Nine Yang Sword Saint

v1 Chapter 8: 绝色娇娃

There are hundreds of people, each wearing a gorgeous suede coat with gorgeous weapons.

In the middle of the team, there are more than a dozen large snowmobiles.

Everyone has a bright eye, full of blood and a proud face, not like an evil person.

"Oh... here, here, take me out of here..."

Yangdingtian rushed to the past, standing in the middle of the road they were going to pass, and both hands screamed desperately to block the way the team went.

The warrior of this team is racing, and did not expect a wild man to rush out and block in the road, desperately waving and shouting.


"Army is on guard!"

The head of a jeweled knight slammed his hand and suddenly the whole team stopped, and then dozens of special bows aimed at Yang Dingtian.

The head of a knight stared at Yang Dingtian, cold and cold: "Who are you? Why are we blocking our way? Not afraid of death?"

This is a very heroic young man. The gaze of riding on the top of Yang Tiantian is full of arrogance.

Yang Dingtian pressed the heart of the incomparable excitement, gasped a few mouthfuls, and then shouted a few words in the language of Maori, this is his plan, pretending to be a Maori barbarian.

The knight who was on the horse had not answered yet, and there was a crisp and pleasant sound from a gorgeous sled carriage behind.

"Ximen Yan, why stop? Who is yelling in front?" This is a very young woman's voice, the speed is very fast, as if every word is full of impatience.

Immediately, the face of the Knight of the Knights became extremely respectful, and his eyes became fierce and fascinating. It seemed that every word of this woman’s voice could hit his heart. His name should be called Simon.

"Miss, it is a Maori savage who stopped us. I don't know what he is saying?" Simon was hot and respectful.

"Maori savage? Now there is Maori savage, isn't it already extinct?" The woman's impatient voice was a little excited, then said: "I look!"

Then she has to push the door down.

"Don't let down the flames, this savage is naked and will filthy your eyes." Simon Yan hurryed.

But it was too late, the gorgeous sled carriage was pushed open and a woman walked down from inside.

Like a girl with the same flame! Yang Dingtian glanced at him and slammed his eyes, a beautiful woman.

Moreover, it is the legendary childhood.

Exquisite snow white face, the five senses seem to be carved with jade. The beautiful big eyes are full of flames and wildness. Under the delicate Yao nose, a red cherry mouth is like a fire, which makes people full of kiss desires.

Look at this exquisite little face as if it were only a teenager, but the delicate body below the face is extremely mature and attractive. The sleek and sleek petite body has an exquisite curve that mature women can't match.

The crispy chest is like a mountain, and it is almost a chest that has never been seen before. The small waist is full of a grip, and the hips are full and round.

The plump and mature body and the delicate white baby face form a completely contrasting contrast. He is obviously a girl, but he has such a stunning and delicate curve.

This is the legendary child Yan (milk), the best of the women's best, so the Yangding days are a bit too much. In particular, the girl is also wearing a thin wrap body, which makes her plump and sleek body more attractive.

The clothes on his whole body, even the little boots are all red, and the gemstones in the hair are also fiery. So standing on the snow, it is really like a group of flames, so that men are filled with the desire of moths to fight fire.

In the cold weather, everyone else is wearing fur, even if it looks like a strong West. This young girl, wearing only a thin wrap, is as if she is not afraid of cold.

The moment she just got out of the carriage, the eyes of some men in the place were blurred, and most of them were afraid to look at it again. Only a few heroic men continued to be intoxicated and fell on the girl. On the face, Ximen Yan is one of them.

After the flame-like girl got off the carriage, her wild eyes looked at the sun. As a girl, her eyes are full of aggressiveness, and the beautiful corners of the water chestnuts are slightly upturned, as if they are full of disdain and arrogance at any time.

"Is this a savage? There is nothing to look at." The girl smacked her mouth with disdain.

At this time, Yangdingtian is of course nothing to look at, naked, hair and beard are like weeds, not savage, better than wild people.

Finally, the girl’s gaze fell on the squat of Yangdingtian. Yangdingtian is the body of Jiuyang, so the place is also very stalwart, completely surpassing the stalwart of ordinary men.

A little shy gaze was quickly overshadowed by the wildness. The girl said: "No loss is a wild man, but a beast."

She looked at Yang Dingtian's gaze as if she were watching a wild beast. Even if she saw a man's symbol, she seemed to pick another gaze and pick it up. It was full of arrogance and wildness.

However, Ximen Yan couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand the lower body of Yang Dingtian and was seen by the goddess of the heart. He felt that this was a very strong defilement. He was suddenly furious and could not wait to immediately cut off the Yangding Tianzhu.

"Well, the savage finished watching, use the whip to drive him away, don't stop our way." The girl was crisp and then went straight to the bus.

"Good!" Ximen Yan sneered, then picked up the whip and rushed to the sun.

Yang Dingtian was furious, this girl is so beautiful, but so overbearing, it is directly whipping, but he is still playing a Maori savage at this time, so he is wildly angry with the girl, using Maori language. Roar.

Ximen Yan was furious, and the whip in his hand was more powerful. He was drawn from the top of the sun. The whip was filled with sharp barbs. He was drawn into the embarrassment and was afraid to become an **** directly. Grab the other's whip.

The girl was indifferent to board the carriage. Suddenly, she stared at Yang Diantian’s chest and then ran quickly to the top of the sky. While running, she shouted: “Stop!”

Simon's face changed, he had to stop, and quickly said: "What are you doing, do not approach this savage, he is so dirty, be careful that the bugs on his body jump on you."

"Shut up, I still can't take you to the tube." The girl was cold and cold, and her words were full of intolerance, so that Yingwu's Simon Yan suddenly looked awkward.

The girl stood in front of Yangdingtian, and a small hand slammed Yao’s nose as if she couldn’t stand the fun of Yangdingtian’s savage. The beautiful eyes were still staring at Yangdingtian’s chest.

Close to this face is so beautiful, so hot body girl (milk) girl, Yang Dingtian's heartbeat suddenly a lot faster, and even feel a thirst.

"You sell this thing to me!" The little girl's hand pointed to the top of the chest.


Yang Dingtian bowed his head and saw that the girl’s pretty little hand was tender and slender, like a lush green. Looking at what she was looking for, she found out that she had taken a fancy to the flame ornaments hanging on the chest by Yangdingtian.

This is the sentimental token of Master and Shi Niang, and it is also the token of Yang Dingtian's proof of his identity. Yang Dingtian just heard a voice, excitedly rushed out, and forgot to hide this thing.

Moreover, he does not have a piece of clothing on his body, so this flame pendant can't be hidden. Besides, this pendant is made of flame stone, which is not a precious and rare thing, just a unique token of love. So even if Yangdingtian hangs on his chest, he doesn't have to worry about what sin is guilty.

And this girl in front of her eyes, jewels, glamorous and aggressive. Any piece of jewelry on her body, even the gemstones set on the tip of the little boots, is worth a thousand dollars, so there is no doubt that she simply can't see the flame pendant in front of the Yang Tian Tian chest.

But this girl is completely a fire girl. It happens that this flame pendant in front of the Yangding Tianzhu is vivid and aura, as if it is a real flame, so this girl will look at it at a glance.

Young girls are extremely wealthy, and they can easily take possession of everything from small to large. So now she used the tone of the order directly: "Give this savage a hundred pounds of meat, a hundred gold coins, and buy his chest ornaments."

Simon Yan suddenly felt a bitter smile, his dream lover was born rich, and had no concept of the value of things, completely based on his own preferences. She doesn't know how much a hundred gold coins are. It's enough for a family of five to comfortably spend a lifetime. The flame pendant hanging on the chest of the savage in front of him is very dexterous, but the material is just a flame. The flame stone that was bought by a hundred gold coins can live alive and bury the savage in front of him.

However, her words cannot be violated, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious. Therefore, Ximen Yan waved, and a later Cavalier suddenly brought a large piece of cooked meat and a bag of gold coins.

One hundred pounds of meat is already very heavy, but Ximen Yan is in his hands but fluttering.

"Hey..." One hundred pounds of meat was directly thrown in front of Yangdingtian, and then a bag of gold coins was thrown at the foot of Yangdingtian. The bag opened wide, and the golden gold coins rolled out, almost swaying. s eyes.

"Well, things are for me, you take the gold coins and the meat to go..." The girl finished, the small hand directly went forward to grab the flame ornaments in front of the Yangding Tianzhu, and then smashed the lanyard to grab it.

"I don't sell..." Yang Dingtian shouted loudly, and his left hand grabbed the soft white hand of the girl.

Yang Dingtian only practiced Zhengyang Boxing and Tiandi Temple. It has just passed the martial arts enlightenment period, but the speed of shooting is also very fast. The girl was not low, but at such a close distance she was caught by Yang Dingtian.

The little girl’s hand was caught by Yang Dingtian, and suddenly it seemed to be smashed by the bees, and the anger was angry and roared. And Ximenyan behind him is even more angry. The little hand of the goddess in the heart can only be touched when he dreams. At this time, he was touched by a wild man, telling him how to not anger, and suddenly took another whip, a flame. The whip slammed into the head of the sun.