Ninth in The World

v2 Chapter 111: reward

After Di Jiu cleaned up the harvest in the Yanjia commercial building, he felt that he had taken back a repair warehouse.

From the lower product to the best of the instrument, there are eleven pieces of the best instrument, the most interesting thing for Di Jiu Xin is that he has harvested a piece of the lower armor.

Dan Medicine Di Jiu did not pay much attention, and all were piled up on one side. There are also a lot of refining materials and spirit grass, because the medicinal herbs are not attached to the medicinal herbs.

However, those refining materials were all sorted out by Di Jiu. In addition, he and his brothers and brothers harvested in the marsh forest, and his refining materials piled up like a hill.

The most important thing for Di Jiu is a bunch of jade slips. These jade slips include various introductions to the comprehension and introduction of the marsh forest. In addition to this, there are also jade simplifications and various legal techniques. Refining jade, alchemy, jade, jade, and road jade...

As long as it is a matter of comprehension, it is all here.

He did not care about the practice of the martial arts. He thought that the Galaxy was very good. It is hundreds of cultivation techniques, and Di Jiu is a one who does not pull it all. At the beginning, there were at least seven or eight versions of the genre.

In the end, Di Jiu selected two techniques, one is Lei Jian and the other is boxing. It is a boxing technique. In fact, there is only one punch. Even the name is not. It is estimated to be a broken spell.

Lei Jian was put out by Di Jiu to prepare for the practice of martial arts. He planned to cultivate himself.

If it is said that the harvested things in the house of business have made Di Jiuxin happy, then the thing in the Shao ring is really shocked.

When Ouyang Tao was killed and hundreds of pieces of the lower spirits were harvested, Di Jiu felt that Ouyang Tao was rich. Now that he opened the ring of Shao Shao, he realized that Ouyang Tao was poor.

There are at least 20,000 lower spirits in the Shao Shao ring. In addition, there are thousands of Chinese spirits. It is the top stone that Di Jiu has never seen, and hundreds of them have been seen here.

The medicinal herbs are only used for healing, but I saw a more advanced cultivation jade in the Shao Shao ring.

After reading the jade simplification, Di Jiu made a determination not to build a base. Yu Jian introduced that thousands of people built the foundation, absorb the strength of the heavens and the earth, and do not rely on one of the thousands of foundations. The great achievers are all out of this one thousand.

Di Jiu is convinced of the summary of the cultivation of jade. These are countless monks who have accumulated through countless years, and these experiences are more valuable than theory.

The instruments in the Shao ring are relatively advanced. Of course, the most advanced one is the one that has been refining and the best tool. Di Jiu estimated that the gods that are not needed by the spirits are too big, and the instruments in the Shao ring are estimated to become spiritual devices.

Perhaps the most precious thing in the Shao Shao ring is not the tens of thousands of Lingshi, but an axe skill. This axe skill, Di Jiu intends to use it.

After the things were sorted out, Di Jiu gave each of the priests and the younger brothers some spiritual stones, and threw the alchemy jade to the tree brother. According to Di Jiu, that is, everyone must learn a whole skill. He chose the refiner and the platoon, and the brothers could only choose alchemy.

As for the embarrassment, Di Jiu not only threw the Thunder and Axe skills to him, but also lost him to Yu Dajian.

Since everyone is fleeing in the marsh forest, they must fully upgrade their abilities.

The younger brother did not want to refine the alchemy, but he was forced to learn alchemy. He could not do it. What is it, what does Di Jiu say, then what to do.

His qualifications would have been good, and it took nothing to take some time to learn the characters.


The atmosphere of the Star River faction hall is even more dignified. Including the elders Liu Musheng who has just passed the customs, almost all the Jindan and above monks of the Xinghe School are here.

Xiang Tianyi's face is still a little pale, and after losing an arm, he is likely to stop at Jindan.

Liu Musheng, who has just left the customs, is sitting next to Xiang Tianyi. He does not look like a strong man who has just entered the Yuan Dynasty.

"Liu Taishang, the situation now is that the Shangjia Business Building will definitely not let go of my Star River faction, and my Star River faction must make countermeasures before this." He Hui, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, said the first.

He Hui and Yu Jingyan elders are excellent friends. After a battle with Yu Zhizhi, Yu Jingyan was killed and he also suffered a minor injury.

However, compared to the life and death of the Xinghe faction, his injury is nothing at all.

Liu Musheng sighed and turned to ask Xiang Tianyi, "What is the specific thing, let the Shangjia Business Building want to do something to my Star River?"

He knew his own affairs. When he closed his death a hundred years ago, he only had more than a hundred years of life. Originally, he was unable to break through the Yuan Soul this time. Because the annihilation warning was even a closed-door Dongfu, he would pass it. After hearing the annihilation warning, he slammed into the realm of the Yuan. It is reasonable to say that the Yuan Soul is a thunder, but he has no thunder.

That is to say, his Yuan dynasty is false, his life Yuan has not increased by one point, and there are still more than ten years, he will fall back to Shouyuan.

Xiang Tianyi said all that he knew, and found that Yu Jiuyan of Di Jiu and Huanhua had fallen. After saying this, Xiang Tianyi worried that Liu Taishang would give up Di Jiu and added, "I thought this kind of genius, even if it was a big disaster, our sects should also help them. Otherwise, I am a star river. What do you want to pass on to inherit? What do you want to stand on the mainland of the night?"

Liu Musheng nodded, but before he could talk, Ouyang Mufei took the initiative to say, "The sovereign, Liu Elder, I am not only because my grandson Ouyang Tao was deceived by Di Jiu and Yuhua."戟花 robbed the 戚家商楼 in the town of Marsh, killing Shao Shao, and attracted the soul of the soul. I can imagine that in the future they will lead to more disasters for the Xinghe faction. This disciple will only let Zongmen is going to perish. I suggest that Zongmen issue an expulsion order to drive the two men out of the Zongmen and send people to chase them."

Xiang Tianyi frowned, but before he could talk, a flying sword fell into his hands. Xiang Tianyi looked at the contents of Feijian, Shen Sheng said, "Die Jiu's killing Shao Shao's investigation has come out, specifically because Di Jiu and Huanhua's training in the vast sea of ​​Xunhai Town is too big. The aura of the aura caused the suspicion of Shao Shao. Yan Shao broke the support of Di Jiu and found that there was a tree spirit in Di Jiu.

On the spot, Yan Shao took Di Jiu and Yu Hua to go to the house of the family. It was prepared to kill Di Jiu and Huanhua, and to steal their secrets and trees. I didn't expect Di Jiu to be afraid of death. He faked Shao Shao to the business building, and then sneaked back to kill Shao Shao. Finally, he robbed the Shangjia commercial building and fled with the flowers and trees. Marsh forest. ”

Liu Musheng even agreed to nod. After the day, he said, "Do you mean that you are doing it from start to finish?"

"The news I got is like this. The flowers are very low and have no strength. If I change to me, I will do the same. It seems that the elders are not mistaken, and the qualifications of Di Jiu and Huanhua are very Contrary to the sky, otherwise it will not cause such cultivation. This time the battlefield of the Sky Market, I have paid a great price for the Star River, and I can only drink a little bit of water, but I have to look at it. I don’t have a strong heritage to continue, and I will completely fall into the night of the mainland.” Xiang Tianyi said without hesitation.

Liu Musheng's tone eased down. "Lord, you have to eat bitter, and then check why Di Jiu wants to kill Ouyang Tao. If Di Jiu Ouyang Tao has a legitimate reason, then my Xinghe faction is a broken bone, and it will not let its own sect. Disciples are bullied and chased. If Di Jiu really wants to **** the Lingshi, then drive out the Zongmen. Zongmen does need inheritance, but does not need such people to pass on."

"I am worried that Di Jiu and Huanhua are very dangerous in the marsh forest. The family has issued a killing order. Several Jindan monks have entered the forest to find their whereabouts." Worried.

"I don't understand why Di Jiu killed the same brothers before, whether they can live on their own. But it is just a good time to say that the elders are good, but there are ten elders in the family building, and there are even rumors that there are even commercial buildings. Beyond the existence of the Yuan Soul. Our Xinghe faction is limited by resources and exercises. Except that I barely count as a Yuan soul, there is basically no Yuanshi monk coming out..." Liu Musheng’s tone is very worried.

Wu Zhenzhen, the leader of Helianfeng, stood up and said, "I received a secret message. The Shangjia Business Building discovered an ancient ruins. The Yuanshi monks in the commercial building almost went to that place. So at the home business Before the Yuanshi monks of the building did not return, my Star River faction did not have to worry about this."


The Yujia Business Building in the town of Marsh was robbed by a disciple of the Xinghe School called Di Jiu, and the Zhizhi of the Shangjia Business Building personally wanted to destroy the Xinghe School. Only then did the Xinghe faction hide a ghost soul. The rumors of the ancestors spread out instantly.

This also reduced the number of people who went to the Marsh Forest to find Di Jiu and Huanhua, and offended the soul ancestors, but it is not just to talk about it.

Moreover, many people have found that the ancestors of the Yuanshang Building’s ancestors did not come to the marsh forest, which is even more true.

He is now unable to go to the marsh forest. His arm is destroyed. He must find the top treasure to restore his arm in the shortest time. Otherwise, he will stop at the fourth floor of the soul.

There are still many restrictions on the Jindan forest in the marsh forest, and the Yuanshi monk restrictions are not so much. He was unable to go to the marsh forest, and actually made Di Jiu and Huanhua safe.