Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 158: Night talk

The wind stopped raining, and the air was filled with the smell of mud. M.

When temporarily sheltering from the rain in the forest, Wu Hao and Mu Qingya played guesses in the carriage. No one in Mu Qingya is willing to accompany her. At this moment, Wu Hao can understand sign language and play much easier. It is really fun.

For Wu Hao, Mu Qingya is a school-level beauty, although at the moment the deliberate makeup is worse, but the heart is clear. In the game, I scratched my nose and beat my hands. It was very cool.

This world game is too simple. If you have time, it is good to get some small inventions.

"Although the rain stopped, but the sudden rain suddenly, the roadbed is not solid. The horses will go a lot slower than usual, I am afraid that they will not be able to catch up with the town in front." The head of the dart head asked Zong Zhilian .

“Can there be a safe place to stay nearby?” asked Zong Zhilian.

"There is a broken house, although it is dirty, but it can always block some cold. Or go back some, go back to the nearest town."

"If Yao, what do you think?" asked Zong Zhilian.

"Ask me to do what?" Wu Haozheng and Mu Qingya are playing.

Zong Zhilian smiled and said: "You are a dog-headed division. Our army can't speed forward before now, and then hesitates to slow down. Why?"

"..." Wu Xiaochao sat alone behind the old man in a carriage and looked at it: "I will ask him."

The head of the dart was inexplicable, but Zong Zhilian smiled and let Wu Hao go.

"Cheapy..." Wu Hao called the old man.

"Taro is smashing you." The old man did not pick up this cheap name.

"Then you will call your old man." Wu Haoshun’s quick and direct, said: "It’s not easy to go down the rain, what should you do with the experience of the old man?"

"Where do you know?" The old man looked at the sky: "They are walking on weekdays. I only know that this evening's rain stopped, tomorrow is a good day."

Wu Hao put a few more words, and nothing came back, he returned.

Counting your mouth is strict, but the white elders are willing to show up once, there must be something tricky.

Wu Hao thought about the situation at the time and made an inference. If the white elders follow their own breath, the evolutionary body is likely to be alarmed as if it were a night attack, saying that he is locked by the strong. But there was no alarm in my mind at the time. The white elders probably had long been staring at their own people, but only came out at the right time. In this way, the old man can be doubtful.

"The old man refused to take his idea." Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders: "The captain, you decide, I don't understand."

"Since the task is out, it can't be too weak. Let's go to break the house." Zong Zhi thought about it: "Just be more prepared at night."

The big darts arched the hand and arranged the coachman to slightly off the road.

The road was muddy due to showers and the horses struggled. With a little carelessness, it is easy to get stuck in broken legs.

The rut was even more difficult. Many times the coachman jumped off the mat and pulled the straw before pulling it.

Fortunately, not far from the broken house mentioned by the dart, everyone is coming soon.

It looks like a piece of abandoned house, groggy in the twilight, no sound.

Wu Hao took a closer look and did not feel any warning about the evolution of the body, so I did not say much.

"Dart walking horse, mud legs are difficult to pull. Borrowing feet, harassing and tolerance. Zhao family darts courtesy ---!" The four darts of the darts are Zhao family name, shouted before entering the home area Guest words.

After waiting for a few moments, there is no response inside. The crowd tied the rut, cleaned it a little, and rested inside.

Although the house is worn out, the main structure is not damaged. The shower did not wet the room, and the door closing effect was not bad.

"Let's go over there and change clothes." Zong Zhilian, a compassionate groom, took out a few large robes bought at a custom cloth store and handed it over.

The speed of the carriage is not bad, only a few coachmen are wet. A few of the people have been thankful and thanked the owner for their good heart.

Considering the presence of two young girls, Wu Hao and Mu Qingya, several coachmen wanted to find a secluded change of clothes.

Wu Hao had more eyes and stopped: "Don't go away, just change here."

Her story about the ghost house has long been familiar in traditional literature or online novels. There are always a few people who can't come back when they go.

Zong Zhilian applauded: "When this is the case, it is our dog-headed division."

Next to Mu Qingya's face was red, but he soon understood Wu Hao's cautious meaning, pulling Wu Hao back.

Several coachmen sinned, and they replaced Wu Hao and Mu Qingya with new robes.

The night is getting darker, and the dartmaster middle-aged lower darts came over and gave birth to the fire. The coachman helped clear the ground and sat down with the thatched people.

The coachman then unloaded the horse from the door and took it in and stood in the corner to rest. Fortunately, this lobby is spacious, but it can be accommodated.

The only problem is that when the door is closed, the taste of the old man is strong.

Even the horses couldn't stand it, and they wanted the scorpion.

You must find a place that is not airy, and stay away from everyone.

Wu Hao swept through the tattered lobby and saw a big basket in the corner.

Wu Hao smiled awkwardly and arranged for the coachman: "Go and take the rope from the outside car. Yes, take more. Well, tie the big basket a few times. Go around the beam and hang it and try it."

"..." The old man feels a little bad.

Sure enough, in a short while, the old man sat in the basket and was hanged to the place near the beam, swaying and staying.

The old man’s protest was invalid, and Wu Hao personally pressed him into the basket.

If the white elders and others are still observing in the dark, they will laugh and roll. In order to test the apprentices, the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the great sect, fell to the point where he was hanged in the basket...

"There is no taste like this?" Wu Hao asked Zong Zhilian and others.

Everyone is already happy to stand up.

In fact, Mu Qingya was a little embarrassed to treat the old man like this, and he pulled La Wu’s clothes corner softly.

Wu Hao did not care: "This is to blame himself. Wait a minute to eat, we will help him throw it."

"Also, if he is below, who eats?" He stayed again, and this point is still known.

So no one raised any objections.

"Bacon meat..." A dartmaster stared up at his neck and muttered.

"Don't really say that it means a bit of bacon." Zong Zhilian smiled and said: "At least it tastes good."

The crowd laughed and ignored the old man’s protests and sat around the fire to start dinner.

Can Zong Zhilian's large variety of foods bought by this large group be low? Moreover, he did not mind giving the coachman the same food, which made the atmosphere very harmonious.

"I will try it first, I will tell you that it is not good." Wu Hao rushed to eat and drink every food and drink.

Zong Zhilian and others understand that she knows the rationale of medicine, and it is estimated that she is ensuring that she is not safe. Others don't mind, who cares if a little girl grabs something?

The young dart master in the darts also took out a small gourd with the wine inside.

I don’t dare to drink too much when I go out, and everyone can get some coldness by one point.

Wu Hao’s pretentious eyes were bright, and he hurriedly grabbed it and held it up in the air.

The young dartmaster was slightly unwilling, but the employer’s face was not good.

He didn't know that Wu Hao wanted to try poison. After all, the darts are safe and reliable, and the diet is most likely to be touched.

"Can the girl drink some alcohol?" The dagger smiled.

Zong Zhilian said profoundly: "I can't drink some, even if these horses are all wine, it is not enough for her to drink."

Everyone is a joke, and no one cares.

Wu Hao personally helped the people to divide some wine, but they listened to the old man yelling: "Give it a drink! Give it a drink! The worm's worm is hooked out!"

"If you want this wine, you have to give some benefits." Wu Hao turned his eyes and yelled at the old man hanging above his neck.

"There are good things for you."

"Nothing." Wu Hao did not pay attention to him.

The old man couldn't see the wine, and immediately began to lie: "No, no. If you don't give it, you will pee!"

Everyone is panicked.

Wu Hao was crying and laughing, and hanging him up actually caused the situation to be threatened.

Forget it, don't tease him. Wu Hao found the lid of the gourd, touched it and closed it, and threw it to the old man.

The old man swayed and caught, and he didn’t say thank you in the big basket.

The crowd continued to eat the cooked food such as beef and mutton, and cast a large chunk of the old man above.

The old man sipped a sip of wine on the top, licking a bite of meat, and eating it quite comfortably.

After the wine, the weather is still early. Everyone is young or young, and wants to have some fun.

"Let's tell the story. How do some of the darts tell us about the darts?" Zong Zhi recalled that he had been talking to Wu Hao in the carriage.

Several darts were not tweaking, and they talked about some interesting things.

However, for Wu Hao, who is used to enjoying the heavy tastes, it is not very interesting. It’s nothing more than a darts killing and pretending to guard the prestige of the employer’s property.

Ah ah - Wu Hao yawned boringly.

Before that, some young sullen young darts didn't want to, and said coldly: "Is this girl tired? I can't stop it. I don't want to have a lot of **** people. You girl." I can't sleep well."

What kind of person is the head of the dart, immediately hear the sarcasm of his own hand, just want to round the field...

"Would you like me to tell a story?" Wu Hao felt it necessary to improve the story of this group of people.

Wu Hao’s voice just fell, and the people had not waited for a response, but the buzz of the old man came from the top of his head.

"Snoring --- snoring ---"

Absolutely deliberate... Many people think so.

The old man who had just been awkward, the revenge came really fast. This is the face of the girl, meaning that she told the story that others would only sleep.

Indeed, what is the story of such a young female doll family? Everyone thinks so.

It's better to sleep, it's better than holding a little girl to pretend to be very attractive and willing to listen.

Even Mu Qingya and others have confidence in Wu Hao, and she feels that she is just telling stories in which books she has seen.

In the nod of all the people, Wu Hao will shake his arms and slam a jade bracelet lightly, and the power will be the sound of the earthquake.

Everyone is silent.

"Qingyi Lei fell to the dangerous peak, Yubi Yuehuaming. Ma Jixiang quiet, cliff high people far, micro-step hub pattern raw. Who is the child who lives in the hospital, no regrets and passionate. Hu Xiaolong, change nest Chaofeng, The sword is smoky and smoky." Wu Hao opened the sentence and blurted out a section of "Youth Tour".

Master Jin Dacheng's work: "Dragons and Eight"!

Wu Hao’s opening shocked everyone.

Although the two world languages ​​are unreasonable, the language is almost perfectly transformed with the help of the language translation function of the invincible level of evolution. Although it is far from the original intention, the charm is more added.

"The blue light flashed, and a green steel sword pierced, pointing to the left shoulder of the young man, so that the sword juvenile would not wait for the old..."

After she sneaked on the childish voice and told the story, everyone never questioned her mind.

In Wu Hao’s narrative, he abbreviated a lot of slow-moving textual content in the 1980s. There are also specific details such as the less business circle of Lianwu, which are deleted together to avoid trouble.

"...In the same year, the swords of Dongzong and Xizong were innumerable. On the eve of the moon and the moon, I saw the shadow of the immortal man with a sword on the jade wall. This jade wall is attached to the lake, and the shadow of the immortal is reflected on the jade wall. You have to dance the sword in the lake..."

Waiting for Wu Hao to say more than three or four thousand words of "Dragons and Eight", everyone has been attracted to all the hearts of the wonderful stories that have never been heard, even the fire is getting weak.

"Baoding Emperor and ginseng both rushed out, seeing that Mo Zhi has gone far..." Until Wu Hao said that Duan Yu was caught by the evil, he took a break and filled two firewoods into the fire.

The people reacted with this.

"The girl is going to talk, don't delay."

" I am so big, I have never heard such a good story!"

"There is a slap in the back, what is it? The section of the famous son can have a life-threatening worry? I am anxious to die!" The young dart master was not sulking, but instead looked like a scratch.

The dart head grabbed a new water hyacinth and pleasedly held it to Wu Hao: "The girl took a sip and moisturized the scorpion."

Mu Qingya always grasped Wu Hao's hand. At this moment, the small hands are also sweaty. Obviously, the play is quite deep. A pair of big eyes are full of hope and hope that she will continue.

Even the old man hanging under the beam, there was no snoring in the unconscious.

Wu Hao sneaked away, the old man squatting on the side of the basket, his eyes squatting down.

Slang: To prevent the postal part from affecting the reader's interests, this chapter is more than 39 words.咩 Do not pit readers, seek genuine subscription! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome (This site) subscription, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)