Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 818: Simulated combat drive effect

The wasp was angered by the Qing Princess to protect Wu Hao’s fan, thinking that someone would attack himself and rushed to the Qing Princess.

"Oh!" Qing Princess exclaimed.

"Be careful." Wu Hao is also a reminder.

Seeing that the wasp quickly flew to the princess of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Hao had a full reaction time to stop the wasp. But for a moment, Wu Hao thought that he might expose his own skills, especially in the presence of the princess, in the face of the princess, I am afraid that there is a lot of trouble.

So Wu Hao hesitated.

Seeing that the wasp flew to herself, the princess had a full reaction time to photograph the wasp with a fan. Even urging his own mystery, just using the palm of the hand is enough to break the wasp. But she thought for a moment how good performance in front of Zhou Yiruo is too strong?

A fan smashed the wasp, and the lady's style was not gone.

Qing Princess hardly withdrew the fan that was about to be shot, so she went behind in a panic.

But she does not provoke a mysterious movement, how can she escape the wasp? Just in the blink of an eye, her brain was stunned by the wasp.

"Oh!" Qing Princess couldn't help but couldn't help but panic.

Wu Hao also rushed over to drive away with his sleeves, and the surrounding maids rushed up.

A slang screamed, Qing Princess covered her forehead and walked away.

"Is it yours? Let me see." Wu Changfeng Literature

My eyes are so powerful that I have already seen the wasp of the wasp on her head.

"Don't look at it." Qing Princess stalked her head and went to bed.

A group of waitresses hurried to keep up.

"You have to go to the doctor too!" Wu Hao commanded: "You go to prepare ice water."

"Ice water? Where is this big summer to find ice water?" The lady who was pointed by Wu Hao was a little panicked.

Wu Haodao: "You can go deep well, go find it!"


Wu Hao also directed a palace girl: "You go to prepare dandelion, soak it in boiling water and let it cool."

Then she pointed to a palace girl: "You go to the saponin, it is the saponin for bathing. Ah, there is vinegar, take it together."

A series of instructions have been issued. Wu Haocai went with the Qing Princess.

The sunny princess who only traveled felt that his forehead was hot and sore, only to be red and swollen.

Princess Qing did not want Wu Hao to see the ugly state she was caught by the wasp. In particular, it is now painful to come out of tears, and I don’t want her to see this look.

The princess ran back into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Beauty always pays attention to her face, and the Qing Princess pays attention to her own image in front of Wu Hao.

"Hey, open the door." Wu Hao knocked: "Don't mess around. Hurry up treatment."

Princess Qing is in the house: "Taiwan is coming soon, let them cure, you must not watch."

She took a bronze mirror and even though the copper color was not enough to reflect the clear color, she could see her heart red and swollen. I am afraid that it will be more obvious when I look at it.

"Qing princess, you open the door, I will give you medical treatment. I will still have a lot of medical skills. Do you remember that I treated the girl?" Wu Hao reminded: "If it is a long delay, it will not be easy to swollen."

After the Qing Princess listened to her, she quickly wiped her eyes with a towel. After confirming that I did not lose face, I slowly opened the door. However, one hand was hidden on the forehead and refused to look at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "You can't get rid of your illness. You take it down."

Princess Qing will sway the other hand.

Wu Hao felt funny, and the girl loved her face too much. She pulled her hand hard and saw a redness on the forehead of the original white. The swollen big bag is in the middle, and there is a very small black spot.

"Not good, the poison needle is still in it. This wasp broke the needle." Wu Hao saw the black spot and knew it was a bee pin.

Not all bees will break the needle. But this time it is estimated that the natural reaction of the princess's body. The practice of ignorance will give pain feedback, and the natural skin will be clamped. As a result, the pin of the wasp was embedded in the meat.

Cough, so the world's female warriors are very popular with men. Many aristocrats like to cultivate a mysterious woman as a wife, because of this characteristic... Of course they are not pinched...

"The bee needle is stuck in the meat?" The princess's eyes tried to sway to her forehead, and the result was a lovely cross-eyed eye. With the look of a sullen face, I want to laugh when I see it.

Wu Hao held back the smile and took the princess to sit down at the table. Also asked: "Can you have an embroidery needle?"

"In the middle drawer of the tableside cabinet." Qing princess gently touched her redness, feeling that the center of the squatting position was slightly touched, and it seemed to be something inside.

Wu Hao took the embroidery needle and lit the candle. After a little disinfection, I began to pick a bee sting for the princess.

"..." The Qing Princess resisted the pain. Let Wu Hao dial the tip of the needle on his forehead.

The two were very close, and Wu Hao almost smashed the princess into the arms.

So sweet, so soft. The princess of the Qing Dynasty only felt that the other person's plump and soft body leaned over, and could not help but feel dizzy and cranky, that is, the pain on the forehead did not care.

In fact, Wu Hao and her still have a little distance, there is no direct contact, but the princess of the Qing has been confused.

This indirectly helped Wu Hao to pick a small operation.

Under the observation and control of the evolutionary body, it is natural to pick out this bee sting.

Only a dozen times of breathing time, Wu Hao has stepped back half a step, **** pinched an almost invisible black needle velvet, and snarled toward the Qing Princess: "Hey, let you red and swollen culprit It is it."

After saying this, Wu Hao did not have any feeling of darkness, but felt a little regret in his heart.

Crossing has become a dragon, and my needle is gone... I can only expect that the evolutionary body can finally evolve a male dna, and you can control the function as you like.

Well, when you get there, you can make the beauty like Qing Princess red and swollen, instead of being red and swollen by a bee pin.

When Wu Hao stepped back, Qing Princess did not hear what Wu Hao was saying.

She only felt that her face was hot and her heart was hollow, as if she didn't want her to let go.

The doorway has long stood a few palace ladies holding things. Their onlookers were clear, but they took out the difference between the Royal Highness of the Princess and the past.

However, the palace lady understood the rules after all. After she noticed that she was not right, she immediately turned her head back to the door and did not dare to swear.

"Hey, take me the saponin water. Prepare the dandelion water." Wu Hao urged: "This bee has been taken out and I am wounded."

Wu Hao did not pay attention to the princess's manners and the dignity of the past. When the bee sting and the embroidery needle were dropped on the table, she began to observe the wound on her forehead.

The wound is not big and the redness is extremely serious. Wu Hao slightly frowned, because he noticed toxic liquid residue in the wound.

There are no small crocks, etc., and there is not enough time for the cupping to remove the venom. Wu Hao simply put his mouth together.

"Ah," the princess screamed.

She felt her swollen forehead touched by the soft lips of her partner, and then a slight suction.

The princess was sunny and immediately noticed what had happened.

She, she is helping me **** the bee venom?

The Qing Princess Expo book, seen in a medical book, can also be similar to snake venom. And if it is timely, the recovery effect is better than sucking venom.

But, but this is what she is sucking on, but she is...

The princess was not only hot on her cheeks, but she began to get hot.

The few ladies in the doorway of the bedroom almost fell on the hands.

Although they know that Zhou Yuruo is sucking bee venom in the Princess Qing.

But anyone will have the thought of wanting to be jealous.

In the princess's bedroom surrounded by Xianglan, a beautiful woman like Furong took another bright woman like a peony in her arms and gently kissed her forehead.

Everything feels like a frozen picture, so beautiful that people don't even want to shake their eyes.

After two or three breaths, Wu Hao’s lips left the sunny princess’s hot forehead, and the bee venom was spit in the tea cup on the left.

Ok, the effect is good. Wu Hao is very satisfied with his treatment.

In the evolution of the body calculation, bee venom has been sucked away by at least 60% and should be restored faster.

But what Wu Hao expected was that there was a sudden new metallization voice in his mind: [Allogeneic female blood was obtained, and DNA helped the evolution of the body to simulate the progress of combat-driven analysis. Slightly accelerated, the current completion rate is 60%! 】

Huh? Wu Hao was pleasantly surprised.

The simulated combat drive was originally launched once in the 100-person battle, but then it went silent, and Wu Hao almost forgot.

I can't think of how to be activated when I helped the Princess Qing to take the bee venom. And the progress has been beneficial.

It is estimated that because of the sucking, the blood of the princess was sucked into the mouth, and the evolutionary body immediately obtained some of her DNA help fragments, which promoted the analysis of the evolutionary body.

It seems that the qualification of the Qing Princess is good. Wu Hao remembered that Mu Qingya had also helped her to learn the evolution of the body. Maybe it is necessary to double repair with the princess?

Mumeimei don't blame This is the sacrifice made for the serious improvement. Wu Hao began to find excuses to use his brain.

But why can other women's blood speed up the analysis process? Could this collection help the evolution of the organism? Wu Hao considers various possibilities.

In fact, the analysis time of the simulated combat drive of the body is in progress. The acceleration of obtaining allogeneic blood is only a small increase, just just at a critical point.

By the way, Wu Hao suddenly thought of a point. Every time there is such a hint, it usually gives the body a certain strength increase. This time?

Wu Hao quickly tried to ask for metallized voice in his mind.

This metalized sound actually answered humanizedly: [The simulated combat drive has a high degree of completion and can return to some kind of dna simulation state. It is confirmed that you can return to Xiao Ruo Yao. 】

Ok? Wu Hao was shocked and almost called out.

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