Nine Yang Sword Saint

v2 Chapter 94: Fight against Tang, and kill!

Ps: Sleep at six o'clock, starting at ten o'clock!

I continue to write, continue to be more! Brothers, please ask for a monthly pass! Give me motivation...


Tang Li’s mysterious level should be about five times that of Yangdingtian. His speed is about twice that of Yangdingtian.

So this battle is completely different from the Ganwo.

The characteristics of the Ganwo are speed, and the tricks are smashing. Therefore, the monk is not prepared, he killed more than a dozen Xuan Warriors.

However, once his routine is seen, it is very easy to defeat him. Just after Yang Dingtian saw through his routine, he basically became more comfortable with him. In just a few seconds, he was smashed by Yangding.

Can be different from the same, Yang Dingtian and his gap is the most direct energy gap, speed gap. With the mystery of tricks, it should be difficult to make up.

Because, Xuanqi is the king of this world, representing a person's real power!

Therefore, this battle will be much more difficult than the battle with the Ganwo! Because, this is completely a confrontation between mysterious energy!

Five times the gap, it is too difficult to make up!


"Yangdingtian, if I am you, I will definitely take the vow of the dead door of Ximen. Anyway, he has already died, even if he is being ruined in hell." Tang Li can only hear it with Yang Dingtian. The voice sneered: "You are so stupid, Yang Yan elders have taken a fancy to your stupidity, and then put forward this condition, and then you are sure to die."

Tang Li did not directly fight with Yangdingtian, but to speak first.

Yang Dingtian, despite his insatiable anger, ignored him, but stared at him coldly, like a beast that was bowed, ready to attack.

"By the way, tell you. Yang Qi is something. He is not dead. I am very guilty of this idiot. Who knows who was killed? I don't think he killed you. After all, you were only An enlightener." Tang Li then smiled: "The reason why I killed you is for Qin Shaobai. After all, I am the son-in-law of the Northwest Qin family."

Yang Dingtian still ignored him.

"Reassured, after you die, your Ximen Yanyan Qin Shaobai will take good care of you. After he has enough to enjoy it, he will give him his brother Qin Huaiyu, which seems to be a brotherly affection." Tang Li then laughed. Dao: "Unfortunately, I can't take a share. Otherwise, I have been coveting Ximen Flame. It has been for many years. I remember that I tried to peek at him a few times in the shower. The result was all smashed. Qin Shaobai will Ximen Flame. After the flames fell to my hand, I asked to let me see the big **** of Ximen Flame, and even touch two can always be, after all, I can kill you for him!"

Yangdingtian really breathes a thick, inner anger. He thought that he would not be angry when he heard this vicious provocative speech. However, when the beast said that the flame was so low-spirited, Yang Dingtian could not help but anger.

"It seems that today, of us, we can only live one person." Yangdingtian cold and cold road: "Not that you are dead. I am alive."

Tang Li sneered and said: "I told you in front of the Tibetan Gongge, I will kill you."

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's fight!"




Tang Li’s hand is a huge blood knife of two hundred pounds. This person is powerful in addition to the three-star Xuan Warrior, so the huge blood blade is especially amazing in his hands. The sound of tearing the air is like a ghost crying. It is horrifying.

The three-footed strange blade in the hands of Yang Dingtian is oddly shaped like a twisted piece of iron. There is no arrogance. The simple two weapons seem to be a world of difference, and the strange blade in the hands of Yang Dingtian seems to be ineligible for the Tang Li blood knife.

A loud noise, Yang Ding Tian and Tang Li are like the Mars hitting the earth, and the hard ground bursts fiercely, and the gravel flies.

"Oh..." The huge blood blade in the hands of Tang Li suddenly collapsed. But he himself did not move, his face did not change!

Yang Dingtian’s fierce retreat took a dozen steps, and a blood rushed out of his mouth.

Instantly short-handed, a huge amount of mysterious energy passed through the weapon and slammed into the body of Yangdingtian. Suddenly, the chest of Yangdingtian seemed to be hit by a huge stone smashing. The whole body veins seemed to be violently torn, and the bones of the whole body seemed to be broken and incomparably painful.

The first move, Yang Dingtian actually chose a hard hit!

Everyone is incredulously looking at Yang Dingtian, and does not understand why he did this. His advantage is clearly in swordsmanship. Why not use the mysterious swordsmanship to fight, but instead compete with Tang Li, this is completely weak.

Yang Dingtian is deliberately doing this. He wants to test how strong Tang Zhen’s mysteriousness is. He wants to test how his body can withstand a strong Xuanqi attack.

Now he tested the results.

After seeing Yang Dingtian suffered his own full blow, he just stepped back a dozen steps and spit a blood. Tang Li was shocked and did not think that Yang Dingtian was so tough. Originally according to the sacred level of Yangdingtian, at this time, the mysterious veins broke, and the internal organs became a pile of mud.

"You can hold me a knife, how about ten knives, twenty knives?" Tang Li coldly cold.

Then he swelled his body all over again into his blood knife, and suddenly the blood knife slammed into a red blood, which looked even more arrogant.

"The devil mad knife..." Tang Li screamed, and the sword in his hand slammed into the sun, and the momentum was fierce.

The fourth trick to kill the sword is to dig your heart and take the lungs!

The strange sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian, like a poisonous snake, screamed out and greeted Tang Li’s blood knife.

This trick digs the heart and takes the lungs, not only can seal the enemy's ice blade, but also can remove the enemy's blade with four or two pounds, and remove the force quickly.

In an instant, the sword of Yangdingtian directly sticks to the blood knife of Tang Li, and when the wrist of Yangdingtian shakes, he has to remove the power of Tang Li knife.

However, in an instant, an incomparably powerful and powerful mysterious energy surged into the body of Yangdingtian.

‘噗...” Yang Dingtian’s body violently bounced out, and even a dozen steps, another blood spurted out.

Yang Dingtian’s four or two failed, because Xuanqi is not a force, but an instant energy, completely unable to transfer!

Xuanqi really is king. The huge mysterious gap is really difficult to make up with tricks.


In the battle against Tang Li two strokes, Yang Dingtian actually spit two blood.

Many disciples in the square, their faces are showing their fears! The feverish brain suddenly became a little awake.

Yes, the performance of Yang Dingtian was extremely stunning. But he is only a basalt. The mystery of tricks is not very useful, and Xuanqi is everything in this martial art world.

Therefore, don't expect too much from him because of the amazing performance of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian swallowed a **** blood and looked at Tang Li, who was sneer in front of him. The gap between mysterious energy is really hard to make up.


"You have no hope." Tang Li sneered coldly: "No one in this world can win the battle of cross-order!"

Yes, no one has been able to win a cross-order battle for hundreds of years. And the most famous one-stop battle to win. Three hundred years ago, Li Jianxiao, the young master of Mu Jianbao, fought against the three sons of the Qin family in the northwest. Li Tianxiao was a little lower than the Qin family's three sons, but he still won the battle in the duel trial and killed the Qin family.

But that was because Li Tianxiao was enchanted, and he became the biggest traitor in the history of Tiandao League!


Yangdingtian gently wipes the blood of the corner of the mouth!

The first test, **** mouth.

The second attempt to use the mysterious sword to solve Tang Li's knife, failed, and spit again blood.

Two tests. Spitting blood twice! But it also let Yang Dingtian understand Tang’s habit. The tactics, and his demon to decide!

So now. It is necessary to open the final decision!

The last resort is also the most dangerous way!

Close combat, put to death and then live!

Close to Tang Li's body, use his mysterious swordsmanship to take his life! Through the observation of two strokes, Yang Dingtian discovered that Tang Li’s Devil’s Knife was indeed mighty and overbearing. The energy of the mysterious energy can be superimposed. But in terms of tricks, it can be said that it is simple, it is straight and straight!

So once Yangdingtian is close, then using your own swordsmanship, it should be very easy to crack the magic knife on the trick.

But no doubt. This is also the most dangerous move. Because after being close to me, as long as you want to attack the Tang Dynasty, you will die!

Yangdingtian can defend the sword of Gan Wolf, but can't resist the sword of Tang Li. Because Tang Li’s mysteriousness is several times that of him, he is completely unable to resist.

Once close, Tang Li can hit his body, no matter how his swordsmanship is mysterious, no matter how simple the knife is, the sword of Yangdingtian can't stop. Because Tang Li’s speed is twice that of him, Xuanqi is five times he!

Therefore, the last tactic of Yang Dingtian is absolutely dead and born!

"Call..." Yang Dingtian exchanged a breath and looked at Tang Li, 20 meters away.

He must organize an offense, a perfect offense. Once it fails, once there is any mistake, then it is himself!

After a few seconds, Yang Dingtian calculated a variety of offensive swordsmanship combinations in his mind! If Tang Li’s reaction does not predict errors, then Yang Dingtian’s sword attack should work!

Then, the rest is how to get close to Tang Li's three steps, at least the distance of a sword!

How to be close to Tang Li, this may be the hardest part. Because Tang Li's speed is twice that of Yangdingtian, his mysterious power is five times that of Yangdingtian. How to get close is the hardest and most dangerous part.

The way Yang Dingtian chooses to approach is... slowly approaching!

Nothing wrong, slowly, swaying and approaching! Step by step close to Tang Li.

Suddenly, all the horror sounded. Yang Dingtian Is this crazy? This is completely a behavior of seeking death. In this way, Tang Li can launch an attack at any time. At such a slow speed, Tang Li can kill him at any time.

In this way, Yangdingtian walked step by step to Tang Li in front of three steps.

The arrogant Tang Li did not launch an attack. I carried the blood knife in my hand and my face was sneer.

At this point, the two people are separated by one meter, just the distance of a sword.

Tang Li’s sneer gradually became cruel, and then slowly raised the sword in his hand.

Yang Dingtian slowly input all the sinful gas into the night blame, and suddenly this strange blade makes a tremor and shock, full of 20% of the mysterious bonus.

"Tell you something." Yang Dingtian suddenly opened his mouth.

"Let's say, this is your last chance to speak." Tang Li smiled coldly.

"Yang Qi is killing me. I killed him in the trial wilderness, and then threw him into the magma abyss. The ruined corpse was destroyed..." Yang Dingtian used only the sound that Tang Li could hear, whispering.

Tang Li suddenly glimpsed, the Yangdingtian at that time was only the enlightener, and actually killed Yang Qi! Therefore, Tang Lixin suddenly swayed!

Yangdingtian eyes are cold, just at this time. The finale is at this time!

"Hey..." Yangdingtian is like a beastly beast, violently violent!

In the hands of the night blame, violently violently burst into a fierce glare!

The first trick to kill the sword is to bleed the throat!

Yang Dingtian's sword, like a meteor, with the fastest speed, with the left and right energy, slammed toward Tang Li neck!

Tang Li was shocked! At this time, he can choose to go backwards. His speed is faster than Yangdingtian!

However, he did not back off!

He showed a very stunning trick, straight down, and escaped the thorn sword of Yangdingtian! Then, immediately counterattack, the blood knife in the hands of the blood-stained red mans, the same obliquely smashed to the waist of the sun, killing, sharp and violent knife!

at this time. Yangdingtian should step back and avoid. But he didn't!

Nothing nine robbing swords, no me!

Suddenly. The sword in his hand suddenly became tragic and majestic. Instead of avoiding his body, his body ran against the blood knife of Tang Li!

Putting it to death and then giving birth, this is to die in the dead!

The seventh trick to kill the pig sword, one point and two!

Under the horror of all people, Yangdingtian slammed into the blood knife of Tang Li as a martyr, and the night sword in his hand. Aligning with the chest of Tang Li, sharply squatting, the night swords of the giant sword burst out of the brilliance that has never been seen before.

Killing Tang Li, it is at this time!

Can you kill Tang Li, just look at it!

Yangdingtian uses his life as a bet. Make the same posture, and work hard to kill Tang Li.


Tang Li’s knife, five fiercely squatting on the belly of Yangdingtian.

The sword of Yangdingtian is also on the chest of Tang Li.

"Hey..." The blood squirted, and Yangding flew out a dozen meters, and he fell to the ground!

And Tang Li, still standing in the same place, the chest slammed open a gap, blood burst out!

In the field, there is silence, looking at this very shocking scene!

After being placed in a dead place, Yang Dingtian used his life as a bet to kill Tang Li.

Now he is going to succeed!

Everyone is waiting for Tang Li to fall down and wait for Yang Dingtian to create a miracle again!

Tang Li looked down at the blood marks on his chest, his eyes trembled, his hands trembled and his body trembled.

One second!

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Everyone is waiting for him to crash down!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Suddenly, Tang slammed a scream, then violently tore the upper body of the shirt, revealing a strong upper body, and a sword metal mesh!

"Yangdingtian, not only do you have a treasure shield, but I also have it!" Tang Li haha ​​laughed and said: "But your weapon is really powerful. It even opened my mysterious iron and directly cut it. I am half an inch in my chest and cut off my five ribs!"

Tang Li laughed and coughed while spitting blood!

"Being dead and then born, and surely decided, it is amazing..." Tang Li said: "If there is no black iron wrapped silk, I am afraid that I really want to die under your sword."

"However, you haven't been able to kill me, then you are dead now!"

Tang Li’s eyes burst into infinite anger and infinite murder.

Then, he walked slowly with the blood-blade sword in the sun, and he wanted to smash the yang dynasty.

Yang Dingtian’s deadly sword failed to kill him, but it caused him to be hit harder than ever before, so that his repairs would have to go back two years.

Tang Li stepped on the pace of death, with a murderous murderousness, step by step close to Yangdingtian.

And Yangdingtian, still lying on the ground, motionless.

After twenty steps, Tang Li stood by Yang Dingtian and whispered: "You can die with peace of Yanyan, Ximen Ningning, we will take care of you, in bed well Take care. Now, you can die..."

After all, Tang Li used all his strength and slammed it down.

"Stop, we admit defeat..." Flames rushed straight out and shouted: "Stop, we quit Yunxiaocheng!"

Tang Li’s knife stopped and waited for Yang Yan’s order.

Yang Yan’s elders’ eyes were slightly stunned, and they said: “Now let go, it’s late!”

"Yangdingtian, die..." Tang Li screamed at the neck of Yangdingtian, so fiercely!

"No..." The flames screamed and fainted directly!

At this time, Yangdingtian suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and the sword viper in his hand generally stabbed.

"I said that it’s dead and born, it means now! You have a treasure on your body, I know!"

(To be continued.)