Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 772: Qing Princess’s personal assistance

"Weekly girl seems to be cutting meat for her child!"

"Yes, the child's left leg is too bad, I just can't keep it."

"Is it a broken limb?" The family member of the Prince of Ink whispered.

"Good poor child. But her left leg is already rotten. If she doesn't saw her left leg, she will be burned to death by rotten meat."

"Yeah, don't talk about keeping your legs. It's not bad to keep a small life."

Burning rotten meat is the words of the common people. Because the wound causes high fever, sepsis and multiple organ failure.

Several old mothers began to clean up.

The old girl was taken to a hut.

"Point the candle, five pots of hot water are ready. Then burn the clean white cloth in boiling water for more than ten minutes. Two handles dagger, several pairs of bamboo chopsticks and bamboo clips..." Wu Hao kept telling.

The ink prince specially recruited the management of the Ink Prince and provided all the material support services for Wu Hao.

Even the leopards are fully open, and rely on their super-skills as the fastest way to continually transport key items.

"Is there a strong spirit? Start spreading a layer on the surrounding ground. Don't let the dust rise." Wu Hao even went to the yard and began to command.

Dirty clothes have already begun to be shipped out in large numbers, and the taste in the temple is even greater. All the girls in the temple can smell a disgusting rotten smell.

Just then, there was a beautiful female voice coming out of the door: "Ink Prince, Zhou girl."

Very familiar and beautiful voice, Wu Hao immediately remembered, is the Qing princess.

"Princess Qing?" Wu Hao and Prince Mo are very surprised.

Under the protection of two female guards, Wu Qing entered the temple courtyard.

When I first came in, I was already smashed by the rancid smell coming from the face.

Du Gu Mo wanted to open the imperial princess and did not come in, but thought about it, but temporarily held back.

Wu Hao bluntly said: "The taste here is very heavy, and the princess is still not coming."

Qing Princess is a bright yellow woman's satin clothes, graceful and beautiful, and the chaos in this temple is really out of place.

"This, here is..." Qing Princess also found that the atmosphere here is a bit wrong. Many people can't take care of themselves, but they are busy taking care of some children.

She did not answer Wu Hao, went inside the hall and walked around.

Then, the princess princess came out with a dignified look: "Is this where the sick children are? How can they not see their parents?"

Not waiting for Wu Hao and others to answer, she has already screamed and exclaimed: "Ah, are they all..."

"Qing princess is smart, I have already guessed the identity of these children." Du Gu Modao: "Yes, the children here are the sick children who were temporarily gathered by the establishment of an orphanage to support orphans."

The royal relationship is never close. Although Du Gumo and Qing Princess are both half-brothers and brothers, they do not have the emotions they have lived together. They also directly call each other's titles, instead of being called Wang Xionghuangmei.

The title of Du Gumo is still a prince, and he will be called Wang Xiong at will. The princess of the Qing Dynasty was directly sealed as a princess. In fact, according to the title, it was even higher than the Du Gu ink.

In the eyes of the princess, the eyes of the princess were stunned, and Wu Yan said: "I don't think Zhou girl has such kindness. When I want to come and put it, I am delaying the time of Zhou girl."

"Not at all." Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand.

Du Gu Modao: "I don't know what the princess is coming from?"

"Ah, I am looking for Zhou girl." Qing Princess glanced at Wu Hao with affection.

Du Gu smiled and arched his hand to leave some.

That attitude is like an overly bright candle holder that automatically moves away.

This ink prince will be a man, not blocking me at all. The princess of the Qing Dynasty looked at the half-brother of the same mother.

"Princess Qing, I don't have time here and you... oh..." Wu Hao couldn't find the right words at the moment.

"Talk about love and love?" Qing Princess was very active to speak out. After finishing the word, she herself was a little red on her cheek. She quickly coughed and said: "I see that Zhou is very busy now, so I don’t dare to disturb it. I just hope that if I come here, can I help? ?"

“Help?” Wu Hao said with amazement: “This is dirty and tired, and you need to know medicine or meta-therapy.”

"I haven't specialized in medical practice, but I still know a lot about the medical treatments in the rivers and lakes." Qing Princess since the channel: "I am at home, many of the situation of the dartmasters have been seen, I will not see the blood. Hope Can take the top handle."

"That's good." Wu Hao turned to think that the Qing princess has a special status and is one of the most popular members of the royal family. If she is involved in charity, she must be even bigger.

At first, Wu Hao designed the orphanage plan just to help Du Gu Mo to create some momentum and fame, but after she really touched the sick orphan, she began to feel soft and want to be treated.

After all, watching the children suffer, and everyone wants to help. The same is true for the princess.

Of course, many aristocratic women will never be as helpful as the princess. Some of the princesses of the princess will publish countless emotions, and even express poetry to express various feelings of sorrow and sorrow, or to praise the rescue behavior of Wu Hao and others, but it is impossible to really consider the help.

In this era, the concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Especially the children who grew up in the deep palace, they feel that they are proud of the world since childhood, different from the children of ordinary people. For some people, the life and death of the Dalits does not reach such a level of concern. The extent of compassionate charity is limited.

Although the princess of the Qing Dynasty is considered to be spoiled, it is born in the family of martial arts, and there are many people in the rivers and lakes that come into contact with it. Some of the wounds caused by killing and killing are much more common. Naturally, there is no fear of bloodstaining wounds. Naturally, there are some cases where Missy is dizzy.

"Qing princess's help to help the sick orphans is a good story." Wu Hao deliberately raised the voice and gave it to Du Gu.

Du Gu ink turned his head to this side and immediately understood that she was letting herself join. He did not hesitate, and immediately rolled his hand: "The princess is willing to help, and I have long been assisted."

"Wash your hands in that wash basin." Wu Hao immediately directed Du Gumo: "There was a boy's leg that broke, and someone had to hold his hands and feet to pick up the bones, and then he was treated by the yuan therapist. help."

"But listening to the girl of Zhou told me." Du Gumo passed without objection.

Do you want to say that such people are easy to buy people? At the crucial moment, there is no shelf at all, so that the military masters can make full use of their specialties, and the people who work there will be practical. This is very similar to Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms Building. When Zhuge Liang dispatched troops, he would never interfere indiscriminately.

"What am I going to do?" Qing Princess rolled up her sleeves and revealed her white arms.

Ordinary princesses will not be so exposed, even if the Wu Kingdom's atmosphere is open, many unpublished princesses are not willing to reveal the arms of the golden branches.

"You come to help me, wash your hands first." Wu Hao washed his hands with the saponin in the warm water of a mother.

Wu Hao wants to see the Qing Princess's mysterious spirit is not deep, and the meta-therapy does not understand. Others did not dare to instruct her, and the result would only be a hindrance. It is best to stay with you.

"Okay, I will help you. Wash your hands first?" Qing Princess also reached in and joined a pot with Wu Hao.

However, after putting her hand into the basin, Princess Qing was a little regretful.

People are really shameful than people.

Qing Princess has always been self-smooth and fair-skinned, so she dared to show her small arms in front of Wu Hao with confidence.

But the reality gave her confidence a heavy blow.

How can her arms be so white and tender? The princess's hand was placed in the copper basin, and the contrast of Wu Hao's arm was more white and even seemed to be translucent.

The skin of the evolutionary body is indeed comparable to that of a baby. A trace of pores could not be seen, and the white tenderness had already passed the lactone tofu that had just been baked. The evolution of the body also does not require pores to dissipate heat, naturally it is not visible.

Wu Hao was touched by the princess of the Qing princess, and his heart swayed slightly.

Her skin is comparable to Mumeimei, Wu Hao commented. She did not pay attention to her skin condition, but felt that the princess's skin was tender.

Oops, the hand has already made people want to squeeze it, let alone the tender meat in other places? Wu Hao was a bit worried about it.

But the girl’s weak shackles in the next door house immediately took her back.

"Use the running water and spirits to rinse again. Let's go in. Be careful not to touch other places." Wu Hao also called a metatherapist.

The Yuan therapist hurriedly did as Wu’s instructions.

The cottage was originally the main room of the temple’s temple. The room is spacious and airy, and the sun is much cleaner. There is no such thing as a musty smell. It is suitable for the simple surgery in the Wusong plan.

The two old mothers also entered the house under the arrangement of Wu Hao, as a reserve team to fight.

Just then, there was a hustle and bustle outside.

A family member of the Ink Prince’s House ran close to the inside of the inner house and said: “The doctor in the hanging pot is coming.”

"Oh? I am going to meet Wu Hao, this is a good thing.

"I will go out too."

"You are the princess, the identity is there, how can you go out to meet people?"

Qing Princess said: "Where is there rich and poor here? In the treatment of children, I am just a helper to give you a hand."

Wu Hao was amazed. He simply suspected that before the Princess Qing came in, he heard the gesture of the ink prince outside.

In fact, the princess of the Qing Dynasty did not really hear it, but it coincided with the same concept of discourse arranged by Wu Hao in advance.

The princess of the Qing Dynasty can be said to be the closest to the concept of Wu Xie's rescue. The decisiveness is not under the solitude, but it is even more pity than the one.

“Give the child a small bowl of maltose water and wipe the place where her thighs are not spoken.” After Wu Hao told the old mother, she went out with the princess to meet the doctors in the hanging pot. R1152


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