu and Qiu Wanbao, who had watched the war for a long time, were forced to make choices by their sons. In an alternative way, on the battlefield and Qin Qiqi broke.

In this way, without any discussion, turn your face directly!

Anyway, these big faces are not thick!


A few hundred miles in front of Yunxiao City.

There is still only a solitary mobile palace, Qin Qiqiu's moving body, standing outside, looking up at the moonlight in the sky, there has been no movement for a long time.

"Cold! This is the biggest setback in my life, perhaps the devil, the biggest setback." Qin seven seven faintly said: "Since I entered the Qincheng as a monitor, I have been calling for the rain. Yinyang mirror After the incident, my power reached the peak. Even if I wish the Qing Lord in front of me, I must lower my head."

"Sanctions for Yuncheng City, Tiandao League resolution. Set up a million army, crusade against Yunxiao City, forcing the forces of the world to stand up. All this is a strategy I have appointed. Just a day before, I am still brilliant, I stood in the world. The pinnacle of the entire western world, the fate of hundreds of millions of people, is in my hands."

"But now, I am defeated. I lost to Yang Dingtian, which I have never seen before. Yunxiaocheng, it should have been vulnerable. I can easily break it by taking out a few tenths of strength. However, it is me who is completely annihilated by the whole army!"

"Cold. I am finished, I am completely finished."

Leng Yanmei said fiercely: "No, girl, we are not finished yet. We will still win, we still have a real trump card, Yunxiao City will still be broken."

"No, cold, you don't understand." Qin Qiqi said: "That is not my trump card. That is the trump card of the Ning people, that is the trump card of Ning Wuming. My trump card. This is the 600,000 army, It is these giant crystal scorpions, these giant trebuchets, which are 25,000 demon wolves. These are all over. Then, even if it is a victory, it has nothing to do with me."

"This war is not only a war between me and Yang Dingtian. It is a war between me and Ning Wuming. If I can win, the western world will be mine. Now I lose, nothing. So my only identity. It can only be Ning Wuming's wife. Perhaps, even his wife can't count, Xiao Yan? Sex slaves? In short, I am finished!"

"The next step is the war between Ning Wuming and Yang Dingtian. Everything has nothing to do with me."

At this point, there was a strange scream in the distance.

Then, a group of ghostly flying rides emerged from a distant horizon, from far to near.

This is the undead ghost bat!

Junmei’s like Ning Wuming, sitting on the undead ghost bat, landed in the air.

What followed was an extremely cold atmosphere.

The huge wings of the ghost bat cover the bright moon, leaving a huge shadow on the ground, like a demon coming to the world.

Ning Wuming, gently fell on the moving palace.

Qin Qiqi gently put his arms into his arms, and softly wept: "Fei Jun, I lost."

Ning Wuming said gentlely: "It doesn't matter, and see me venting for you."

Then, Ning Wuming faintly pointed at the air next to him: "Move the **** demon army and kill the city!"

Suddenly, the dark air around him gradually condensed, condensing into a pale ghost ghost bird, flying toward the darkness behind him.

After a while!

Moving the ground behind the palace dozens of miles, it slammed open.

The black **** demon army climbed out from the ground, but the body was still spotless.

Climb out silently. Of course, they are not ghouls, but ambush here during the war.

What they are waiting for is the complete defeat of Qin Qiqi.

As Qin Qiqi said, this war is not only the war between the evil demon and the Yangdingtian, but also the war between the couples of Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming.

Now, Ning Wuming has won his wish, and Qin Qiqi was defeated.

Then, it is time for him to turn the tide.

One by one **** demon army, drilled from the ground and assembled on the ground.

One by one, they floated directly in the air, all over the body, and were covered by black cloaks.

At first glance, only the blood red pupil.

In the dark night, I saw only a pair of terrible blood, releasing the light of the demon.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand.

Ten thousand.



A full three thousand **** demon army.

In the southwestern battlefield, only three thousand **** demons were dispatched, and hundreds of thousands of troops were eliminated. Moreover, he did not have any casualties.

At this time Wuming, fully dispatched 30,000 **** magic army.

The purpose, of course, only one, will kill the Yuncheng City!


Yangdingtian has been waiting for the emergence of the **** magic army. Because he knows that the emergence of the **** demon army is the real decisive battle. The **** demon army is the real trump card of the demon army. More than the sum of the demon wolf army, the Golden Eagle Army and the 600,000 demon army.

But the whole day of the battle, the **** magic army did not appear.

Now, it finally appears.

However, the number is much more than the imagination of Yangdingtian.

I saw only the darkness in the distance, and the tens of thousands of black bloodstains floated like ghosts and ghosts.

Yes, it is floating directly.

Suddenly, like a ghost in the city.

Above the wall of Yunxiao, all people are creepy and cold.

Yangding Tianwang looked to everyone around him: "The real decisive battle is coming!"

Qin Huaiyu looked blue and nodded.

Zhu Hongxue took a breath and said: "We, are you ready? This, this **** demon army, looks terrible."

Even the proud and conceited Zhu Hongxue said this.

Note: The first one is more than 7,000, I am going to code second. Parents, food and clothing, give me support, such a high-intensity work, really can not hold back. (To be continued...)