Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 855: Awkward attitude

When I want to find a companion in the future, what is the best way to think about my family's sunny head?

Wu Hao listened to this, it was simply that the whole person had to be a little bit smashed.

Is this an object to talk about?

Although I was very happy in my heart, I always felt like I couldn’t say it.

The princess is also very shy, and she has to slam into the bed and cover herself with a quilt.

He held the hand of the princess tightly, not letting her run away, smiling at her daughter's performance.

She said that the three points are true and the seven points are false.

That seven points is just to test whether the daughter really likes the woman.

The daughter-in-law is not a mother, so a test, I can see that my daughter is like the girl in front of her eyes.

The daughter’s performance, and the eyes of the mother-in-law can also be seen. Only when she really said her mind, will the Qing Princess behave like this.

This is an attitude that wants to refuse to welcome the general, and even can notice that her daughter has also sneaked a few times on Wu Hao, seems to be looking forward to the reaction of the other side.

"Oh, my god..." Wu Yan said: "I am very happy about this. Only the emotional thing is not a one-sided problem."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can do it in this matter, remember what I said to you now." He smiled and grabbed Wu Hao's hand again.

"If you are embarrassed, I will remember it in my heart." Wu Hao did not refuse to handle the shackles, letting her pull herself together with the princess.

Under the entanglement of the mother, the two hands together, can not help but have a strange feeling.

This is much stronger than the feeling of the two before, as if there is a red line pulling. Although this is only a psychological one, both the Qing Princess and Wu Hao are like the feeling of electric shock.

Of course, the Qing Princess does not know what is an electric shock, but only feels that the heart and the liver are jumping very fast. I am hot all over myself.

"My attitude towards you is not suggestion, no support, no objection, no encouragement." He smiled softly.

"Mother..." Qing Princess listened to her heart and felt that this was not very good. Her careful liver suddenly hung up.

Wu Hao was so dumbfounded. Is the princess of Qing Princess a diplomat? This is a set of words.

The so-called raccoon bear, a maiden bear and a nest, it should be said that the wisdom of the Qing princess is not only derived from the inheritance of the basaltic emperor, the IQ of 宸妃 is definitely not low.

"How? Qing Shantou, when you listen to this attitude of the mother, began to worry?" Xiao smiled: "Don't worry, the mother is only hope that you can choose carefully."

"Mother, this kind of thing is related to life, how can a child be careless." Qing Princess said this is a bit discouraged.

"Girls who are fainted by love have no ability to think." The mouth slowly said his opinion.

This is the lesson of the blood of the year.

Oh... it’s really blood. Keke...

If it wasn’t for the loss of the heart of the Xuanwu Emperor, how could it be confusing to have a baby in October, and the three media will not give birth to a sunny girl? Although he never regretted the arrival of Qingtoutou, he was deeply remorseful of his childhood.

Why not just look at an emperor's family? On a cold night, I often regret the quilt.

Although there is a princess in the Qing Dynasty, but after all, there is a lack of a family member in his room. This is much more uncomfortable than those rumors.

Wu Hao couldn't help but praise him in his heart. This is also a clear understanding of people. Actually speaking, it is very similar to the theorem of another world [the girl's IQ in love is zero].

Princess Qing knew that her mother was persuading herself in a bitter heart, and nodded quickly: "Yes. Mother, daughter will carefully consider it."

The shame on her face faded away. Although my eyes are still floating around Wu Hao, it is obviously much better than the previous one.

Taking advantage of her daughter for a while, she turned to Wu Haodao: "Zhou girl, my family's girl is small and intelligent, but I can see that she will be eaten by you."

"Mother--" Princess Qing will not follow the next one.

"The princess is very clever, I just want to lie to her is not easy." Wu Xiao smiled.

"No. You are afraid that you are insincere." He shook his head: "I always feel that you are deliberately joking and hiding something."

Wu Hao cried and said: "Oh, I am very cautious in front of you, it is good to laugh out."

“Where is there a restraint?” He shook his head. “Do you believe in yourself?”

His eyes looked like a sharp, staring at Wu Hao’s face to see something.

Qing Princess also stared at Wu Hao with a pair of eyes, not saying anything in her mouth. It is the gaze that is listening to her.

"Don't look at me like this, be careful, I am really telling the truth." Wu Hao was stared a little bit by the two.

The princess and the monk said very consistently: "Although it is said."

"That... can you tell me?" Wu Hao was very embarrassed.

"Say." Qing princess nodded hard, very curious what she would say.

"That..." Wu Hao was very embarrassed to steal the sigh: "Oh, my mother has a big chest, I look at the dizzy, so the psychological pressure is great."

"Ah?" The princess and the princess looked at each other.

If the man said this, he was afraid that he would be directly slap in the face by dozens of slaps. But Wu said this in the mouth, but they made them feel a little dumbfounded.

"You are here for us?" Qing Princess said.

In exchange for Wu Hao, he nodded hard: "Say it out, I take a deep breath."

She took a deep breath, as if the whole person was relaxed.

Qing Princess sneered and smiled: "Do you have no eyes on yourself?"

"Of course not dizzy." Wu Hao turned a blind eye.

"Poor child." He took Wu Hao in his arms.

Wu Hao only felt the plump two groups sticking to his face, a situation similar to suffocation. If you are happy and you are bent, keep it for a while.

While holding the head of Wu Hao, he continued: "It must be that when you were a child, your mother had less milk, so I have such a mind. I have heard of similar things. There is a cousin who only likes the woman's chest..."

Xuanwu Huang, I am eating your wife's tofu. Should this be called a semi-bedroom dragon bed? Should the head be cut in half? There is no difference between it and the cut.

Wu Hao sneaked a glance at the princess.

Fortunately, the princess was just smirking and snickering, no jealous look.

Well, since I didn’t mind if I used to enjoy the daughter here, I wouldn’t struggle.

Wu Hao was taken care of in his arms.

After playing for a while, I just released Wu Hao, and said to the Qing Princess: "Qing Shantou, when you really want to be good, you can feel confident about your lifelong event. The problem with my grandfather will come to me. Help me to take care of it, so that you have no worries. Even if it is the emperor, I will have a face and always get permission."

When the Qing Princess heard it, some eyes were red.

She knows that the most dislike of her mother is to go to the palace to deal with Xuanwu Huang, otherwise it will not drag on for so many years before she can recognize her ancestors.

Can you say such a discourse, what else does it mean to not encourage anything? In fact, as long as they make up their minds, the mother will become their own backing.

"Mother... Qinger..." Qing Princess couldn't speak for a while.

When the time was near the sea, the Qing Princess said goodbye to Chenjiazhuang.

It was also a red tape to see off, Chen Jiazhuang tossed enough.

Because the princess was a little messy and had no time to change clothes, she just waved goodbye to the crowds in the carriage.

Countless people cheered loudly, feeling that the princess was really a face, willing to give everyone a greeting.

Wu Hao was sighed by the fact that the farmers in this era were very recognized for their status, and it was easy to satisfy the above favors.

Under the joy of hundreds of people, Qing Princess left Chenjiazhuang.

She whispered a gap in the carriage curtain, and looked at Zhuangzi until she could not see it.

Wu Yuzhuang boldly pulled the princess and said: "The night is very deep. If you are sleepy, you will lie down on my lap."

"..." Qing Princess's face was red, a little embarrassed. But still obediently removed the shoes, crossed the body, lying down with Wu Hao's legs as a pillow.

This is also the Royal Carriage, so there is enough room to lie down.

Wu Hao stretched out her hands, one hand on the knee to stop the princess in the direction of the princess, and the other hand caught the princess of the princess.

The feeling of softness and tenderness, even through the clothes, felt that the waist of the princess seemed to be a soft dough.

This is not a lot of meat, but a wonderful touch. However, as Wu Hao’s hand was there, the princess’s waist quickly tightened and the whole body was even stiff.

Obviously, the princess is very nervous.

"Sleep. When I get to the place, I call you. You may have to be forced to set off in the morning." Wu Hao smiled and gave a cry, and the candlelight in the carriage was extinguished.

The princess was still tight at first, but gradually sniffed the breath of the other person in the nose, and somehow she gradually The fatigue of the day accumulated at this moment, she quickly fell into Dreaming.

At the beginning, Wu Hao also intended to apply the trick of touching eighteen, but I didn't want the Qing princess to sleep so quickly, so I was embarrassed to start.

Even if there is a beautiful woman sleeping in her arms, this is already a kind of welfare.

Wu Hao keeps guarding the posture of the princess, and he is also in a state of being settled.

Just like the Octopus mode is re-opened, although the bumps of the carriage are fierce, Wu’s ability to control the body is transferred to the evolutionary body to operate, and her own brain rests undisturbed.

The horse carries the Princess Wu and He Qing, and returns to Wudu again in the evening.

This time I went to Chenjiazhuang, Wu Hao’s harvest was a bit of contact with Yan.

The Qing princess’s harvest is actually greater than Wu Hao... (to be continued.)


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